Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1074 Encounter by chance

In June of the 15th year of Jianxing, compared with Guanzhong, where people's livelihood is being restored, Xuchang can be said to be singing and dancing.

At this time, Xuchang can be regarded as the center of Wei State, with Luoyang in the west, Hebei in the north, Yuzhou and Jingzhou in the south, Yangzhou in the southeast, surrounded by four corners.

Regardless of whether it is Han or Wu, if they want to threaten Xuchang, they have to go through these heavily guarded places.

Cao Shuang became the general of the Wei State. After being cautious at the beginning, he has become a little willful at this time.

Especially when the general Shi Sun Liming was secretly demoted and sent to Jizhou as the governor, there was no opposition around him.

And because of vigorously recruiting those with outstanding reputations, he re-promoted those who were dismissed by Cao Rui.

For a while, Cao Shuang was praised by scholars.

In addition, the emperor was young, and Sima Yi, who recorded the affairs with Cao Shuang, was far away in Luoyang.

Cao Shuang has the final say on matters concerning Shangshutai.

He also arranged for Ding Mi, He Yan, and Deng Yang to enter Shangshutai.

Cao Rui was lucky last year, and then Sima Yi led the army to retreat from Guanzhong and enter Luoyang. Until Cao Rui died of illness, Luoyang was in chaos.

In this chaos, Shangshuling Pei Qian disappeared, and Shangshu Youpushe (Deputy Shangshuling) Sima Fu stayed in Luoyang.

After Ding Mi, He Yan, and Deng Yang entered Shangshutai, with the support of Cao Shuang, they quickly took charge of Shangshutai.

In particular, Ding Mi and He Yan, as ministers, are elected (that is, they have the right to select officials).

And Deng Yang took over Sun Li's position as the Great General and Chief History.

For a time, the reputation of the three of them became so hot that they became the hottest figures in the state of Wei, and many people who followed suit followed suit.

So the three of them took the opportunity to collect money wantonly.

Deng Yang's appearance is not good, his walking and walking are relaxed, his muscles are not constricted, he sits up and leans, as if he has no hands and feet.

This kind of appearance was naturally not liked by the little lady when she was young.

Now that he is in power, it is not known whether it is to make up for the regrets of his youth, but he is actually lustful, and likes to collect beautiful girls.

Zang Ai, the son of Zang Ba, in order to show off his position, fell in with Deng Yang's favor and sent the concubine left by his father to Deng Yang's mansion.

After Deng Yang got Zang Ba's concubine, he was overjoyed and helped with some operations, and actually sent Zang Ai to a local county guard.

The actions of Ding Mi, He Yan, and Deng Yang are all similar, corrupting the system.

Therefore, many people are naturally not used to it, so they called the three "Taichung Three Dogs."

In particular, once the news of Deng Yang and Zang Ai spread, there was a saying in the streets and alleys of Xuchang: Deng Xuanmao (Deng Yang's word Xuanmao) was changed by official.

"Zang Xuangao rarely has a filial piety. He started from Mount Tai, ruled the roost in the east, and held the king of Jin Wu. If there is knowledge in the underground, I am afraid that he will turn into a ghost and rise up."

"Zang Ai is ashamed to be a son of man. Deng Yang's actions are so vulgar, but he can be appointed as the commander-in-chief of a general. Cao Zhaobo (that is, Cao Shuang) is blind?"


Originally, Deng Yang didn't pay much attention to the words of the market.

But the rumors gradually started to spread, and it was intended to affect the general.

Deng Yang knew that his current status was all dependent on Cao Shuang.

If because of this matter, Cao Shuang was furious and belittled himself, then the loss outweighed the gain.

He was already Zhongshulang in the time of Cao Rui, and he was dismissed because of the vanity case, which really tasted the warmth and coldness of the world.

At this time, he is trying his best to keep his position.

So under his hard thinking, he came up with a plan to drag Cao Shuang into the water.

In the sixth year of Jianxing, the Wei army was defeated in the battle of Wei Wu Shiting, and the soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

According to Wei Guo's policy of giving birth to wives, if the soldiers in the front die in battle, the wives in the back will be betrothed to others by the government immediately.

Taking advantage of this moment, Cao Rui sent his confidant Lian Zhao to Xuchang, selected a large number of beautiful women in advance, and brought them into the Xuchang Palace.

In addition, Cao Rui visited Xuchang several times, and took the opportunity to recruit many women into the palace.

Although Cao Rui died of illness, there are still more than 3,000 people staying in the Xuchang Palace.

Logically speaking, if these women in the palace were once favored by Cao Rui, they would stay in other courtyards in the palace.

If he has not been favored, he will be released from the palace, or returned home, or promised to serve as a meritorious soldier.

Deng Yang, on the other hand, set his sights on this matter.

As the commander-in-chief of the great general, it was easy for him to take this matter into his own hands.

One day, he specially invited Cao Shuang to drink at his house.

When Cao Shuang was half drunk, Deng Yang asked a group of dancers to dance again.

Cao Shuang was half awake and half drunk when he saw that the kabuki in front of him was dressed gorgeously, resembling palace costumes.

He was taken aback, and quickly asked Deng Yang:

"What do you mean by that?"

Deng Yang explained with a nonchalant smile:

"Don't worry about it, general. These are the palace people who were released from the palace. The clothes on their bodies are what they wear every day, and they haven't been replaced for a while."

Even so, Cao Shuang still hesitated:

"Since that's the case, why don't you let them change their clothes?"

Deng Yang leaned closer to Cao Shuang's ear, saying alluring words:

"Look, General, aren't these women more pleasing to the eyes and ears when they dance in palace clothes?"

Cao Shuang was already half-drunk, and as the saying goes, wine is strong and cowardly, so he said: wine is a matchmaker for sex.

At this time, he was already not quite sober. Hearing Deng Yang's words, and then looking at the palace people in the field, he was a little dazed and confused for a while.

He quickly raised his glass and drank a few more.

Seeing this, Deng Yang smiled slightly, took out a bag of powder, and said:

"General, this medicine was purchased with a huge sum of money. Taking it with wine will make people feel bright and cheerful, and have long-lasting physical strength. It can be said to be extremely enjoyable."

When Cao Shuang saw it, his eyes lit up immediately: "Oh, but the five stones are scattered?"

At this time, the dignitaries and aristocratic families of the Wei state were more popular with five stone powder.

There are three dogs in Taichung, but when they set up a banquet, they are often served.

Among them, He Yan is the most addicted, and there is no five stones to break up.

So Cao Shuang knew it too, when he saw Deng Yang take out the powder, he thought it was five stone powder again.

Unexpectedly, Deng Yang smiled mysteriously:

"No and no, if you talk about Sanzao, this thing is not as good as Wushi San, but if you talk about..."

As he said that, he glanced at the dancing women in the arena, "This thing is much more enjoyable than Wu Shi San."

Cao Shuang was dubious, and thought that Deng Yang had found something new, so he followed his advice and drank it with wine.

For some reason, shortly after drinking it, he felt a sudden surge of heat in his abdomen!

Then he raised his eyes to look at the appearance of the leading dancer, it was like a fairy descending from the sky.

Thinking again that this was a palace servant who had served the late emperor, Cao Shuang's eyes turned red and his blood boiled.

After finally finishing the dance, Cao Shuang watched the palace maid retreat reluctantly, his eyes seemed to be glued to her, and he was unwilling to leave for a moment.

Deng Yang leaned into his ear and said something, Cao Shuang was overjoyed: "Okay!"

Immediately got up impatiently: "I'm drunk, I'm going to bother Xuanmao Mansion tonight."

At this time, it was only when Youshi arrived, and the sky had not yet completely darkened, so Cao Shuang said such words with a burning heart.

Deng Yang was very knowledgeable: "It's an honor for Yang."

After speaking, he led Cao Shuang to the guest room, and Deng Yang stood at the door, bowing slightly to signal.

Without the slightest hesitation, Cao Shuang pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as he stepped into the room, a faint fragrance wafted into his nostrils.

But seeing the smog in the house, Cao Shuang felt as if he was in a fairyland.

The woman on the couch, just like the legendary fairy, lowered her head shyly, waiting for her arrival.


I heard a man's low growl first, and then a woman's low cry from inside.

Deng Yang smiled in satisfaction, turned around and left quietly.

After walking through the corridor, he stood up and stretched out his hand to wave to the back.

A handsome man appeared behind him like a ghost.

"Long history?"

Deng Yang didn't turn around, put his hands behind his back, and said in a calm tone, "The things you sent up are very good."

The handsome man bowed deeply: "Thank you, Chang Shi, for your compliment."

"If the general can enjoy himself tonight, I will help the eldest princess with whatever she wants."

The handsome man thanked him again and again: "Thank you Chang Shi, thank you Chang Shi!"

Deng Yang pondered for a while, and then said:

"How many of those two things do you have?"

The handsome man heard the words, and said with a look of embarrassment:

"Don't dare to hide it from Deng Changshi, those two items were bought by my princess from the Shu people's caravan with a lot of money."

"At this time, it is inconvenient to exchange things, there are many checkpoints, and there is no way to buy them, so what the villain offers to Chang Shi is already all that is on hand."

Hearing this, Deng Yang couldn't help feeling a little regretful, and smacked his lips:

"Mi Lang-jun, you say that, it's embarrassing for me!"

"Since the eldest princess sent you here, she can trust you. So you should also know that Sima Yi is a man with wolfish ambitions."

"Otherwise, why would your princess let you come here to find a way to move to Xuchang?"

This handsome gentleman is none other than Mi Shishilang.

He said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, Deng Changshi is right."

He said with some trepidation:

"How about this, the villain will send someone back to Luoyang to see if the princess has any extra medicinal materials?"

"Deng Changshi, please rest assured. If the princess can really move to Xuchang, the princess's mansion will help Deng Changshi find these two medicinal materials even if they do their best."

Only then did Deng Yang nod in satisfaction:

"It's so good. I'm prepared for it. If the general is satisfied tonight, he might ask for medicinal materials in the future."

"Only if the general is satisfied, can you hope for success in what you ask for!"

"Yes, yes, Deng Changshi is right, I must find a way to get more medicinal materials for Deng Changshi."

"Okay, you go down."


Mi Shishilang retreated lightly again.

This time, he was entrusted by Princess Qinghe to come to Xuchang to find a way out, and he only asked His Majesty to issue an order to allow the eldest princess' mansion to be moved to Xuchang.

The gold, silver and jewels on his body were scattered like running water, and only then could he see the side of Deng Yang in "Taichung Three Dogs".

If I hadn't done my homework long ago, knowing that Deng Yang is a lustful person, and the gift I prepared was aimed at his heart, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see this side.

It's just that Deng Yang's actions are more vulgar than he imagined.

He exchanged his official position for other people's wives and concubines, and even found a woman for Cao Shuang openly.

Even the outsider himself did not avoid it.

It's just that he didn't know that Deng Yang's actions may not have been intentional for people to watch.

Mi Shishilang came out from the side door of Deng's mansion, and was thinking about the situation in Xuchang and his next move with his head down.

Just as he was about to step into the carriage, suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the gate of the Deng Mansion was wide open, and a servant came out with a lantern to welcome him.

In the flickering lights, he saw a group of soldiers escorting a person into Deng's mansion.

This discovery made Mi Shishilang stop immediately!

His eyes were fixed on the direction of the gate of Deng's Mansion, and there was a little disbelief in his eyes.

After the gate of Deng's mansion was closed, Mi Shishilang felt a little regretful:

If he could go a moment later, he might still be able to find out some news.

It's just that he has already left the mansion at this time, and it is almost the curfew time, so it is impossible to enter the mansion again.

Mi Shishilang took a deep look at the closed gate of the Deng Mansion, and finally stepped into the carriage.

Inside the Deng Mansion.

After confirming that the general will have a good time tonight, Deng Yang took out another pack of medicine and took it with wine.

Unexpectedly, when he just stood up and wanted to go to the backyard, he got off and trot in:

"Master, someone outside said that they have something important to see the general."

"Meet the general at this time?"

Deng Yang forcibly suppressed his hotness and looked at the sky.

Even when you are on duty on weekdays, you should be on duty at this time. Is there anything that can't be discussed later?

"Who wants to see the general?"

"It is said that he escaped from the Shu captives, and he wants to see the general on important matters."

"Shu captives fleeing?"

Deng Yang, who was originally worried about something important, felt relieved, and said loudly:

"What is he? He said he wanted to see the general, so the general must see him?"

After waving his hand, Deng Yang said impatiently:

"Just ask someone to arrange him down, ask him what's the matter, and tomorrow I will decide whether to tell the general."

"Also, don't bother me and the general tonight!"

At this time, the Shu captives are still trying to find a way to join the party.

In the battle of Guanzhong, the Shu captives also exhausted their national power, so how could they have any spare power to advance eastward?

Otherwise, half a year ago, it didn't coerce victory to move eastward, and it had to wait until all the Guanzhong cities of Great Wei were ready before starting to move eastward?

Besides, Ge thief died suddenly half a year ago, how to appease the subjects in the territory is the most important thing for Shu captives right now.

Does it go crazy and commit crimes at this time?

As long as the Shu captives don't commit crimes, there will be no big deal.

Even if the Shu captives went crazy and committed crimes, the most likely thing is that the soldiers would leave Tongguan. Isn't that Sima Yi's business?

What about Xuchang?

If there was any movement in Wuguan, the Jingzhou side would have sent the news long ago, why wait for the fugitives from Shu to tell us?

Deng Yang is lustful, but as a great general and commander-in-chief, he still needs to understand what he should understand.

At this moment, his mind is almost burnt out by the fire of desire, how can he think about other things?

The wind was blowing under my feet, and I couldn't wait to go to the backyard without mentioning it.

"Mr. Yang, Deng Changshi said that the general has already fallen asleep, what's the matter, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Yang Yi, who was escorted by the armored soldiers, immediately changed her expression when she heard this.

"Is the general not free?"

I was with the Shu captives, at least I was the prime minister, Chang Shi, who worked so hard to join the great Wei, you told me that the general is not free? !

Yang Yi's face was flushed immediately, and she just felt that she had been greatly insulted.

PS: In history, Cao Shuang took away seven or eight talents left by Cao Rui from the palace as his wives and concubines. Those who are talented and titled are basically the lucky ones of Cao Ruilin.

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