Huayuan didn't answer the conversation immediately, but took another sip of tea from the teacup, as if she was trying to hide something, and she seemed to be trying to organize her words.

After a while, she opened her mouth and said:

"I want to buy a piece of land in Chang'an City and build a big yard."

Then she looked at Feng Junhou again, and emphasized: "The location is better."

"You are a general, in charge of the entire Guanzhong, and now you are helping His Majesty build the palace, you must know the best place."

Hearing this, Feng Junhou glanced at the little lady in surprise.

Then he smiled again: "You can't talk nonsense, I'm not a general."

Huahuan curled her lips: "Anyway, sooner or later, now all the big men know that even the generals of Zhendong and Zhenjun are no match for you."

"Just tell me, are you willing to help me?"

What Feng Junhou didn't expect was that this little lady from Nanban would have such advanced consciousness.

Although Chang'an is still dilapidated now, it will be the capital of the Han Dynasty in the future. In time, the land will definitely be the most expensive in the Han Dynasty.

After the emperor moved the capital, let alone ordinary people, even capital officials, if they were not dignitaries, would not be able to buy houses in good locations in the city.

Even if you have money, you can't say whether you are qualified.

From this point of view, Feng Junhou sits in Guanzhong and has full power to handle the construction of the Emperor's Palace. He is really holding a pot full of gold.

As long as the skin is thick enough, the methods are black enough, and you get a few pieces of good land for yourself, you can earn enough food and drink for a lifetime even if you don't do anything in the future and just sell it.

Of course, Feng Junhou doesn't like money, he prefers to throw coins.

So this is one of the reasons why the palace completely entrusted this matter to him.

Feng Junhou didn't want to make money from it, but it didn't mean he wouldn't use a few pieces of land to sell favors.

"It's easy to help you, but you have to explain the matter to me. Why do you want to build a yard in Chang'an?"

When Huahuan heard this, her eyes widened:

"Don't you know that His Majesty is going to come to Chang'an? At that time, my adults and mother will definitely come with me. Naturally, I have to prepare for them in advance."

Feng Junhou frowned:

"How do you know about this?"

Hearing these aspects, Hualan's gaze at Feng Junhou became a little strange:

"Is it spread all over Sichuan, okay? Even children know about it."


Is this making public opinion preparations for moving the capital?

"Oh, that's it! All right, then I'll show you a few places to see how big the land is, and let me know after you think about it."

Feng Junhou said indifferently: "I will ask someone to issue a land deed document for you later."

Then he emphasized: "When you get the paperwork, remember to bring the money ticket."

Familiarity returns to familiarity, but business affairs still have to be done in public.

At present, most of the large transactions in Dahan territory use money tickets.

Except for the Dahan Reserve Bureau, no one has been found in the world who can imitate this kind of banknotes.

With the endorsement of the Xinghan Association and the Dahan government, the face value of the notes is very strong.

Even outside Dahan, many people recognize this ticket.

Especially in the territory of Wu State.

I heard that there is a premium in Wuchang.

There is no way, Emperor Wu is going to mint another batch of big money again.

Iron, face value one thousand.

In the past, at any rate, there was only a little less copper, and the coins were thinner.

Later, other things began to be mixed with copper.

Then later it was mixed with copper in other things.

Now it is simply not even copper, and pure iron is directly used.

A big iron coin with a face value of one thousand, just ask if you are afraid?

As far as Feng Junhou knew, Captain Chang Kaishen had also done something like this.

It's just that the name of the currency is more pleasant, called gold coupons.

Then, the 4.3 million army of planes and guns, and the "advantage is mine" Captain Chang, were pushed back by the 1.27 million of millet and rifles.

Because the common people hate gold coupons, even if they use a cart, they have to push 1.27 million to overthrow Captain Chang who "has the advantage".

Therefore, although Feng Junhou promised the prime minister in his early years, he could let the court arrange for people to enter the Dahan Reserve Bureau.

But it can only be supervision, and cannot intervene in the ticket printing process of the Dahan Reserve Bureau.

In the original history, the first paper money on the land of China also originated in Shu, and it was Jiaozi in Song Dynasty.

But since the advent of Jiaozi, no official government in the past dynasties can restrain the instinctive impulse to print tickets.

If one day, the imperial court really wants to force the Dahan Reserve Bureau to print more banknotes, Feng Junhou will definitely let Xinghan immediately spin off the Dahan Reserve Bureau.

If he is not allowed, then he will leave the Xinghan Association and let the capable person be the leader.

Of course, in Feng Junhou's lifetime, it is estimated that this situation will not happen.

Ji Han, who has just been on the rise, is still pregnant with new productivity internally. In the foreseeable time, it is unlikely that there will be major financial risks.

Therefore, in places where there are strongholds of Xinghan Hui, money tickets are one of the most trustworthy currencies besides five baht coins.

Hua Niangzi traveled all over the years, so she naturally carried a lot of tickets with her.

Hearing Feng Junhou's instructions at this time, his eyes rolled a few times:

"The matter of money tickets is easy to talk about, but I haven't finished talking about the requirements for this location."

"What else do you want?"

"I just saw your appearance, and it seems that you are very clear about the doorway here. How about this, you tell me first, where is your home in the future, and I will buy a lot next to your home."

Feng Junhou glanced at her sideways:

"You have to think about it. You called me the general just now. From now on, there will be no ordinary people around my house. If someone really takes a fancy to your house, maybe you will have to move again." Home."

Who is Meng Huo?

The leader of the Nanzhong rebellion, who was later forced to surrender to the big man, was originally an object to be guarded against.

Giving him the position of Yushi Zhongcheng is just to look good, and at the same time, he wants to use the name of the Meng family to appease the barbarians in Nanzhong.

As the Xinghan Association's development of Nanzhong deepened, the role of the Meng family would only become smaller and smaller.

The smaller the role, the lower the status.

Although there is still Meng Yan in the army.

But those who have the ability to persecute the Meng family are naturally qualified to know the relationship between Meng Huo and Meng Yan.

Besides, in the current Han army, the dependence on the southern Zhongyi people is not as great as in history.

On the contrary, because of Meng Huo's relationship, Meng Yan's promotion may be affected.

Over the years, Hualan naturally knew that her lord seemed to have an honorable official position in Jincheng, but in fact it was just a casual job.

He was even a little cautious on weekdays, not daring to offend people easily.

Of course, it would not be enough to say that someone bullied the Meng family.

Of course Meng Huo was a surrendered general, but who made him have a good daughter who hugged someone's lap.

Guan Jiashiro: That's right, it's next!

So Miss Hua said confidently:

"I'm not afraid, I'm Guan Shiro's wife. If anyone dares to bully our Meng family, I will go to my husband for help!"

With that said, she looked at Feng Junhou again:

"Besides, I have helped you so much, Junhou. We will be neighbors in the future, so you won't just watch me being bullied, will you?"

Feng Junhou couldn't help but slapped his head when he heard this!

My good fellow, just now I made fun of her for coming to find my A-Lang, why did I forget about this?

But it's not surprising that General Guan was originally his wife.

It was only when she followed her on the battlefield that people remembered that she had another layer of identity.

"It's my negligence. It's true. Who doesn't know about your relationship with Guan Jiashiro?"

"Your Alang, now he is General Zhengdong, and he is in charge of the military. Few of the big men dare to offend him."

In the past, Silang of the Guan family was not well-known, and he was the concubine of the Guan family, so few people knew about it.

In the first battle of Guanzhong, Guan Silang stole the limelight, showing the legacy of Guan Laojunhou.

It can be said that it has become a household name between day and night.

More importantly, according to some rumors, Guan Jiashiro was still the number one general under Feng Junhou's command, and even Zhao Sanqian was behind.

If you really want to offend this person, wouldn't you be offending Feng Zhendong indirectly?

"Since that's the case, it's convenient. You think about how big a yard you want to build, and then go directly to Secretary Zhang to get a land deed document."

Feng Junhou's words undoubtedly showed his attitude.

Hua Niangzi immediately smiled, picked up the teacup, drank a few sips, then put it down, and continued:

"I have one more thing."

"Oh, you little lady, why are you so troublesome?" Feng Junhou became a little impatient, "What else is there, just tell it all."

"I want to invite people from the Nanxiang Engineering Team to supervise the yard. I don't want a wooden yard. I want bricks and tiles, which are glued together with cement. The big red bricks look good!"

This aesthetic is so fucking earthy!

Feng Junhou secretly complained in his heart.

It's just that the big man regards himself as fire-virtuous, and mainly uses red.

Red is the color that everyone likes, the national color.

"very expensive!"

Cement is not the inferior cement that was first used to pave roads and was called artificial stone, but barely qualified cement that was calcined.

It's just that the yield rate is extremely low, resulting in low output.

The main thing is that the temperature is not well controlled.

The calcined cement produced by Quan Dahan is not enough for royals and dignitaries.

Like the Meng family, if they want to use cement to build a house, they have to wait in line for at least ten years—if they can get their turn.

Of course, the same sentence, who told Meng Huo to have a good daughter?

Miss Hua patted her chest and said grandly, "I'm not short of money!"

"Then there's no problem. I'll give you a letter. After you return to Nanxiang, just take my letter to find someone."

The reconstruction of Chang'an is a big project.

Big projects mean big oil and water.

To build a model project for the Meng family, are you afraid that the rich and noble families who move to Chang'an will not rush to find an engineering team to build a house?

Feng Junhou looked at the flower ring again, with a smile on his face.

I was happy, so I drank a few more glasses at the dust-cleaning banquet for the flower garland.

After more than a year of fighting, followed by the death of the prime minister, and then the aftermath of Guanzhong and Bingzhou, Feng Junhou hardly had time to relax.

Now that everything is settled, Hualan brought good news again, which gave Feng Junhou the hope of solving the population bottleneck in the Han Dynasty.

In addition to this banquet, apart from the head of the Feng family and four wives and concubines, there was only one guest, Huahuan.

Even Zhang Xiaosi, who doesn't like drinking, saw Feng Junhou's rare moment of relaxation, and had a few drinks with him.

So Feng Junhou got drunk.

But tonight he was in high spirits, even when he was drunk, he still hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, Hu Tianhudi.

He didn't wake up until it was bright the next day.

In the early morning of late autumn, there is already a chill.

Feng Junhou squinted, turned over, and put the warm body beside him into his arms, planning to go back to sleep.

The fragrance in the nose is a little strange.

The hand holding the person squeezed subconsciously.

Well, rule out General Guan first.

Because it is impossible for General Guan to get up so late, according to her habit, she should get up early to practice martial arts.

It wasn't Zhang Xiaosi either. Although Zhang Xiaosi's name was Xiaosi, she was about the same height as Li Mu, not so small.

Looks like it's Amy.

"Amei, have you changed your shampoo?"

Feng Junhou murmured a question.

The person in his arms shook slightly, and then curled himself up even tighter.

Well, it's Amei's habit.

"Hey, touching is not enough, do you want to pinch?"

Feeling that Feng Junhou's hand had been dishonest, the person in his arms finally couldn't help but say something.

"Old husband and wife..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Junhou suddenly opened his eyes, and half propped himself up:

"why you!"

The garland with its back to him did not turn around, leaving only a white nape of his neck:

"Why can't it be me? You never thought there would be such a day?"

Feng Junhou's head, which was a little dazed, suddenly became sober.

Just listening to her calm tone, for some reason, he actually didn't know how to answer:

"I just didn't think it would be in this situation, that... uh, what happened last night?"

"Guan Jiashiro can't give me a child, so I can only ask you for it."

Feng Junhou's ghostly body shook!


Hearing her calm tone in front of him, he still felt a little logical.

Hearing this sentence again at this time, what's the matter with an exciting feeling of having an affair?

"Uh, I mean..."

He wanted to ask General Guan and Zhang Xiaosi if they were accomplices.

But after thinking about it, without the nodding of these two people, Hualan would not have the courage to climb up on the couch.

"When did you discuss it?"

"Ask your wife, what do I do?"

I remembered that I was the nominal wife of Shiro Seki, and Shiro Seki was the wife of this guy.

Now I...

What a messy relationship!

Hualan couldn't help feeling a little bitter, and sighed resignedly:

"Back then, I wanted to use the Xinghan Society to save the clansmen for the sake of your reputation, so I should have thought that there would be today."

After all, when Guiwang Feng was in Nanzhong, he courted three thousand daughters a night, so how could he escape?

Over the years, I have led the tribe and accumulated a lot of property.

In the past, when Grandpa Zhuge was still around, he didn't have to worry too much about someone taking it by force.

But now that Grandpa Zhuge is gone, who knows what will happen to the court?

I must think of a way out as soon as possible.

Although the name Guan Jiashiro's wife's family is said to be, it is a fiction after all, and it can't make people feel at ease.

Anyway, I have been acting in the name of Feng Guiwang these years, so I might as well just take advantage of him, which is worthy of the name.

Hug the thigh, it must be the thickest one.

For Feng Junhou, if things are abnormal, there must be demons.

He intuited that things were not that simple, but because he just woke up, he didn't clear his mind for a while.

While he was trying to think, the flower garland interrupted his thoughts:

"But there is something I want to tell you."


"If I give birth to a girl in the future, she must be the young head of the Zhu Rong clan."

Hearing this tone, Feng Junhou was shocked:

"How many children do you want?"

Hualan didn't expect this person to say such inhuman words, she suddenly turned around:

"You don't want to be responsible? Even if there is only one child, she has to go!"

Probably because it turned too hard and shook too much, Feng Junhou couldn't help but straighten his eyes.

This is not his fault.

After all, the prescriptions and body exercises that General Guan snatched back from Tiannv worked well.

I was so drunk last night that I was in a daze and felt powerless.

Now when I wake up in the morning, the state is very different.

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