Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1051 Aftermath

A Dou, who stayed behind in Hanzhong, did not expect that Li Fu had just sent back to Xiangfu Mizuo in front of him, and the urgent report from Guanzhong would catch up with him.

When he saw "The prime minister died of illness, the whole army mourned" in the urgent report, his eyes suddenly went dark!

A Dou subconsciously covered his chest.

Inside the chest, it seemed as if a hand with sharp claws had plunged into his heart.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

A sad feeling suddenly appeared in my heart, and my nose was sour.

After a long time, the big Han emperor said with trembling lips:


Xiangfu really left?

The father who had been shielding himself from the wind and rain really left?

Feeling that the sky was falling, Ah Dou raised his head, tears flowed down his round face into his mouth, and a bitter and salty taste seeped into his heart.

The emperor's gaffe made everyone around him panic.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

A Dou supported the armrest of the chair, trying to stand up, but unexpectedly staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"His Majesty!"

"no, I'm fine!"

A Dou broke away from the servant's support: "Go, go to the emperor..."

Halfway through the talk, he sat down again dejectedly, and murmured: "No, let me take my time, let me think about it..."

It's just that after he thought about it for a long time, his mind was completely blank and blank, and his whole body seemed to have lost his soul, muddled.

Until the Queen's voice sounded in my ear: "Your Majesty?"

Only then did Adou come back from his trance.

Seeing the empress with a big belly looking at him worriedly, A Dou asked in a daze:

"Queen, why are you here?"

Seeing Ah Dou's appearance, Zhang Xingcai's face became more worried:

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

A Dou shook his head, and was about to answer, but found that the scene in front of him was quite different from what he remembered.

It turned out that before he knew it, he had come to the queen's residence.

He was obviously still in the front palace just now, so why did he suddenly arrive in the back palace?

"How did I get here?"

"When His Majesty just came in, he was restless, he didn't even look at the way, and he didn't respond to my concubine calling a few times."

Zhang Xingcai explained briefly, and then asked again with concern: "Is Your Majesty alright?"

A Dou just knew that the queen was pregnant and it was not suitable to work hard, so he sat in the front hall for so long, thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of him.

Unexpectedly, I finally came here subconsciously.

Thinking of this, he remembered the urgent report in his hand.

But when I looked down, my hands were empty.

At some point, the emergency report in her hand was actually held by the queen.

Knowing that the death of Xiangfu could not be hidden from the queen, A Dou was nervous for a while, but he was relieved when he saw the queen's calm expression.

The empress and empress sat down opposite each other, and the empress put the urgent report on the table and said softly:

"Your Majesty, since the beginning of spring, there have been a lot of news exchanges between Guanzhong and Hanzhong about the physical condition of the prime minister. Your Majesty should be prepared for this. Why are you so out of control?"

If it was Zhang Xingcai who was pregnant for the first time, no matter how intelligent she was, she would be in a state of confusion when she heard the news of Xiang's father's death.

But the queen at this time already knew the importance of controlling her emotions during pregnancy.

Plus, as she said, such a day should have been expected since the beginning of spring, or even earlier.

So at this time, she was much calmer than Ah Dou.

"I know, I know," A Dou finally had a look of grief slowly appearing on his face, "but, but me, how could Xiangfu do this? How could he leave just like that?"

"My condolences, Your Majesty," the Queen comforted in a warm voice, "Father Xiang has been on the go all these years, and there is hardly any time to rest. The purpose is to revive the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital."

"After Xiangfu led the army into Chang'an, didn't he also write a letter to His Majesty, just saying how generous God is? His ecstasy overflowed from the paper."

"Now that the old capital has been settled, what His Majesty has to do is to consolidate Guanzhong to prevent the thieves from coming back. In this way, we can be worthy of Xiangfu's hard work over the years."

Hearing this, A Dou nodded, wiped away his tears, and asked:

"Then according to the queen's opinion, what should I do?"

The so-called one pregnancy is stupid for three years.

Empress Zhang, who used to be full of resourcefulness, is also frowning at this time, how can she think of a perfect plan in a short time.

But she is the emperor's virtuous wife after all. After thinking for a while, she said decisively:

"The death of Xiangfu is a major national event. Your Majesty must first come up with an idea before announcing it in the court."

"Otherwise, Your Majesty will hold his hand and ask all the ministers. If the ministers disagree, it will only cause people's hearts to fluctuate if it is delayed for a long time."

"It can be said that it should be broken continuously, and it will be disrupted instead. Not to mention the Guanzhong army, at this time, I am afraid that they are looking forward to the court's decision all the time."

"If the imperial court's decision is delayed for a long time, and the morale of the frontline troops is unstable, Guanzhong will be in danger!"

Hearing what the queen said, A Dou hurriedly said:

"Yes, yes, the queen is right!"

Seeing the appearance of the emperor, the queen knew that her majesty had no idea at this time, so she immediately suggested:

"Father Xiang once said: Jiang Wan, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, Guo Youzhi, etc., are all good and honest, loyal and pure in their aspirations."

"Things in the palace are not big or small. If you consult them carefully and then implement them, they will surely make up for the shortcomings and benefit a lot."

"Except for Jiang Wanyuan who is in Jincheng, the remaining three are all in Hanzhong. Why don't your majesty call them to ask them?"

Hearing this, Ah Dou came to his senses:

"What the queen said is very true."

Such a major event cannot be delayed for a moment.

After getting the queen's suggestion, A Dou got up immediately and said:

"I'll send someone to call them to the front hall."

After that, he hurried away again.

Fei Yi, Dong Yun, and Guo Youzhi were either servants or ministers, and they all had the duties of serving the emperor, going in and out of the court, and hearing about the government.

Having been summoned by the emperor, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurried over.

Unexpectedly, they saw the appearance of the emperor losing his composure. Only then did they realize that the prime minister had passed away in Chang'an.

When the three of them got this news suddenly, it was like a bolt from the blue.

I don't know who cried out first, all the monarchs and ministers in the palace cried together.

After crying for a while, Adou said:

"Father Xiang just led the army to pacify Guanzhong, but he suddenly abandoned me. Dare to ask you gentlemen, what should I do?"

Fei Yi stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, the prime minister led the army to pacify Guanzhong. Now that the prime minister has left, the army is still outside. In my opinion, the most important thing is how to stabilize the hearts of the army in Guanzhong."

"Guanzhong was initially established, and there were rebels peeping outside. If you are a little careless, don't say that Guanzhong is not guarded, and even tens of thousands of troops will enter the dangerous place."

"The old minister thought that he should immediately send angels to Guanzhong to authorize the generals to command the army in Guanzhong, so that the generals would not know where the order came from."

Adou said:

"Before the prime minister was alive, he asked Feng Yong, General Zhengxi, to temporarily take charge of all affairs in Guanzhong. Do you think Feng Mingwen is up to the task?"

Fei Yi immediately answered:

"General Zhengxi has made great military achievements, both civil and military, and he once ruled Liangzhou alone, leading the army to caress the people, all of which are impressive."

"Since the prime minister entrusted this person to take charge of the affairs in Guanzhong temporarily, he also believed in General Feng. It is said that no movement is worse than silence. Right now, there is no more suitable candidate than General Feng."

A Dou sighed:

"I'm afraid that Feng Zhengxi's qualifications are still too young to serve the elderly in the army."

Feng Mingwen is indeed the right candidate, and he is also the candidate that Adou has always favored.

But in the secret melody that the prime minister asked Li Fu to send over, Feng Mingwen's only weakness was mentioned: lack of qualifications.

Fei Yi and Dong Yun said in unison: "That's why His Majesty needs to send an angel as soon as possible to authorize General Zhengxi to command the army!"

With the authorization of the emperor, there is righteousness.

Even if he lacks qualifications, whether General Zhengxi can convince those veterans or not, at least he can make them dare not oppose it openly.

A Dou saw that Fei and Dong were like this, so naturally he would not object.

"But who can go to Guanzhong to proclaim the imperial edict?"

This is not an ordinary imperial decree, but it is related to the overall situation of Guanzhong, and it is also related to the transfer of power from old to new.

Certainly not a random servant from the palace can be sent there.

This person not only wants to proclaim the decree, but also makes the generals in Guanzhong realize that letting General Zhengxi lead the army in Guanzhong is also the clearest meaning of the emperor, and it is the bottom line that cannot be compromised.

This time, it was still Fei Yi who took the initiative to invite Ying: "I am willing to go."

A Dou nodded: "Fei Shizhong is willing to go, then I can rest assured."

His eyes fell on the remaining two people:

"Foreign affairs are negotiated, but what about the affairs of the DPRK and China?"

The news of Xiangfu's death must not be concealed, and he must go to court tomorrow.

When the court officials learn that the prime minister has passed away, many people will definitely lose their minds.

How to stabilize the people's hearts as soon as possible is also a big deal.

"I think that once the prime minister leaves, many affairs in the court will be temporarily handled by the Shangshutai. Your Majesty can summon the Shangshuling to Hanzhong to perform the duties of the Shangshutai."

The benefits of decentralizing power to Shangshutai in advance a few years ago are revealed at this time.

With the prime minister gone, there is naturally no need for the prime minister's mansion to exist.

Shang Shutai, who has been assisting the Prime Minister's government in handling government affairs, can now smoothly take over all the powers of the Prime Minister's government in handling government affairs.

And Jiang Wan and others who have positions in the Prime Minister's Mansion and Shangshutai can also switch identities naturally.

The only thing to worry about is that Jiang Wan had been staying in Jincheng as the head of the prime minister's residence.

Now that even he has been transferred to Hanzhong, Shang Shutai will naturally follow him.

In the past, when the emperor visited Hanzhong, it could be said that Shangshutai stayed in Jincheng to handle government affairs.

If Shangshutai is gone, and Jincheng is the nominal capital of the big man, then there will be no empty shell left.

After hearing Dong Yun's words, Guo Youzhi couldn't help but said worriedly: "I'm afraid someone will criticize you."

He put it mildly.

To put it bluntly, even if the prime minister went, many people would jump out.

It is just to criticize that there is no emperor in the capital of the Han Dynasty, and there is not even a Shangshutai.

In fact, he wanted the emperor to return to Jincheng, and even took the opportunity to prevent the relocation of the capital.

Dong Yun retorted:

"That's better than His Majesty returning to Jincheng. The prime minister managed to restore Chang'an, but His Majesty returned to Jincheng from Hanzhong. How does the world think about it?"

Fei Yi pondered:

"Just say that His Majesty is preparing to return to the old capital."

Rejuvenating the Han Dynasty and returning it to the old capital is Ji Han's greatest political correctness.

The emperor is preparing to return to the old capital in Hanzhong, who dares to say no?

Hearing what Fei Yi said, everyone said: "Good!"

Fei Yi continued:

"At the time when the country was in turmoil, Li Huanqi (that is, Li Ping, who was renamed Li Yan) had the post of assistant government, so he had to be transferred to Hanzhong, and he could not stay in Jincheng."

A Dou frowned: "Let the Hussar General come to assist the government?"

Fei Yi said quietly:

"Your Majesty, General Hussars is a person entrusted by the late emperor to assist the government. How can he be treated lightly? Why don't you give him a Taifu to show His Majesty's respect?"

Dong Yun and Guo Youzhi listened and looked at it with their eyes.

This Fei Shizhong is not a kind character either.

A Dou was still a little ignorant, just when he was hesitating whether to agree to Fei Yi's suggestion, suddenly a court lady brought hot tea and replaced it with cold tea.

At the same time, he secretly handed him a small note, writing "yes".

Only then did A Dou gain confidence, and nodded readily in response: "What Fei Shizhong said is true."

Seeing the Son of Heaven like this, the three of them thought that the Son of Heaven had already understood what he meant, and couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional:

"Your Majesty has grown a lot in dealing with government affairs alone over the years, and the prime minister can rest in peace!"

Unexpectedly, after they left, the little fat man quickly got up and went to the room, only to see Zhang Xingcai sitting behind the screen with a big belly.

The little fat man was both moved and guilty:

"When did the Queen come?"

What moved me was that the queen knew her well, and what made me feel guilty was that she had such a big belly, and I had to tire her often.

Zhang Xingcai sat on a chair and answered with a smile:

"When Your Majesty talked to them about the internal affairs, the concubine came. Your Majesty is puzzled why Li Zhengfang was transferred to Hanzhong?"

"Exactly." A Dou nodded, "Father Xiang asked Li Zhengfang to stay in Jincheng and not allow him to come to Hanzhong, because he wanted to vain his power. Why did he be transferred to Hanzhong when Father Xiang left?"

"It is precisely because Xiangfu has gone that he was transferred to Hanzhong."

The queen sighed, "No matter what, Li Zhengfang is also the person appointed by the late emperor to assist His Majesty. His status is so important that he can be said to be the number one person in the current court."

"If you let him stay in Jincheng, who knows if someone will use him to do something?"

"After all, Jincheng is still the capital of the great man, and," at this point, the queen glanced at her majesty and lowered her voice, "the empress dowager is still in Jincheng."

A Dou's face changed: "Li Ping, how dare he?!"

"Dare to dare is one thing, but we can't leave the slightest chance for others."

Zhang Xingcai's eyes turned cold, "Li Ping has scales on his belly, I can't believe it. He used to have his father around, so he couldn't make any waves."

"But now that Xiangfu is gone, he is the most respected in the court, who knows what he will do? Only when he is transferred to Hanzhong and watched closely, I can rest assured."

"As Fei Wenwei (Fei Yi) said, conferring him a post of the Three Dukes is an honor to show him, and he is not allowed to be recorded as a minister."

"In this way, His Majesty will not take the old minister's words seriously, nor will he give him the opportunity to harbor disagreements."

After hearing the Queen's words, A Dou realized, "So that's how it is."

He thought for a while and asked again:

"Speaking of recording the affairs of the minister, the queen thinks, after the prime minister, who can record the affairs of the minister? Feng Mingwen?"

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