Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1079 Luoyang

"My lord, there is another news from the east of the river, saying that bandit Feng has been staying in the east of the river, and there seems to be a tendency to increase his troops."

Sima Shi, who was appointed as the Central Guard Army, can finally enter the army openly and follow Sima Yi.

At this moment, with a look of worry on his face, he took the news from Hedong and reported it to his lord.

"My lord, tell me, is Feng thief playing some tricks again?"

Fifty-eight-year-old Sima Yi has a ruddy complexion, a broad forehead and a high nose, a pair of deep-set eyes shining brightly, and a long silvery white beard under his jaw.

Compared with his less confident sons, Sima Yi, as a veteran of the four dynasties, has experienced a lot of wind and rain.

Not to mention Wei Guo, even if you look at the whole world, how many people have experienced it all and survived the decades from the feudal lords vying for the throne to the three-thirds of the world?

Not to mention that Sima Yi was born in an aristocratic family, and his ability and knowledge far surpassed ordinary people.

With the death of Ge Zhai, there are only a handful of people who can compete with him in politics and military strategy at the same time.

Without Ge thief's pressure, facing Feng thief alone, Sima Yi seemed much calmer:

"When I leave Guanzhong, if the Shu captives still have the strength to go out of Tongguan despite the severe cold, and pursue them closely, that would be hard to say."

"But now that Bandit Ge is dead, although Bandit Feng is well-equipped with civil and military skills, he is all outstanding in leading the army and governing the people, but he..."

Having said that, Sima Yi paused, and then continued slowly:

"You are still young and your qualifications are too low, so you may not be able to convince the crowd. There are tens of thousands of Shu captives in Guanzhong. He may not have the courage to lead so many troops out of Tongguan."

Although Feng Zei is currently the commander-in-chief of the Shu captive army in Guanzhong, Sima Yi knows that the Shu captive army in Guanzhong is actually mainly divided into two parts.

Some of them were the Liangzhou Army brought over by Feng Thief from Liangzhou, which could be regarded as his direct descendants.

But a larger part is the Hanzhong army that has been led by Ge thief himself.

Ge thief died suddenly, and Feng thief was able to make these hundreds of thousands of people guard the pass without chaos, which is already extraordinary.

If at this time he dared to lead these troops to advance eastward rashly, then he would really have to wonder whether Bandit Feng is not worthy of his reputation?

Seeing his lord's indifference, Master Sima felt at ease, but he still hesitated:

"Then he has been staying in Hedong for the past two months, and he has continued to increase troops in Hedong. What is his intention?"

Sima Yi calmly explained to his son:

"Contain Jiang Zitong (i.e. Jiang Ji) and prevent him from reinforcing Yecheng and Shangdang."

Master Sima naturally thought about this possibility.

But he has a deeper consideration:

"My lord, Hanoi is the foundation of our Sima family! Bandit Feng has always been scheming. This man is like a poisonous snake. If he doesn't move, he will be fine. If he moves, he will be tricky and intend to kill people. We must guard against it."

It's not that he doesn't trust adults, if it were someone else, he wouldn't have any worries at all.

But Feng thief is different.

After all, my lord was forced to lead the army back to Luoyang from Guanzhong, but it was thanks to Thief Feng.

How could Sima Yi not know the psychology of his own son?

It's just that he was a little helpless about this matter.

The aftermath of the battle in Guanzhong was not over.

No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, Sima Yi could tell that even his own son felt restrained after meeting Feng Thief.

It can be seen from this that in the Wei army, how many people are not afraid of this thief?

"That's why Bandit Feng will stay in Hedong at this moment!"

Sima Yi sighed, "In this way, not only can he hold back Jiang Zitong, but he can even hold us back indirectly, so that the army in Luoyang will not dare to easily send reinforcements to go north to Yecheng."

Although Sima Yi believed that the Shu captives were unable to move eastward at this time, Feng Zei had never acted according to common sense, so he should not be careless about this person.

"But my lord, we are not..."

Sima Shi originally wanted to say, "It's not that we don't have plans to reinforce Shangdang."

It's just that Sima Yi knew what he meant before he finished speaking:

"We know that we don't want to send more troops to Yecheng, Xu Chang may not dare to believe it completely, so how can Thief Feng be sure? In his eyes, we and Xu Chang are one."

Xu Chang never mentioned to let Luoyang increase troops to Yecheng.

Sima Yi never took the initiative to mention reinforcements to Yecheng.

Therefore, when it comes to the mobilization of troops in Luoyang, it can be seen that both sides are on guard.

"So Feng's real intention of increasing troops to Hedong is to contain the troops of Luoyang and Hanoi in one fell swoop."

When Sima Yi said this, his tone finally showed some hesitation:

"Of course, there is another possibility... If he already suspects that there is a rift between us and Xu Chang, then such a big fanfare can just test the relationship between us and Xu Chang."

Feng thief is cunning, not just talking about it, it is well known to the world.

The matter between Luoyang and Xuchang cannot be concealed.

As long as Feng thief has the heart, he will be able to detect it sooner or later.

Sima Yi believed that there might be many thieves lurking in the city of Luoyang.

Not to mention, with the development of the situation to this point, some people in Da Wei may have begun to harbor thieves' hearts.

People's hearts are against each other, maybe this is what people's hearts are against.

Although Sima Shi experienced the vanity case and his official career was not smooth, he was as famous as Xia Houxuan, He Yan and others in his early years, and he had a high reputation among the younger generation of Wei State.

Before he killed his wife to preach, he might not have been proud of it.

It's only since he formally participated in the affairs of the family, or in other words, since the adult and the Cao family have gradually drifted away.

Only then did he realize that there are many heroes in the world.

Thinking of Feng thief who is about the same age as himself, not only is he famous all over the world, but even adults are quite afraid of him.

Master Sima couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Seeing Master Sima's appearance, Sima Yi seemed to know what he was thinking:

"It is expected that the enemy must be lenient. Whether it is Ge thief or Feng thief, they are all the most cunning and cunning among the Shu captives."

Having said that, he let out a long sigh:

"There are very few people in the world who can compete with each other without falling behind, but we have to compete with them. This is both a blessing and a great misfortune!"

"Unfortunate ones want to compete with a rare and powerful enemy in the world; fortunate ones, if you and my father and son are not outstanding, what qualifications do we have to compete with them?"

Thinking of the dilemma during the first battle in Guanzhong, Sima Yi felt a little rejoiced: Fortunately, Ge thief is dead!

If Ge thief is still there, I believe that in a few years, the Shu captives will definitely commit crimes. Who in the world can stop the two?

In the past, Liu Bei entrusted Zhuge Liang with all state affairs, and made Liu Chan treat him like his father.

Over the years, Liu Chan has grown older, still able to abide by Liu Bei's words, and has no intention of seizing power at all.

Not only was there no suspicion between the monarch and his ministers, Liu Chan was so relieved that Zhuge Liang led the soldiers of the whole country.

How rare?

Sima Yi couldn't help sighing and said:

"Zhuge Liang and Feng Mingwen, how lucky they are to meet such a lord of faith!"

On the other hand, I was first forced to become an official by Emperor Wu again and again.

When he really became an official, Emperor Wu turned around and told Emperor Wen that he should beware of meddling in Cao's family affairs.

Fortunately, I have always been on good terms with Emperor Wen and worked diligently as an official, which saved me from a disaster.

Later, he was entrusted by Emperor Wen to assist the late emperor.

Compared with Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang who have trusted each other for more than ten years, the first emperor is far inferior.

As soon as he ascended the throne, he couldn't wait to transfer three of the four auxiliary ministers out of the court so that he could take power in person.

That's all, but he was impatient and didn't listen to others, so he insisted on the imperial conquest in the second year, and suffered a big defeat.

When Cao Wenlie (that is, Cao Xiu) and Cao Zidan (that is, Cao Zhen) were there, it was still easy to say.

Once the two left, the late emperor became more and more worried about the frontier officials and generals.

If it weren't for Zhongshu Ling Sun Zi and others' strong protection, I am afraid that even veteran officials like Man Chong would be suspected.


Sima Yi sighed deeply, remembering the trustworthiness of Emperor Wen in the past.

Thinking about it again, is it because of the suspicion of the first emperor that I have come to this point?

How great would it be if the first emperor could trust himself like Liu Chan trusted Zhuge Liang?

Master Sima didn't know what Sima Yi was thinking. After a while, he heard his lord suddenly ask:

"Have the craftsmen sent over from Xuchang arrived?"

"Go back to your lord, and say that they will all arrive in Luoyang in the day after tomorrow."

"The one who led these craftsmen was a man named Ma Jun. As soon as he arrived in Luoyang, he was asked to come to see me immediately."


Sima Yi stood up, walked to the window, and looked out the window at the streets of Luoyang.

Sima Taifu can now be regarded as one of the most distinguished figures in the Wei Dynasty.

As long as the castles in the mansion are not higher than the imperial palace, it is not considered a violation of the system - even if it is a violation of the system, it is estimated that no one will come to investigate.

However, with Sima Taifu's prudence, it is certainly impossible for political opponents to grasp the handle.

Standing in front of the window of the pavilion of Taifu Mansion, you can see the most prosperous street in Luoyang City.

More than half a year has passed since the defeat in Guanzhong.

The initial panic gradually dissipated. As the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty and also the core area of ​​the Central Plains, Luoyang City began to resume its bustle.

Although it is not as prosperous as in previous years, at least there are already a lot of pedestrians.

Watching the people and cars passing by on the streets of Luoyang City, Sima Yi, who is really in charge of the city, has no focus in his eyes, and seems to be thinking about the future direction.

Under the eyes of Taifu Sima, a group of carriages came from the direction of the east gate and stopped in front of Juepinju, the best restaurant in Luoyang.

A handsome man jumped out of the car.

Someone nearby shouted:

"Mr. Mi Lang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Can you open the door of your superb residence?"

Mi Shishilang bowed his hands to the man and saluted:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I went out of the city to do some business a few days ago, and I haven't returned yet, so the restaurant didn't open in time. I'm sorry for neglecting Mr. Cao."

The passer-by who called Mi Langjun, surnamed Cao, heard that he was related to the Cao clan.

Hearing Mi Langjun's words at this time, he didn't mind.

Everyone knows the chaos in the city a few days ago.

This Mr. Mi Lang presumably left the city to flee.

Now that the city has recovered its stability, that's why I rushed back.

He was somewhat envious of Mi Langjun being able to leave the city freely.

Since Sima Taifu led the army into Luoyang, the Cao family members who did not follow the late emperor on the east tour, although they did not suffer any harm, were restricted in Luoyang City and were not allowed to go out at will.

Those of them who rely on Cao's clan for food can only stay in Luoyang.

"The lord at home has been arguing that he wants to come over for dinner. Now that Mr. Mi is back, he must be able to get his wish."

"The day after tomorrow, let me prepare in the next two days, the restaurant will definitely open to welcome customers the day after tomorrow."

"Then it's settled. After returning to the mansion, I will tell my husband that if the door is not opened when I come over the day after tomorrow, I will smash the door."



Many high-ranking officials and nobles in the city know that behind the Jue Pin Ju, or in other words, behind the owner of the Jue Pin Ju, there is Princess Qinghe who backs it up.

But if you know it, you know it, some things still have to be covered up, and they can't be put on the table.

For example, when Mr. Mi Lang came back from Xuchang, he didn't go directly to Princess Qinghe's mansion - if that were the case, it would be too ostentatious.

Instead, go back to Juepinju first, wash off the dust on your body, recharge your batteries, and then go on.

Of course, the greater possibility is that Mi Lang-jun has not waited for his departure.

The princess would send someone over early the next day, saying that she wanted to eat the food of Jue Pin Ju, and asked Mi Lang-jun to deliver it to the mansion.

The steward who stayed in the store welcomed Mi Langjun into the store:

"Lang Jun, during the few days since you left Luoyang, many people have come to ask questions."

"What did you ask?"

"Most of them are asking when our restaurants will open."

"They're all old customers, didn't they offend them?"

"No, no, how dare a villain. Oh, by the way, a few days ago, some relatives and friends of Mr. Lang came to visit Mr. Lang, and they are still waiting."

Mi Shishilang paused slightly, and then showed just the right surprise on his face:

"Friends and relatives?"

Finally, if you think about it:

"Hey, I think it's because the situation is chaotic, so come and seek refuge. Where are people now?"

"Knowing that the man is a relative of Mr. Lang, so the villain dared to keep him here without authorization."

Very casual conversation.

However, Mi Shishilang took a deep breath, clenched his right hand into a fist, and retracted it into his sleeve, trying not to let people see the trembling of his fingers.

But seeing him say calmly:

"Take me to him."

The steward led Mi Shishilang to a wing in the backyard.

When he saw the people in the wing room, he took a quick step and kicked the threshold away without knowing it.

The steward followed behind, took the initiative to close the door, and stood guard at the door.

"I met Mi Lang-jun."

Mi Shishilang stepped into the door, his lips trembled slightly, and he gestured with both hands for a long time before he spoke:

"Mr. Han, you... why are you here? This... I heard that there are many checkpoints on the border, and the inspection is extremely strict. How did you come here?"

After lurking in the thief country for so long, I dare not talk in my sleep.

In the past few months, I suddenly heard that the big man took back Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong one after another. Mi Langjun bit a towel at night, and he didn't dare to let himself laugh out loud.

From that moment on, he suddenly felt that everything he did had meaning.

Han Long smiled slightly:

"Wei's thieves were indeed strictly investigated in Luoyang and Hebei, but I came here from Wuguan Road via Nanyang."

In fact, when Han Long came out this time, he followed the Wuguan Road to pursue Yang Yi at first.

If you don't find anyone, don't look back at all, and go directly to Luoyang to contact Mi Shishilang.

"Junhou said, we must find a way to find Mi Langjun. When I passed Wancheng, I heard that Luoyang was quite chaotic a few days ago."

Speaking of this, Han Long smiled easily, "I was wondering if Mr. Mi Lang would be okay, but I didn't expect that when I arrived in Luoyang, I saw that this unique residence was still there."

"Mr. Junhou sent over, but what's the matter?"

Han Long shook his head, "It's nothing important. The situation has been unstable for the past few months. Junhou is worried about Mi Langjun's situation, so he sent this old man to take a look."

Mi Shishilang sent Wu Shaoyao (that is, the heavenly girl) back to Guanzhong, but he stayed in Luoyang, saying that the situation was chaotic and it was time for major events.

Feng Junhou was worried, and when the situation stabilized, he sent Han Long over, just wanting him to escort Mi Shishilang back to Dahan.

At this time, Mi Shishilang was not willing to leave easily, he shook his head:

"Now I am deeply trusted by Princess Qinghe, no one will doubt me, so even though I am in the tiger's den, I am still very safe."

"Besides, I am here, which is far more useful than returning to the big man." Mi Shishilang said, his expression became serious, "Sir, how is the situation in Guanzhong now?"

"The prime minister recommends the prince to lead the affairs of Guanzhong, and everything is fine now."

Mi Shishilang looked hesitant: "Then... did anything happen?"

"What does this mean, sir?"

Mi Shishilang tentatively asked:

"Wei Wenchang and Yang Weigong are both old men in the prime minister's residence. When the prime minister is here, they still can't make them work together. Now that the prime minister is not here, may the monarch be able to suppress them?"

When Han Long heard this, the smile on his face disappeared:

"Mi Lang-jun, did you hear something? There is indeed one more thing to come here this time."

"What is it?"

"Yang Yi disappeared three months ago, no one was seen when he was born, and no corpse was seen when he died. The Lord suspected that he had turned into a thief, so he sent me to look for it. I have been chasing him all the way, but I have never found anyone."

When Mi Shishilang heard this, his face sank all of a sudden:

"There is no need to doubt, he is a thief!"

Han Long was taken aback: "How did Mr. Mi Lang know?"

"This matter has been spread in Xuchang, and..." Mi Shishilang gritted his teeth, "I was in Xuchang, and I saw him once from a distance."

"Little Shepherd!"

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