Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1056 Problems in the development process

At the beginning of April in Guanzhong, there are peanut trees and birds flying through the forest.

The spring scenery is pleasant, light and thick, Nanshan flowers bloom and Beishan red, Yang Zhi blows into thousands of lines, calling for couple orioles to make dawn wind.

In the depths of the flowers, there are groups of rhododendrons, flying here and there, contending endlessly, embellishing the spring very well.

"It's really a good year, beautiful scenery!"

Feng Junhou stood on a mound outside Chang'an City, looked at the busy crowd in the distance, and couldn't help sighing.

Under his feet, the Wubao built by Sima Yi's order has been pushed into a mound of earth, ready to be bulldozed by civilians at any time.

Large and small fortresses and fortresses, in winter, many refugees who had been gathered together dismantled them and used them to light fires for warmth.

When spring came, facing hundreds of thousands of mouths waiting to be fed, Feng Junhou didn't panic at all.

With the help of Secretary Zhang, coupled with the rich experience of Liangzhou's work-for-relief.

The things outside Chang'an City that were originally used to stop the Han army are being demolished one by one.

Flatten what should be flattened, and fill in what should be filled.

If the trenches are connected according to the terrain, many of them are just suitable for use as canals to divert water for irrigation, which saves the trouble of building water conservancy.

Of course, it is not just the issue of being able to eat a full meal that arouses the great enthusiasm of the folks.

Instead, every time a pre-marked construction site is cleared, a piece of arable land can be obtained on the plain north of the Weishui River.

Over the years, Sima Yi has cultivated a large number of farmland in Guanzhong.

The exact amount is still under intense measurement.

And a considerable part of these farmlands were reclaimed by Deng Ai himself, who was indeed a master of farming.

Thinking of this, Feng Junhou couldn't help feeling a little regretful: It's a pity for this person's talent.

"Grassroots personnel are seriously insufficient, and the speed of resuming production is far lower than the set target."

Secretary Zhang followed Feng Junhou with the folder, and said in a serious tone:

"We must find a way to increase more grassroots personnel as soon as possible. Otherwise, except for the area around Chang'an, other places in Guanzhong may fall into the hands of local tyrants again in a short time."

Secretary Zhang, who gave birth to a child, has a bit of a woman's charm on her body.

If it is paired with a pair of glasses, it will be a proper favorite of the big boss.

Guanzhong was the capital of the great Han Dynasty, and such things as rampant rightists are absolutely not allowed to happen.

Feng Junhou sighed:

"I understand the truth. It's only a short while. Where can I find so many people? I can't send soldiers from the east side of the river, can I?"

The east side is also extremely important.

And Tongguan.

Before Tongguan was repaired, it was impossible for his little fat brother-in-law—Feng Junhou to sneak a glance at Secretary Zhang—to leave for Chang'an.

Therefore, it is extremely important to repair Tongguan as soon as possible.

After looking at Secretary Zhang, Feng Junhou immediately turned his gaze to the south again, and murmured:

"It doesn't make sense. They said they arrived today. Why is it already past noon and I haven't seen anyone yet?"

Secretary Zhang also tiptoed to look at the south side, and said angrily:

"I don't care. Anyway, you promised me. If you don't send me another man today, I won't spare you."

Feng Junhou heard the words and quietly glanced around.

The personal guards formed a circle to keep out the idlers.

Coupled with the noise around.

Well, no one should be able to hear your whispers.

But seeing Feng's appearance was sanctimonious, but his tone was extremely wretched:

"Oh, I don't know why Xijun can't spare me?"

When Secretary Zhang heard this, her face flushed slightly. She glared at Feng Junhou, and suddenly felt her legs go weak.

It shouldn't be, when he was about to leave Liangzhou, he was obviously begging for mercy.

How come more than a year has passed, and how has the situation turned around?

How does this old thing grow flowers with dead trees, and how does an old tree bloom in spring?

"Bah! Shameless! I'm talking about business, I'm not good at repairing!"

Secretary Zhang reprimanded Feng Junhou righteously.

"Oh, it's business, here, is that here?"

Feng Junhou didn't care either, and suddenly pointed to the front and said something.

Secretary Zhang took a closer look, and he saw a faintly visible thin snake appearing on the official road to the south.

Look carefully, the front of the team is still holding the flag high.

When it got closer, there was even a faint loud shout.

Zhang Xingyi listened attentively, and after hearing it clearly, a smile appeared on his face: "Here we come!"

Singing while marching is an old tradition of the Nanxiang Department.

Military personnel, civilian husbands, students, etc., without exception.

This team that was coming in a hurry was just the senior students who had been transferred from the Royal Academy in the beginning of spring.

Guanzhong was initially settled, and a lot of waste was waiting to be done, and a lot of manpower was needed.

The students of the Royal Academy who were preparing to take the exam were all transferred to Guanzhong by Feng Junhou.

Even the tradition of going to Nanzhong for an internship every year was forced to be interrupted this year.

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, each of them wears leggings and cowhide belts around their waists.

Kettles, towels, rucksacks, etc. are all there, and it looks very capable.

Although their faces were full of exhaustion, they couldn't hide their high spirits, with yearning for the future in their eyes.

The various legends handed down by the seniors who went to Liangzhou to take the exam filled them with desire and passion.

The captain of the guard who escorted them along the way saw Feng Junhou standing on a high place early on.

Immediately, he slapped his horse's butt, kicked up a cloud of dust, rushed to the mound, and got off his horse: "See you!"

"Get up, you've worked hard. Is this journey going well?"

Feng Junhou walked down the mound and asked.

"Going back to Junhou, it's good. Except for five people who twisted their feet and seven people who fell ill, the rest can keep up."

The captain looked at Feng Junhou with reverence in his eyes:

"The son who came out of the academy knows military orders quite well, and I'm afraid that ordinary military troops can't compare with them."

Looking at the standing posture of the captain in front of him, Feng Junhou smiled and asked:

"Which battalion did you belong to?"

Ordinary people are not qualified to take on the task of escorting college students.

All are directly appointed by Dongfeng Express.

Moreover, escorts also have certain requirements, and must pass the political review.

Not only do you need to know how to organize a march, but you also need to have the force to fight against rebellious soldiers and bandits.

The retired soldiers of the Nanxiang Department are the top priority.

"Junhou, I joined the army in the seventh year of Jianxing and was selected into the Modao Camp. Later, I followed Junhou to Anding to fight the bandits. I was wounded in Xiaoguan and had to be discharged from the army."

"Where did you hurt?"

The captain grinned and raised his left hand, with five fingers, only the ring finger and little finger remained.

The rest of the palms are bare, which makes people feel a little shocking.

It was in sharp contrast with the captain's bright smile, as if this was the medal he got when he followed the prince.

Feng Junhou laughed and patted him on the shoulder:

"How is your life after returning home?"

The captain smiled:

"It's okay, Saburo in the family is quite promising, and he was recommended to enter the Royal Academy."

Then he pointed to the team behind him:

"Sanlang is right there, so I applied for an escort this time. Thanks to Junhou, I can look forward to it in the days to come!"

No wonder he laughed like he ate magpie droppings.

Feng Junhou also heaved a sigh of relief:

"It's good to have hope, I'm afraid that after everyone shed blood and sweat, they will cry again."

Others Feng Junhou can't take care of that much, but within the Xinghanhui system, he must take care of his own people.

"No, no, no!" The captain waved his hands again and again, "Everyone thinks of Junhou."

"Is there any difficulty?"

"No...uh..." The captain hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Junhou again.

Feng Junhou's heart sank.

"If you have a problem, just say it."

Although Xinghanhui is still in the stage of rapid growth, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

According to Secretary Zhang's bedside wind, Feng Junhou knew that something happened in Liangzhou this time he led the troops out.

Although it has been dealt with, the beginning and the end have not been dealt with cleanly.

One of the most important reasons is that there is no way to dig deeper - this seems to involve the corruption of Xinghanhui's internal personnel.

This kind of problem can only be dealt with by Feng Junhou himself.

Corruption is inevitable.

But if this kind of corruption has begun to affect the grassroots, it must arouse Feng Junhou's serious attention.

"Uh, Junhou, it's like this. A few years ago, didn't Junhou say that if you give birth to a child in Liangzhou, Longyou, even if you are a Hu girl, you can get the land?"

"Yes. There is such a thing."

"The villain had been away from home for a long time at that time, and couldn't bear it for a while, so he followed suit and adopted a beard girl."

The captain's face was a little red, and he said, "That Hu girl is also a good child, she gave birth to a son and a daughter within a few times."

"It's just that after returning to the hometown, the family... um... um..."

It's over!

He didn't fully explain it, and Feng Junhou also knew that this guy was finished.

The woman from Nanxiang, who manages the family well, is well-known among all the big men.

"Does the wife at home disagree?"

"Not really. After all, under the name of the villain's concubine and children, there are some acres in Liangzhou, and they can get a lot of bonuses from the meeting every year."

The captain said a bit coyly, "It's the daughter of my concubine, she is quite intelligent. My concubine often persuades the villain at night, saying that she wants her to go to a textile school in the future."

"It's just that their household registration is recorded in Liangzhou. To Nanxiang, they are considered foreigners, so it may be difficult for them to go to Nanxiang's textile school."

"According to the custom, they are all married into our family, how can they be considered foreigners? So, so the villain wants to ask Junhou about this matter..."

After Feng Junhou heard this, he laughed secretly in his heart that this guy was still a concubine.

Unexpectedly, Secretary Zhang next to him asked with a serious expression:

"Is there a lot of this kind of thing among soldiers who have retired and returned to their hometowns?"

The captain was not nervous when facing Feng Junhou, but when he saw the fairy-like person beside Feng Junhou speak, he immediately stammered nervously:

"This, this, I... villain, there are several around me."

"Back then, in order to assimilate the barbarians as soon as possible, we made great efforts to promote the custom of lieutenant soldiers marrying barbarians."

Feng Junhou opened his mouth and said, "Even if there are not many now, there will definitely be more and more in the future."

After all, the Liangzhou area in Longyou is now luxuriant in water and grass, and the land is fertile. It is not like the soil erosion after the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

As long as they are willing to marry a Hu girl, both of them can share the land in Liangzhou.

The love of the farming people for the land is absolutely fiery.

There is nothing better in the world that women can still divide the land.

Secretary Zhang nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

The serious imbalance of educational resources will lead to various problems and phenomena.

Coming out of the school in Liangzhou is definitely different from the school in Nanxiang.

Looking at the cleverness hidden in the captain's longing eyes, Feng Junhou still didn't understand his thoughts.

At the moment he smiled:

"The matter you mentioned seems simple, but it is actually of great importance. But you reminded me, so let me give you another convenience."

"In a situation like yours, I will ask Nanxiang Academy to open a special channel in the future. As long as you pay an extra copy of Shuxiu, you can let children who are not registered in Nanxiang study in Nanxiang."

Nanxiang has long implemented such things as borrowing fees for wealthy families.

It's like Xu Ci's pious old guy, who goes to pester Wei Rong every year.

If you don't get places in some colleges and even textile schools, you will definitely not give up.

These quotas are either big favors or a lot of money, and ordinary people really have no way to get them.

But this time, it is possible to expand the range of objects enjoying this policy.

After all, it was his own decision to let the soldiers marry a Hu girl, and he must wipe his ass for this matter.

But in order to avoid excessive crowding out of the resources of Nanxiang children who support me the most, there must be a threshold.

The captain was a little disappointed that he didn't get the result he wanted most, but he was happy again when he heard that Junhou was able to spare everyone a little bit:

"Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord."

Feng Junhou waved his hand, motioning for him to step back.

At the same time, he casually ordered Secretary Zhang to record this matter, and then go back and study it carefully, how to formulate policies.

"Students pay their respects to the head of the mountain."

Wei Rong, who had already arrived with the students, straightened his clothes, stepped forward, and bowed deeply.

The students following him also saluted together:

"Meet the head of the mountain!"

The voices were uneven, and Feng Junhou even heard the sound of a male duck mixed with a voice change period.

Feng Junhou laughed and said loudly:

"No need to be too polite, I have been waiting for you for a long time here! How, the scenery in Guanzhong is very different from Hanzhong?"

When many students heard Feng Junhou's words, they couldn't help but squeeze forward, with excitement in their eyes, wanting to take a closer look at this legendary figure who founded the academy with his own hands.

Only a bold student shouted loudly:

"Shan Zhang, we have come this way, and we have no intention of looking at the scenery. We just want to reach Chang'an as soon as possible, and follow Shan Zhang to make contributions!"

Feng Junhou stood on the mound again, looking at the green clothes underneath, his heart was agitated, and he gave an impromptu speech:

"No matter how great the achievement is, it needs to be down-to-earth and start from practice. Without practice, this so-called meritorious deed is just a mirage by the sea, just an illusion."

"Shan Chang, I came to Nanxiang at the beginning of the year, but I lived in a thatched cottage, and like-minded comrades worked hard to build Nanxiang bit by bit."

"If you want to make great achievements, you must also be able to sink your heart. You must not be disgusted with being humble and ambitious, otherwise you will end up with nothing, understand?"

Everyone responded in unison again: "No!"

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