Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1067 Serving the Country

Seeing Zhang Xiaosi haggling with the Patriarch of the Feng family, General Guan couldn't bear it any longer. She glanced at Zhang Xiaosi sharply:

"You can't get your position right? Or don't you know your identity? Your child's surname is not Zhang, let alone Liu, but Feng."

Zhang Xiaosi wanted to defend himself, but after glancing at Feng Junhou, he finally sighed:

"If it wasn't for my child's surname Feng, sister would think I would do such an annoying thing?"

"Now that the prime minister has passed away, no one can tell what will happen to the court."

Having said that, she took another look at General Guan.

Speaking of this matter, didn't you also come from the Prime Minister's Mansion back then?

"I said a few days ago that Alang holds a heavy army and is in charge of half the territory of the big man. How many people are watching?"

"The more you are at this time, the more you have to be cautious, if I'm not worried..."

Zhang Xiaosi didn't finish speaking, because she had said these words countless times, and she probably felt a little annoyed even herself.

Immediately, he waved his hand impatiently, as if sulking.

On the contrary, Feng Junhou, relying on his later knowledge, took advantage of it.

In a happy mood, he opened his mouth and made a muddle:

"Okay, okay, I know you are kind, and you are reminding me to pay attention to the bottom line of the royal family. Don't worry, I know it well."

As Xiaosi said, the prime minister is gone.

In the future, there will be no buffer zone between Feng Junhou and the royal family.

The little four caught between the two is the most difficult to do.

No matter which side you stand on, you will be said to have a bad ass.

But Feng Junhou can't let the royal family send another person to be the supervisor, right?

If that's the case, Feng Junhou himself is probably the one who suffers.

If it has become the standard monarch-minister relationship in history, then I can basically declare that I have started to retire.

Otherwise, you can't rebel, can you?

After decades of turmoil, the population dropped by more than half.

Now that there is another rebellion, how many children of the Han family will be left in the land of China?

Thinking about it makes me shudder.

Productivity did not meet the qualitative change standard. Even if the rebellion succeeded regardless of the population, it would still be a different person as the emperor.

It doesn't mean much.

When I really have the qualifications of the seventy-two concubines of the Sangong and Six Courtyards, I guess I will almost have my neck buried in loess.

Just looking at it can't...

It's really meaningless...

It may even drag history back into the original track, and travel through loneliness?

How can the training history of Sannomiya Sixth Court be interesting?

Don't forget the original intention, only then can we always succeed.

It is impossible to create a rebellion, but it is possible to plant the seeds.

Maybe you can sneak some water to encourage the seeds to grow.

Zhang Xiaosi, who didn't know that Feng Junhou was digging a big hole in history, only thought that his family Alang understood him.

At the moment, I just feel so relieved in my heart that I almost shed tears.

She glanced gratefully at the tall A Lang standing beside her, and felt that all her efforts were worthwhile.

It's just that Feng Junhou's next sentence made her hold back her tears.

"However, the royal family has to pay for the repair of the Zhengguo Canal. We can't just take the land and not do the work."

"Xinghan will take 30% of the land that is opened, and I don't care how the royal family and the imperial court divide the remaining 70%. How about it?"

The royal family is the royal family, and the imperial court is the imperial court, and the two cannot be confused.

Xinghan will take 30% as the bottom line, otherwise there is no benefit and you have to pay for it, who will do it?

Now Xinghan Club is no longer the club that needed to borrow royal skins.

It can not only produce things by itself, but also has its own logistics network, no need to rely on external resources.

When any association grows large, there will be various hilltops and various interests.

This also means that the time for the royal family to make money has passed, and if they want to get involved, they have to show their sincerity.

Zhang Xingyi thought for a while, then nodded:

"I can't decide this matter, but I will pass on Alang's opinion to the palace."

"Go, go over there and have a look."

After deciding on this matter, Feng Junhou planned to continue walking forward to have a look.

Although traces of the former officialdom can still be vaguely seen, the waist-high weeds really make people hesitate, fearing that a long insect will appear accidentally.

A few personal guards were sweeping around in the grass with sticks in front of them, beating the grass to scare the snakes.

Feng Junhou stopped and walked, and walked a long way along the canal.

From time to time, I would squat by the side of the ditch, not knowing what I was looking at.

After spending several days, he finally said: "It's ok."

Relying on the lack of professional knowledge left in his mind, Tumugou finally had a general idea about repairing the canal.

"Let's go, let's go back."

In five or six years, the cultivated land around Zhengguo Canal can be reclaimed, plus Liangzhou and Longyou.

The increase in grain production brought about by Dahan's existing farming technology is enough to support the whole country's army from Tongguan, Wuguan, and Taihang Mountains.

As for the grain in Shu, let it be dumped in Wu.

Superimposing Dahan's current emerging technologies and economic changes, once the national power has a snowball effect, it will grow exponentially, rather than a simple linear addition.

The scene of the Qing Dynasty being slapped and beaten by countries large and small, no one present could understand it better than Feng Junhou.

So he is going to really start the era of coal and iron.

It's just people who are in the era, but they don't know anything about it.

Not to mention others, even the people inside the Xinghan Association, when they heard that their elder brother made this decision for the Xinghan Association, they all felt a little inconceivable:

"Exchange the land in Guanzhong for the land in the north?!"

"No, brother, you can't be... cheated by someone, right?"

If it weren't for Feng Huishou's long-standing prestige, and these years, he has always led Xinghanhui to walk on the right path.

Xu Xun almost said that he was cheated by sex.

Seeing his elder brother, the old god, leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice:

"President, tell me the truth about this matter, is it..."

He said, pointing to the side of the guide.

"Is it something?"

Feng Junhou didn't open his eyes, but just asked.

It was agreed that he would only be out of the mansion for two days, but he did not expect that it would take half a month to leave.

Of course, running outside is more comfortable than staying at home.

He was exposed to the wind and the sun, and he couldn't eat well, so he ran around every day to conduct field investigations.

Although he has mastered the people's sentiments on the front line, he is exhausted enough.

But when he returned to the mansion, he still couldn't be at peace.

There are six children to deal with during the day and four wives at night.

Life is hard!

It was not easy for Feng Junhou to have a moment of peace while the child was taking a nap.

"Brother, is it in the palace?"

Xu Xun looked around and found that no one came to bother him at this time, so he asked quietly.

"Is it the meaning of the palace? You want our brothers to pay for the money and food?"

If this is the case, then the palace's appetite is too big.

It's easy to talk about anything in war.

After all, even if you start a business, you have to invest capital first, right?

Now that the battle is over, isn't it time to collect the bonus?

Why is there still a lot of bleeding?

"It does, but it doesn't count either."

Feng Junhou said lazily.

Xu Xun was a little puzzled: "Brother, what does this mean?"

Feng Junhou yawned a long time, feeling a little sleepy.

Xu Xun was a little anxious:

"Brother, when we were in Jincheng before, someone else occupied the land first, without our share, there is nothing to talk about."

"It's hard to get such an opportunity now, this is Guanzhong! But in the capital of Dahan in the future, if you exchange ten acres in the north for one here, it will be a loss!"

There are not many people in Guanzhong now, and everyone has the ability to reclaim it, and they can enclose as much land as they can, and their children and grandchildren don't have to worry about it.


Feng Junhou rubbed his eyes: "It's okay if it's just the emperor, but the queen in the harem is not a simple person."

"You don't know what Xinghan will look like now? Is there any aristocratic family in the Han Dynasty that can compare?"

The Xinghan Society has now become a powerful family. If the imperial court lets the Xinghan Society wantonly enclose land in Guanzhong, who will have the final say in Guanzhong in the future?

What is the difference between moving the capital from Shuzhong to Guanzhong?

"A few years ago, when the imperial court cracked down on powerful people, I planned a lot of things. It's not like you didn't participate in suppressing food prices."

"Don't you know the court's attitude towards the aristocratic family?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Xu Xun:

"Why did the imperial court only allow me to write the official book and not to record the official book? Is there really no other reason besides my junior qualifications?"

Talking about seniority is an excuse.

Feng Junhou has come to this position step by step from no official position, is it because of nepotism?

Of course, it was also a little bit, but it was just a little bit.

In terms of military and political achievements, how many people in the whole Han Dynasty can compare with Feng Junhou?

It's just because it's a sensitive period now, and the emperor will not allow a powerful minister to appear in the court until he fully controls the court.

What's more, the Xinghan Association created by this powerful minister has more energy than the aristocratic family.

As long as Zhang Xingcai's political IQ is above the human average, it is impossible to allow Xinghan to overinflate in Guanzhong.

Hearing what his brother said, Xu Xun couldn't help being a little bit aggrieved:

"It's just that I want to pass on more land to my descendants. As for?"

"How much do you want?" Feng Junhou glanced at Xu Xun, "How much is too much?"

"There is nothing wrong with wanting to pass on more land to the descendants, but the mistake is that Xinghan will be one."

Xu Xun let out a "tsk":

Brother said this, if there is no integrated Xinghan Association, where would everyone be today?

Seeing Xu Xun's tangled appearance, Feng Junhou smiled:

"Don't worry, all these years, when have I let everyone suffer? I exchanged the land in Guanzhong for the land in the north. I made a lot of money. I don't know if I can pass it on to three generations."

"But I know that if this matter is done well, in five years, you can earn money that three generations can't make."

Xu Xun's eyes widened again:

"Brother, don't lie to me. I have stayed there for nearly half a year anyway, and I have already asked the barbarians over there."

"That's not to say that you can't farm the land. Hu'er, the Hun, also farmed there in the past, half-breed and half-grazing, but it is far from what Guanzhong can compare."

"And they can't grow sugarcane like Nanzhong, let alone tea. No matter how you look at it, it's a terrible loss!"

Feng Junhou shook his head, stretched out a little finger, and said with a smile:

"It's small, the layout is small, how much money can I grow for farming?"

With mystery on his face:

"In the fields to the north, there are better things than food."

When Xu Xun heard it, he was immediately shocked, and he got closer, and asked a little nervously:

"Brother, brother, could it be a yellow and white thing?"

As he spoke, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


Xu Xun: "?"


"Charcoal?" Xu Xun wasn't too disappointed, he said thoughtfully, "'s not too bad."

Most of the coking coal smelted in Nanxiang was sold to the imperial court, who then used it to smelt iron.

Another part is made into briquettes, which are specially sold to the city for heating in winter.

Now even Jincheng has coal stoves produced by the workshop of Xinghanhui.

Anyone with some spare money will buy a small coal stove.

It is very convenient to burn coal for heating in winter, and to cook on weekdays.

The coal used by the imperial court is different from that used by the people, but a considerable part of the consumption is supplied by Xinghanhui.

It is definitely impossible to make a lot of money, but this is a steady flow of money.

It took a long time to make a lot of money, but in any case, it couldn't compare with wool and brown sugar.

But it was much better than selling grain to Jingzhou.

Having figured this out, Xu Xun suddenly slapped his thigh:

"Wonderful brother!"

He raised his head abruptly and looked at Feng Junhou with burning eyes.

Feng Junhou was originally listless, but he was so startled and deceitful that he almost slipped off his chair in fright.

"What are you doing?"

"Brother, be careful, be careful!"

Xu Xun quickly supported Feng Junhou, and smiled with admiration:

"It turns out that my brother had planned it long ago. What my brother said is right. It's because the younger brother's structure is small, and the structure is small."

Feng Junhou looked at him with some doubts:

How can you see things that Zhang Xiaosi can't even see? Could it be that you have hidden yourself before?

"Brother, Guanzhong is cold, much colder than Hanzhong."

Xu Xun helped Feng Junhou to sit up, and then rubbed his hands, "Not to mention the Northland, if there is no heating, then as many people can freeze to death as many people."

"Think about it, in such a cold day, how much coal do you need?"

Xu Xun became excited just thinking about it.

Whether it is transported from Jiuyuan to Guanzhong along the Qinzhi Road, or from Pingcheng to Hedong, it is very convenient!

Not to mention that Guanzhong will still be the capital of the Han Dynasty after that, it will be the center of the Han Dynasty.

The arsenal in the capital is to supply the entire Han army.

The population of the capital is the largest in the world.

How much coking coal and briquettes will be consumed by then?

No matter how flat or straight Qin Zhidao was, he might not be lucky enough!

Maybe the engineering team of Xinghan Club can have a big meal by the way...

Thinking of this, Xu Xun almost wanted to dance:

"Send it, send it, brother! Brother, you are really talented, unfathomable, and far-sighted..."

What is that place in Guanzhong?

The imperial court wants it?

give give give!

With the charcoal from Heping City in the Northland, let alone three generations, maybe even ten generations!


What nonsense?

Isn't that the labor of mining?

Seeing Xu Xun's joyous look on the verge of going crazy, Feng Junhou quietly added: "There is still iron."


Xu Xun stopped immediately.

Opening his mouth, he stared blankly at his brother.

"The best coal and iron in Dahan are all there."


Xu Xun was unsteady, and knelt down directly. He hugged Feng Junhou's thigh while rolling and crawling:

"Brother, brother, you are the real brother of our Xinghan Society, no one can kiss you better!"

Feng Junhou lowered his head, and said again slowly:

"I heard that there are silver mines on the Wolf Mountain."

"Brother, my younger brother can't repay your kindness even if he is an ox and a horse!"

The land in Guanzhong is gone, all of it is gone, Jiuyuan and Heping City are needed!

Whoever dares to prevent Xinghan from serving the country and opening up the frontiers will turn against everyone!

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