Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1105 Poison Scheme

A horse is a creature, and it has its own biological characteristics.

Especially for war horses, it takes at least four years from birth to growing up to go to the battlefield.

Let alone an ordinary war horse, even if it is a king of horses, you have to obediently wait for it to grow up before riding it.

Underage is absolutely forbidden to ride.

According to this biological characteristic, as long as the source of Wei State's war horses is cut off, it doesn't even need to be cut off, as long as it can affect the export of Youzhou's war horses to the Central Plains.

Combined with exerting enough pressure on the frontal battlefield, and taking into account the loss of daily training, the supply of war horses in Wei State could not keep up with the consumption.

Then it only takes four years at most, or even not four years, before the quality of Wei's cavalry will drop off a cliff.

This so-called victory over the court is also true.

There is a saying in later generations: the success of tactics cannot conceal the failure of strategy.

In the same way, temporary tactical failure cannot prevent strategic success.

For Feng Junhou, he is not as good as a real general when facing the enemy.

But he has self-knowledge.

In addition to exceptionally promoting a group of outstanding generals, he can also provide the best platform for these outstanding generals.

At the same time, he is also good at considering issues from a strategic overall perspective.

Facing the enemy or something... what does it matter to me?

Feng Junhou said: Do I still need to do such a small matter myself?

The Han Dynasty succeeded in the tactics of the Northern Expedition to Longyou, then from the strategic defense to the strategic confrontation after taking down Liangzhou, and finally to the current strategic offensive.

This step by step seems to be smooth, but in fact it is difficult step by step, and one step cannot be wrong.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who was the most intelligent man in the world, worked hard day and night until he died of exhaustion.

The unsuspecting emperor of the Han Dynasty entrusts the loyal people with full power

Even the queen used her sister as a bargaining chip (the famous Feng someone on the teacher list said that we are your love and my wish).

At the same time, the imperial court also needs to eradicate the aristocratic families, win the hearts of the people, reform the disadvantages of the post-Han, and inject new vitality into the country...

Ji Han's development from a mere Sichuan to what it is now is not based on one or two tactics, but the success of the entire country's development strategy.

With Feng Junhou's current position, gains and losses in a moment and a place are no longer his concern.

But Guan Xiaojunhou expressed some concerns about Feng Junhou's strategy:

"If it is true what A Lang said, then from Liangzhou to Youzhou, from the far west to the far east, everything will be owned by the big man again."

"However, the reason why the Han and Han Dynasties have this territory is that they have the Central Plains as their heart."

"At this time, the Han Dynasty will take Youzhou first, and then take the Central Plains. I am afraid that the territory will be too long to continue."

After a pause, Guan Xiaojunhou continued to remind:

"Don't forget, back then when the great Han and the State of Wu made an oath on the riverside to divide the world equally, Youzhou was allocated to the State of Wu."

Feng Junhou laughed and said:

"You don't have to worry, Xijun. How could I fail to consider this aspect? I only said to cut off the supply of war horses in Youzhou to the Central Plains, and didn't say that you should take Youzhou first."

Guan Xiaojunhou was somewhat confused:

"If you don't take Youzhou, how can you cut off the source of Wei's war horses?"

Feng Junhou laughed loudly, holding a whip in his hand, pointing to the northeast:

"I once heard that when Ke Bineng was at the border of Youzhou in the past, he made an agreement with Su Li and other Xianbei leaders not to trade horses with China."

"Combined with the information collected from various places, the source of war horses in Youzhou is actually a considerable part from the Hu people outside the Great Wall.

If it is changed to the Great Unification, even if the war horses outside the Great Wall are not allowed to flow into the Central Plains, the big man will have his own horse farm, which can raise the needed war horses.

Moreover, for the big Han in the heyday of "everywhere the river goes, they are all concubines", whether the Hu people sell horses or not is not the Hu people's final say.

At the beginning of the Later Han Dynasty, there were many cavalry from Wuhuan Xiongnu in the cavalry army of the Great Han Dynasty.

It was only later that with the decline of the control of the great Han, the Xianbei people took advantage of the situation to rise in the grassland, and repeatedly crossed the frontier to plunder.

Not to mention that after so many years of war, the population has dropped sharply, the arable land has been barren, and most places do not even have enough food.

In the turbulent era when Yizi cannibalism, people have no food to eat, how can there be a large amount of surplus fine grain to raise horses?

How can the government have the energy to maintain the racecourse?

Therefore, for the border government, raising horses is not as convenient as exchanging them from outside the Great Wall.

To give the most obvious example:

Even in the middle of the later Han Dynasty, when it was still relatively stable, when the Qianghu Rebellion in Liangzhou had just emerged, the imperial court felt that the burden on the racecourse was too heavy.

As a result, most of the horse farms in Liangzhou were cut off, leaving only one horse farm in Longyou.

After the Dahan regained Liangzhou, even if Feng Junhou had the ability to print money, if he wanted to reopen the racecourse in Liangzhou, he had to open up a million mu of fertile land beside the river in advance to grow beans.

At the same time, Xu Erniang, his most powerful agricultural expert, was also sent to plan.

Most of the beans produced in these fertile fields are for the horse farms.

If you don't have enough food, don't have enough beans, and you still want to open a horse farm to raise war horses, go ahead and dream!

As for the bitter cold place in Youzhou, if there is no financial support from the rear, and the barbarians make trouble, how many war horses can the local government afford?

Do you think everyone is Feng Junhou?

It would be nice to have a Feng Junhou in the world.

Now that the state of Wei is acting like a ghost, how can it support Youzhou?

Instead, it is necessary to mobilize resources from Youzhou to support Hebei.

"So what we have to do is to imitate Ke Bineng's old wisdom and find a way to encourage the Hu people outside the Great Wall in Youzhou not to sell their horses to Wei thieves."

When it comes to dealing with barbarians, is there anyone in the world better than Feng Junhou?

There is no problem that wool can't solve, if wool is not enough, then add more spirits!

If not, there are tea leaves, brown sugar...

Raising prices maliciously!

That poor place in Youzhou, why should you fight with me?

As long as Feng Junhou is willing, he can tempt the Hu people outside the Great Wall of Youzhou to drive their livestock to Bingzhou for trade.

Those barbarians in Youzhou, have you seen anything good?

Seeing Feng Junhou's complacent appearance, Guan Xiaojunhou finally couldn't help laughing along with him, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Alang is not dazzled by the victories all the time, it will be fine.

A Lang may not be as good as her when facing the enemy, but when it comes to doing business, no one in the world is as good as A Lang.

"So it seems that Ah Lang has been planning this matter for a long time?"

Feng Junhou shook his head and replied:

"Not long ago, when I came here for the first time last year, I stood on Baideng Mountain and thought about it."

No wonder there was no poetry or composition on Baideng Mountain. He was only thinking about how to dig a hole for Youzhou.

It's just that Bingzhou had just been settled at that time, the place was unstable, and people's hearts were still uncertain, so Feng Junhou didn't act.

This time around, the situation is quite different from last year.

Guan Xiaojunhou asked:

"But I don't know such a big event, who does Alang want to send there?"

"Naturally send people who are familiar with the various Hu tribes on the border of Youzhou."

Guan Xiaojun was slightly surprised when he heard this:

"It turns out that Alang has been in contact with Youzhou for a long time?"

Feng Junhou shook his head: "I am not a god, how can I cross Bingzhou and arrange the affairs of Youzhou in advance?"

Guan Xiaojunhou was even more surprised:

"Then how did Alang find someone who is familiar with the Hu tribe on the border of Youzhou?"

According to her past experience, she always sent a caravan first, carrying the goods to the land of the barbarians.

In the name of selling things, gain the trust of the local Hu people, and then conduct infiltration, and finally grasp the internal situation of the Hu tribe.

But as far as she knew, Alang had never sent anyone to Youzhou.

After all, Liangzhou is too far away from Youzhou.

Being able to reach the original place of Jiuyuan is all because of Kebi who can meet him.

Thinking of this, something that he had neglected seemed to flash in Guan Xiaojunhou's heart, but he didn't catch it.

But seeing Feng Junhou, he looked at Guan Xiaojunhou:

"Xi Jun is so forgetful, did he forget to let go of the mud?"

"Return to the mud?"

After being reminded by Feng Junhou, Guan Xiaojunhou suddenly realized, "So it was him?"

Xieguini was originally the son of Fuluohan, the elder brother of Budugen, a master of Xianbei in Bingzhou. Later, Fuluohan was killed by Ke Bineng, and Xieguini led the crowd to join Ke Bineng.

Later, his uncle Budugen lured him, vented his return to the mud and abandoned Ke Bineng and turned to Budugen.

Later, Budugen couldn't bear to be bullied by Bigui, the former governor of Bingzhou, so he did not hesitate to join forces with Ke Bineng and rebelled against the State of Wei.

Unexpectedly, the coalition forces of the two were defeated by Cao Rui who sent Qin Lang to lead the army.

Bu Dugen was killed by Ke Bineng when he was defeated and fled. Frightened, he turned around and returned to Bingzhou to surrender to the state of Wei.

The State of Wei didn't pursue the past, and even named him King Guiyi.

Unexpectedly, after a few years of good times, General Guan led an army to raid Bingzhou again. King Guiyi of Wei State was caught by surprise and was captured by Han Gaoshou.

It's no wonder that General Guan can't remember this person, it's because this person is just a small character in her eyes.

At that time, General Guan led the army across Baideng Mountain, entered Pingcheng, and defended the border of Wei State, and did not even have a decent resistance.

In front of the iron cavalry led by General Guan, his tribe really fled away like a herd of sheep meeting a tiger.

General Guan, who originally thought he would be able to meet the Xianbei Jingqi for a while, was greatly disappointed.

Think back then, what kind of person was Tan Shihuai?

I didn't expect the Xianbei people to decline like this now.

General Guan's tone seemed to be contemptuous of Xie Guini:

"My concubine thinks that he is far inferior to Ke Bineng! I also heard that he is capricious, but he is really just a cowardly person. Alang let him take charge of important affairs, and I feel deeply worried."

Feng Junhou didn't feel worried, but happy:

"It is precisely because this person is capricious and cowardly that I will send him to the border of Youzhou."

"If he was as ambitious as Ke Bineng, I would have tried to kill him long ago. How can I keep him alive?"

Capricious and timid as a mouse, but able to live safely until now, it shows that this person is aware of current affairs.

As long as any Huren leader with some ambition and talent can save his life when he meets Feng Junhou, he must be a strong man like Liu Hun.

Or he was domesticated into a strong man like the one with bald hair.

As for those like Ke Bineng who are stubborn and want to restore the glory of the grassland, I have to feel sorry for them.

Feng Junhou is the least worried about things like Ruo Luo A Liu and Xie Gui Ni.

Knowing the current affairs, cherishing life at the same time, obedient when given a little sweetness, and afraid when threatened a little.

They dare not say a word even if they use their names to do things, they are white gloves.

Kebi Neng rose on the border of Youzhou when Xianbei split.

After Xi Guini returned to Ke Bineng, he followed Ke Bineng to cause disaster in Youzhou for a long time, so he is very familiar with the situation on the border of Youzhou.

In addition, he was first broken by Qin Lang, and then captured by General Guan.

It can be said that he has seen the sharpness of the Han and Wei soldiers repeatedly. As long as his eyes are not blind, he must be able to see which of the Han and Wei armies is more sharp.

In this case, as long as he is smarter, he knows whether to choose the big man or the Wei country.

Unless he chooses neither side, he is determined to escape to the grassland forever to starve and freeze.

Otherwise, as long as he dares to betray the Han and vote for Wei, he will face the big Han's settlement of old accounts after the big Han wipes out the Wei thieves.

At that time, it will not be a question of whether one can live, but a question of how to die with dignity.

After all, the big man is not like the thief Wei, who needs him to guard the border gate.

"Even so, we must send someone to look after him."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xi, I will send a master to follow him."

"Who? Coach Han?"

"Exactly. In the land of Youzhou, Coach Han is more familiar with Xie Guini than Xie Guini. With him watching Xie Guini, there will be no mistakes."

"Alright, it just so happened that Coach Han fulfilled his wish to see if he can uproot the Han family beyond the Great Wall."

"What Mr. Xi said really wins my heart." Feng Junhou stroked his chin and thought about it, "Since that's the case, it's better to let the bald-haired Tianli follow him to have a look."

Anyway, to drive a sheep is to drive, and to let go of a flock is to let go.

"If there is a chance, let him cooperate with Coach Han to kill Tuoba Xianbei Hu'er directly, and give their father and son a sigh of relief..."

After all, it is cruel to kill one's own people.

Let the bald people go to the Hu people in the north of Youzhou to make wind and rain, while in Bingzhou, the years are quiet and good.

At the same time, set up a trading market in Pingcheng, use various channels to release news on the grassland, everyone can exchange urgently needed supplies with livestock in the trading market!

Then slightly increase the price for war horses, oh!

"Hehe, hehe..."

When Feng Junhou thought of the beautiful scenery, he couldn't help laughing wretchedly.

If you take advantage of that time to recruit a job in Pingcheng, with food and housing included, the barbarians will not take the bait if you don't believe it.

It's just playing grass and cuddling rabbits, haha, hahaha!

Seeing Feng Junhou's embarrassing appearance, Guan Xiaojunhou couldn't help pushing him, and said angrily:

"What are you thinking? Laughing so penetratingly!"

Feng Junhou wiped the corner of his mouth, well, fortunately, the saliva did not flow out.

Under Guan Xiaojunhou's questioning, he recounted the plan he had just thought of.

It's enough not to say, when Guan Xiaojunhou heard it, his eyes widened immediately, with a look of astonishment on his face.

After a while, she heard her gasp.

Rao Guan Xiaojunhou's heart was as hard as iron in front of the battle. Hearing Feng Junhou's plan at this time, he was still in a daze for a while, and then he murmured:

"Such a poisonous plan! The barbarians outside the Youzhou Great Wall, what kind of misfortune did they have? Thinking about Youzhou, how could they escape A Lang's calculations?"

It was obviously a common tribal vendetta on the grasslands, but who would have thought that Feng was actually pointing his sword at Wei Guo's war horse supply?

Guan Xiaojunhou repeatedly exclaimed:

"No wonder you didn't take the wrong name, Alang is really far-sighted!"

Feng Junhou was furious when he heard this:

"What are you talking about! What kind of poisonous scheme? What kind of foresight? I am obviously a soldier who surrenders without fighting!"

Guan Xiaojunhou didn't answer, she had already fallen into the plot outlined by Feng Junhou's few words, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that her Alang was powerful.

This poisonous plan is almost as good as the people who moved to the South and Zhongyi to fill Hanzhong.

Of course, almost means that it was still ranked first that year.

After a long time, Guan Xiaojunhou looked at Feng Junhou with admiration:

"How did Ah Lang come up with such a scheme?"

"Oh, it's not what I thought, but there was a similar record in the teacher's book, so I borrowed it."

Feng Junhou replied indifferently.

America, the beacon of humanity in later generations, whenever she wants to reap the wealth of the world, she always thinks of ways to stir up riots and even wars around the world, forcing capital to return.

What power is greater than that, what cooking, what nourishing oil, what roses, chestnuts, tulips, jasmine and other flower revolutions.

Call whatever excuse works.

Although they have lost their homes, the people of the country are in dire straits, the people have no clothes to cover their bodies, no food to eat, their families are separated from each other, and their wives and daughters are reduced to playthings, but everyone has been nourished, right?

Evil and poisonous, terribly bad!

Feng Junhou is different from them.

He is in Bingzhou, but he is ready to recruit workers, and he has prepared a road that has never been taken by everyone on the grassland.

What a ruthless Xiaowenhe, fake, all fake, the wind review was killed!

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