Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1078: Change Your Position

"General, I've been watching this matter all the time. It's just that Ma Deheng only built the thunderbolt car a few days ago, so he came here to repay his credit."

Deng Yang carefully observed Cao Shuang's expression while organizing his words:

"I thought, didn't Emperor Wu own this thunderbolt chariot? So I asked him to build everything on the blueprint and report it to the general."

Cao Shuang nodded and said:

"So that's the case, I also know that those utensils have already been built."

Seeing Cao Shuang's indifferent expression, Deng Yang finally realized that the general didn't blame him for this matter.

He couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

While relaxing, thinking that Ma Jun and the others actually bypassed him and went directly to the general, Deng Yang couldn't help feeling even more hatred in his heart.

"General, Ma Deheng is just building the thunderbolt chariot that Emperor Wu used to have, so he is so eager to claim credit."

"It can be seen that although he has skillful hands, he is only a person with little knowledge. Only the fugitive from Shu, according to the current investigation, there is no flaw."

"As long as we can inquire about the relevant news in Guanzhong, we can confirm the identity if we think about it. Then please arrange carefully with the general."

Cao Shuang's attention was indeed diverted by Deng Yang, he asked with great interest:

"Oh, in this way, it is possible that the surrender of the Shu captives is indeed Ge Bandit's long history?"

"The possibility is not small."

If he hadn't had to wait for news from Guan Zhong, he might be able to confirm it now.

Because the descendant was not only able to tell in detail all kinds of things in the territory of the Shu captives, but also corroborated the news that the Great Wei had mastered one by one.

And he also knows the Shu army well.

There was even an extremely shocking news:

Feng Zei is so lustful that he has set up a women's camp, which is euphemistically called the Women's Guard Camp, which is dedicated to his lust on weekdays.

"It is rumored that Feng Thief is the king of ghosts, and the three thousand daughters of the night court, so it is not groundless."

Cao Shuang sighed.

Why is there even a little envy in his tone?

Deng Yang said to Cao Shuang:

"Although Yang doesn't know about soldiers, he also knows that women are not allowed to hide in the army. Otherwise, fearing that the army's discipline will be corrupted, and soldiers go to battle, they only care about the belongings of women behind the battle. How can they kill the enemy with heart?"

Cao Shuang nodded in agreement: "That's right, Xuan Mao is right."

Deng Yang continued:

"Feng Bandit is such a corrupt generation, he can actually become a general of the Shu captives. It can be seen that even if the Shu captives can be strong for a while, they will not be able to last long in the future."

"Xuan Mao's words can be said to be true!"

Ge thief has gone, and Feng thief is Wei's worry.

I heard that in the Wei army, the color of Feng's thief changed when he heard the name.

Now that he suddenly learned of Feng Thief's weakness, Cao Shuang couldn't help being overjoyed and said:

"It's time to tell the lieutenant officers and soldiers the news, and let them know that Bandit Feng really has nothing to fear."

"See you, General."

As a result, Feng Junhou, who was on patrol in Hedong, was given the notoriety of "no women, no joy, and unrestrained licentiousness".

"Feng Thief is nothing more than a prostitute, is there really nothing to fear?"

Knowing that such rumors spread in the General's Mansion, Liu Fang and Sun Zi looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes.

To be honest, when the matter developed to this point, the two of them already had some regrets.

At the beginning, Cao Shuang was promoted to power mainly to prevent the two of them from being liquidated by political opponents such as Cao Zhao.

Second, it is naturally because Cao Shuang is weak-tempered, doesn't have much opinion, and is easy to control.

It's just that what the two of them didn't expect was that their main purpose was indeed achieved.

But the side effects are a bit big.

Originally, when Cao Rui was there, although the Wei State was defeated repeatedly, the foundation of the throne was unstable, and the emperor's prestige was insufficient.

But he can still use Shangshutai and Zhongshusheng to balance the forces between the DPRK and China, so that there will be no chaos.

Now Cao Shuang has become a general, recording the affairs of Shangshu, and Shangshutai has the three dogs of Taichung as minions.

The power of Shangshutai naturally gradually tended to suppress Zhongshusheng.

In addition, Zhongshu Province does not have the support of the emperor, or in other words, the emperor of Wei is now young and has no personal governance.

The Zhongshu Province, which was originally positioned as the emperor's secretary, naturally lost its power support in name.

At the beginning, Cao Shuang still respected the two of them, at least he was willing to listen to their opinions.

But when Shangshutai had three mad dogs, things gradually changed.

But on this matter, Sun and Liu were also psychologically prepared.

After all, when it came time for them to support Cao Shuang to come to power, they were seeking a way out.

Besides, the two of them are getting older, as long as they can survive the past few years, they will gradually withdraw from the court.

No matter who comes to power in the future, as long as it doesn't involve interests, with their qualifications, who should not respect them?

This plan is pretty good.

But the two really underestimated Cao Shuang's incompetence and the madness of Taichung Sangou.

"Ge Zeichang Shi, there is indeed a man named Yang Yi. How important is his identity? Now that Ge Zei just died, Yang Yi came to vote. Cao Zhaobo (Cao Shuang) should confirm his identity as soon as possible."

"If it is true, it should be treated with a big gift, to show the court's magnanimity, and at the same time to publicize it, so as to attack the hearts of the thieves, the army and the people."

Liu Fang said with some dissatisfaction:

"It's a good thing now. Not only is he still not sure about the identity of the descendant, but he dares to say that Bandit Feng is nothing to fear? It's ridiculous!"

Is Feng thief not to be afraid of?

Could it be that when Wei lost Longyou, Liangzhou, and Guanzhong, they all ran into the hands of the Shu captives?

"It's nothing but short-sighted people to ignore the fundamentals and focus on the details!"

Sun Zi was also dissatisfied:

"If things go on like this, isn't it possible that the country conquered by the three generations of the Great Wei will be destroyed in his hands? At that time, the power of the Great Wei will be restless, and the Shu captives will take advantage of the gap to enter. We, the veterans, may have no face to face the Emperor Wu! "

For the two of them, it doesn't matter who is in power in Dawei—as long as they are not political enemies—it doesn't matter even if Dawei changes masters.

As long as the two of them continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

"I heard that the descendants of the Shu captives also brought the method of forging the sharp weapons of the Shu captives' army. I don't know if it is true or not."

Compared with Cao Shuang and others, who enjoyed rich clothes and fine food since they were young, and never went to battle, Sun and Liu went through four dynasties.

In addition, the Zhongshu Province, where the two are located, is specialized in important matters.

The Great Wei was repeatedly defeated by the Shu captives. Judging from the confidential military newspapers from the front, there are countless news about the Shu captives' heavy armor and strong crossbows.

As Grand Tutor Sima Yi said: "Although the stirrup is extremely simple, it can allow the Shu captives to train cavalry soldiers for three years, which can be compared with the ten-year veterans of the Wei Dynasty."

Another example is the Battle of Xiaoguan. There was an army report saying that the Shu captives had thrown stones, like a huge thunder, falling on the sky above the city, which made the soldiers guarding the city so frightened that they did not dare to fight.

In the battle of Guanzhong, Sima Yi easily gave up Chang'an, not only because Feng thief threatened his back, but also because it was rumored that the Shu captives had a siege weapon that could easily smash the city wall.

No matter if the fugitive from Shu is Yang Yi or not, if he can really come up with the method of making so many utensils in the Shu army, his identity will definitely not be simple.

Cao Shuang didn't pay much attention to it, he was like a poodle!

Sun Zi's eyes flashed coldly:

"Cao Zhaobo has gone too far! It's just that Xuchang is now controlled by him inside and outside. The Three Dogs in Taichung have repeatedly intended to seize power from the Ministry of Education. Right now, I'm afraid we can't act rashly."

Liu Fang nodded and said:

"The two of us are not ministers who assist the government, and indeed we cannot compete with them."

Not to mention that Cao Shuang, as a general, has the power to assist the government and controls the forbidden army.

Even his surname alone is enough to suppress the two of them in righteousness.

The one who can compete with the assistant minister is naturally only the assistant minister.

The two of them knew each other's mind without any extra words.

"These days, Taifu's second son, Sima Zishang (i.e. Sima Zhao), has been quite active in Xuchang, and has repeatedly sent invitations to my residence."

Liu Fang stroked his beard and said slowly:

"He can be regarded as our nephew. If we keep rejecting him like this, some people will say that we are bullying the younger."

Sun Zi nodded: "Exactly, my family has also received invitations from him several times. Anyway, there is nothing left and right, so it is okay to meet him if you have the opportunity."

Liu Fang nodded in agreement: "Alright."

It's just that the Taichung Three Dogs are keeping a close eye on Zhongshu Sheng. If Sima Zhao is rashly allowed to enter the mansion—whether it's the Liu mansion or the Sun mansion—I'm afraid it will make Cao Shuang suspicious.

"I heard that Xuchang recently opened a new Juepinju, but it was moved from Luoyang to Xuchang. The taste is very good."

When Sun Zi heard Liu Fang's words, he still hesitated:

"I heard that the owner of that Juepinju has an unusual relationship with Princess Qinghe."

Liu Fang smiled slightly:

"It is precisely because of the unusual relationship that I am going there. Princess Qinghe, she is only a woman, what knowledge does she have?"

"Back then, in order to vent my personal anger, I did not hesitate to slander my husband-in-law Xiahou Zilin (that is, Xiahou Mao), intending to kill him."

"It can be seen that this woman is not only vicious, but also extremely selfish. If she is used well, she can use her hands to deliver news."

Sun Zi was thoughtful:

"I heard that Princess Qinghe sent her disciples here to find a way out, just to move the Princess Mansion to Xuchang..."

Liu Fang said meaningfully:

"She wants to move the princess' mansion to Xuchang. Apart from the imperial court's decree, she also needs to get the consent of Luoyang's grand tutor!"

To put it bluntly, the relatives of the Cao family in Luoyang are actually hostages in the hands of the Grand Tutor.

The hostage wanted to leave Luoyang without the Taifu's consent, is it possible?

Therefore, Princess Qinghe must also have something to ask for from the Tai Tuo.

At this point in time, let her have the opportunity to contact the Taifu, I'm afraid it will be too late for her to be happy.

Sun Zi was still a little worried: "I'm afraid she will tell Cao Zhaobo afterwards."

"Before the matter is done, she can't leave Luoyang, so she dare not; after the matter is done, she can't get rid of the responsibility." Liu Fang said leisurely, "How can she sue?"

With Princess Qinghe's vicious selfishness, how could she take the initiative to expose herself to Cao Shuang regardless of her own safety?

Liu Fang's calculations don't stop there:

"I heard that Cao Zhaobo brought several talented people from the palace to his residence without permission. I don't know if this is true or not?"

"If it is true, we can go to see the queen mother and ask the queen mother what she thinks about this matter."

"What if it's fake?"

Liu Fang said quietly: "If it's fake, then make it real."

As for the more than 3,000 palace people, the number of people released from the palace should not be less than 2,000.

Who can tell where so many women will end up?

He Yan and Deng Yang are both lustful people, rather than believing that they are not playing tricks in it, it is better to believe that Feng Thief is really nothing to be afraid of.

This kind of thing, as long as you move your hands and feet, there is no way to explain it clearly.

Princess Qinghe, as a direct family member, would be hard to say if she would trust Cao Shuang after learning about this.

"Besides, given the current situation, even if we do nothing, I'm afraid that we will be bullied by Ding Yanjing (that is, Ding Mi) and his like in the near future."

After four dynasties, Liu Fang and Liu Fang have seen countless swords and swords, and their experience in political struggle is far beyond what Cao Shuang can compare.

The most important thing is that these old people can make decisions at critical moments.

After weighing the pros and cons, the two immediately sent someone to quietly inform Sima Zhao, and agreed on a time to meet at Juepinju.

Sima Zhao has repeatedly run into walls these days, but he didn't expect to have unexpected joy, and he was overjoyed at the moment.

So according to the words of Sun and Liu, on a certain day, avoiding other people's eyes and ears, found an opportunity, and sneaked into Juepinju.

In July of the 15th year of Jianxing, Sima Yi, the Taifu of the State of Wei, presented to the court:

Feng thief led the army to station in Hedong, and it seems that he intends to go east. The city wall of Luoyang, the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty, has been in disrepair for a long time.

Luoyang is now one of the base camps to prevent the eastward advance of Shu captives.

If Luoyang is lost, Great Wei will have no barriers.

Therefore, Cao Shuang and others, no matter how much they guard against Sima Yi, they are still highly consistent in preventing the Shu captives from advancing eastward.

If Sima Yi asked the court for money and food, Cao Shuang might think about it.

But now they just need some manpower, if they don't even provide this, it would be out of character.

Deng Yang got Cao Shuang's permission, so he took the opportunity to get angry, and in the name of Ma Jun being a skillful hand of the court, he was sent directly to Luoyang to build the city wall.

At this time, Yang Yi was granted the title of Marquis of Guishun by Cao Shuang, and she was assigned a idle job.

With the confirmation of Yang Yi's identity, Feng Zei's notoriety of "no women, no joys, and extravagant licentiousness" gradually spread in the Central Plains.

Feng Junhou, who was patrolling far away in the east of the river, suddenly sneezed several times in a row under the scorching sun: "Ah, ah, ah, ah..."

"Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Jiang Wei, who came to accompany him, asked with concern.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter."

Feng Junhou rubbed his nose, looked at the smoke and dust rising on the avenue, "But riding too fast, the dust is too big, so I feel a little uncomfortable."

Hearing this, Jiang Wei smiled and said, "The official way in Hedong is indeed far inferior to the official way in Hanzhong."

Isn't that right?

As the earliest cement avenue in the world, Shuangnan Avenue, although it uses inferior cement, it is not known how much better than this loess road.

Due to the increase of vehicles, horses and pedestrians, Shuangnan Avenue has been damaged in recent years. I heard that the government has repaired some sections of the road again.

Hearing what Jiang Wei said, Feng Junhou looked at the south side thoughtfully:

"It's a pity that the situation is not stable now. Otherwise, Tongguan will be rebuilt and cement will be used. I don't know how convenient it is."

If Tongguan and Wuguan are not fully repaired in one day, the little fat man will be stuck in Hanzhong and will not come out.

"Your Majesty said so."

"Is there any news from Hanoi?"

"No, everything is fine."

"Sima Yi is not a simple person, you have to be careful in everything."

Feng Junhou came to Hedong to hold back the Wei army in Hanoi and prevent them from drawing troops to support Shangdang.

Sima Yi knew this.

Feng Junhou also knew that Sima Yi knew.

Now that Feng Junhou has played his cards, it depends on how Sima Yi responds.

I hope that what Zhang Xiaosi said is true, Sima Yi and Xu Chang have reached a point where they seem to be in harmony, distrust each other and even be wary of each other.

Otherwise, if Sima Yi really sent troops to Yecheng, and Wei Yan couldn't attack Shangdang for a long time, I'm afraid the situation would change drastically again.

PS: These few days, Tiger Girl followed her mother-in-law back to her natal home. The author finally had a holiday. I wanted to be lazy for a day. I just opened my beloved Romance of the Three Kingdoms and was about to kill the world.

Suddenly, the news flashed, and the tiger girl sent out a soul torture thousands of miles away: Have you updated today?


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