Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1053 Aftermath (2)

"Feng Mingwen is still too young." Zhang Xingcai said hesitantly, "Even if he is in the army, he might not be able to convince a veteran."

"Let's not talk about recording the affairs of the minister and the general regent. I'm afraid there will be many veterans who will object."

After a pause, Zhang Xingcai sighed involuntarily when he saw that the emperor was a little unclear:

Your Majesty is still too kind-hearted.

"Your Majesty, think about it. Li Zhengfang is a minister of state affairs, and he has not been able to record his official affairs. However, Feng Mingwen is young and lacks qualifications, but he has become the head of the most important ministers."

"How many people will criticize? This will not only make people feel that His Majesty is nepotism, but it will also be harmful to Feng Mingwen's reputation."

"Therefore, the time has not come, and Feng Mingwen should not be easily allowed to record the affairs of the minister."

After hearing this, A Dou felt that the Queen's words were very reasonable, so he nodded, and then said regretfully:

"Feng Mingwen is extremely talented, and his ability to govern the army and the people is impressive. I never thought that this young and promising man would be his shackles. What a pity."

The queen's eyes flashed, then she touched her big belly and smiled slightly:

"Don't worry, Feng Mingwen is still young, and there will be opportunities in the future."

A Dou didn't hear the meaning behind what the queen said, so he thought about it honestly, and remembered that Feng Mingwen was just as old as himself.

Then he said approvingly:

"What the queen said is true. He is still young, and he will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Adou frowned a little:

"Li Zhengfang is untrustworthy, and Feng Mingwen is too young. According to the empress, who can take on the big responsibility in this court?"

Zhang Xingcai seemed to have expected it, and asked confidently:

"Why does it have to be recorded by someone?"

When A Dou heard the queen's question, he was at a loss for words, and after a while he said:

"If no one records the affairs of the Shangshu, what about the affairs of the Shangshutai?"

"Shangshutai has its own Shangshu order to handle all matters. If your majesty is afraid that the Shangshu order will not be able to convince the public, you can let Feng Mingwen use other positions to concurrently handle Shangshu affairs."

"Ping Shang's book?"

"That's right. Feng Mingwen's qualifications are not enough to record the affairs of the minister, but if he is allowed to be involved in the affairs of the minister and participate in the confidentiality, there is nothing wrong with it."

Lushang Shushi and Pingshang Shushi are not the same thing.

Lushangshushi refers to the command of Shangshutai, and Shangshuling, the nominal chief official of Shangshutai, must also be under it.

Those who record the affairs of Shangshu also have the final right to interpret Shangshutai's decision-making.

Pingshang Shushi refers to participating in the government affairs of Shangshutai, and can make suggestions on various decisions of Shangshutai, but cannot decide the final decision of Shangshutai.

It can be said that although Pingshang Shushi has a high status, it lacks one of the most crucial rights compared with Lushang Shushi.

Leaving aside other positions, Ping Shang Shu Shi and Shang Shu Ling are almost at the same level in terms of handling the government affairs of Shang Shu Tai.

When A Dou heard the Queen's arrangement for Feng Mingwen, he couldn't help but praised loudly:

"The queen has a way!"

Then he continued to frown: "But there is still no suitable candidate for the person who recorded the affairs of the minister..."

The queen stroked her forehead and sighed:

"Your Majesty, you can just let Jiang Wan and Feng Mingwen negotiate and deal with matters concerning Shangshutai. If there are differences, Your Majesty can decide on their own."

"So, what's the difference between those who have recorded or not?"

Hearing the Queen's words, Adou was shocked:

"Is this okay?"

"Why not?" The queen looked at the emperor with eyes like candles, and said quietly, "Could it be that your majesty is afraid that you will have to deal with too many political affairs in the future and you won't have time to play?"

A Dou was startled, waved his hands again and again, and said embarrassingly:

"Nothing, nothing! How could I have such an idea?"

The queen said earnestly:

"Your Majesty, the father-in-law has gone, and no one will be able to shield us from the wind and rain in the future. In this world, we have to rely on ourselves."

As soon as the father was mentioned, A Dou felt a little guilty on his face:

"How could I not know what the queen said? Restoring the Han Dynasty and returning to the old capital, Xiangfu has already completed half of it for me, and I will not disappoint the late emperor and Xiangfu for the remaining half."

"The first emperor and the prime minister knew each other under the yellow soil, and they will be happy for His Majesty."

A Dou didn't know if the late emperor and Xiangfu were unhappy, but at this moment, when the little fat man remembered that Xiangfu had passed away, his heart was filled with sadness.

The next day, the Son of Heaven ascended to the imperial court and announced to all his ministers that the prime minister had died of illness in Chang'an.

At the same time, an edict was issued, from the emperor down, all the officials in the court, all in plain clothes, mourned for three days, and cried to the north.

When the news spread to Jincheng, the people in Shu cried out to the Prime Minister with tears in their eyes.

Just when the big man and the whole country were immersed in sadness, some people secretly cheered up, thinking that the opportunity had come.

Jincheng, General Hussar's Mansion.

"General, we have a visitor."

Li Ping, who has been idle for a long time, is dressed in plain clothes and looks sad.

He took the greeting card from his servant, opened it, and saw that the visitor's name was written with the words "Guanghan Li Miao".

He couldn't help but let out a "huh":

"What is the purpose of Li Hannan's visit at this time?"

"Does the general want to see him?"

"What about others?"

"Still guarding outside the mansion gate."

Li Ping looked at the dark night outside, at such a sensitive moment, and taking advantage of the weather, this person might have ulterior motives.

He waved his hand and casually threw the greeting card on the table: "No see!"


The servant was about to turn around, but Li Ping did not know what he had thought of. He picked up the greeting card again, and pondered for a while:

"Forget it, let him in."

After a while, Li Miao entered the living room under the leadership of his servants.

Before he saw Li Ping, who was sitting on the master's seat, he bent down deeply:

"Li Miao pays his respects to the Protector of the Central Government."

Although General Hussars is a heavy-ranked general, in fact Li Ping's most valued status is still the position of the guardian of the Central Capital in charge of the Chinese and foreign military.

Li Miao's title obviously means that he had done his homework before coming here.

Li Ping didn't intend to get up, but just stretched out his hand to lead him to a seat:

"Mr. Li, please sit down."

Li Miao quickly thanked him, and then sat down.

After the servants brought tea, Li Ping asked, "I don't know about visiting late at night, but what's the matter?"

At this moment, Li Miao looked up at Li Ping.

A bit of chilly wind blows in from the door and window cracks in the living room, making the burning candles dance frantically.

The candlelight flickered on and off for a while.

Li Miao couldn't see Li Ping's true expression clearly.

He only saw the other party sitting there with his knees supported, his back still straight, like a hill.

The whole person looks solemn, tough, and arrogant.

The candlelight cast his shadow on the wall, writhing like a ghost.

Li Miao swallowed, with a flattering smile on his face:

"Zhongduhu, Miao came this time to congratulate Zhongduhu."

"Congratulations?" Li Ping had a strange expression on his face, "The prime minister passed away, and the whole country is in grief. Why is there any joy?"

"It is precisely because Zhuge Liang is dead that there is a happy event!"

Li Miao stretched his neck and leaned towards Li Ping:

"The first emperor Yong'an Palace asked Zhuge Liang and Zhongdu to protect and assist the emperor, but the Zhuge family wanted to monopolize the power, so they formed a clique and excluded dissidents."

"There is a saying that many mouths make gold, three people become tigers, and the emperor is young, unable to distinguish right from wrong, and credulously believes in slander. Zhongdu Hukong has the name of assisting the government, but has no reality of assisting the government."

"Although I am from an unknown family, I am deeply angry at what happened to the Protector of the Central Capital. Fortunately, God has eyes, Zhuge Liang died of illness, and all the officials in the court, regardless of their status, have never been protected by the Protector of the Central Government."

"Nowadays, the government and the public are in turmoil, and people's hearts are uneasy. Everyone looks up to Delong and hopes that His Holiness will preside over the overall situation. If the Central Guard stands up at this time, he will calm people's hearts and calm the inside and outside."

"The emperor is delighted, and the ministers support him. This side can be regarded as a minister who assists the government."

After talking for a long time, Li Miao felt a little dry in his mouth, and took the opportunity of toasting and drinking tea to secretly observe Li Ping.

Unexpectedly, Li Ping was still sitting upright, and the flickering candlelight could not clearly illuminate the expression on his face.

It's just that Li Miao looked at the layout in the living room, but he was extremely sure in his heart.

Not to mention anything else, just for these candles, even rich people would not dare to burn them like this on weekdays.

That is to say, Li Ping relied on his son Li Feng, who had a great connection in the Xinghan Society, so he had a way to get so many candles to use as candles.

It can be seen that Li Ping's extravagant style has never changed over the years.

If he is really willing to listen to Zhuge Liang, he should at least change his style a little bit and become simpler and more honest, shouldn't he?

He was thinking secretly, only to hear Li Ping's deep voice:

"Li Jun said that he is an unknown person, and he is too self-effacing. When the late emperor entered Yizhou, when Li Jun was celebrating Zhengdan, he reprimanded the late emperor for breaking his promise in front of all the officials."

"He even dared to say that he was strong enough to help Liu Jiyu. His boldness shocked everyone. What does it mean to be unknown?"

Li Miao hurriedly cupped his hands and said with a smile:

"The Central Capital has won prizes."

Rebuking Liu Bei for breaking his promise face to face, and being able to survive is one of the proudest things in his life.

When Li Ping said it face to face, it really tickled Li Miao.

But I heard Li Ping ask:

"Li Jun has the courage to ask me what I should do, so that I can persuade the emperor, restore my old position, and regain my assistant government?"

Li Miao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and secretly said that it was as I expected, that the guard had long wanted to come back.

So he hastily replied:

"Miao is not talented. I thought about it for a while before I came here. It's just a glimpse. It would be an honor if I can use it for the protection of the Central Capital."

"Li Jun does not need to be humble, but please come."

Li Miao cleared his throat and said:

"Lu Lu (nephew of Empress Lu, who took charge of the imperial army after Empress Lu's death) and Huo Yu (son of Huo Guang) may not have the heart of rebellion, and Xiaoxuan (Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty) is not good for being a king who kills ministers."

"Why did the monarchs and ministers kill each other later? But because the ministers are afraid of the king's coercion, and the emperor is afraid of the minister's hope, so the monarch and the ministers will be suspicious of each other."

"Zhuge Liang is the 'Father of the Son of Heaven', and he can command the soldiers of the whole country by himself. Doesn't it make the monarch always fearful?"

"There is a saying that 'the five great powers are not on the sidelines'. Anyone who is a loyal minister has to worry about the danger of the emperor! Now that Liang is dead, we are secretly happy, because the Gein clan can be all."

Although Li Ping could hold his breath, when he heard Li Miao's words, he couldn't help but gasped.

Li Miao is a sinister and vicious villain!

The so-called Zhengdan reprimanded the first emperor back then, if Zhuge Liang hadn't interceded afterwards, he might have been sent to prison by Yousi and executed.

Regardless of whether Zhuge Liang was as he said, he shouldn't be the first to jump out and say such a thing when Zhuge Liang's body was still cold.

This person's temperament is indeed extremely cold and ruthless.

If the Son of Heaven was really moved by these words, and he was charged with such a serious crime, then Zhuge's family might have to be executed?

What kind of deep hatred does this Li Miao have with Zhuge Kongming?

The living room was very quiet.

After a long time, Li Ping asked in an erratic voice:

"I remember, Mr. Li is from Guanghan in Sichuan, right?"

Li Miao was a little confused about Li Ping asking this question instead of taking what he said above, so:

"Return to the Central Guard, that's right."

"Guanghan, that's where the clan of the Li family is located, right? Back then, the Li family's three dragons were well-known throughout Shu, and the Li family is indeed full of talents."

No wonder Li Miao tried so hard to discredit Zhuge Kongming.

Over the years, the Li family's clan house has really become a real family heirloom.

Even with the exception of plowing land, even reading is almost unsustainable.

The foundation is almost gone, can you not hate it?

Li Ping fixed his eyes on Li Miao:

"I remember that among the three dragons of the Li family, one dragon is your younger brother, but Li Jun is not among them?"

Hearing this, Li Miao's face immediately turned purple.

When the Li family in Guanghan was at its most glorious in the past few years, there were three people who were famous in Shu, and they were also called the three dragons of the Li family.

But there is no Li Miao in the Three Dragons, but there is Li Miao's younger brother. The reason is that Li Miao has a wild personality, speaks freely, and does not cultivate moral character.

When Li Ping mentioned this matter, it was tantamount to poking the deepest scar in Li Miao's heart.

"Chuhu, what do you mean by that?!"

Li Miao stood up suddenly and asked angrily whether he could bear it or not.

"I mean, let you go!"

Li Ping also stood up abruptly, and said sharply:

"You bastard! What are these things! The matter between me and Kong Ming is something that pigs and dogs can comment on?"

Whether it's fighting or hating, both Kong Ming and himself are assistant ministers entrusted by the late emperor.

Whoever loses and who wins is a battle between two tigers.

Even if he loses power again, he will still be a defeated mountain tiger. How can he be with pigs and dogs like Li Miao?

To think so badly of him, Li Ping, is simply too deceitful!

Li Miao ran out of Li's mansion with his head in his arms, Li Ping sat on the chair blankly, his back, which was originally as straight as a mountain, suddenly collapsed.

"Gone, Kong Ming, you're really gone!"

Li Ping muttered to himself, the expression on his face was both sad and angry.

"How could you just leave like this?"

His voice gradually became shrill, "You left, who in the world can use me? Who dares to use me!"

"Kong Mingfu, you can't be so unreasonable, you are obviously younger than me, how can you go before me?"

While talking, Li Ping clenched his fist and slammed the desk hard, knocking the teacup so that he jumped up, and the splashed tea wet the table.

But seeing him weeping, gritting his teeth, his face began to distort:

"Without Kong Ming, Li Zhengfang is hopeless in this life! Hate it!"

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