Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1055 Aftermath (4)

Although it is said that after he ascended the throne, he personally asked Lu Xun to guard Wuchang and let him rule everything west of Yuzhang County.

But that was when the prince was still in Wuchang.

Now the prince has returned to Jianye for so many years, but Lu Xun is still the status of the above-mentioned general, staying in Wuchang unchanged.

The most important thing is that in the past few years, Sun Quan found that he and Lu Xun could not get along more and more.

The tacit understanding of working together in the early years to create a great cause disappeared without a sound.

Maybe after moving the capital and building a business?

Over the years, he has repeatedly substituted for the north, but Lu Xun, who has always known the power of the army, has become more and more conservative.

Even when he was asked to lead the army to attack Lu'an County a few years ago, Man Chong was able to force him to flee at night.

Compared with the previous use of soldiers like gods, it is simply a huge gap.

I gave you half of the country to be in charge, so that you can give full play to your ability to know the power of the army, and expand the territory for Great Wu.

You are good, not only did not live up to my expectations, but also wrote letters to advise me from time to time, giving advice to me who is far away in Jianye.

Are you teaching me how to do things?

Do you think you can teach me how to do things because you have the power?

Having been the emperor for nearly ten years, no matter how generous Sun Quan was, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, as if there was a thorn in his heart.

He hesitated for a while, and finally gave up asking the general at the first time, but turned around and shouted:

"Come here, invite the prime minister into the palace."

After thinking for a while, he ordered again:

"Call Lu Zhongshu over."

When Gu Yong met Lu Yi in the palace, he frowned slightly.

A few years ago, because of Lu Yi's frame, Gu Yong was almost dismissed from office and returned to his hometown. The grievances between the two are hard to resolve.

It's just that Gu Yong's self-cultivation is quite good, and with his brows stretched, he already nodded to Lu Yi with a peaceful face as a greeting.

On the contrary, Lu Yi, facing Gu Yong, had an unnatural expression on his face.

Fortunately, after the two arrived, Sun Quan didn't keep them waiting, so he announced them to enter together.

After the ceremony, Sun Quan gave them seats, and then straight to the point, he told the news of the death of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty.

"I sent envoys to Han to discuss with Han that we should send troops together to defeat Wei thieves. I never thought that Zhuge Kongming, the prime minister of Han, would die of illness."

Sun Quan sighed a little, "After Liu Xuande died, it was Zhuge Kongming who tried his best to promote the alliance between Wu and Han, and only then did the two countries agree to join hands to kill bandits."

"Now that the Prime Minister of the Han Kingdom is dead, it is unknown what will happen to the Han Kingdom in the future. Therefore, I called you and the other two here today, just to ask your opinions first."

As soon as Sun Quan finished speaking, Gu Yong asked with a frown:

"Your Majesty sent an envoy to discuss with the Han State about sending troops to attack the bandits. Have you ever asked the General?"

I remember that just after Zhengdan, His Majesty did send Zhong Shulang to his residence to inquire about this matter.

But I don't seem to agree, right?

So His Majesty is going to ask the General, and the General agrees?

Faced with Gu Yong's question, Sun Quan's face froze.

He was full of thoughts about what kind of situation Da Wu would face after Zhuge Liang's death.

He actually let it slip that he sent envoys to Han to discuss the joint dispatch of troops.

Sun Quan coughed and said vaguely:

"It's just that Han has won a big victory, so I sent someone to celebrate. By the way, I would like to ask when the two countries will send troops together next time."

When Gu Yong saw the emperor's expression, how could he not doubt it?

"Your Majesty, the matter of sending troops between the two countries is a matter of great importance. Over the past few years, Da Wu has sent troops to the north every year. It is the time when the country is exhausted and the people are exhausted. We must not be careless."

For so many years since the capital was moved, His Majesty wanted to send troops to the north every year, but every time it was in vain.

As soon as the soldiers and horses move, the money and food are countless.

With so much money and food, isn't most of it apportioned to the various families in Jiangdong in the end?

Everyone paid so much money and food, but didn't get any benefits. Some complaints are understandable.

Besides, now that the world is divided into three points, Da Wu occupies one of them, which is not too bad.

Wouldn't it be good to wait for a few years, let the people recuperate, and talk about the Northern Expedition after they recover?

Although Gu Yong's words are selfish, they are more honest and outspoken, and they are mature in seeking the country.

Since he became the prime minister, he has often gone deep into the people to understand the sufferings of the people.

So he knew very well that the Wu Kingdom had made so much money in the past few years, and there had long been complaints from the people.

It's just that what he said was heard by Sun Quan, but it made the emperor feel different.

Because Lu Xun's persuasion to Sun Quan to postpone the Northern Expedition was also based on the excuse that the people were overwhelmed, which coincided with what Gu Yong said.

The four surnames of Wu County, Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang, the Gu family and Lu Xun, one inside and one outside, one literary and one military, are all the top ministers of Great Wu.

However, the two were thousands of miles apart, yet they spoke the same words against the Northern Expedition, which really made it hard for Sun Quan not to think in other directions:

You Jiangdong surnames, could it be that you have reached some kind of ulterior agreement in private?

Thinking of this, Sun Quan's expression turned ugly.

It's just that he has a big beard all over his face, covering most of his face.

In addition, he was sitting in the main seat, and Gu Yong was sitting below, and he couldn't see clearly from a distance, so he didn't notice it.

Thinking of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, not only did he not stop the Northern Expedition, but he even led the Northern Expedition himself, and even died of illness during the Northern Expedition.

Sun Dadi felt even worse.

Thinking this way in his heart, Sun Quan pretended to be educated:

"What the prime minister said is true. I will think about it again about sending troops. Regarding the death of the prime minister of Han, what does the prime minister think will change between Wu and Han?"

Gu Yong stroked his beard, pondered and said:

"When it comes to assisting His Majesty in governing the country, the veteran knows that he will say everything, but when it comes to the diplomatic relations between Wu and Han, no one can be a great general."

"Instead of listening to the old minister's foolish opinion, Your Majesty, why not send someone to Wuchang to consult the Supreme General and see what the Supreme General thinks?"

When Sun Quan heard this, his face froze again.

"The prime minister said it himself, it is to assist me in governing the country, and the diplomatic relations between the two countries can be regarded as state affairs. Does the prime minister really have no idea?"

Gu Yong heard that Emperor Sun even said "Zhen", and knew that His Majesty must give an explanation by himself today.

Feeling helpless at the moment, I had no choice but to say:

"Your Majesty has something to ask, how dare the old minister keep silent?"

"Prime Minister, please tell me."

"The old minister once heard that after Liu Xuande's death, everyone in Shu was in panic. The prime minister of the Han Dynasty went to Zhuangzi outside Jincheng to see a young man."

"The boy proposed to the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty the strategy of rejecting the Wei bandits in the north, consolidating the Great Wu in the east, and fixing the barbarians in the south. At that time, many people were puzzled."

"Some people even bluntly said that the young man was just a sly talker. Fortunately, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty refused to listen to the rumors and insisted on sending envoys to the east."

"This is how the later Han and Wu respected each other's titles and vowed to defeat thieves together."

Hearing this, Sun Quan suddenly came to his senses:

"The prime minister said, could it be that Feng Mingwen?"


Sun Quan sighed: "Feng Mingwen is indeed young and promising, with both civil and military skills, he is a rare hero in the world."

Thinking of this person's extraordinary literary talents, and the more famous martial arts, Sun Quan also had to admit:

The tiger daughter of the Guan family did not marry the prince, but was willing to marry Feng Mingwen, who was only slightly famous at the time, she was indeed unique.

Gu Yong didn't know what Sun Quan was thinking, so he continued on his own:

"I heard that Feng Mingwen has a very close personal relationship with the emperor of the Han family. Looking at the Han country, there is no one who is most likely to succeed the Han country's prime minister in the future."

"If Your Majesty wants to know how Han's monarchs and ministers view the relationship between Wu and Han after the prime minister of Han leaves, I suggest that one is to immediately send envoys to Han to mourn."

"We can take this opportunity to test the attitude of the emperor of the Han family. The second is to send someone to make friends with Feng Mingwen, and use his hand to persuade the emperor of the Han country to continue to make friends with Wu."

"Hmm..." Sun Quan stroked his beard subconsciously, "I heard that Feng Mingwen is leading an army stationed in Guanzhong, how do we send someone there?"

The fact that Feng Mingwen and Liu Chan have a very good personal relationship is well known in Sichuan.

I heard that the Xinghan Society was able to develop rapidly at first because of Feng Mingwen's help from the royal family.

Thinking of this person who is capable of both literature and martial arts and can make money, he is still loyal to the Liu family, and he never forgets the royal family even when he makes money.

Looking back at the eating habits of the major families in Jiangdong, Sun Dadi felt a shock in his heart.

Why do good courtiers always belong to other people?

"Your Majesty, in the Han Kingdom, there is no better fighter than Feng Mingwen, and no one who is better at riding and fighting is Feng Mingwen."

"Great Wu and the State of Han have an agreement that Wu will teach the Han how to steer a boat, and the Han will teach Wu how to ride and fight. Now the Han has sent people to learn how to steer a boat for a year."

"However, Great Wu has not yet sent anyone to Han to learn the art of riding and fighting. Now that the Three Kingdoms have ceased their troops, it is the right time for Great Wu to bring this matter up to Han again."

Hearing what Gu Yong said, Sun Quan immediately slapped his thigh:

"That's right! Great Wu has repeatedly suffered at the hands of Wei thief, isn't it because he has no elite cavalry that can be compared with Wei thief?"

Feng Mingwen has repeatedly led the cavalry to defeat the Wei thieves, which shows that he has won the magic of cavalry warfare.

Send people to Han, just to learn from him how to break the Jingqi of Wei thieves.

"It's just that this general who has learned the art of riding and fighting, who should be sent there?"

"Feng Ming is equipped with both civil and military skills. It is not feasible to just send warriors there. Your Majesty can pick out those who have both civil and military skills from among the generals, so as to prevent the Han people from despising our Great Wu."

Sun Quan nodded and agreed, "That's very kind."

Thinking of the generals in the army, most of them are rash, especially the generals on the riverside, who often write to state that they want to cover up the northern border.

It's just that it's mostly small fights, and even if they succeed, they won't be enough to prestige and harm the enemy. This is really just to invite fame for themselves, not for the country.

Sun Quan sighed: "If Lu Ziming (Lv Meng) is still alive, I will not be in trouble."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yong was shocked.

Your Majesty, even if Lu Ziming is still alive, if you let him go to the Han Kingdom, you might not let him learn how to ride and fight, but you will let him die on purpose?

Don't you know who Feng Mingwen married as his wife?

Sun Quan said helplessly, "In today's army, apart from the top generals, who can have both civil and military skills?"

Gu Yong wanted to ask the general about this matter, but after thinking about it, he finally endured it and did not speak.

Your Majesty is asking about state affairs. If you always mention the general, it will appear that you are too incompetent as a prime minister.

Although it is indeed safer to ask the general about this question.

Sun Quan waited for a while, but did not get an answer from Gu Yong.

Because Gu Yong was not prepared to give Sun Quan the answer, this kind of thing is not his specialty.

And even if it is answered, it may not be a good answer in His Majesty's mind.

It's just that Sun Quan seems to be having sex with Gu Yongmao today:

"Is there any candidate for the prime minister?"

Seeing His Majesty's staring eyes, Gu Yong had no choice but to think seriously, and then tentatively replied:

"Your Majesty once said that General Zuo has both civil and military skills, but he can succeed Lu Ziming. How about letting General Zuo go?"

The so-called General Zuo was Zhu Ju, Sun Quan's son-in-law.

Zhu Ju was born in the Zhu family, one of the four surnames in Wu County. He has a dignified appearance, a strong physique, and is good at debating.

After Sun Quan became emperor, he married his youngest daughter, Sun Luyu, and at the same time used this to win over the Zhu family.

Only eight years ago, Cao Rui sent Yinbo to Jianye, and Zhu Ju and Ting Wei Hao Pu had the best friendship with him, and even openly called him the talent of Wang Zuo.

In the ninth year of Jianxing, in order to prevent Wu and Han from jointly dispatching troops, Yinbo rebelled openly in Jianye when Wuxi Man rebelled.

Although this rebellion failed and Yinfan was killed, it caused a huge shock in the court of Wu State, and many people were implicated in it.

Ting Wei Hao Pu committed suicide in prison.

General Zuo Zhu Ju, who had always been favored by Sun Quan and was the son-in-law of the royal family, was also dismissed from office and confined at home.

It was not until the year before last that the official was restored to his original post.

It's just that the official has returned to his post, but there is no suitable position in the army for a while.

Under the name of General Zuo, he has been idle for two years.

At any rate, the four surnames of Wu County are now connected, and Zhu Zifan (Zhu Ju) is His Majesty's son-in-law at any rate, and he has won His Majesty's trust.

In addition, his talents are good, so he should be regarded as a suitable candidate.

Sure enough, Sun Quan finally had a rare smile on his face when he heard Gu Yong mention Zhu Ju:

"The prime minister didn't say anything, but I forgot about Zifan."

As he spoke, he nodded:

"That's right, Zifan can be regarded as the successor of Lu Ziming, who has both civil and military skills, so let him be the head of the people sent to Han, and select some talented people to go."

"Your Majesty is wise."

After Sun Quan made his decision, he turned to Lu Yi:

"The school office has sent people to the Han country several times, and they are the most familiar with the Han country. You have to pay attention to these two things."

"Especially with Feng Mingwen, the school affairs office can also take this opportunity to contact him more to see if he can bring back more things."

Money is never too much.

"Of course, if you can get more horses, that would be the best."

Lv Yi hurriedly responded: "I will follow His Majesty's will."

Seeing that His Majesty even had to hand over such important national affairs to the school affairs office and let the school affairs office get involved, Gu Yong couldn't help but feel a little worried.

I just remembered that no matter whether it is the crown prince, the top general, or the important ministers in the court, they have written to His Majesty many times, bluntly speaking about the evils of the school and government, and His Majesty has never listened to them.

He was even framed by the school affairs government and almost lost his job.

Gu Yong's full of worries finally turned into an invisible sigh.

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