Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1098 The concubine's is Alang's

The newcomers are lazy to wash and wash, Feng Junhou got drunk again last night, so it is understandable that he woke up a little later today.

Of course, the most important thing is that Miss Hua, who was always aggressive, became shy and refused to leave the room.

"Hurry up!"

Feng Junhou, who was sitting on the couch, couldn't help urging her when he saw her lying on the couch and couldn't get up.

"You... you go down, turn around!"

The flower garland was wrapped in a velvet quilt, only a small head emerged, with a slight blush on his face, signaling Feng to stay on the bed, "I want to get dressed."

As an old driver, Feng Junhou, when he heard this, he let out a "tss":

"What are you afraid of? After you've touched it, you're afraid of me seeing it? You put it on quickly, and help me put it on when you're done."

"Huh?" Miss Hua couldn't believe it when she heard what this guy said.

"What are you looking at, as a bride, don't you even know how to dress your own A-Lang?"

"Why don't you wear it yourself?"

Feng Junhou replied confidently: "I won't!"

It's a joke, the majestic and powerful man, not to mention keeping a bunch of kabuki like other rich and powerful people.

Even the titles of concubines bestowed by the imperial court have not been filled after so many years.

Now you still have to dress yourself?

Wouldn't that be worse than the native rich in the countryside?

If it spreads out, people will die laughing.

Seeing that this guy was unwilling to stay on the bed, Hualan couldn't hold back her face, so she just buried her head in the quilt and remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Feng Junhou said intimidatingly: "If you do this again, I will ask Amei to come in and help?"

"Don't!" Hualan hurriedly pulled down the quilt again, and exclaimed, "You can't do this!"

Feng Junhou sneered.

The flower garland had no choice but to say in anticipation:

"Then you...then you turn around and hand me the clothes, I, I will help you when I'm done."

Feng Junhou had no choice but to stay at the bed and help her find clothes according to what she said.

But when he picked up her little coat and handed it over, he was inexplicably reminded of the tenderness he was holding in his hand when he woke up this morning.

Feng Junhou couldn't help turning around and taking a look.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Hualan was also looking at the little coat she had just received from someone Feng, with a complicated look on her face.

Seeing Feng's treacherous appearance again, he immediately became angry from embarrassment, and scolded softly:

"What are you looking at!"

Old thief Feng was caught straight, even though he was thick-skinned, he also felt a little embarrassed, and quickly turned his head away.

He coughed and found nothing to say:

"Actually, if you are not the young patriarch of the Zhurong clan, you may not be able to make a career, and you will probably live more comfortably than now."

Flower Garland, who was putting on clothes, couldn't help giving him a blank look when he heard the words:

"Who said I was the patriarch? I am already the patriarch now."

Feng Junhou responded: "Oh? Already the patriarch? Congratulations!"

Hua Wan rolled her eyes again when she heard this perfunctory congratulations.

However, thinking of Xinghan Society's huge property in Nanzhong, it is understandable for people to look down on him as the patriarch.

She went on to say:

"As for freedom, of course you can say that now."

"But more than ten years ago, the wife of the Zhang family and the wife of the Li family wanted to follow you regardless of her self-deprecating status. What was she trying to do?"

"Under your protection these years, they can live a truly comfortable life. I don't know how many women are envious."

"If there were no workshops opened by the Xinghan Society these years, how difficult would it be for a woman to stand out?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Feng Junhou's back, and her tone became a little faint:

"After all, there is only one Feng Junhou in the world..."

Of course, there is only one emperor of the Liu family.

The daughters of the Zhang family, one helping the emperor handle government affairs, and the other helping the prince handle state affairs, are the generation who don't let men.

She is indeed a role model for women in the world.

Therefore, if you want to say that Hualan has no selfish intentions about what happened last night, that would be a lie.

After all, she holds such a large property, and so many people depend on her for food.

If she really married a certain Qu Shuai in Nanzhong, not to mention the imperial court, even the government of Nanzhong would not be at ease.

Not to mention the Xinghan Club, I'm afraid it will swallow her alive at that time-so you are not the woman of the leading brother (sister-in-law), and you dare to snatch food from us?

If she wanted to marry a son of a certain family or a nobleman in Jincheng, it was still a question of whether others could see her as a barbarian.

Even if someone really dares to marry, I'm afraid that what they value is only the resources in their hands.

As a savage girl, marrying into a wealthy family with such a large fortune, isn't that sending meat to the tiger's mouth?

At that time, if there is no use value, I'm afraid I don't know how to die.

After all, the Meng family is also a big family in Nanzhong, so how could Hualan know nothing about the affairs of the wealthy family?

After thinking about it, the one who can protect him and tolerate him at the same time is probably a certain ghost king.

Feng Guiwang's family has a great career. Although the external reputation is not very good, but for his own woman, that is really nothing to say.

Huahuan put on her clothes full of thoughts, and then saw that Feng Guiwang had already put on his underwear, so she waited for her help.

Immediately moved over slowly.

"Do you know how?"

Feng Junhou opened his arms and asked a question.

"Who do you look down on? Our Meng family is also a big family in Nanzhong, okay? And my lord also has an official uniform!"

When Huahuan heard this, she immediately became a little annoyed.

I was still a little ashamed in my heart, and my hands trembled slightly.

At this time, as soon as the fire came up, the heart became horizontal, and the movements became much smoother.

After finally getting dressed, he asked the servants to come in with hot water to wash.

After such a toss, when the two of them went out, the sun was already in the sky.

General Guan, Zhang Xiaosi, Amei, Li Mu, plus six children, big and small, have been waiting for a long time.

Before Zhang Xiaosi's case, there was even a plate of fried apricot kernels. While eating the fried apricot kernels, she looked at the two people who walked in.

Apricot kernels are carefully selected thin-core sweet apricot kernels, which are fried in oil and then fried with sugar, salt, spices, etc.

It is fragrant and crisp, salty, sweet and delicious after being out of the pan. It is a first-class snack.

Zhang Xiaosi opened and closed his mouth, Xiao Yaya ate happily, and he uttered clearly:

"Yo, is the newcomer willing to come out?"

Seeing this situation, Hua Ling subconsciously hid behind Feng Junhou.

It was rare to see her like this, and everyone couldn't help smiling.

When Feng Junhou saw General Guan who was sitting upright like a golden sword, his legs were almost weak.

But when he felt that Hualan was hiding behind him, and when he thought about it again, he didn't take the initiative, so his waist stiffened a little again.

"Are they all there?"

Feng Junhou looked around, Amei and Li Mu had no right to speak, so ignore it.

General Guan has too much aura to be trifled with.

It's just you, Zhang Xiaosi, who told you to talk too much?

The most important thing is that Zhang Xiaosi is definitely the mastermind of this matter.

"Why are there so many people today? Also, don't you need to deal with government affairs, Si Niang?"

Zhang Xiaosi squeezed the apricot core and put it in his mouth, made another "click", and gave him a blank look by the way, not bothering to answer him.

On the other hand, General Guan, who had the demeanor of a big lady, gestured to the two of them:

"What are you doing standing still? It's lunch time, and I'll be waiting for you."

Only now did Feng Junhou look suddenly enlightened: "Oh, really? No wonder I'm so hungry."

Zhang Xiaosi next to him sneered when he heard the words.

Isn't that right?

I didn't even eat breakfast!

Feng Junhou walked a few steps, felt someone behind him, and turned his head away.

Hualan was looking at herself eagerly.

"You sit over there."

Feng Junhou looked around, then pointed to Amei's side.

Hualan looked at it according to the words, but no, there happened to be a place there.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried over to settle down and sit down.

After sitting down, he looked left and right for a few times, while others were not paying attention, he did not forget to secretly pinch Ah Nan's tender face who was sitting between himself and Amei.

At this time, Feng Junhou had already sat beside General Guan, and General Guan ordered: "Pass the meal."

Feng Junhou couldn't help but cast a glance at Guan Xiaojunhou.

So formal today?

Just thinking about it, I saw the servants entering with food like flowing water. The food is so rich that it is like entertaining distinguished guests.

The only difference from entertaining distinguished guests is that this is a family banquet, and the rules of never saying anything must be observed.

Even Shuangshuang and Achong sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and lowered their heads to eat honestly.

When he was about to finish eating, there was an extra bowl of deer antler and ginseng soup before Feng Junhou's case.

Feng Junhou couldn't help but glanced at General Guan again, picked up the bowl and drank it clean.

After eating, Amei and Li Mu started to take the child down, and before leaving, they even winked at Hualan: "Go."

Hualan understood, and hurriedly stood up and left.

After everything was cleaned up, only General Feng Junhou Guan and Zhang Xiaosi were left. Feng Junhou leaned against the back of the chair in a disfigured way:

"Tell me, who planned what happened last night?"

While talking, he squinted at Zhang Xiaosi.

It is not a gentleman's action to take advantage of others' danger while the prince is drunk.

"it's me."

Unexpectedly, General Guan took the initiative to take over the matter.


Feng Junhou turned his head away, and looked at General Guan in surprise, could it be that what Hua Xiaowu said was true, was it Mrs. Feng's idea?

"Everyone in the world knows that Hua Niangzi is Guan Shiro's wife." General Guan's face was calm and his eyes were calm, "The concubine and A Lang are one, isn't the concubine's A Lang's?"

After hearing this, Feng Junhou almost choked on his saliva.

He figured it out, it turned out that General Guan wanted to maintain the identity of Guan Jiashiro.

Of course, in addition to tying Hua Niangzi to death, it probably also meant compensation.

To put it bluntly, as long as Feng Junhou does not fall, relying on the friendship between Feng Junhou and Hua Niangzi, no matter how the Han court changes, she will be as stable as Mount Tai.

"Besides, Lady Hua isn't too bad, is she? With her, it will be more convenient for Xinghan to do things in Nanzhong, and it will be mutually beneficial."

"The prime minister is called Grandpa Zhuge by the Yi people in Nanzhong, which shows the status of the prime minister in Nanzhong."

"So when the prime minister passed away, Nanzhong's people will inevitably be a little turbulent. As long as Hua Niangzi can do her best to help, the imperial court can continue to win over Nanzhong's people."

Hearing this, Feng Junhou couldn't help interrupting General Guan's words:

"Xijun, who taught you these words?"

If you only talk about Guan Jiashiro, Feng Junhou still believes that General Guan thought of it.

But when it comes to national affairs, General Guan has never had this talent.

"I told sister, is there a problem?"

Zhang Xiaosi directly took over the conversation, making no secret that he was behind the scenes:

"Now that the court has changed a lot, it's normal for Miss Hua to be worried, so it's necessary to give her some reassurance."

Oh, I see, I am the reassurance.

Only Zhang Xiaosi continued to say:

"Nanzhong is not the barren land it used to be. It pays a lot of taxes to the court every year."

"The death of the prime minister caused turmoil in Nanzhong, and Hua Niangzi is one of them, and she is involved in a lot, so she must be appeased as soon as possible."

You are so right, I am speechless.

It turned out that I still died for my country.

Feng Junhou thought for a while, and found that he couldn't refute.

"As long as you are happy, I won't suffer anyway."

"What a disadvantage, it's hard to say." General Guan laughed at his own Alang's words, "The big man can even naturalize Hu Nu, why?"

"Isn't it just to let the big man have more mouths? Feng's mansion has three concubines from the imperial concubine, and A Lang only has two concubines. I know that A Lang is not a womanizer."

"I don't know, maybe it's the concubine who is fierce and doesn't let Alang get close to women."

General Guan, who already has three children, has both sons and daughters, and he has an official position and a successful career.

Coupled with her control over Feng's residence, she is absolutely full of confidence.

So I didn't pay too much attention to the addition of a garland.

But Feng Junhou is absolutely clear-headed at this time:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Which of you is not the most beautiful woman in the world. With you, I still need to look at other women more?"

"There is a saying that once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world. You are my golden wind and jade dew. In my eyes, the countless people in the world are just waiting for nothing."

Stunt launch: clever words and tricks.

Ignore any defense!

Even General Guan, who traveled thousands of miles across, couldn't resist, but after hearing Feng Junhou's words, her eyes were slightly watered, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win, but there are countless in the world? Is there a way? Who said that?"

Zhang Xiaosi came up and exhaled like blue, "Ah Lang, who said this? It couldn't be you, could it?"

General Guan also said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, Alang seems to have seldom written articles in the past few years. It is rare to have such a good sentence. Why don't you come up with a complete good article while you are interested?"

Feng Junhou refused: "I'm already throwing my pen into the army. I don't have the heart...well, I don't have the heart to write poems and compositions. I just want to wipe out the traitors and restore peace to the world."

What a joke, I just spent a good night with Hualan.

Now it has been said that "when the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world".

If even "if the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening" come out.

Thinking about the relationship between Hualan and himself over the years, who knows if the two of them will become suspicious?

At that time, I am afraid that the good text will be changed into a sacrificial text?

Hearing Feng Junhou's words, Zhang Xiaosi pushed him in disappointment.

General Guan's face was also a little disappointed, but she still comforted her:

"That's fine. When a man is alive, he should wield a sword to make an indelible feat. When the world is at peace, it's not too late for Alang to recite poems and compose in his spare time."

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