Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1099: Foundation

The imperial court gave the Feng family three concubines, which meant that if Feng Junhou married three concubines, they would be supported by the imperial court, and Feng Junhou would not have to pay for them himself.

So Amei and Li Mu, they can get Lumi from the government every year.

Of course, as wife Feng Guanshi, she is more qualified to receive one.

At the beginning, the imperial court really sent rice to the mansion.

When General Guan saw his own Lumi for the first time, he carefully compared the rice sent by the government with his own rice.

Finally came to a conclusion:

The government sent corn, which was no better than the rice from my own house.

This discovery disappointed General Guan.

After Hualan stayed in Chang'an for a month, she found out that she was actually able to receive the monthly money from the house, and her surprise was no less than the first time General Guan got Lumi.

Seeing her looking up and down with the small bills handed out, Feng Junhou couldn't help but say:

"You are a rich woman yourself, are you so happy with this little money?"

"What do you know? Can my hard-earned money be the same as the money my family sends me every month?"

Huahuan carefully kept the ticket next to her body, snorted at Feng Junhou, turned around and left.

Looking at her small figure, Feng Junhou felt a bit at a loss.

Ming Ming court only distributed Lumi to three people, but the Feng family had to give monthly money to five people.

It means that I have to pay the monthly money of two people.

This is the consequence of controlling the big head but not the small head.

Men are indeed animals that think from the lower body.

Feng Junhou sighed.

Feng Junhou, who was thinking about it, was quickly interrupted, and someone came to report:

"My lord, there are people visiting from outside the mansion."

"Oh? Who will come over at this time?"

Feng Junhou took the greeting card, opened it, and immediately frowned:

"finally come?"

It was none other than Pei Qian and Pei Xiu, father and son.

If Pei Qian was the only one, he should have come here long ago.

It's just that Pei Xiu was sent by Feng Junhou to study (work) everywhere, without Feng Junhou's consent, how could Pei Qian dare to take his son away from the construction site without permission?

The women who were not married, each family had to donate money and food to take them back - the king of the Han Dynasty rescued them from the riots in Hedong, and provided them with delicious food and drink.

You didn't care about others during the turmoil, but now that you've just settled down, you pop up and try to take people away with empty teeth?


Do you really think that the big men and soldiers are your free labor?

A certain head of labor trafficking surnamed Feng dared not think so.

Not to mention that Pei Xiu was a person summoned by King Feng himself. If the Pei family really didn't know what to do, Shi, who had been staying in Hedong all the time, would have a way to make them know.

So after going back and forth, he sent someone to communicate with Feng Junhou first, to make sure that Feng Junhou had no other thoughts about Wenxi Pei's family.

He also asked for Feng Junhou's opinion, saying that the Patriarch of the Pei family did not hesitate to abandon Wei Touhan, and a considerable part of it was because he missed his son too much and wanted him to be with him these days.

Finally, with Feng Junhou's permission, Pei Qian brought Pei Xiu back to Chang'an.

"Hahaha, Mr. Pei, you have been famous for a long time, and today you can finally see him!"

Before Feng Junhou stepped into the door, his hearty voice came over first.

Waiting in the living room with his son, Pei Qian, who was thinking about how to speak, heard the voice and hurriedly got up to greet him:

"Your Majesty's words are serious, so-and-so is the one who has heard the prestige of the Marquis for a long time!"

"Sit down, please sit down, there is no need to be formal."

Feng Junhou stretched out his hand to signal, he walked to the main seat and sat down, his eyes fell on Pei Xiu who was standing beside Pei Qian:

"Pei Langjun, have you gained something these days?"

Hearing Feng Junhou's question, he quickly bowed and answered:

"Thank you, Junhou, for your concern. After traveling around these days, I realized that I had little knowledge before. Being able to work with the students of the academy is really rewarding."

Feng Junhou seemed to have expected it long ago, and smiled:

"As long as there is something to gain, it will not be in vain for your hard work these days."

Pei Qian cupped his hands and said:

"Qian hasn't thanked Junhou for taking care of my wife and children."

Feng Junhou laughed and said:

"It's a piece of cake. It's just..."

Feng Junhou took a meaningful look at Pei Xiu, "At that time, I thought Pei Langjun was very talented, but I didn't expect him to claim to be the bastard of the family, and he was not valued by the family."

Let me just say that Pei Xiu can be regarded as a famous figure in history, and even the United Nations named Moon Ring Mountain after him.

In the hundreds of years to come, the Pei family will produce a large number of talented people, with a family of dukes and princes, and there will be endless crowns.

The famous prime minister's village in later generations came from the Pei family.

How could such an aristocratic family be blind and miss such a powerful figure?

Pei Xiu quickly apologized:

"My lord, at that time the river was too chaotic, and I heard that there were rioters who only killed people from aristocratic families. Xiu and my mother were in the chaos, so..."

Feng Junhou smiled lightly and interrupted Pei Xiu:

"Okay, you don't need to explain, I understand. Under the circumstances at that time, you not only stood up to defend your mother, but also took this into consideration. It's really good."

After all, Pei Xiu was only a teenager. Hearing what Feng Junhou said, he felt relieved only that the other party really didn't take it to heart.

Of course, the main reason is that he has indeed learned a lot these days.

The so-called master of heaven and earth, Feng Junhou is already a trustworthy figure in Pei Xiu's subconscious mind.

But when Pei Xiu's adult, Pei Qian, saw Feng Junhou's appearance, he felt a "thump" in his heart.

There is a saying that "Feng Langjun is charming with clever words, and Xiao Wenhe is cruel and cruel".

The vicious King Feng Gui, who was deceived by others, would be so magnanimous and let him go so easily?

"Your Majesty doesn't know that Quanzi is indeed the son of Qian's concubine, and he was not valued by the clan when he was young."

"However, I think he is very talented, so I cultivated him carefully. It's just that even if I am the head of the family, some elders in the clan often say that I don't distinguish between my son and my son."

"In the past two or three years, Axiu has strived for success and gained some fame in Hedong. She finally lived up to my expectations. That's why the people in the clan stopped gossiping."

"That's true, but Axiu's biological mother was born in a slightly cold family. Cough, it was Axiu who protected her, so she was not underestimated."

Feng Junhou looked at Pei Qian wryly smiling and shaking his head, exposing his family's shortcomings, and thought to himself:

Outsiders may indeed dare not look down on his grandmother because of Pei Xiu.

But his aunt is not sure.

I heard that Pei Xiu's aunt even asked his biological mother to come out and deliver soup and meals to the guests!

"Pei Gong is troubled in his heart, I understand it."

Feng Junhou said with a smile, "Since ancient times, it has often been said that there are differences between concubines and concubines, especially in big families, where the population is prosperous. If the sons and daughters are wise, then it will be easier to say."

"I'm just afraid. If there is a situation where the sons are mediocre and the virtuous, if the family business is passed on to the sons according to the rules, the family business accumulated by the ancestors for several generations will be wiped out."

Even if it is not defeated, it is embarrassing to be swallowed up by people of the same clan and different houses. From then on, the wife and children will rely on others in the clan.

"It's just that if you pass it on to the concubine, you're afraid that the world will laugh at you, and the clan will be uneasy, right?"

When Pei Qian heard the words, it was as if he had met a bosom friend, and he nodded again and again: "Mr. Hou Mingjian, that's right, that's right!"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Feng Junhou knew that the rumors that Pei Qian wanted to pass the title to Pei Xiu might not be groundless.

"Parents' love has its own partiality, which is due to human nature, not to mention being born as a son, whether it is a concubine or a concubine, and it is not up to oneself to decide."

"However, since he was born, he was naturally inferior and looked down upon by others. Is it the injustice in the world?"

Hearing Feng Junhou's words, Pei Qian stood up in fright, his face changed greatly: "Junhou?"

Feng Junhou looked at Pei Qian with a calm expression:

"Confucius was born out of wild, but with the heart of a sage, he wrote classics and handed them down to the world. All Confucianism's learning comes from him. How does his brother Meng Pi compare with him?"

Pei Qian was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Besides, it was Emperor Xiaowu who dismissed all schools of thought and respected Confucianism alone. This is the foundation of etiquette and law for the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty."

"It's just that Emperor Xiaowu has great talent and strategy, and the national policy implemented back then is not limited to this one?"

Feng Junhou said slowly: "At that time, Emperor Xiaowu vigorously promoted the decree of grace, so that all the princes and princes' children have the right to inherit."

"Why do people in the world only remember respecting Confucianism, but don't remember the Tweet Order?"

When Pei Qian heard this, for some reason, he only felt that his back was slightly damp and cold.

Why did Emperor Xiaowu respect Confucianism and practice grace?

Isn't it just for a better home in the world?

For each big family, shouldn't it be to strengthen the clan house and weaken the side clan?

But listening to what Feng Junhou said, I always feel that it is not the same thing?

"In the past, the kings and princes were more powerful than the emperor, so the emperor could not tolerate it. Looking at the state of the world today, the aristocratic and powerful families often build villages, have their own clan soldiers, and have countless fertile fields."

"Men and women are all attached to each other, and the government must look at their faces when they act. This can be called the kings of the former Han Dynasty?"

When Pei Qian heard Feng Junhou's words, cold sweat poured down his forehead, and he didn't know how to answer.

It's not that no one has noticed the harm of the aristocratic family.

Among the sharp soldiers in the former Han Dynasty, there was no one who dared to be a leader, and most of them relied on the sons of good families in the army.

However, Emperor Guangwu flattened Wang Mang and Yan Hanzuo, and the people who relied on it were the local tyrants.

Therefore, in the two hundred years of the later Han Dynasty, it was the local tyrants who ruled the world and the aristocratic families developed from the tycoons.

Whether it is Emperor Wu, or the upright people who follow Emperor Wu, they have all committed illegal acts against the aristocratic families.

But only for illegal actions.

No one has ever thought of shaking the aristocratic right from the foundation.

The reason why what Feng Junhou said now makes Pei Qian break out in cold sweat, because these words have touched the foundation of the family's right inheritance.

If the Jihan court really wanted to follow the example of Emperor Xiaowu and implement the Tweet Order to the world's aristocratic families...

It's chilling to think about that situation.

Pei Qian subconsciously persuaded:

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance, I'm afraid it will be criticized by thousands of people!"

Hearing this, Feng Junhou suddenly laughed loudly:

"Pei Gong thinks, where did my flirtatious and ruthless comments come from?"

Isn't it the so-called aristocratic family who buckled it up?

Why did they buckle it up?

Is it because Feng Junhou has touched their foundation all these years?

Feng Junhou said leisurely:

"Aristocratic families in Shu, noble families in Liangzhou, I don't know how many people hate me to the bone, otherwise... Hey!"

Feng Junhou touched the foundation of the noble family, and the noble family, why didn't they want to shake the foundation of Feng Junhou?

Forcing Feng Junhou to take the initiative to clean the interior of Xinghanhui, the means are not indifferent.

As for those so-called wind reviews, they are secondary.

Hearing Feng Junhou mention Shu and Liangzhou, Pei Qian reacted:

The ghost king Feng in front of him has destroyed many local noble families in the two places, so how could he be afraid of being criticized by thousands of people?

"Now there are rumors in Hedong that last year I would rather go fishing by the big river and deliberately let the river be in chaos."

Feng Junhou looked at Pei Qian and said calmly:

"This statement is neither right nor wrong. I say it is right because I am really happy to see the Hedong family lose their vitality."

"No, it's because at that time, Hedong was still considered a traitor, so why should the big man help the traitor to put down the chaos?"

At this time, Pei Qian's back was already soaked.

He looked at Feng Junhou with a wry smile:

"Junhou, speaking of it, a certain is also a son of a family, is it appropriate for you to tell me this?"

"What's inappropriate?" Feng Junhou smiled slightly, and glanced at Pei Xiu who was standing next to him, "I want to recommend Pei Langjun to study in the Royal Academy, I wonder if Mr. Pei would like to?"

"Royal Academy?"

"Yes, it is the Nanxiang Royal Academy. Over the past few years, many local officials of the Han Dynasty have been selected from the students from the royal family."

"Moreover, Dahan intends to implement the examination system to replace the examination system. If you want to take the examination, it is the best way to go to the Royal Academy to study first."

Feng Junhou's eyes fell back on Pei Qian, "If it were someone else, I wouldn't say these words, but Mr. Pei, that's different."

Why is it different, Feng Junhou didn't say it.

But Pei Qian already understood, he sighed.

On the surface, it seems that Feng Guiwang wants to flatter Pei Xiu and win him over.

But in fact, the other party simply wanted to use his own mouth to pass on news to the aristocratic families in Hedong and even Hebei.

Pei Qian subconsciously turned to look at his son.

Pei Xiu looked at her lord with some confusion.

As a young man, no matter how precocious he was, he would never have imagined that Feng Guiwang wanted to involve himself in a major event that would turn the world upside down.

Pei Qian stretched out a trembling hand, wanting to take a sip from the teacup to calm down the shock.

At the same time, I was thinking quickly in my heart.

Promise King Feng Gui, and Axiu will have no worries from now on - in order to implement the family's favor order, Ji Han will definitely establish him as the spokesperson of the Pei family.

But if he accepts Feng Guiwang's support, it means that he has to respond to Ji Han's family's favor order.

If it is successful, you can refer to the Li family in Longxi. As long as the Pei family is successfully transformed, it can continue to be prosperous for at least three generations.

If he fails, the Pei family will fall into the abyss—at least his own house will be torn to pieces by the wealthy families in Hebei and Kanto.

Just thinking of what happened to Shu land and Liangzhou aristocratic family, Pei Qian felt hopeless and powerless again.

If the State of Wei couldn't stop Ji Han's eastward advance, what would the aristocratic family do to stop the aristocratic family from pushing the favor order?

"Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. Although I am the head of the family, I must not make decisions on my own. I must go back to the clan and discuss it with the clan elders."

"It should be."

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