Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1076 Improvement

After thinking about the treatment of the Shu Han, and looking at the current treatment, Yang Yi felt even more regretful:

"If I stay in the west, even if I won't be able to take power, I'm afraid others would not dare to neglect me so openly."

Just thinking of his hard work over the years, the prime minister would rather give power to a junior than trust himself.

The resentment in Yang Yi's heart suddenly became even higher than when he was in Guanzhong.

"If it wasn't for this, how could I have ended up in such a situation? After all, it's not because the Prime Minister blames the unfair rewards and punishments, but that Feng thief is arrogant and domineering?"


When he was thinking wildly, Deng Yang finally put away those blueprints and said to Yang Yi:

"Mr. Yang discerns evil and righteousness, and if he wants to avoid disaster, he will obey, and he will go back to the way, which is very honorable. At this time, it must be hard work to come from a long distance, so why don't you go down and rest first."

"This matter is very important. When I report it to the general, how about the general?"

At this time, Yang Yi, what else can she say, naturally, what the other party says is what she wants.

After arranging Yang Yi, Deng Yang sat there and meditated.

He made that appearance just now, half of it was pretending.

According to Yang Yi, these things in the army are the secrets of the Shu captives' repeated victories over the years.

Whether these words are true or not, it is always right to try.

So he still took the blueprint and reported to Cao Shuang again.

Not long after Cao Shuang returned to the General's Mansion from Deng's Mansion, he was a little surprised when he learned that Deng Yang was following him:

"Didn't you say that this matter should be handed over to Xuan Mao? Why is Xuan Mao here again?"

The Taichung Three Dogs gained Cao Shuang's trust more and more.

In Cao Shuang's view, this matter is just a trivial matter, and he believes that Deng Yang can handle it well.

This time, Deng Yang didn't hide anything anymore, and told all the conversations he had with Yang Yi just now.

When Cao Shuang heard this, he didn't take it seriously:

"Didn't Xuanmao say before that this person deliberately exaggerated his words in order to show his official intentions?"

"Why did you get moved by Yang Yi after meeting him?"

Because I wanted to cover up my mistakes earlier, I naturally wanted to say those words.

Deng Yang was a little embarrassed, but this time, he got himself into it.

He carefully suggested:

"General, in my opinion, why don't you let someone build these things first?"

"Anything you want." Cao Shuang waved his hand and yawned, "It's good for someone to build it for a try."

Cao Shuang is a big fat man. The fat man is physically weak. In addition, he had tossed too much last night, which made him a little listless.

Seeing Cao Shuang like this, Deng Yang knew that this matter should not be mentioned again, so he had to promise.

Then he told the things about Feng thief and Wei Yan that he had learned from Yang Yi.

Probably listening to gossip is human nature.

Knowing that the generals in the Shu army were at odds, Cao Shuang immediately cheered up.

"Is this true?"

"It's just that I can't directly draw a conclusion on whether the statement of Yang Yi's family is true or not. I have to find a way to find out and confirm it."

When Cao Shuang heard this, he said "Oh", and said with some regret:

"Ge Bandit has just died at this time, and the puppet emperor of Shu has just taken over the government. If there is any conflict between the two highest-ranking generals in the Shu army, it will be a great thing for Wei."

In the past, this matter might still be handed over to Sima Yi, but at this moment, tsk!

"Xuan Mao thinks, how should we prove this?"

Deng Yang thought for a while and suggested:

"Why don't you ask Sun Deda, governor of Jizhou, to find a way to try?"


Cao Shuang originally wanted to say something like "Jizhou and Guanzhong are not connected, so if you want to investigate, it's not easy."

But as soon as Deng Yang mentioned Sun Li, it reminded him suddenly that in the dispute between Qinghe County and Pingyuan County, Sun Li finally awarded the disputed land to Pingyuan.

As soon as he thought of this, Cao Shuang felt a shock in his heart.

Originally, the Cui family of Qinghe had already agreed with Cao Shuang, if Cao Shuang could really handle the matter of the land boundary dispute well, he would be thankful afterwards.

In Cao Shuang's view, if he can fulfill the wish of the Qinghe Cui family, he can also take the opportunity to win over the aristocratic families in Hebei.

Unexpectedly, when Sun De arrived in Jizhou, regardless of his own opinion, he directly took out the official map, saying that it was to be divided according to the land boundary in the year when the first emperor granted Pingyuan king.

When the news reached Xuchang, Cao Shuang even said that the official map was too vague to be used as a reference, so he told Sun Li to ask the local elders again.

Unexpectedly, Sun Li never thought of trying to make him, a great general, lose face.

But in the end, instead of changing his mind, he wrote a memorial.

Frankly speaking, if Qinghe County does not accept the result of the handling, it is a sign of weakness and incompetence for the governor of Jizhou.

Words such as "weak and incompetent" and "vegetarian meals for corpses" deeply hurt Cao Shuang.

I only thought that Sun Li was pointing fingers at Sang and scolding Huai.

Cao Shuang was so angry that he almost went to the court and sentenced Sun Li to the crime of slandering an important minister.

The handling of this matter really made Cao Shuang lose face in front of Qing He Cui Shi.

At the same time, it also let the aristocratic family, which is already a grasshopper, see that Cao Shuang's status is not stable.

It is more difficult for Cao Shuang to win over the aristocratic family.

So you said, can Cao Shuang not hate Sun Li so much?

It's just that there is no one else except Sun Li who can get in touch with Shangdang.

And I heard that it was Wei Yan who led the attack on Shangdang.

So Cao Shuang thought over and over again, and finally resisted the hesitation and nodded:

"Forget it, send someone to inform Sun Deda and see if he can investigate the matter."


When Sun Li received the news from Cao Shuang from Xuchang, he immediately sneered:

"Cao Zhaobo tried to transfer me to leave Xuchang, and now he has fulfilled his wish?"

"How long has it been? How many things happened in Xuchang?"

Deng Xuanmao, who changed his wife as an official, is still not satisfied with marrying a princess.

Among the three dogs in Taichung, which one is not a guy who has a reputation for nothing and can do nothing?

Sun Li was personally promoted by Cao Rui to be the chief general, so naturally Cao Wei was still loyal.

At this time, when I learned of the changes in Xuchang, I felt regretful in my heart.

Just thinking about Cao Shuang's actions again, he felt a little resentful:

"The basis of my judgment is based on the boundary of the late emperor when he was king of Pingyuan. Cao Zhaobo dared not admit it at this time. It can be seen that he has no respect for the late emperor at all."

Thinking of the ardor of the late emperor when he appointed Cao Shuang as a general and entrusted the crown prince to him, Sun Li couldn't help sighing:

"If the former Emperor Huang Quan knew, I don't know if he would regret letting Cao Bozhao take on the big responsibility."

He could see that Sima Yi in Luoyang might have ambitions, but on the surface at least he respected the Wei imperial family.

Although Cao Shuang is a member of the clan, he has begun to lose the etiquette of a monarch and minister.

What will happen to the future of the Great Wei Kingdom really makes Sun Li feel a little confused.

However, what Cao Shuang arranged this time made Sun Li cheer up a little bit.

If Feng Zei, the top general of the two Shu captives, disagrees with Wei Yan, it will not be an opportunity for Great Wei.

When Sun Li was thinking about how to carry out the investigation, Wei Guo of Xuchang assigned a task to Ma Jun.

That is to create some weapons and equipment according to the blueprints.

When Ma Jun was young, he lived in poverty, and because he stuttered since childhood, he was not good at talking.

Later, when I became a doctor, my life still hasn't changed much, so I improved the satin weaving machine, and then I became famous.

When he was appointed as the chief executive, he wanted to build the legendary compass car.

Zhang Heng of the later Han Dynasty also created the legendary object of the Yellow Emperor's time, but the method has been lost.

Knowing that Ma Jun wanted to reproduce the compass car, Gao Tanglong, a highly respected minister of the Wei State, and Qin Lang, a trusted general of Cao Rui, once obstructed it.

Both Gao Longtang and Qin Lang believed that the ancient legends were not credible.

Qin Lang even mocked Ma Jun's name and said:

"Mister's name is Jun, and his character is Deheng. Jun means the shape of a vessel, and Heng can determine the weight of an object."

"Sir, you don't even know the weight and size standards of the guide car, so you dare to say that you can make a guide car. Don't you feel ashamed of your name?"

Ma Jun was born in a poor family, and his official position was too humble compared to Gao Longtang and Qin Lang.

Coupled with his stuttering, he is often looked down upon.

But he has a tenacity in him, and he must do what he looks for.

The three even made a fuss in front of Cao Rui. Cao Rui was very interested and ordered Ma Jun to build a guide car.

After continuous trial and error, Ma Jun finally succeeded in building a guide car by using the construction principle of the differential gear.

This incident made Gao Tanglong and Qin Lang lose face, and at the same time made Ma Jun's reputation for skillful hands spread throughout the court.

It is a pity that Ma Jun's successful slap in the face did not bring him much benefit after offending the senior officials of the Wei Dynasty and the emperor's most trusted officials.

After Cao Rui learned of Ma Jun's skillful hands, he didn't ask him to make more useful things.

Instead, let Ma Jun create entertainment for himself.

Once, someone presented a puppet show to Cao Rui. The shape was quite exquisite, but those puppets could only be placed there and could not move. Cao Rui felt quite regretful.

At this time, he thought of Ma Jun, who was known as a skillful hand, so he summoned Ma Jun and asked:

"Can you animate these puppets?"

Ma Jun made a prime mover wheel out of wood, which was driven by water power to make it rotate, and through the transmission mechanism, the puppets beat drums, fluttered and danced, etc.

Known as "Shui Zhuan Bai Xi", the structure is extremely exquisite.

Cao Rui was very happy to create this plaything, but Ma Jun's official career still hadn't made any progress.

Within two years, the Guanzhong War broke out, and Cao Rui died of illness. In the chaos that lasted for more than half a year, even Shang Shuling Pei Qian disappeared.

Not to mention a little guy like Ma Jun.

If Cao Shuang hadn't ordered people to build the equipment according to the plan, I'm afraid Ma Jun would not be remembered until when.

"Good... good... good stuff!"

Although he had been neglected for so long, Ma Jun's eyes lit up as soon as he got the blueprint.

He became even more excited when he saw the parts and assembled objects clearly.

It's just that he stuttered already, and when he got excited at this moment, he became a little incoherent:

"Wonderful, wonderful, the ingenuity of this thing, really, really... really ingenious!"

Yang Yi, who was sent here, has suffered from the warmth and coldness of the world these days.

At this time, it was not easy for someone to see the value of the blueprints he sent over. He was so happy that he almost burst into tears.

The joy is that someone affirms himself, but the sadness is that this is just a small official—not to mention a stutter!

too difficult!

It's just that at this point, he can only do his best to prove that the things he sent are worth thousands of gold, and then he can be valued by the general.

With this mentality, he fully assisted Ma Jun in building these instruments.

Among these things, Ma Jun paid the most attention to the stone cannon.

After he successfully built it, he was still not very satisfied, and he studied day and night to improve it, and finally created a new type of wheel-type stone cannon cart.

It uses a wooden wheel to hang stones on the wooden wheel. In this way, a machine is installed to drive the wheel to rotate quickly, and the big stones can be launched continuously.

Although it is not as good as a large stone cannon, it is light, has a good range, and can be thrown automatically. If it can be popularized in the army, it will be a powerful weapon in the army.

After finishing the equipment, Ma Jun excitedly ran to Deng Yang to inform him of the result.

"It was made so quickly? According to Yang Yi, this kind of equipment is the secret of the Shu army. Didn't you just make something at random to fool me?"

Deng Yang looked at Ma Jun in front of him suspiciously.

It was already a scorching summer, and Ma Jun had been immersed in research these days, where would he have time to take care of himself?

Not only was his body dirty, but he also had a lot of sawdust on his body, not to mention a sour smell when he got closer.

"Chang Shi, how dare this subordinate lie to you?"

Hearing what Deng Yang said, Ma Jun became anxious immediately.

He took two steps forward, as if he wanted to explain clearly, but the movement was a little bigger, and the sour smell on his body immediately wafted away, making Deng Yang cover his nose:

"Stop, just stand there, I can hear you, what did you build?"

"Stone cannon!" Ma Jun waved his hands excitedly, "The Shu captive's stone cannon is really powerful, but the officials have improved it and created a lighter and more useful stone cannon."

"Stone cannon?"

"Exactly, it's similar to the thunderbolt chariot that Emperor Wu used in the Battle of Guandu..."

Before he finished speaking, Deng Yang understood:

"Oh, I know!"

Isn't it the thunderbolt car that the Shu captives stole from somewhere?

Yang Yi said that the Shu captives had been improved and were more powerful than the original Thunderbolt chariot, and the stones fell like thunder.

Now you say that after improvement, it is even more improved than the Shu captives?

For example, what is more powerful about Lei Tianjiang?

God and man descended to earth?

Deng Yang smiled:

"Let me ask you, besides Thunderbolt, have you built other objects?"

Ma Jun originally wanted to say that the Thunderbolt chariot used by Emperor Wu was quite different from the stone cannons made today.

But Mr. Changshi seems to have decided that it is the thunderbolt car.

Well, the thunderbolt car is the thunderbolt car.

Unexpectedly, seeing Deng Yang's appearance, it seemed that he didn't take this important weapon in the army seriously.

He immediately became anxious:

"Deng...Deng...Deng...Chang Shi..."

Unexpectedly, the more anxious I was, the more speechless I became.

PS: No money is required for the following:

Regarding Deng Yang's appearance and demeanor, the writing in the book has been relatively restrained. In fact, Guan Ren, who showed Deng Yang's face, had an even more exaggerated statement: ghost dryness.

To put it bluntly, it is obviously a person who looks like a ghost.

Second, about Cao Shuang.

Now when history is debated on the Internet, some people always defend themselves with words like "history is tampered with by the victors".

This sentence is true.

But in fact, I don't recommend that you say this sentence lightly.

Because those who have the confidence to say this sentence, they know this period of history or this historical event, there are conflicts in various historical records, and the records in official history may not be all correct, so they dare to say this sentence.

Take the most typical two things. One is that Dayu succeeded the tribal leader, and the official history said that he came by abdication.

However, according to some scattered historical materials such as "Bamboo Book Chronicle", "Han Feizi" and Cao Pi succeeding Emperor Han, he seized power through bloody political struggle.

There is also Zhuge Liang's fourth Northern Expedition. In the historical materials written by the Wei people, it is said that Sima Yi defeated Zhuge Liang, but the actual mainstream historical data is that Zhuge Liang defeated Sima Yi.

In other words, if you want to say something like "history has been tampered with", you must at least present relevant historical materials to prove your point.

Otherwise, what people say is a dialectical view of history, and if you imitate others, you will be imitating others and historical nihilism.

According to the conspiracy theory, all Chinese history books can be burned, and there is no point in keeping them. After all, we can rewrite a set at any time.

Closer to home, what about the records about Cao Shuang in history?

Intimidate the queen mother, sleep with the women left by Cao Rui, compare the clothes and utensils to the emperor, blatantly embezzle the royal property, indulge his subordinates to collect money, exile the officials of the court, believe in greedy words, lead the army to conquer Shu and return in defeat, etc.

These things are what he has done in power for ten years. I don't see any cleverness in him.

These things are not only in Cao Shuang's biography, but also in the biographies of related personnel. They confirm each other and there is no contradiction.

If it is said that these things are the descendants of Cao Shuang, then Cao Shuang's status in history is probably far higher than Dayu and Sima Yi.

Because both Dayu and Sima Yi were not so perfect by PS, there are still black materials exposed, and the records of Cao Shuang's doing these things were not flawed by PS.

is it possible? (There may be conflicts in historical materials, just because I read too few books and don’t know. If there are any, please correct me.)

I would rather believe that Cao Shuang really did these things.

So he is really stupid. He indulged the Taichung Three Dogs and beat a good hand of cards to pieces. I can't think of any explanation for him other than being stupid.

This conclusion is not from the author, but from Huan Fan, an ally of Cao Shuang:

Beautiful woman Cao Zidan gave birth to your brother, Du Er! What is the plan to let your family die today!

During the Gaoping Mausoleum change, Sima Yi swears to Luoshui in front of the emperor, courtiers, and soldiers that he will make Cao Shuang a rich man.

At that time, everyone believed in Sima Yi, and some even gave him a guarantee. Only Huan Fan opposed Cao Shuang's surrender.

Regardless of whether Huan Fan's suggestion at the time could deal with Sima Yi, he was indeed the only sober person present, and he did say what happened to Cao Shuang and his party members: extermination of the clan.

After all, no one expected that Sima Yi would be able to lower the bottom line of China's political morality.

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