Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1068 Change

Iron is one of the most important materials in any dynasty.

There is no exception in ancient and modern China and abroad.

Why is Guan Zhong awesome?

Because he first proposed "Guan Shan Hai".

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came, he set up a salt and iron monopoly.

To put it bluntly, just two words: make money!

Especially in this day and age where iron is money!

However, if you want to dig iron ore in Dahan, there is still a hurdle, that is, you must first obtain a license from the imperial court.

And the quickest way to get a license from the imperial court is...

Xu Xun looked up at his elder brother, got up, leaned forward, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, does fourth sister-in-law know about this?"

Feng Junhou glanced at him sideways and asked:

"What is the fourth sister-in-law? Who is the fourth sister-in-law?"

"That's right, it's Mrs. Zhang Si!" Xu Xun gestured, and then pointed to the side of the guide.

Feng Junhou continued to squint: "Do you think I should let her know?"

Smelly shameless!

Just now, what was said inside and outside the box, did you want to say that Zhang Xiaosi was acting as a hindrance, and bewitched the leader so that Xing Hanhui would pay for it?

Now you finally remember that she is your fourth sister-in-law?

Xu Xun didn't feel ashamed at all, and even said confidently:

Fourth sister-in-law even gave birth to a child for you, you still don't want to admit it? Is it possible that you want to be that unlucky person?

If you don't want to admit it, you have to ask the brothers in the club if they agree?

It's just that the fourth sister-in-law knows, so the royal family also knows?

If the royal family knows about it, it means that the imperial court knows about it.

Xu Xun began to struggle again.

Looking at his hopeless appearance, Feng Junhou said with some contempt:

"Don't worry, I've already negotiated with your fourth sister-in-law, let her fight for three or five places in the iron smelting workshop for the Xinghan Association in the palace."

"Either they are in Jiuyuan or Pingcheng. For the sake of Xinghanhui's service to the country for so many years, there is probably no problem."

Xu Xun was shocked when he heard this:

"Three or five?!"

He thought it would be nice to have one or two, but he didn't expect his brother's appetite to be much bigger than he imagined.

"That's a frontier, and it's not in Guanzhong." Feng Junhou snorted twice, "The court hopes that Xinghan will invest more money and food there."

In the core area of ​​Guanzhong, even multiple circles are not enough.

But in borderlands, especially where Hans and Hus live together, that is a completely different matter.

From the Spring and Autumn Period to the present, no matter which dynasty or generation, various forms of immigration have never stopped.

China before the "Great Sending" has always had a very strong sense of expanding its territory.

Not to mention the great unified dynasty like the Han Dynasty.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty alone did not know how many thousands of people were stuffed into the border counties.

Of course, in the past, it would have been impossible to build an iron smelting workshop there.

After all, it is close to the Hu land, where Han and Hu live together. If you really want to smelt iron in the border area, the iron can easily flow into the hands of the Hu people.

In the former Han Dynasty, the imperial court even had strict requirements on the height and size of the horses that went out on weekdays, let alone ironware.

But now it is very different.


What nonsense?

Isn't that labor?

I heard that someone in the imperial court has reported that Xinghan will violate the policy of the prime minister.

It was agreed that Chinese and barbarians should be integrated, but the Xinghan Society has been doing black-hearted business of buying and selling labor every year...

Fortunately, the emperor was wise and did not listen to those pedantic words.

Otherwise, do you think that the royal sugarcane garden in Nanzhong, the horse farm in Longyou, and the workshop in Liangzhou all produce things out of thin air?

Since King Feng Gui wove wool from wool, the big man's desire for pastures has become stronger and stronger.

It is impossible for a big man to give up such a good ranch in Jiuyuan Heping City-without a ranch, where would the horses come from?

Where did you get the wool?

Not only can we not give up, but we also need to strengthen management, so it is imperative to strengthen the frontier reclamation.

Even in the period of great unification, transporting supplies from Guanzhong to Jiuyuan was a heavy burden.

Not to mention that the world is not yet unified.

Therefore, if you want the horse to run fast, you must feed not only forage, but also refined grain.

Since we want Xinghanhui to make great efforts to reclaim the frontier land, the imperial court can't give us any supplies, so we can always give some preferential policies, right?

Not to mention, like the former Han Dynasty, the state subsidized food for several years or something.

Even if we want to do it ourselves and be self-reliant, at least we have to give a few places in the iron smelting workshop.

The ironware smelted in these workshops can be used to make farm tools.

A big iron lump like a eight ox plow is not something that ordinary people can afford.

But it is most suitable to be used in a vast world like the border.

As long as the eight-ox plow is used, within a few years, the frontier will be able to have enough food and clothing, and even provide food and grass for the garrison.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to achieve multiple results in one fell swoop?

Although Xu Xun knew in advance that there were iron mines over there, he was still taken aback when he heard Feng Junhou's words.

This statement... sounds very reasonable!

If it were me, I also hope that Xinghanhui can do a big job in the border area.

Anyway, as long as a few workshops are allowed, not only can the border be peaceful, but also a vast pasture can be obtained, and at the same time, it can also reduce the supply burden of the central government to the frontier army.

Such a good thing, a fool would not do it.

The governor of Jiuyuan Governor's Mansion appointed Huo Yi, and the provincial governor appointed Deng Zhi.

One is a person who came out of the imperial palace, and the other is a veteran of the two dynasties who followed the late emperor. They are all loyal and reliable people.

With them around, there wouldn't be any major problems in these two places.

Xu Xun figured this out, and said sincerely:

"Brother, it's really a coincidence... Cough cough, it really is a thorough insight, hits the point, has a long-term layout, and has far-sighted plans."

As the elder brother said, how much contribution has the Xinghan Club made for the big man over the years?

Coupled with the development of the frontier this time, it can be regarded as a relief for the country.

After these remarks were reported to the court, Mrs. Zhang Sisao interceded with the palace.

Unless the imperial court wanted to abolish martial arts and deliberately targeted Xinghanhui, otherwise, they would basically agree to this request of Xinghanhui.

But Xu Xun still has a doubt in his heart:

"If our iron smelting workshop is only used to make farm tools, will the court believe it?"

Feng Junhou chuckled: "The main thing is to make farm tools, but there will definitely be other things to be made. The court also knows that there is no need to make people suspicious."

There is a saying in later generations: the location of the world's third steel production is called Tangshan - which does not include its concealed production.

For the group of local turtles in the Han Dynasty, even if they sent people in to check the accounts, Feng Junhou was sure that they would not be able to find out what was wrong.

Know where the world's most proficient math students come from?

Do you know who their mountain leader is?

"Can you build something else?"

Xu Xun was even more confused when he heard this.

What exactly did my brother tell Hanzhong?

Why did the imperial court allow Xinghan Society to have such great power in the border areas?

"Building farm tools, repairing farm tools, and building coal stoves for local herdsmen. We definitely can't make military standard weapons, but we can still make some arrow clusters."

The Han people can't help bows and arrows, so naturally they can't help arrow feathers.

With the relationship of the Xinghan Association, to build arrow feathers for the local garrison, as long as they want to find a way, they will definitely find it.

After all, the cost of building in Guanzhong and transporting to border areas by the imperial court must be much higher than that of building locally.

If the workshop of the Xinghan Society can reduce the cost to be lower than that of the imperial court, then the business will be considered stable.

Parts outsourcing is nothing new.

Even in later generations, there is no reason to say that everything is borne by state-owned enterprises and central enterprises.

"These things, these things, which one should not use iron? No matter how much money the court has, there is absolutely no reason to waste it on these odds and ends."

At any rate, he is a figure at the level of a big boss, and this matter does not affect the overall situation of the frontier army. Feng Junhou thinks that he is still capable of pushing this decision forward.

Besides, is it true that the imperial court has endless money to spend?

At the critical moment of revitalizing the Han Dynasty, since I don't want to give up the frontier, but I don't want to spend more money.

Still the same sentence, the imperial court does not have enough materials to support the reclamation of the border areas, so the preferential policies must be given?

Otherwise, who will give you free work?

Asking the local government to provide some arrow feathers to the frontier army would save a lot of money.

So who is going to do the outsourcing work?

The Xinghan Club, which is willing to cultivate in the frontier, is naturally the best choice.

If you can't even trust the Xinghan Society, who else can you trust?

Do you believe those aristocratic families?

Pro-son and bastard, the court still doesn't know which one to choose?

Besides, the frontier is so chaotic, it's normal to make some weapons with a latte.

As long as it's not forging prohibited weapons.

It cannot be said that weapons cannot be banned in the interior, but border areas should be banned, right?

Isn't that letting the people in the frontier be slaughtered?

This has never been something that a big man who still has a martial spirit will do.

Xu Xun is not yet qualified to participate in the formulation of the national policy of the Han Dynasty.

He was worried about how to get the iron smelting license from the imperial court.

Now that he heard these words from Feng Junhou's mouth that might become a court discussion, he suddenly came to his senses.

At the same time, I secretly said ashamed in my heart.

The elder brother has already considered the issue from the height of the national policy of the Han Dynasty, but I am still only thinking about how to make a living, ashamed and ashamed!

With what his brother said, Xu Xun couldn't help but feel confident:

"Brother, what should we do next? Should we inform everyone first?"

Feng Junhou smiled, lay back in the chair again, and said slowly:

"Don't worry, don't talk about this matter, I'll wait for Erlang's news."

The Erlang in Feng Junhou's mouth is naturally his most loyal younger brother Zhao Erlang.

At the same time, he is also the second-ranked member of the Xinghan Association. This "two" character can be said to be terribly handled by this person.

"Zhao Erlang? He's not in Hanzhong..."

General Zhao passed away half a year ago. At this time, Zhao Erlang has not returned to Guanzhong, which shows that he is most likely observing his filial piety.

"The current national crisis, General Zhao is dedicated to serving the country, how can it be possible for people to keep their filial piety for too long?"

Feng Junhou sighed first, then said:

"Erlang sent someone to send a letter a month ago, saying that he was going to return to the army, but I asked him to go to Liangzhou first."


"Yes, Liangzhou."

Feng Junhou nodded:

"Last year, we led the army to fight the Wei thieves at the front, and someone made something happen in Liangzhou."

Hearing Feng Junhou's calm tone, Xu Xun's heart suddenly jumped half a beat for no reason.

Feng Junhou sighed:

"This battle has been fought for too long, and you and Honglang (that is, Liu Liang) have also left. In Liangzhou, there are not enough people in charge of the meeting."

"So the people below did something out of the ordinary."

Xu Xun swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Elder brother is now inseparable from staying in Guanzhong, Zhao Erlang, as the number two person in the meeting, went to Liangzhou to handle this matter in person.

It is conceivable that the so-called "some outrageous things" are by no means simple.

Xu Xun didn't ask any more questions, but nodded:

"Little brother understands, everything is under the arrangement of brother."

He paused and asked again:

"My little brother will escort the supplies to Jiuyuan in a few days, I wonder if my brother has any orders?"

"Orders are not counted. I told you in advance about the iron ore and iron smelting workshop, just to let you go back and make some preparations."

Feng Junhou sat up straight, with a smile on his face again:

"After returning to Jiuyuan, when Huo Shaoxian (that is, Huo Yi) goes to Jiuyuan to serve as the governor, don't make things difficult for others, and hand over what should be handed over."

"Of course, he may also let you serve in the Governor's Mansion. Chang Shi or the Guards of the Governor's Mansion probably won't be able to escape."

"When the time comes, look at your own wishes and stay if you want to stay. If you want to go back to the customs, you can come back."

When Xu Xun heard this, he was overjoyed and said:

"When a man is making great achievements, what's the benefit of returning to Guanzhong?"

Although he was a staff officer of the Liangzhou Army in the past, how many staff officers did the Liangzhou Army have?

Now that he has become a long history or the guard of the Dudu's Mansion, he has officially entered the ranks of the local governors of the Han Dynasty.

If he is transferred to another place in the future, he is already qualified to compete for the position of sheriff.

If there are people in the court, the position of prefect is basically stable.

People in the court...

Xu Xun looked at Feng Junhou, the corner of his mouth was about to reach his ear:

Just relying on the elder brother's right to write books, how many people in the court can be older than him?

If you are not transferred to another place but transferred back to the court, you will not be able to enter the hall when you go to court.

But at least you can stand on the corridor instead of standing under the wind and sun.

Feng Junhou yawned.

Xu Xun understands:

"Brother, you rest first, and the younger brother will leave."

Seeing Feng Junhou nodding, Xu Xun happily retreated.

Compared to Xu Xun who was overjoyed, Zhao Guang who was far away in Liangzhou had a gloomy face.

There were a few scars on his face, although they didn't affect his handsome face, they added a bit of masculinity to him.

But when his face was gloomy, these scars seemed to become hideous.

"Lang Jun, Lang Jun, please spare me! The villain was fooled by lard for a while, that's why I agreed to them. It really wasn't on purpose..."

The person kneeling below was a man who also had scars on his face.

However, this man's scar is much deeper, and the new flesh that has been turned up is in stark contrast to the old flesh, which looks a little scary.

At this moment, this seemingly iron-clad man had tears streaming down his face, with remorse on his face.

Behind him, there are many people, some of them have been limp on the ground, and their bodies are shaking like chaff.

On both sides of these people are two rows of veterans standing with swords.

The middle and high-level members of the Liangzhou Xinghanhui branch were basically present.

Zhao Erlang stared at the man below, and after a long time, he said:

"My brother told me before that some of us are not afraid of swords and arrows made of fine iron, but they may fall under sugar-coated swords and arrows."

"I couldn't figure out what these words meant at first, but now that I see you like this, I finally understand my brother's good intentions."

"Captain You, in the battle at Xiaoguan back then, you retreated to cover your comrades, with seven arrows in your body, all of them were on your chest, none of them were behind your back, but you never took half a step back."

"I remember the knife on your face very clearly. It was stabbed across the face by a thief with a halberd."

Having said that, Zhao Guang stood up, kicked him bitterly, and kicked him off the ground:

"Because of your achievements in the past, a fat position was specially arranged for you in the meeting. You can get a bonus in a year that others may not get in ten years."

"For your mother, is your family short of food or clothing?"

Zhao Guangyue said more and more excitedly, "If you don't have you, just tell me, which brother in the meeting will bleed and cry?"

"It's only been a few years? Only a few years! You've become like this!"

"Do you know how difficult it is for you to make your brother do it this time? Do you know how much the imperial court has thought about the meeting because of this?"

Captain You curled up on the ground, not knowing whether it was the pain or not daring to move.

Just shed tears and murmured and repeated:

"I'm sorry Junhou, I'm sorry everyone..."

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