Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1054 Aftermath (3)

In fact, Li Miao was right.

Li Ping has indeed always thought of making a comeback.

But this comeback is not the same as the comeback Li Miao had in mind.

It can even be said that it is the complete opposite.

Li Miao thought that Zhuge Liang's comeback was due to Zhuge Liang's death, and no one in the court could suppress Li Ping in terms of status, so the comeback was a breeze.

But Li Ping's comeback is based on the fact that Zhuge Liang is alive.

Ji Han's foundation was not stable before, and he couldn't tolerate any mistakes. In order to reduce unnecessary internal friction, Zhuge Liang would rather bear the infamy of monopolizing power, but also refrigerate himself.

But in this battle in Guanzhong, the results of the battle were too brilliant.

The Dahan not only regained Guanzhong, but also took Bingzhou and the rare heavy county Hedong in the world.

In this way, how many positions will the big man have to increase? How many additional manpower will be deployed?

Looking at the current court and localities of the Han Dynasty, how many people are qualified and capable of shepherding a state?

As the auxiliary minister appointed by the late emperor, Li Ping has stayed quietly in Jincheng all these years, isn't he just waiting for this day?

I never thought that when this day came, Zhuge Liang was gone!

Li Ping is well aware of how tabooed the royal family is by what he has done before.

With my own identity and what I have done before, besides Zhuge Liang, who else would dare to use me?

The more valuable the status, the more no one in the court can compare with him, the less likely the emperor will use him.

Li Miao talked a lot in front of him about "the king fears the minister's hope".

It is only said that Zhuge Liang often makes the emperor fearful.

Didn't he know that the emperor also had the intention of guarding against himself?

Li Ping believed that he must know, but he was just pretending not to know.

"Guanghan Li family?"

Li Ping's laughter was like the voice of a drake, and at the same time it was full of gloom:

"It seems that Mrs. Li is still not reconciled, so impatient, isn't it because she wants to push me out, so as to gain a firm foothold in the big man again, a good idea!"

If you violate the taboo of the emperor, you will bear it yourself.

If you really want to be right, they eat meat for nothing.

Thinking of this, Li Ping's eyes became more and more gloomy.

More than ten days later, Hanzhong.

"Your Majesty, Jincheng sent a quick report, saying that General Hussars has important matters to report!"

"General Hussars? Li Zhengfang?"

Although since the prime minister entered Hanzhong, Adou began to try to handle government affairs alone.

Especially last year when the prime minister led the army to the north, Adou had officially taken over all government affairs.

At most, it is to send some major events to the front line and inform the prime minister.

But at that time, Ah Dou felt that he was much more relaxed than now.

Because he knew that as long as Xiangfu was still around, he would always take care of him.

Even if he made a wrong decision, Xiangfu would help to correct it.

It's different now.

The father is gone, and the decision he made, no matter whether the consequences are good or bad, can only be borne by himself in the end.

Thinking of this, Adou couldn't help but sighed.

Looking at the memorial sent by Shang Shutai again, it was still piled high.

This made him rub his eyebrows subconsciously.

I wonder where Jiang Wan has gone?

When Shang Shuling arrives in Hanzhong, it should be easier, right?

It never occurred to him that he would receive a secret memorial from Li Ping, who was also staying behind in Jincheng, before he waited for the minister to order Jiang Wan.

Hearing the title "General Hussars", Adou immediately remembered what the queen had said to him a few days ago.

He hesitated for a while, then finally stretched out his hand and said:


Ben made up his mind that no matter what Li Ping said in the secret performance, he would not listen.

Unexpectedly, I only saw half of it, and Ah Dou's fat face turned red immediately.

After holding back his anger, Ah Dou was trembling with anger, smashed the melody to the ground, and cursed loudly:

"Dog slave!"

Probably out of frustration with a curse, A Dou stood up abruptly and kicked Mizuo far away.

"Dog slave! Dog slave!"

A Dou walked back and forth a few steps, his eyes were already red, and he said viciously:

"I'm going to kill this dog!"

The emperor has always been benevolent, and the prime minister is strict in discipline, so his temper has been well controlled all the time.

The people in the palace had never seen the emperor so furious, and the faces of the palace people standing around were a little pale.

Being clever, he quickly and quietly ran to report to the queen.

The queen's third child (the first miscarriage) was destined to be unable to raise the child quietly.

Hearing that the emperor was furious, scolding people as predators, and even openly yelled that he wanted to kill someone.

The queen couldn't help feeling anxious.

The prime minister has just passed away, and His Majesty is so restless, I'm afraid it will make the officials uneasy.

"Quick, quickly bring the bamboo sedan chair and take me to see His Majesty!"

The queen's stomach is already too big, and she can only be supported by others on weekdays, and she can walk slowly, not fast.

At this time, she was anxious to see the emperor, so she could only be carried forward.

Filled with anger, A Dou saw the queen approaching, and quickly stepped forward to support her:

"Why is the queen here?"

Zhang Xingcai's eyes were burning like a torch, and he saw the secret music that had been ravaged beyond recognition at a glance.

Following the Queen's eyes, A Dou understood, he forced a smile, bent down to pick up the melody, and explained:

"This is, accidentally dropped."

Zhang Xingcai didn't say anything, just sat down with her waist supported, and said in a warm voice:

"Your Majesty's yelling and cursing can be heard from three miles away. Father Xiang just left, and I was afraid that His Majesty could not restrain his temper, so I came here to have a look."

When A Dou heard this, he felt a little embarrassed.

He also knew that his reaction just now was a bit too scary.

If this situation were replaced by Cao Rui, none of the people serving the emperor today would be able to survive.

When Cao Rui was seriously ill and established the crown prince, his queen wanted to visit him but was unable to, and finally turned to the people around her to inquire about Cao Rui's condition.

Cao Rui suspected that someone had secretly informed the queen, so he immediately killed all the people who served him at that time.

On the other hand, Ah Dou didn't think there was anything wrong with the Queen's doing so.

After all, for so many years, the queen has always been the one who advises her.

Only this time, he was a little worried that the empress would know about the secret music, which would cause the empress who was about to give birth to be emotionally unstable, which would be bad for her health.

But seeing him deliberately understate and say:

"I've been dealing with government affairs all day these days, and I'm a little distracted, so I can't control my temper for a while, which makes the queen worry."

"Really?" Zhang Xingcai's eyes fell on the memorial in A Dou's hand again, "Your Majesty, this memorial is dirty, let me clean it?"

A Dou saw that the Queen had been staring at Mizuo, and knew that it was impossible to hide it.

He hesitated a bit, and finally passed the secret note:

"This is a quick play sent by Li Ping, who stayed behind in Jincheng. The above-mentioned words are not good. Remember, the queen, don't get angry, so as not to get pregnant."

The Queen accepted the secret music, while laughing and said:

"Left and right are just some silly words, what else can make me angry?"

A Dou smiled wryly:

"It's because it's muddled that it makes people angry."

Zhang Xingcai didn't take it seriously, and lowered his head to browse.

Unexpectedly, she only saw half of it, and her face was already not quite right.

Before finishing the reading, the queen snapped the memorial on the desk with a "snap" of anger, her brows turned upside down:

"Bastard thing!"

His Majesty had only mourned for three days in plain clothes, and someone couldn't wait to jump out and say such words.

This is not only ruining the prime minister, but also trampling on the emperor's face!

The queen looked at A Dou with a murderous look on her face:

"Your Majesty, please send someone to Jincheng to investigate immediately. If what Li Zhengfang said is true, then Li Hannan must not stay here!"

"In the past, the late emperor passed away, and the great Han Dynasty was in danger. Liao Gongyuan (that is, Liao Li, styled Gongyuan) slandered the late emperor, slandered all his ministers, and was exiled by the prime minister to the border county."

"And Li Hannan's words are worse than Liao Gongyuan's. He is not only slandering the late emperor and the prime minister, but also cursing His Majesty!"

Guan Yu hated the loss of Jingzhou, and the first emperor defeated Yiling. These are all facts.

Although Liao Li said that he was pointing the country after the fact, he was speaking based on the facts anyway.

What is Li Miao?

Which of the words he said is true?

The prime minister led the army to recover Guanzhong and return to the old capital, which was to fulfill the entrustment of the late emperor.

How did it become "Wolf sees tiger Gu"?

Your Majesty once publicly said that "the government is up to the Ge family, and the widows are sacrificed." You Li Miao came up and said that your majesty is always in fear of the prime minister and deeply feels that the family is in danger.

If it wasn't for being unable to speak foul language, Empress Zhang could hardly bear to scold "Li Hannan's aunt" or something like that.

You have twisted His Majesty, who kept in mind the late emperor's edict and trusted the prime minister, into a villain who violated the late emperor's last words, called the prime minister's father, but hated the prime minister in his heart.

To deny what the prime minister has done these years is to deny the late emperor's edict.

To deny the late emperor's edict is to deny the legitimacy of His Majesty's throne.

What hatred?

What hate?

It is tolerable or unbearable!

The queen thought up to this point, gritted her teeth and emphasized to the emperor again:

"Your Majesty, if this is true, this dog is so determined that he must be killed! Not killing is not enough to deter Xiaoxiao!"

A Dou never expected that the Queen's reaction would be stronger than his.

"The empress doesn't have to be so angry." He quickly comforted, "Li Miao, a petty person, it's not worth the empress being so angry. You should pay attention to your body."

Zhang Xingcai was reminded by A Dou, so she closed her eyes and took a deep breath slowly, trying to control her emotions.

At the beginning, A Dou said that he was going to kill Li Miao, but he said it behind closed doors.

I never thought that when the queen came, she would strongly support her in killing this person.

On the contrary, it made Ah Dou hesitate:

"The prime minister was just exiling the whole family to Liao Li. When the late emperor was around, he was known for his benevolence and righteousness. Now that the prime minister has just left, I will immediately kill the minister. Is it inappropriate?"

Zhang Xingcai opened his eyes, but he still couldn't hide the anger jumping in his eyes.

At this time, she had concluded that what Li Ping said was probably true.

If not, with Li Ping's arrogance and his identity, he would never deliberately target Li Miao, who is insignificant.

"Your Majesty, Li Miao is from the Guanghan Li family, which also represents the aristocratic families in the Shu region."

"The Prime Minister has passed away, and His Majesty has not returned to Jincheng for a long time. Some people in Shu may not be able to hold back anymore, so His Majesty must be ruthless this time."

"Killing Li Miao, firstly, to show His Majesty's attitude towards the prime minister, and secondly, to deter those who harbor evil intentions."

"It's just a matter of borrowing Li Miao's head to show His Majesty's means, and at the same time, it can stabilize people's hearts."

Hearing the queen's emphasis, A Dou nodded even if he hesitated.

"Since the queen said so, then I will do as I wish."

Then he said with some embarrassment:

"Then Li Zhengfang wrote this secret memorial, how should we treat him?"

The queen finally regained her composure at this time, and she said calmly:

"What's so difficult about this? Just follow the previous arrangement and make him a tutor."

"Then this secret performance..."

"If a secret performance can make him receive the royal trust again, then the royal trust is too cheap."

Feng Mingwen married Si Niang dishonestly, so he didn't even have to think about recording affairs.

Li Ping wants to be trusted again after a secret performance? dream!

If the previous old debts are not settled with him, it is already the emperor's grace.

Zhang Xingcai said slowly, "After the first battle in Guanzhong, most of the soldiers at the front made great contributions. Li Feng, the son of Li Ping, is also in the army."

"I remember that Li Feng is close to Feng Mingwen, so I can reward Li Feng more, which just kills two birds with one stone."

When A Dou heard this, a smile finally appeared on his face, and the sullenness in his chest dissipated slightly:

"The empress is really my virtuous wife!"

The impact of the death of the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty is far from affecting the territory of the Great Han Dynasty.

When Sun Quan, who was far away in Jianye, received the news that Qin Bo, who was on an envoy to Han, sent someone to send him back urgently, he was stunned on the spot.

"Zhuge Kongming is dead?"

He just led the army to take Guanzhong, and died of illness in the army right away?

When I was still thinking about whether I could join hands with Han again this year, and take advantage of the weakest time of Wei to deal a blow to the thieves, Kong Ming actually died?

So... is it impossible to jointly send troops with Han this year?

This was Sun Quan's first reaction.

The second reaction is: This death is too coincidental!

If you win Guanzhong, you will die immediately. Is there anything more coincidental than this?

If he died a year later and Han and Wu joined forces again, then Great Wu might not be unable to capture Hefei.

If he died half a year early, the plan of two tigers fighting against each other that he had planned would come true!

When he died at this time, Han Guo took advantage of it, but Da Wu didn't get anything.


Is it fake?

On purpose!

Countless thoughts flashed through Sun Quan, and finally they became a mess.

I don't know how long it took, but all my thoughts converged into a few key questions:

After the death of Zhuge Kongming, is the Han State capable of defending Guanzhong?

If so, who will replace Zhuge Kongming?

If not, then...can the two tigers fight each other continue?

Although he did not face the Han army directly, he learned that Han swallowed Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong and other places in one go.

Sun Quan, who was in Jianye, already felt an invisible pressure.

He had personally experienced that feeling eighteen years ago.

Unexpectedly, eighteen years ago, in the far west, separated by a country of Wei, he could actually recall this feeling again.

Why is this Guan always like this?

I always like to force people to move their capitals.

The ghost does not disperse, and the nature does not change.

It's too bad!

Sun Quan thought for a long time alone, but couldn't give himself a definite answer.

He subconsciously wanted to write to Lu Xun.

It's just that as soon as this thought flashed through him, he hesitated again.

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