Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1069 Ruthless

Regardless of whether Zhang Xiaosi really cares about the prince, or wants to take care of both the royal family and the Feng family, she is not wrong about one thing:

When the prime minister is gone, the big man will change, and everything will start to be different from before.

When the prime minister is here, everything is under the prime minister's control.

The prime minister is gone, no one can become the second prime minister, and no one dares to say that he can control everything about the big man.

Without that ability and prestige, so I can only use some other means to control it.

It can be said that this state of court after the death of the prime minister is normal.

On the other hand, when the prime minister was there, the monarch and his ministers were all twisted into one rope, defenseless against each other, and they turned all their strength outwards, which is abnormal.

"Brother fought thousands of miles in the battle of Guanzhong, and made great contributions. In the end, he couldn't even be named a township lord."

Wei Yan only got the "A First Three Thousand", and he was able to be named the Marquis of Wugong County, and he was also moved to be the Great General of Zhendong.

Which one is not above the elder brother?

When Zhao Guang thought about this, he couldn't help being wronged for his brother.

He gritted his teeth and said:

"Knowing that for your own selfishness, how much credit will be ruined by Xinghan? How many people's hard work and sweat will be in vain?"

Since the establishment of the Xinghanhui, it has always been the biggest thug of the imperial court.

Either passively or actively digging out the roots of aristocratic families, they have participated in the attack on old-style aristocratic families many times.

The Xinghan Society is incompatible with the old-style aristocratic families—unless there are exceptions allowed by the imperial court.

This is the biggest bottom line of Xinghan Club.

Otherwise, no high-ranking person would be able to sleep peacefully after seeing a behemoth like the Xinghan Society united with an aristocratic family.

These people in front of them are so bold that they dare to use their own channels to sell private goods to Liangzhou Haoqiang.

Help others deliver goods to grassland tribes in private.

If it wasn't for the fourth sister-in-law who was handling this matter, someone with a heart would have taken advantage of it, not to mention the elder brother, but the entire Xinghan Association would have been passive.

"I'm sorry for the prince, I'm sorry for the leaders of the meeting..."

Captain You could only continue to repent with tears.

Zhao Guang originally wanted to kick a few more times, but seeing his appearance, he finally closed his eyes and let out a long sigh:

"Your credit was rewarded by Junhou himself. How much Junhou thought of you back then, and now it hurts so much..."

Captain You was just crying at first, but when he heard this sentence, he thought about Junhou counting his wounds in the wounded barracks and asking about his appearance with concern.

Finally couldn't help crying loudly.

Everyone present was silent.


Zhao Guang threw down a dagger, his eyes were a little red, but his words were cold and heartless:

"It's too late to cry now, cut yourself off."

"Don't worry, your wife and children will not be deported, but all the benefits they are currently enjoying will be cancelled."

"They can start all over again later."

Under Feng Junhou's command, how many people's hearts were gathered by the sentence "Let future generations not suffer from the suffering of war"?

What these people are doing in front of them, apart from their own greed for enjoyment, may not have the meaning of accumulating wealth for their children and grandchildren.

What Zhao Guang is doing now is not only making them unable to enjoy themselves, but even cruelly cutting off their last thoughts.

Do you want one person to pay the price, and your children and grandchildren to enjoy the blessings?

Go dreaming!

Captain You prostrated himself at Zhao Guang's feet, crying and saying:

"General Zhao, the villain knows that in this life, he will never see the prince again. I just hope that General Zhao can tell the prince for the villain. In the next life, the villain still wants to fight for him!"

I remembered that before I followed the prince, my parents died in the war, and four of my six brothers and sisters starved to death on the way to escape.

As long as the wife and children are not expelled, at least they will not starve to death, and there will be opportunities in the future.

With the foundation laid before, as long as they work hard, the starting point is still higher than others.

"Don't worry, I'll bring it for you."

Captain You got Zhao Guang's guarantee, so he let out a wry smile, grabbed the dagger with his backhand, and stabbed himself in the heart without hesitation.

Watching Captain You fall softly, someone finally collapsed.

"I don't accept it! I want to see Junhou. I have made contributions to the big man. Junhou once said that even if I die, he will support my family..."

He waved his hands like crazy.

Zhao Guang didn't bother to look at him, but glanced at the old pawn next to him.

Two old soldiers suddenly jumped up and held him down from behind.

While doing these actions, one person also pulled out the ring head knife from his waist.

Accurately pierced his fatal spot from behind.

It was done in one go, without any sloppiness.

It can be seen that it has been prepared for a long time.

That person did not expect that Zhao Guang would come to settle accounts with them with such a heart this time.

His eyes widened, and his eyes were still full of disbelief before he died.

In the end, the throat can only make a few "ho ho" sounds.

The white knife goes in, the red knife goes out.

He only felt that the strength in his whole body was suddenly drained, and his consciousness gradually became blurred...

Blood flowed from the corpse's wound, staining the floor red.

Most of the people present were climbed out of the pile of dead people. This small scene is just a trivial matter to everyone.

There were only a few young people with slightly immature faces. Seeing all this, they felt a sudden twitch in their stomachs.

They shrank subconsciously, not daring to make any sound.

Zhao Guang sat back on his seat expressionlessly, lowered his eyes, and said lightly:

"Daggers and poisons are available here. You can choose the one yourself. If you can't do it yourself, you can just say it and someone will help you."

In the end, I have experienced life and death before the battle. Some people saw that they could not escape, so they summoned up their courage:

"Ask the general to give you a dagger."


Someone threw a dagger at him.

The man picked up the dagger, and smiled as sadly as Captain You did before he died:

"The villain dare not blame the general, let alone the prince, but only blame the villain himself. The greed is too much, which leads to today's disaster."

Then, he gritted his teeth and said:

"The ones that the villain hates more are those who are bewitched. The villain only found out today that those people are simply uneasy and kind."

"After the death of the villain, if those people can also get what they deserve, I hope the brothers present can let me know that I will die underground without complaint for the sake of my fellow comrades in the past!"

Zhao Guang finally raised his eyelids, glanced at him, and said calmly:

"Don't worry, they will go underground to find you soon. Under the yellow soil, if you have grievances, you will have revenge."

"In that case, thank you General!"

The man wiped his neck and fell to the ground.

"Ask the general to give you a dagger!"

"Ask the general to give you a dagger!"

"I didn't die under the sword of thieves before, how can I be willing to die under my own sword now? Please give me a share of poison. Before I die, I can taste what the poison tastes like."


"Crazy, all crazy, all crazy..."

Someone yelled while taking advantage of the chaos, and suddenly turned around and wanted to run outside.


A heavy arrow followed like a shadow, piercing through the back of his heart.

Zhao Guang, who was sitting on the seat, put down the bow and arrow in his hand indifferently.

The few people who had been dawdling before saw this situation, their faces were ashen, and they completely lost their minds.


The few students who came to Liangzhou for an internship from the school at this time, smelled the faint smell of blood, finally couldn't bear it anymore, covered their mouths and vomited on the spot.

Zhao Guang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he was enjoying the bloody smell and calming down his emotions.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"Open the door."

The closed hall door creaked open.

Cross an archway of about ten steps, and open another door.

Everyone who was waiting in the outer hall all looked over.

"The general has finished his affairs, please come in."

The guard stood solemnly and said to the people in the outer hall.

In the outer hall, there is Dong Yun sent by the imperial court, Huang Tong, the servant sent by the palace, and Liao Hua, who is temporarily in charge of the governor of Liangzhou.

Liao Hua has experience in leading the army and is also the most sensitive to the smell of blood.

His nose moved, his eyeballs shrank suddenly, and he looked towards the inner hall vigilantly.

Seeing Dong Yun who took the lead, he opened his mouth, wanting to remind him.

But seeing that Dong Yun had crossed half of the archway impatiently, Liao Hua finally closed his mouth.

Sure enough, Dong Yun, who was the first to enter the inner hall, suddenly exclaimed:

"what happened?"

"Oh, nothing."

Zhao Guang got up to greet them, with a calm face, he replied:

"Just now I was dealing with the internal affairs of the Xinghan Association. These people made mistakes. After being reprimanded, they felt guilty and shameless, so they committed suicide."

After a rough count, there were at least a dozen corpses.

If you want to say that those dead people who still held daggers in their hands committed suicide, that's normal.

But you said the guy with the arrow feathers stuck in his back committed suicide?

How did he kill himself?

Take the arrow feather and insert it into your own back?

And those few, why did the knife pass through the back?

Are members of Xinghanhui so special even when they commit suicide?

Looking at Zhao Guang, who was calm as if nothing happened, and then at the members of Xinghanhui who bowed their heads in silence.

Not to mention Dong Yun and Huang Tong, even Liao Hua couldn't help feeling a little frightened: How ruthless!

This Zhao Erlang is indeed a person who has followed Xiaowenhe for so many years.

This matter was done ruthlessly and absolutely!

After all, Liao Hua spent a lot of time in Liangzhou, and his relationship with the Guan family was unusual.

Dong Yun and Huang Tong gestured with their eyes, let him speak out first.

Liao Hua had no choice but to bite the bullet, stepped over the messy corpses, walked to Zhao Guang, and persuaded in a low voice:

"Nephew, there is no need for this matter!"

"Before the few of us came, we had passed our breath. This time around, at most, we will let the chief villain subdue the law. As for the others, they have made meritorious deeds before the battle."

"Small punishments and big punishments are fine, why did you take such a heavy hand without discussing it with us before?"

Zhao Guang smiled, shook his head and said:

"Uncle Liao, as I said, these people did something wrong and were ashamed to see others, so they committed suicide."

As he spoke, he let out a long sigh, with a look of pity on his face:

"Hey, who said that the Xinghan Society puts loyalty first? This character, the people who came out of the Xinghan Society, who doesn't regard it as life? Without righteousness, what's the point of living?"

Liao Hua didn't think much of this.

But Dong Yun already wanted to have a relationship with Zhao Erlang's mother in his heart.

Am I pretty?


It would be fine if this matter was instructed by Feng Guiwang.

If it's just that Zhao Erlang in front of him made his own decisions, he might be remembered by a certain ghost king by then.

Liao Yuanjian (i.e. Liao Hua) has a very close relationship with the Guan family, plus he has worked with King Feng Gui for so long, I heard that King Feng Gui would call him uncle.

No matter what happened to Feng Guiwang, he would look at Tiger Girl's face and would not embarrass him.

Huang's servant has gone back, as long as he stays in the deep palace, who can do anything to him except the emperor?

The most suffering is myself.

I am at Shangshutai, and Feng Guiwang is still working on Shangshu!

Intimidating people inside the Xinghan Society to commit suicide, what a powerful official!

The more Dong Yun thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't do without talking:

"Yes, yes! General Zhao, there is no need to do this!"

"We are here this time, just to see the workshops in Liangzhou for the court and the emperor, as well as the situation of the soldiers and civilians at the border."

"After all, Junhou has been in Buliangzhou for a long time, leading the army to fight against the bandits in Guanzhong, and the people under him are out of control. It is normal for some people to feel uneasy occasionally."

"It's enough to warn you. It's too impulsive to cause a life like this, too impulsive..."

He swore that whether it was the court or the palace, he wanted to warn Xinghanhui not to cross the line.

The most, the most, is to punish, to show beating.

Xinghan Society only needs to hand over the culprit and punish them, and the matter will be over.

After all, who didn't notice what the Xinghan Society has done for the court over the years?

If you make a mistake, you just need to change it.

There's no need to be so extreme, no need, really no need.

But obviously, the Xinghan Society reacted strongly, far exceeding the expectations of the court and the palace.

Zhao Guang lowered his eyes and said quietly:

"The state owns the state law, and there will be rules and regulations. The Xinghan Association is based on loyalty, and no one can cross this bottom line."

"These people made no small mistakes. In order not to hurt their family members, they could only kill themselves to save face."

Scholars die for their confidants, which is really not just talking in the big man.

That's really workable.

It was suicide for Zhao Guang to bite these people to death. Unless he wanted to become the life and death enemy of the Xinghan Society, outsiders basically just listened to it and believed it.

And what Zhao Guang did was more than that.

I saw him clapping his hands.

So someone came in carrying several large boxes from outside the door, and they lined up beside the door.

"General Zhao, this is..."

"This is all the records of Xinghan Club's property accumulated in Dunozawa over the years."

Looking at those boxes, Zhao Guang sighed, "In order to make up for this mistake, the Xinghan Association decided to hand over all the properties of Du Nozawa to the state."

These boxes represent the countless money and food that Xinghan will invest in these years, as well as the countless benefits in the future.

Just sending it out like this, even Zhao Guang, who married a former rich woman in Hanzhong, felt a burst of heartache.

No way, my brother said:

Since the place where the mistake was made was Tonozawa, then we should just break up with it.

It also prevents someone from using Tonozawa as an excuse to turn over old scores in the future.

Xinghanhui is no longer the small society it used to be.

The elder brother has almost touched the top of the power of the big man.

Coupled with today's sensitive moment, you must not leave any handles for others.

If the elder brother falls, the Xinghan Society will be torn apart without the need for others to jump up and bite.

And those guys who are more greedy than the evil wolf will never give up until they devour Xing Hanhui.

Although the current practice may easily make people feel that Xinghan is a little too weak, and he even spits out the meat in his stomach after being frightened.

But there are also people who think that it is ruthless that Xinghan will do the truth.

The king of Yue let three hundred soldiers commit suicide in front of the battle, which directly scared the courage of the enemy soldiers.

Right now, Dong Yun and the others looked at the corpse in front of them, and then at the row of large boxes by the door.

Faced with such a huge concession from the Xinghan Association, instead of feeling a little bit of joy, several people felt a little bit of chill in their hearts.

What did Xinghanhui, or rather, King Feng Gui think?

So loyal? !

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