The next day, Cao Shuang slept until it was three poles in the sun before waking up.

He lay on the couch, and it took him a while to remember what happened last night.

Look at the messy clothes that fill the room, with gorgeous court costumes mixed in between.

Let him, who was still in awe of the imperial power, subconsciously tense up, actually a little nervous.

However, when he saw the charming woman lying beside him with her eyes closed, he recalled the madness of last night.

The slight tension in his heart actually made him secretly feel a sense of excitement, and then a sense of pleasure of conquering.

That feeling is just like my own name: cool!

It's good to be in control!

After waking up and taking a shower, Cao Shuang felt that his back was sore and his knees were weak, but nothing could replace the satisfaction in his heart.

He only felt that his whole body was smooth and refreshed.

After eating breakfast under the service of the palace servants, Cao Shuang smiled at Deng Yang and said:

"I know the bliss of the world!"

Deng Yang replied:

"Now is the time to clean up the palace people left behind by the late emperor. If the general is interested, Yang will take care of it for the general."

"Oh?" Cao Shuang's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he pretended to ponder for a while, "This...isn't that good? Logically speaking, those palace servants should be assigned to meritorious soldiers."

"If I do this, wouldn't I be robbing the soldiers of their wives and concubines?"

Seeing Cao Shuang's expression, Deng Yang knew what he wanted, but he just couldn't hold back his face for the time being.

Then he drew nearer, and whispered:

"General, if you keep those who are released from the palace, you will naturally snatch wives and concubines from the soldiers."

"But how many palace people were left behind by the late emperor? But anyone who can be favored by the late emperor has the best appearance."

"These palace people, if there are no accidents, can only die of old age in the cold palace, why is it so hard? Therefore, anyone who has some wealth in the family will beg me for mercy and want to leave the palace."

When Cao Shuang heard this, he was shocked:

"This... this... this... and other things?"

He looked at Deng Yang with a look of horror on his face.

Deng Yang smiled slightly:

"The late emperor passed away too suddenly. In addition, the current situation has been chaotic for more than a year. The late emperor hurried east to Xuchang. Therefore, it is inevitable that things in the palace will be a little chaotic."

"Besides, all the palaces in the city are now under the control of the general. Which of these palace people was blessed by the late emperor, and which one should be released from the palace, isn't it just a matter of the general's words?"

After the explanation, Deng Yang said in a low voice:

"I've eaten preserved deer, but it's hard to swallow vegetable bran. How did the general feel last night? Compared with people who came out of the palace, is it possible that ordinary women can still fall into the eyes of the general?"

The taste of last night...

Cao Shuang swallowed involuntarily.

After swaying left and right for a while, he finally made a difficult decision:

"I don't care too much about the going out of the palace. You have to be more careful in handling things, and don't be honest."

Deng Yang was waiting for this sentence, he said happily:

"General, but don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

People who let the palace go out of the palace naturally have to be serious.

At that time, it is reasonable to let them gather together and let the general go to have a look and check!

After finishing the business, Deng Yang talked about another incident from last night by the way:

"General, someone from the General's residence came to report last night, saying that someone from Shu captives defected to the Great Wei. I don't know how the General will deal with it?"

"The Shu captives escaped? At this time, someone actually escaped from the Shu captives?"

Cao Shuang couldn't help being a little surprised.

Over the years, not to mention Shu captive officials, even ordinary people, those who came to seek refuge in the Great Wei were almost extinct.

To say something politically incorrect, with the current development momentum of the Shu captives and the decline of the Great Wei, anyone with a promising future will choose the Shu captives.

"It is said that he was persecuted by Feng thief, so he ran away in anger and came to join Wei."

Deng Yang explained, "He wanted to see the general last night, claiming he had something important with him."

"Important things?" Cao Shuang was immediately interested, "Could it be a major military situation?"

Deng Yang laughed and said: "I'm afraid the general will be disappointed. The important things he said are just some blueprints of objects in the Shu army."

"A blueprint for objects in the military?"

"Exactly, in fact, from Yang's point of view, they are nothing more than some strange and ingenious things."

"Fantastic skills and obscenities?"

Deng Yang nodded, pretending to be understated and said:

"This person only said that the Shu captives were able to defeat us, the Great Wei, all because of these things. In my opinion, this is just a shocking statement made by descendants in order to seek to show off their officials."

"If it's true what he said, isn't Thief Feng a person with a false name? Xiao Guan back then..."

Having said this, Deng Yang paused for a moment.

The two pillars of the Cao Rui era are Cao Xiu in the east and Cao Zhen in the west.

Cao Xiu had the defeat of Shiting, and Cao Zhen had the defeat of Xiaoguan.

If the battle of Shiting was caused by Wu people's tricks to set up an ambush, then the battle of Xiaoguan was Feng Thief defeating Wei head-on.

At the same time, it also defeated Dawei's belief in riding the world.

As the son of Cao Zhen, even if Cao Shuang didn't experience this battle personally, he still remembers this battle more deeply than others.

But no matter how unconvinced, Feng Thief's fierce reputation has gradually been engraved into Cao Wei's bones.

From Jieting to Jincheng, from Jincheng to Xiaoguan, and then from Xiaoguan to Guanzhong.

Even Sima Yi's defeat and retreat from Guanzhong had a great relationship with this person.

These things all prove that:

Feng thief is the peerless murderer among the thieves of Shu captives.

Now someone told Cao Shuang that Thief Feng is just a person with a false name?

So what is your own lord who lost to Feng thief?

Could it be that the adults are just defeated by some strange and obscene objects?

Who are the two generations of great generals of the Wei State regarded as? Feel free to fool around?

Cao Shuang's face immediately darkened:

"Who is this person?"

"Yang Yi Yang Weigong, he claims to be the long history of Ge Bandit."

Cao Shuang hummed:

"I'm afraid it's not a fake person who risked his life to get rich?"

Deng Yang nodded in agreement:

"What the general said is not unreasonable. It's just that the general is taking on a major task for the first time. If there are Shu captives who come to seek refuge, it just proves that the general has great prestige and can make the thieves come to surrender."

Only then did Cao Shuang's brows relax a little, and he asked:

"What does Chang Shi think, how should I deal with this person?"

"Naturally, his identity is a priori. If his identity is true, then he can also be given an honorary title to show the general's generosity."

"However, when you look at him, his language is exaggerated. If you think about it, you don't have any real talent and learning. You must not reuse it."

Although Cao Shuang was slightly upset, he also knew that what Deng Yang said made sense.

As the Great General of the Great Wei, if someone really abandons the Shu captives and goes to the Great Wei, he must not abandon him.

But Yang Yi's words—whether he said it or not, anyway, that's what Deng Yang told Cao Shuang—had successfully aroused Cao Shuang's displeasure.

So he didn't have the heart to meet this so-called long history of Ge thief at all.

If Feng thief came to surrender, it would be about the same.

Being able to accommodate Feng thief is the bearing that a great general should have.

"Xuan Mao's words are very reasonable, and I will leave this matter to you to handle."


Deng Yang responded with a smile on his face.

Even if this matter is over, the general didn't care whether the fugitive from Shu wanted to see him or not.

Yang Yi, who had been waiting hard, did not wait for the general of Wei, but only met the general, Chang Shi.

Deng Yang casually flipped through the blueprints in his hand.

It has to be said that Yang Yi has done a lot of work in advance to vote this time.

As a prime minister and long history, he didn't know how many military secrets he had handled, so he naturally knew a lot of things.

The drawings carried this time, the weapons and equipment drawn on them, whether it is size, assembly, or the appearance of each part, are all clearly marked.

It's just that in the past few years, the Dahan territory has vigorously promoted the measurement standards formulated by Nanxiang.

Some manufacturing terms are exclusively used by Nanxiang.

Deng Yang was originally a child of a family, so if he was talking about debating scriptures and classics, he was certainly right.

But facing this kind of industrial drawings, it feels like a dog looking at the stars.

"What's this?"

Deng Yang sat on the main seat with a big face, pointed to one of the blueprints, and asked.

Standing in front of him, Yang Yi felt extremely aggrieved when she saw that this person was younger than herself, but was so arrogant.

He originally thought that, in his capacity, at this moment, he would come to defect to Wei.

Wei Guo didn't say that he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, at least he would treat each other with courtesy.

At that time, Huang Gongheng voted for Wei, and now he is the governor of Yizhou, moved to Zhennan General, named Yuyanghou, and served as a servant.

If he didn't say that he was in such a position, at least he could be knighted, but he was treated like this when he didn't expect it.

It's just that now that I have no way out, and I can no longer turn back, even if the great general in front of me, Chang Shi, is so rude, what can I do?

Thinking of this, Yang Yi couldn't help feeling a trace of regret in her heart.

He was thinking wildly, when he heard Deng Yang's question, he quickly pulled himself together and answered:

"Returning to Changshi, this is a heavy crossbow used by the Shu army. Not only can it shoot faster than ordinary crossbows, but if it is equipped with special arrows, it can penetrate heavy armor."

If Sima Yi or Guo Huai, who had fought against the Han army, were here, they would definitely be treasured.

Because in these years, whenever the Shu captives fought against each other, the Shu captives always started shooting arrows from a distance, and the arrows rained down, fast and ruthless, which made Wei Jun suffer a lot.

Sima Yi was on the edge of the martial arts water, trying to swallow the Han army crossing the water, but in the end he couldn't do it because the Han army's bows and crossbows were too powerful.

Zhuge Liang was able to get crossbowmen to support him even from the opposite bank, which shows the strength of the crossbowmen of the Han army.

But Deng Yang has never even seen Han soldiers, how did he know how powerful this thing is?

He frowned now:

"The painting method is very vulgar, like a child holding a brush. This painting skill needs to be improved!"

As he spoke, he shook his head, as if he looked down on the painting.

Yang Yi was almost so angry that the top of his head was smoking.

Do you know how much risk I took to get these blueprints?

These blueprints are extremely detailed, as long as a skilled craftsman is picked up at random, they can basically make them according to them.

You don't look at its efficacy, but you still have the mood to evaluate its painting method?

All the military equipment of the Shu captives are painted in this way, do you understand!

"What is this?"

"Returning to Changshi, this is the stone cannon used by the thieves to attack the city. When it smashed into the city, the sound was like a thunderbolt, extremely powerful."

Deng Yang smiled disdainfully:

"Isn't it just a thunderbolt chariot? When Emperor Wu defeated Yuan Shao, he used this thing to defeat Yuan Shao. Unexpectedly, the Shu captives learned it secretly."

As he said that, he still glanced at Yang Yi with a vague look.

When Yang Yi heard this, she was suddenly bitter.

You Wei thief has such powerful things, why did you still fight An Ding, or were you defeated by Feng thief with this thing?

"What is this?"

"Oh, the stirrups and iron hooves of the horse. Equipped with these two things on the horse, not only can the soldiers control the horse with only their legs, but also better fight against thieves."

"At the same time, it can also prevent the horses from wearing out their hooves when they run, so that..."

Yang Yi was waiting to eloquently explain the importance of horses and iron hoofs.

It's just that Deng Yang has never personally led a soldier, let alone been on a battlefield. How does he know how many horses will be scrapped in a year in the Wei army due to worn out horseshoes?

Besides, he never had to worry about his family's horses.

What horseshoe?

What he saw was nothing more than an iron bar bent into a horseshoe shape.

"Rough, rough!" He shook his head again and again, "The people are poor, how many people can wear shoes? The people of Shu actually thought of putting shoes on horses, such a waste, God will destroy them."


I have a bad temper!

If it wasn't for people under the eaves, Yang Yi would have cursed.

He could see it. When he said something, the general in front of him, Chang Shi, would belittle him.

It seems to belittle these things, but it is actually belittle him!

I endured and endured, and finally endured it.

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Yang Yi's face:

"Chang Shi is right. The Shu people like to engage in these tricks, but the villain has another important military situation, and I want to report it to Chang Shi."

"Oh? What is it?"

Deng Yang asked lazily.

Ge thief's long history?

But that's all.

"It's about the two big thieves of the Shu captives, Feng thief and Wei thief..."


"It's Feng Yong and that Wei Yan."

"Oh!" Deng Yang became interested and sat up straight, "What's going on?"

"Tie Feng and Wei Yan have always been at odds. Wei Yan is old and an old man in the army, but Thief Feng has great achievements and has always been rebellious. He never respects the old."

"Therefore, the two have had a long-standing grievance. During the battle in Guanzhong, Feng Zei had to take charge of all affairs in Guanzhong, but he sent Wei Yan to the Shangdang. It was obviously for retaliation, and he didn't want Wei Yan to be an eyesore in Guanzhong."

"As for Wei Yan, although he is old, he is also a proud and arrogant person, and his temper is even more foul-smelling. Even when the prime minister was...cough cough, it was Ge, Ge..."

Deng Yang smiled lightly and said nothing, just looked at Yang Yi.

Yang Yi gritted her teeth, lowered her head, and said:

"When Zhuge Liang was there, Wei Yan refused to accept it many times. What's more, now that he has higher qualifications than Feng Zei, he has to bow down to him."

"In addition to being forced by Bandit Feng to attack Shangdang, Wei Yan may already harbor resentment."

Hearing this, Deng Yang's eyes lit up: "Really?"

If this is the case, if the people in the world are allowed to have a high position and a generous salary, maybe not only can they save the Shangdang, but also make the Shu captives lose a strong general?

Seeing Deng Yang like this, Yang Yi didn't know what Deng Yang was thinking?

He couldn't help but secretly said:

I show you good things, but you don't worry about it, and I tell you some right and wrong, but you listen to it with interest!

In fact, it is the lack of vertical and conspiracy!

It's just that at the moment, I have to conspire with it.

Yang Yi thought that she might really have no way out, and the trace of regret in her heart couldn't help but get heavier.

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