Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1070 Jedi Counterattack

Dong Yun and Liao Hua really couldn't figure out why Xinghanhui was so cruel to their own people.

But Huang Tong, the servant who came out of the palace, looked at the corpses, and then at the row of large boxes at the door.

His eyes flickered, as if he had thought of something, his eyes towards Zhao Guang became a little subtle.

The way Xinghan will deal with these people, in the eyes of some people, may be a bit rough.

There are even suspicions that the rules of the society precede the laws of the country.

The princes of the imperial court may think so.

But... the Son of Heaven may not see it that way.

This is a matter of free will.

Because of Xinghanhui, it is possible to express loyalty to the emperor in this way.

This shows what?

In the eyes of the Xinghanhui, is the emperor greater than the imperial court?

Thinking of this, Huang Tong's eyes lit up slightly.

He who has been by the empress's side all the time, he can naturally guess the psychology of the empress—the empress is the empress.

Thinking of this, Huang Tong couldn't help sighing in his heart:

Sure enough, Feng Junhou would never disappoint the trust of the emperor!

Even if the princes of the imperial court had a deadly feud with Feng Junhou, it would not be a big deal if they insisted on sticking to the laws of the country and the rules of the meeting.

At this sensitive moment, if you show your loyalty to the emperor, even if you suffer a temporary loss, you will definitely gain a lot in the future.

As for those who prevented Xinghan from expressing his loyalty to the emperor, it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

Unless there is another prime minister in the court.

But is it possible?

Besides, the person who did this was Zhao Erlang again.

If someone really wants to insist on it, so what if Zhao Erlang takes all the responsibility?

As long as Feng Junhou doesn't fall, what can happen to him?

Lost the general again?

Another penalty for salary?

Who said this matter was done rough?

This is really well done!

Huang Tong was on the verge of admiring.

Zhao Guang didn't care about what Huang Tong was thinking.

Because he himself didn't understand what his elder brother wanted him to do when he ordered him to do these things.

After laying out the box, he took out another note and said:

"Masters, this is a member of the meeting. Before committing suicide, he gave a list of all the people involved in this matter."

In fact, when Zhang Xiaosi was dealing with this matter in the early stage, he also had a similar list.

But the list that Zhao Guang took out was obviously much longer than the list that Zhang Xiaosi handed over to Liao Hua and Dong Yun.

This time, it was Dong Yun's turn that didn't feel anything, but Liao Hua couldn't help hissing softly.

Seeing this, Dong Yun asked in a strange voice:

"Inspector Liao, what's the matter?"

Xinghanhui, this is obviously going to make things bigger!

"The people on the list are involved in many... Liangzhou clans."

Liao Hua smiled wryly and explained to Dong Yun.

Dong Yun let out an "oh" and subconsciously looked at Zhao Guang.

Is the Xinghan Society planning to avenge themselves?

But after thinking about it, the Xinghan Society has always been the court's thugs against the aristocratic families.

It's their job to do this.

Realizing this, and looking at the corpses all over the floor, Dong Yun was startled, his face changed drastically!

Because he suddenly understood why these people must die.

All the people involved in this incident in Xinghanhui are dead, and the aristocratic families involved in this incident want to get away if they are not dead?

Ghost King Feng... was premeditated!

He is planning to exchange the lives of dozens of people from the Xinghan Society in exchange for the opportunity to attack the nobles in Liangzhou!

In other words, he simply took advantage of the situation.

In this way, the imperial court can further strengthen its control over Liangzhou, making up for the lack of suppression of Liangzhou's nobles after King Feng Gui left Liangzhou.

Even this approach can make the emperor feel good:

Where can I find such a capable courtier and such a loyal Xinghanhui?

This matter was supposed to be detrimental to Feng Guiwang and Xing Hanhui, but he did not expect that Shengsheng could turn the situation around and fight back.

Sure enough, is he worthy of the foresight and foresight of Feng Guiwang?

(Zhang Xiaosi, standing behind Feng Guiwang, smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame.)

Dong Yun, who had some scruples in his heart, has now become deeply afraid of King Feng Gui.

At this time, Dong Yun finally fully understood why the imperial court and the palace sent people to Liangzhou together.

Inspection and inspection, since you are here to inspect Liangzhou on behalf of the imperial court and the royal family, if you find a problem, do you want to deal with it?

I see!

I see!

Originally, he was thinking that the three of them came together to deal with the matter of the Xinghan Association, whether it was too motivating to mobilize the crowd.

into his mother's!

It turned out that this was a shocking case at all!

Now what Dong Yun is thinking about is whether his small body can handle this matter?

Where are the aristocratic families and powerful families not united?

I participated in this matter, maybe no one dared to say anything at the time, but if I didn't keep it behind, I was worried about it.

Guiwang Feng is far-sighted, and there are Xinghanhui and the royal family behind him, of course he is not afraid.

And what about myself?

Just a little waiter.

Dong Yun licked his chapped lips, and he felt that his inner lining was already wet.

Ghost King Feng... It really is nothing to do with his mother!

He gritted his teeth secretly again, and squinted at Huang Tong.

This eunuch knows everything, but doesn't say anything!

Huang Tong glanced at Dong Yun inexplicably.

Our family didn't do anything, how could we offend you?

"This matter, if you don't handle it well, I'm afraid it will cause turmoil in Liangzhou."

Dong Yun said in a shy voice, looking at Liao Hua.

Feng Junhou took the Liangzhou army away, and the army staying in Liangzhou didn't know if it was enough to suppress it?

If Governor Feng is still in office, Dong Yun will definitely not have any scruples.

The name alone, Feng Cishi is enough to calm down most people in Liangzhou—whether they are Hu people or Han people.

But Governor Feng is not here...

Liao Hua frowned.

Seeing his expression, Dong Yun felt a "thump" in his heart.

Liao Hua turned his gaze to Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang grinned:

"Three thousand armored cavalry troops have already passed Longyou and will soon reach Liangzhou."

For a whole month, how could my brother let me come to Liangzhou alone without preparing anything?

Liao Hua and the others looked at each other face to face.


No wonder!

King Feng Gui sent Zhao Sanqian back with deep meaning.

Dong Yun was determined.

Then he glared at Huang Tong again, the emperor must have given orders to King Feng Gui, otherwise how would he dare to mobilize the strongest cavalry army back to Liangzhou?

You didn't mention a word to me!

If Huang Tong knew Dong Yun's thoughts at this time, he would probably shout out his injustice:

What did the emperor and the empress tell Feng Junhou? How could they tell me a house slave?

Besides, you are a servant, and you have no other authority, and you still want to know the specific mobilization situation of a certain battalion of the army ahead?

Do you think you are the prime minister?

Liao Hua, on the other hand, was a little emotional.

He is only temporarily in charge of Liangzhou's governor, and many things in Liangzhou have not yet been settled.

Inspector Feng, he wants to give himself a clean Liangzhou before leaving office!

Liao Hua's lips moved, but in the end he just glanced at Zhao Guang gratefully.

It's better to thank you face to face for things like this to show your sincerity.

"If there are armored cavalry, there is no need to worry too much about this matter."

Liao Hua pondered for a moment, and finally agreed to this matter.

If he doesn't even dare to accept this matter, then he probably won't be able to get rid of his temporary title.

Even being able to have a long history is considered a benevolent emperor.

"It's just that there are many involved in this matter. If we really want to arrest all these people, how to deal with it is a difficult problem."

Liangzhou is already a frontier state.

Even if they were exiled to Bianjun, but in the current Bianjun, it is hard to say whether these people will suffer or enjoy happiness if they are put there.

Moreover, the number of people is a bit too much...

"Don't worry about that. The Xinghan Society has a mine in Liangzhou, which is specially used for refining sulfur."

"Speaking of which, this mine has something to do with the Liangzhou Army. If the Governor's Mansion has no place to detain them, Uncle Liao can put them there to serve hard labor to atone for their crimes."

Zhao Guang's handsome face is full of bright smiles:

"Let's follow the market in Nanxiang. Each criminal pays the governor's mansion a labor fee every year. We will give them a few years if they are sentenced. It is better than locking them up all the time."

Nanxiang and Yuejuan were the experimental areas specially set aside by the prime minister.

Now the governance of many places in Dahan has absorbed the experience of Nanxiang and Yuejuan, and at most it has improved according to the actual local conditions.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for prisoners to serve hard labor to redeem their sins.

At least on the surface, it is more tolerant than exile or corporal punishment.

As for where to serve hard labor, isn't that just a matter of the government?

But is the name of Nanxiang's group of ghosts dancing in vain?

I heard that the mines in Nanxiang are haunted by evil spirits.

There is no one who is strong and strong man made of iron will not be sucked out of his essence. After three years, when he comes out, his skinny and bones can be blown down by a gust of wind.

The ranger who murdered without blinking an eye, after coming out of there, became the most law-abiding and good citizen, and he dared not speak loudly.

Dong Yun looked at Zhao Guang's smile, feeling a little chill all over his body.

Guiwang Feng, this is planning to punish people to death!

Cruel and ruthless, ruthless and merciless, as expected, only the wrong name was chosen, not the wrong name.

Dong Yun told himself silently in his heart that in the future, unless he had to, he must not offend Guiwang Feng.

Liao Hua himself has never been to Nanxiang.

Although he has also heard related rumors, he has a filter mentality towards Feng Junhou at this time.

In addition to the rumors about Feng Junhou in Shu, which one is not an exaggeration?

Is it possible that the ghost king can really control three thousand at night?

So he only said that others were slanderous, and didn't think much about it at all.

So according to his thinking, it's okay to deal with the people on the list in this way.

At the same time, it can also sell the face of Xinghanhui and Feng Junhou.

As for what will happen to those people in the mine, does it matter?

You are criminals, you don't want to atone for your sins, but you still want to have food and drink?

He thought for a moment, then nodded immediately:

"It's a way, I wonder if the two of you have any other ideas?"

Dong Yun was full of thoughts and didn't speak.

Huang Tong waited for a while and saw that he didn't speak, so he could only say first:

"Before I left, Your Majesty only told me to watch and listen more, and not to speak more."

It means that you can do whatever you want.

Both of them expressed their intention to agree, and Dong Yun would definitely not be able to stand up and protect those people.

Between offending some big families in Liangzhou and offending King Feng Gui and the Xinghan Society, he went crazy to offend King Gui?

So the matter was settled.

A few days later, three thousand cavalry crossed Hongchi Ridge and entered Liangzhou.

At the same time, the Governor's Office of Liangzhou issued dozens of documents to arrest more persons involved in the case of illicit communication outside the Great Wall.

There was a hero who rebelled against the right, and Zhao Guang personally led the iron cavalry to destroy it, and the family led it.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, please save my life!"

Suddenly, there were many more people in the Zhang family in Dunhuang.

Even the elders of the Zhang family who came back from the Western Regions came to the clan house in person, and spoke soft words to Zhang who had returned from the Western Regions in a low voice:

"Bozheng, we were too confused before and didn't understand your painstaking efforts. Now we know that you are doing it for the good of our Zhang family."

Fornicating outside the Great Wall, plundering border counties, bewitching the Qiang Hu, massacring border residents, these things, how many big clans in Liangzhou are clean?

At that time, when Secretary Zhang was dealing with members of the Zhang family, Zhang returned from the Western Regions just as Zhang was, and he expressed his support for Secretary Zhang on the spot.

Many people in the Zhang family complained, only to say that Zhang actually asked the government for help in order to secure his position as the head of the family.

Interfering in family affairs with the power of the official is really a taboo in everyone's heart.

Especially those who had their nephews and nephews implicated in the family were arrested, and some people relied on their seniority to point fingers and scold Huai.

Unexpectedly, this matter is not over yet?

The gates of two local big clans were wiped out one after another, which caused many people to panic and curse endlessly:

It's not moral!

Why is this Liu Han so unreasonable!

When you took control of Liangzhou back then, didn't everyone object?

Now that you've just established your footing, why don't you come here?

Some people wanted to link up, but suddenly found that the people who used to share the same hatred seemed to have some divisions.

Those who are not involved in it, those who squeak just refuse to answer directly.

This, that, the state owns the state law, since everyone can make a lot of money by abiding by the law, why bother to engage in those crooked ways?

You have a workshop when you enter your mother, of course you will say so!

Scolding is scolding, but scolding cannot solve the problem.

After turning around, I found that I still had to find the biggest surname in Liangzhou.

After several months of recuperation, Zhang finally regained the appearance of some aristocratic children.

Her hair and beard were neatly groomed, and she was dressed in a brocade robe. As soon as she sat there, her demeanor came out.

He leisurely took a sip of tea with his teacup, turned a deaf ear to the noise outside the door, and then said to his uncles:

"I can't write two words in one stroke. As a child of the Zhang family and the head of the family, how could I harm the Zhang family?"



Back then, it was you old bastards, who were you yelling about wanting to join?

Come on, let me hear one more sentence.

"Yes, yes, or Bo Zheng is looking at the long-term. Who would have thought that the rumors were true? That Guiwang Feng is cruel..."

"Uncle, speak carefully!"

Zhang shouted loudly.

"Oh, I'm so confused, I'm so old and confused!"

The old man apologized again and again, and then looked at Zhang Jiu with hope:

"Bozheng, look, what should we do about Shiro in our family, he is the most promising in our room..."

Zhang didn't even lift his eyelids:

"If the government says what to do, then do so. Of course, if uncle thinks he can be compared with the armored cavalry, then just hide him."

Most promising?

The current disaster is caused by him, so what's the future?

The most short-sighted almost!

The Zhang family first had adults to uphold righteousness, and then had their own access to the Western Regions.

As long as the Zhang family obediently abides by the agreement with Feng Junhou, the descendants of the Zhang family will be prosperous for three or five generations even if they are no longer promising.

Need to play other means?

do you need? !

It is best for the most promising ones to die.

So as not to bring disaster to the Zhang family.

Zhang didn't even look at the begging faces of his uncles in the family, and sneered at himself:

"Now the big man has not only regained Guanzhong, but also Bingzhou and Hedong."

"Liangzhou can raise horses, but can Jiuyuan and Yanmen raise them? Liangzhou can start a wool weaving workshop, can Jiuyuan and Yanmen open?"

"I don't want to consolidate Liangzhou's current status, but secretly do something that disgusts the court. Do you think that the past few years have been too good?"

At this point, Zhang stood up suddenly, and said word by word:

"The world has changed, my uncles!"

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