"Shan Zhang, it's not good!"

"Shan Chang, I'm fine, what's wrong?"

He just got the news that the secretarial group had already passed Longshan, and Feng Junhou felt that he would be liberated after a few more days of hardship.

In order to lead the army, Wei Yan actually showed his favor in disguise.

Yang Yi knew she couldn't stand up, so she ran to guard the prime minister's tomb.

As soon as Hanzhong's decree arrives, Guanzhong will have nothing to worry about.

A good mood, a good day, was ruined by such a ghostly cry, which really made Guiwang Feng a little frustrated.

Hearing the annoyed voice of the head of the mountain, Zhang Yuan, who hurried in, suddenly slowed down.

"Come in and say, what's the matter?"

Anyway, he is also a student of this old man for so many years, and he is still a master of the martial arts hall, why is he still so impatient.

What a disappointment.

Zhang Yuan's footsteps slowed down, but the anxiety on his face couldn't be stopped. He walked up to Feng Junhou and said in a low voice:

"Shan Zhang, there is news from Lantian that Yang Yi is missing."

Hearing this news, Ghost King Feng was taken aback, and subconsciously asked back: "What!"

"Yang Changshi is gone."

Before Zhang Yuan could finish speaking, King Feng stood up abruptly: "How could it be missing?"

After a pause, his tone has become extremely severe: "When did it happen?"

At the end, Guiwang Feng's hands were clenched into fists, as if he wanted to hit someone.

Zhang Yuan seldom saw Shanzhang look like this, he quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and explained:

"The news that was sent just now, when it disappeared, I can't be sure. The earliest is three days ago, and the latest is last night."

It's good that Zhang Yuan didn't say this, but once he said this, Feng Guiwang was furious:

"I don't know when people disappear. What are the people below eating? Are they eating shit?"

In a rage, Feng Guiwang actually uttered vulgar words at his own students.

No wonder Feng Guiwang lost his composure.

Because Yang Yi disappeared without a sound, Feng Guiwang immediately thought of a possibility:

Mr. Yang may be a thief!

In the original history, it was just that he was not reused, and he was able to say, "When the former prime minister died, if I raised my army to fight against the Wei family, would I rather be so evil in life?".

But now, the humiliation he has suffered is far greater than in history.

Thinking of this, Guiwang Feng's heart was on fire. Seeing Zhang Yuan lowered his head and dared not speak, he couldn't help but angrily asked:

"How did you let him run away?"

"Shan Zhang, after Yang Yi arrived in Lantian, he first paid homage to the prime minister, and then removed the weeds around the prime minister's tomb with his own hands."

"He chose a place and asked the sergeant to build him a thatched hut. It seems that he is indeed going to guard the tomb for the prime minister."

"Later, he boiled water to take a bath, and asked people to prepare clean water and food. He only said that he would keep quiet in the hut for three days."

damn it!

Hearing this, Ghost King Feng has already understood that the problem lies here.

This dog thing is a real dog!

The aristocratic family had a lot of rules, and most of the big soldiers under their hands were heads of state. Seeing Yang Yi's actions, he only knew that he was sincerely guarding the tomb for the prime minister, so how dare he step forward to disturb him?

Keep quiet for three days, guard his mother!

I only heard Zhang Yuan continue to say with some squeaks:

"Plus, um, the head of the mountain said that looking at Yang Yi is better than looking at Wei Yan, so..."

When Feng Guiwang heard this, his face became even more gloomy.

That's exactly what he said.


I was fooled by old man Yang.

These days, Wei Yan led the army to go out, and he really needed more manpower, so he relaxed his vigilance towards Yang Yi.

But who would have thought at that time that the old man had long thought of running away?

Thinking of Old Man Yang looking for Wei Yanshi in private, he still secretly laughed at him, maybe the other party didn't know where to laugh at him now.

Not to mention myself, even Wei Yan and Wei Chang were fooled by this old man.

Being pulled in as a cover without knowing it.

He just went to beat Wei Yan on purpose!

Then he came to seek sympathy for himself with a pitiful appearance, making himself lose vigilance.

Thinking of old man Yang's heart-wrenching appearance that day, Guiwang Feng couldn't help but itch his teeth with hatred!

"Okay, great acting skills!"

The more Ghost King Feng thought about it, the angrier he became, and he laughed so angrily that he almost wanted to overturn the desk in front of him.

He turned around, took a few steps forward, and tore off a large piece of cloth from the wall, exposing the huge Guanzhong map in front of him.

Lantian County is located at the foot of the Qinling Mountains. You only need to run a few steps to the southeast, and you can hide in the vast mountains.

Most importantly, Wuguan leading to Nanyang Basin is in that direction.

Realizing this, Feng Guiwang clenched his teeth even tighter, because this can only become more certain: Old man Yang planned it in advance.

It is the Liangzhou Army that guards Tongguan, but it is the Hanzhong Army that guards against Wuguan.

As the long history of the Hanzhong Army, Yang Yi knows everything about the Hanzhong Army—this naturally includes the defense points of the Hanzhong Army.

He may even have arranged some defense points himself.

From Lantian to Wancheng, there are Gaoguan, Shangluo, Wuguan, Danshui, Xi, Li and other places.

There are many mountains on this road. In addition to the official road checkpoint, there are also small mountain roads walked by various woodcutters.

As long as you don't walk in a large group of people, as long as you can recognize the road and walk over the mountain and follow the path, there is no problem at all.

Thinking of the dry rations, woolen coats and other items in the army, they were carefully prepared for Old Man Yang to climb the mountain.

This person has followed the prime minister for many years and assisted the prime minister in handling military affairs, so he knows nothing about military affairs.

If he really voted for the Wei thief, then many things in the Han army would be known to the Wei thief.

Dry food, horseshoes, new weapons, armor upgrades...

Some Wei thieves can do it directly. Even if Wei thieves can't do it based on the current foundation, the other party can also respond in a targeted manner.

If the big man wants to pacify the world, he does not know how many more lives he will have to pay.

Thinking of this, Ghost King Feng closed his eyes in pain.

"Have you sent military dogs to track it down?"

"The students came here this time because they wanted to apply for the head of the mountain and sent high-class military dogs to track down Yang Yi."

Duanmuzhe's dog farm has now become the most important supply base for military dogs in the army.

The best dogs are basically supplied to the army first, and the lesser ones are sold to pastures.

These military dogs can not only help on duty at night, but also perform battlefield search and rescue missions.

The legend of the dog in charge has begun to spread in the Han territory.

It's just that there are only two or three military dogs left after Feng Junhou moved to Wanli this time.

Although the Liangzhou Staff Group brought over a few, the total number was less than ten.

"Sure, let the Dark Night Camp send out all the military dogs."


Hearing the sound of Zhang Yuan's footsteps going away, Feng Junhou walked to the window with his hands behind his back and looked outside.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, probably because God saw that the big man finally regained the old capital, so he gave Guanzhong a few spring rains to save face.

Standing in front of the window, Feng Yong could smell the moist and cool breath emanating from the earth.

"After the rain..."

Feng Junhou let out a long sigh.

If Yang Yi really wanted to escape, Chun Yu would have washed away all traces of his escape.

Even if they send military dogs, they probably won't be able to smell him.

Just as Feng Junhou was standing in front of the window depressed, there were footsteps at the door again.

"What's the matter?"

Feng Junhou is in an extremely bad mood today and doesn't want to be a director.

The visitor didn't answer, but the footsteps sounded closer.

Feng Junhou turned around angrily.

Who is so bold?

Unexpectedly, he just turned around, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure rushing towards him.

"Who is coming?"

All the guards outside are dead?

Feng Junhou is worthy of being a figure who has led the army for more than ten years, and he is waiting to use the self-defense skills taught by General Guan and Coach Han.

However, he finally saw the person who was rushing towards him clearly, and immediately withdrew his gesture and opened his arms.

Zhang Xiaosi screamed, jumped into his arms, hugged him tightly, and hung on his body.

"No no no..."

There was some chirping sound in the house.

After a long time, Feng Junhou asked out of breath:

"Why are you here, Si Niang? Didn't you say that you will arrive in a few days?"

Zhang Xingyi got down from Feng Junhou's body, her lips were glistening with water.

I saw her grinning and saying:

"Why, don't you want me to come?"

"Think about it, think about it every day, almost want to kill me!"

Feng Junhou glanced at the closed door, closed the window casually, and held Zhang Xiaosi in his arms again:

"But didn't you say there are still a few days left?"

After exploring it casually, I feel that my body has plumped up a lot, and it feels good to the touch, not bad.

Burying her head in Feng Junhou's arms, Zhang Xingyi's voice was muffled:

"Originally there were still a few days left, but then I heard the news that the prime minister had passed away on the way. In a hurry, I handed the child over to Amei and Li Mu, and rushed over by myself."

What is a confidante, what is concentric husband and wife?

Feng Junhou tightened his grip on the person in his arms, and couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed again:

"Si Niang, you have a heart."

Zhang Xingyi raised his head, his big eyes bent into crescents:

"Looks like I'm in the right place?"

Feng Junhou sighed: "If you don't come again, I will lose my hair in worry."

Seeing Feng Junhou's originally joyful face turned into a sad one, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help feeling a little strange.

"Ah Lang is also a person who has been in charge of one side. Even if it was first built after the war, it shouldn't be like this?"

Isn't that how Liangzhou came here back then?

"It's not just because of that."

"Oh?" Zhang Xingyi rolled his eyes, "Did someone trip Alang?"

Feng Junhou couldn't help but sighed again: "That's right."

"Yang Weigong or Wei Wenchang?"

"Yang Yi, he ran away."

Zhang Xingyi was about to make fun of him, but the smile on his face was only half-broken, and suddenly froze: "Run away? What do you mean?"

"Literally, Yang Yi ran away, and I don't know where he went. I suspect that he is very likely to be a Wei thief."

Feng Junhou pulled her to sit down, and told about Yang Yi's affairs in detail, while not forgetting to add his own guess.

Zhang Xingyi's face sank after listening.

She glanced at the map on the wall, stood up and walked over.

Feng Junhou followed behind her, and asked with some luck:

"Si Niang, do you think Yang Yi ran back to Hanzhong to complain to His Majesty?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi sneered:

"It would be great if he really ran back to Hanzhong! But I don't believe he would be so stupid."

Did he take the initiative to get beaten by Wei Yan, or ran to act in front of his family, Alang, just to go back to Hanzhong?

"As the chief historian, he said he would guard the tomb for the prime minister, but in the end he ran back to Guanzhong privately, even if he didn't violate the military order."

"But based on your majesty's feelings for the prime minister, will he tolerate this? If he runs back like this, will he have good fruit to eat?"

If it is said that the Prime Minister treated His Majesty like a son during his lifetime, then the Prime Minister who just died of illness is now His Majesty's Nilin.

Whoever dares to touch it will die or not, but at least one layer of skin must be shed.

Otherwise, is it true that the "Father Xiang" was called for nothing?

Even if the emperor is soft-hearted, don't you know what kind of temperament my sister is?

How could Sister allow His Majesty to accept the truth for nothing?

Hearing Zhang Xingyi's words, Feng Junhou's heart sank, and there was no luck at all.

"So, is he really going to cast a thief?"

"It's also possible that he escaped incognito. But with Yang Yi's temperament, I'm afraid he won't swallow this breath, so I believe he turned to the thief out of anger."

Zhang Xingyi shook his head while talking: "Hasn't Ah Lang heard about Li Zhengfang's (Li Ping's) Yamen general Wang Chong's old affairs?"

Before Li Yan changed his name, when he was the governor of Jiangzhou, he had a conflict with his subordinate Yamen general Wang Chong. Wang Chong knew that Li Yan hated him, and was afraid of being framed for the crime and defected to Wei.

At the same time, he brought Qu Yuanli's drawings to Wei Guo.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ba Niu plow hadn't been popularized at that time, and most people in the world didn't know its structure, maybe Wei Guo could get the Ba Niu plow a few years in advance.

In the early years, Cao Rui suffered repeated defeats, but he was still able to control the government with all his strength, and he even launched the "Flower Investigation Case" to attack the aristocratic family.

It is because of the Tuntian controlled by the Tuntian Hakka Mansion of the State of Wei, first there was a Quyuan plow, and then there were eight ox plows, which provided a large amount of food and grass for the Wei State army.

Hearing Zhang Xingyi mention this matter, Feng Junhou seemed to have remembered something, and his face changed.

"Before the prime minister was alive, he had sent a secret agent to infiltrate the Wei country. I'm afraid Yang Yi knew who he was. Doesn't that mean..."

During the first Northern Expedition, the prime minister secretly hated Meng Da for being capricious, and wanted him to restrain the Wei army in Wancheng.

Therefore, Guo Mo was sent to Meng Da's political opponent to pretend to surrender. At the same time, he deliberately leaked information about Meng Da to force Meng Da to rebel.

Unexpectedly, Meng Da is a waste in front of Zhong Da.

But Guo Mo also took the opportunity to lurk down.

If Yang Yi is really a thief, then Guo Mo, who has been lurking for so many years, may be about to expose her identity.

"damn it!"

Feng Junhou couldn't help swearing, regretting his carelessness.

On the contrary, Zhang Xingyi turned around to comfort him and said:

"Things have come to this, it's useless to think too much, Alang doesn't have to blame himself so much. Those secret agents who sneaked into the thief country were prepared to die from the very beginning."

"What Alang has to do is to put down the thieves as soon as possible and restore peace to the world, so that those people will not be allowed to make sacrifices again."

Feng Junhou nodded, then fixedly stared at the map, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, he suddenly said:

"I want Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng to write a book "Latent."


""Latent" is dedicated to those lurkers who sacrificed their lives to sneak into the enemy's interior for the sake of the country, but could not disclose their true identities."

"Their identities are unknown, and their deeds live forever."

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