"Your Majesty, according to the news from the army, Yang Changshi went to General Wei's camp and has just returned to the city."

Zhang Yuan, the deputy chief of staff, came to Feng Junhou's side lightly like a ghost to report.

When Feng Junhou heard it, he suddenly laughed a little:

"Yang Yi, does he have the guts to go to Wei Yan's camp? Want to fight?"

The brain rests and the cerebellum thinks, and both can draw conclusions:

Yang Yi bravely turned down his face and went to find his old enemy. In all likelihood, he made an alliance.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong asked:

"When Yang Yi came out, was there someone to give it to me?"

"No, I came out alone."

"No one to send you off?"


Feng Yong touched his chin:

"That may be because we didn't agree with Wei Wenchang."

The time to take over the army is still short, in order to minimize the resentment of the generals in the army.

Feng Junhou would not be so stupid that he would blatantly place his cronies in the Hanzhong army when the prime minister was still there.

So only through his two brother-in-laws, as well as Wu Ban and other generals who favored him, indirectly controlled the Hanzhong army.

In this way, the stability of the army can be maintained to the greatest extent possible, and the turmoil caused by the death of the prime minister can be resolved.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Due to the lack of control over the Hanzhong army, the battalion led by Wei Yan, the biggest thorn, is relatively independent.

Feng Yong also has no good way to infiltrate, let alone know what Wei Yan and Yang Yi talked about in the camp.

So it can only be observed, collected, and deduced by the personnel sent out by the Dark Night Battalion.

To be honest, with Wei and Yang in such a situation, Feng Junhou never thought that the two might join forces.

"Shan Zhang, do we need to send more people to watch him?"

Feng Yong leaned his whole body on the back of the chair, and said indifferently:

"No need, it's just a long bug whose fangs have been pulled out, otherwise how could he put down his face and go to find Wei Wenchang?"

When the prime minister was still there, Feng Junhou didn't even think about returning the power to Yang Yi.

Just let him stand for a long hour, doing nothing all day long.

Now that Feng Junhou is really in charge, it is even more impossible for Yang Yi to get back the right to Changshi.

It can be said that asking Yang Yi to take the initiative to find Wei Yan is a kind of humiliation.

But now he can even bear this kind of humiliation, it can be seen that he has indeed reached the end of the road.

"Instead of paying attention to Yang Yi, it's better to pay attention to Wei Yan. After all, Wei Yan has military power in his hands, and he has to lead the army across the river."

Yang Yi is now powerless and alone, so it would be a waste of manpower to send someone to watch him.

Even if he can spread lotus flowers with his tongue, he can persuade Wei Yan to join forces with him.

But Wei Yan is the only one who can really threaten him.

As for Yang Yi, what's the point of sending a soldier to tie him up?

This is the consequence of having no backer, no clique, and no younger brother.

If he could have been a servant like Fei Yi back then, he wouldn't have fallen to where he is today.

Zhang Yuan understood, nodded and said: "The student understands."

"Immediately notify Chief of Staff Gongsun on the east side of the river, and let him pay attention to the preparations for Wei Yan's crossing."


The Liangzhou Staff Group, led by Feng Junhou's chief of staff, Gongsun Wei, set off on his way when the ice and snow in Liangzhou had just melted.

Finally rushed to Chang'an when Feng Junhou needed manpower most.

With the addition of the staff group in Hedong and Bingzhou, there is no need for Feng Junhou to focus on it all the time.

What Feng Junhou lacks now is a group of secretaries to help him handle government affairs.

There are many women in the secretary group, or most of them are women, so naturally they can't rush on the road in the rain and snow like the staff group.

What's more, the secretary-general has to take care of his family.

But at this time, it's the beginning of spring again, and the Hu people in Bingzhou, the farmers in Hedong, and the people in Guanzhong are all waiting for arrangements.

There was not much fighting in Guanzhong, and there was no Secretary Zhang by his side, so Feng Junhou had to focus most of his energy on handling government affairs.

Feng Junhou has never missed Secretary Zhang so much like now.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Zhang Yuan came in again with a strange expression:

"Shan Zhang, Yang Changshi is here and said he wants to see you."

Feng Junhou almost thought he heard it wrong: "Yang Yi wants to see me?"


Could it be that because he didn't get along with Wei Yan, he came to bow his head to himself as a gesture of goodwill?

Full of doubts, Feng Junhou met Yang Yi.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Yang Yi, Feng Junhou couldn't help being taken aback.

But seeing that Yang Yi's clothes were disheveled, she looked quite embarrassed.

The right cheek is pale, the left cheek is swollen, and the eyes are dull, like dead wood and ashes, and the old look is gone.

His eyes just stared at Feng Junhou, as if he didn't see anything, he just sat there blankly like a piece of wood.

From this appearance, one can tell that he has been greatly shocked.

"When he was discussing affairs in the army, although this person was a bit decadent, he still had a bit of energy."

"After he went to see Wei Yan, what did Wei Yan do to him, as if his energy was drained?"

Feng Junhou forcibly suppressed the horror in his heart, calmed his mind, and the blunt tone he originally wanted to use became softer at this time:

"Yang Changshi came here this time, but what's the matter?"

While talking, he poured a cup of tea for Yang Yi himself.

After a long while, Yang Yi's eyeballs moved, as if he had recovered from sleepwalking.

He could only hear him say hoarsely:

"General Feng, I have something to ask."

"Yang Changshi, please tell me."

Yang Yi said in a low voice: "Before the prime minister was alive, he believed in me and respected me, and he did not hesitate to entrust me with military affairs."

Hearing this, Feng Junhou also said that he was hit by Wei Yan, and came to complain to himself, pretending to be pitiful.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yi changed the topic:

"After the prime minister left, he was buried in Lantian. Although this was the prime minister's order before his death, and the main purpose was to kill thieves, the army must not make any big arrangements."

"However, I am deeply favored by the prime minister, how can I bear it? I only ask you to allow me to go to Lantian to guard the tomb for the prime minister, in order to repay the prime minister's kindness."

Yang Yi's words were really beyond Feng Junhou's expectation.

Seeing his heart ashamed again, Feng Junhou couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

It's okay, what are you going to do with Wei Yan?

Even if I am not accompanied by General Guan, I would not think of meeting him alone.

It's just that it's pitiful, but Feng Junhou Lang has a heart like iron, and he doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​letting him regain the power of Changshi.

Yang Yi in the original history was only exiled by Adou at the beginning.

Now Yang Yi's request is not much different from self-exile.

Besides, with Yang Yi's temperament, asking him to wander around the city all day long in the name of a long history, in his opinion, is it probably an insult?

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou nodded:

"Although I followed the prime minister's instructions for the funeral, it is indeed a bit too simple. Since Yang Changshi has a heart, please."

With that said, Feng Junhou got up and saluted Yang Changshi.

Not for other reasons, but because the other party can take the initiative to request to guard the tomb for the prime minister.

Yang Yi was expressionless, and accepted Feng Junhou's gift calmly, then got up, turned around and walked out without saying a word.

It was Feng Junhou who followed behind and sent it out:

"Yang Changshi went to guard the tomb, but if he needed something, I would not allow it, no matter what."

"Help me build a thatched hut, prepare all the sacrificial supplies, and remember to deliver the daily needs on time."

Yang Yi didn't turn her head back, and replied in a cold tone.

Feng Junhou didn't care, and immediately agreed, followed him, and sent him to the gate of the government office.

If you don't get used to it, you can't get used to it, but the etiquette must be sufficient.

Watching Yang Yi's somewhat lonely back gradually disappearing to the other side of the street, Feng Junhou was thoughtful.

As soon as he guarded the tomb for the prime minister, Feng Junhou felt that he should have a chance to enjoy his old age peacefully.

After all, after following the prime minister for so many years, Yang Yi has worked hard even if she has no credit.

Two days later, Wei Yan sent people into the city to ask for an audience.

Feng Yong couldn't help being happy when he saw the visitor:

"Brother Wei, why are you here?"

The visitor was none other than Wei Chang, son of Wei Yanchang.

Wei Chang was honest and politely saluted:

"I have seen the prince."

"There are no outsiders, so it doesn't have to be like this."

Feng Junhou stretched out his arms: "Brother Wei, why come here when you have time?"

When Feng Junhou met Wei Yan for the first time in Hanzhong, the two had quite a conflict.

As a son, Wei Chang was kicked a gourd for dissuading Wei Yan.

Feng Junhou has always kept this favor in his heart.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be!"

On the other hand, Wei Chang, when he heard Feng Junhou's address, he took two steps back in fright, "Besides, the end is coming here, but he is on official business."

My younger brother is the eldest disciple of Feng Junhou's family, with a bright future, and will be the face of the Wei family in the future.

How dare I let Feng Junhou call himself brother, isn't this going to miss my brother?

Seeing Wei Chang like this, Feng Junhou had no choice but to stop what he was doing, and asked helplessly:

"Oh? But General Zhenbei is going to lead the army across the river?"

"Your Majesty will see it, that's right."

"When is General Zhenbei going to leave?"

"The sooner the better, preferably tomorrow."

Hearing this, Feng Yong pondered for a moment, finally nodded and said:

"Sure. Go back and tell General Zhenbei that you don't have to worry about food and supplies. I will make preparations for him."

Wei Chang clasped his fist heavily: "No!"

After finishing his official business, Wei Chang didn't intend to stay for a long time, and was going to leave.

But when he exited the door, he stopped hesitantly and turned around hesitantly:

"At the end of the day, there is something that I want to ask Junhou, but I am a bit presumptuous, for fear that Junhou will blame me."

"It's just this matter, if you don't say it, the general will feel like a stick in his throat, and he won't spit it out."

Seeing Wei Chang like this, Feng Junhou knew what he meant and said with a smile:

"I also have something to say to General Wei. It was hard to get the chance before, so I just took advantage of it to say it now."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

"What Little General Wei wants to say is related to General Zhenbei?"

Wei Chang was taken aback when he heard the words: "Your Majesty has the foresight, and the general will admire him very much."

Feng Junhou smiled and did not speak.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart:

With your temperament, besides Wei Yan, I really can't think of other things that you can take the initiative to talk to me about.

"I'm just guessing casually, but I don't know what General Wei Xiao is going to say?"

With a look of struggle on Wei Chang's face, he said in a low voice:

"Don't dare to lie to the Lord, Yang Changshi visited my lord in private two days ago."

Feng Junhou said "um": "I also know about this matter."

Seeing Feng Junhou's calm appearance, Wei Chang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about it, it was true, after all, Feng Guiwang was far-sighted, and he should have a way to know such things.

So it doesn't seem like I made a mistake to talk about this matter with Feng Junhou without the consent of adults.

"At that time, the general was guarding outside the tent. Although I couldn't hear what Yang Changshi and my lord talked about in the tent, it seems that my lord didn't agree."

When Wei Chang said this, his face was a little ashamed:

"Your Majesty also knows that your lord has lost his temper, so he kicked Yang Changshi out in a fit of anger."

The word "catch" is used well, anyway, it's not a rushing method, spring and autumn style of writing.

Seeing Wei Chang like this, Feng Junhou didn't know his real purpose, which was to protect his lord?

He couldn't help but secretly sighed:

"This Wei Yan is lucky, at least much better than Yang Yi."

Before he finished sighing, Wei Chang continued to say:

"The so-called son does not speak of his father's faults, the matter between the prince and the lord, and Yang Changshi, Changzi dare not say more."

"But in the past two days, my lord heard the news that after Yang Changshi returned to the city that day, he came to visit the prince again."

"When leaving the mansion, Junhou personally sent Yang Changshi out of the mansion..."

Wei Chang became a little hesitant:

"Your Majesty, you also know that my lord's temper is a little anxious. When I talked with Yang Changshi in the tent that day, there might be some conflicts."

Thinking of Yang Yi's downcast appearance that day, Feng Junhou thought to himself, it's not as simple as "a little collision", right?

"Your Excellency and Yang Changshi, even in front of the prime minister, often speak fiercely between each other."

"So, if there is anything that makes it difficult for Junhou, please forgive me."

With that said, Wei Chang saluted deeply.

Feng Junhou reacted:

"Little General Wei, are you afraid that Yang Changshi might say something bad to me?"

Wei Chang smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Wei Chang's expression, Feng Junhou suddenly understood, and couldn't help but smile:

"General Zhenbei sent General Wei Xiao here, did he have other intentions? I'm afraid I will change my mind and not let him lead the army to put down Shangdang."

Wei Chang's face became even more embarrassed.

Who said Wei Yan was a reckless man?

Aren't they very good at beating around the bush when it comes to military merit?

However, Wei Yan's reaction reassured Feng Junhou a lot.

"I also invite General Wei Xiao to go back and tell General Zhenbei that although I am at odds with him, since I have received the prime minister's order, I will put the overall situation first."

"General Zhenbei is brave and good at fighting. If he really intends to make meritorious service, I will only be happy, and I will definitely not obstruct it secretly."

When Wei Chang heard this, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face:

"Jun Hou is open-minded, and the general admires it! Chang first thank Jun Hou on behalf of my lord!"

"It doesn't have to be like this. General Zhenbei and I are just working together for the great man. I hope that General Zhenbei will be successful this time and make another contribution to the great man."

"Thank you Junhou! The general will go back immediately and tell your lord."


Wei Chang got up, heaved a sigh of relief, clasped his fists heavily, and then turned to go out.

Feng Junhou looked at Wei Chang's back and smiled strangely.

Is this a kind of favor from Wei Yan?

It's just that Feng Junhou's good mood didn't last long.

Just after Wei Yan led the army to set off, there was an urgent report:

"Shan Zhang, it's not good!"

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