Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1106 Qin Bo Arrives

Probably Guanzhong, or Chang'an, does have some kind of blessing effect on the big man.

Every time Wu Guo sent envoys to Chang'an to look for Feng Junhou, he was always unable to meet him immediately.

When Zhu Ju came over, he followed Feng Junhou's ass and suffered from the cold wind for half a year.

Now that Qin Bo from the school affairs office is here, he heard from the people in the general's office in Zhendong that the Junhou has gone to inspect Bingzhou.

But compared to Zhu Ju, Qin Bo seemed less impatient.

Knowing that Feng Junhou was not in Chang'an temporarily, he went to visit Zhu Ju again.

Zhu Ju frowned when he learned that the school government sent people to Chang'an:

"I have nothing to do with the school office, what is this person doing here?"

Although the school government has acted in a low-key manner in the past two years.

However, because of the evil things he did in the past few years and offended many people, many people in the court still gritted their teeth against the school affairs office.

In Zhu Ju's view, anyone who came out of the school office should try not to mess with them if they can.

"General, do you want the villain to reject him?"

Seeing Zhu Ju's disgusted look, the personal guard asked a question.

Zhu Ju hesitated for a while, then sighed:

"Forget it, the school office is deeply favored by His Majesty, and it is not appropriate to offend him. Let him come in."


After Qin Bo came in, he lowered his posture and bowed to Zhu Ju:

"School official Qin Bo, I pay my respects to the general."

"School Qin doesn't have to be like this." Zhu Ju endured the discomfort in his heart, "Please sit down."

"Thank you General."

"I don't know if Principal Qin likes to drink soup tea or clear tea?"

The so-called soup tea, of course, is the old way of drinking, the tea leaves are mixed with ginger paste, oil and even salt, etc. and boiled.

Clear tea, on the other hand, is made simply by soaking prepared tea leaves in boiling water.

In Dahan territory, although tea is gradually becoming popular, those who can afford tea are basically those with some spare money.

The increase in food production has further promoted the development of domestic pigs in captivity. Eating meat is no longer the privilege of the wealthy.

It has become a daily routine for Lao Cai, a landlord in the countryside, to eat meat.

Therefore, soup tea and clear tea are all drunk.

As for the two countries like Wu and Wei, although they also drank clear tea, most of them were people with caravans in Han.

For the rest, basically drink soup and tea.

Qin Bo comes from the school office, so he naturally knows the difference between clear tea and soup tea.

But seeing him answer:

"General Zhu doesn't need to bother you, just drink some tea."

When the servants came up with tea, Qin Bo took a sip from the teacup, looked around again, and then said:

"The General's courtyard is not too big, but it is also unique, especially this tea, which tastes sweet and is really rare. It seems that the General's life in Chang'an is really good."

Zhu Ju looked at this person as if there was something in his words, frowned and said:

"School Qin is worrying too much. I don't know what tea is. This tea was just given to me by Feng Junhou. I am more used to drinking soup and tea on weekdays."

"It's spring now, and the war horses need to get fat again, so it's not suitable for riding. The ice and snow outside have melted, and the ground is muddy. Therefore, these days I'm mostly sorting out my experience in riding and fighting, and I haven't gone out."

"I don't know anything about military formations. I don't understand what the general told me."

Qin Bo waved his hands, pretending not to care:

"Actually, I came to Chang'an this time because His Majesty had some doubts about the Iron Armored Cavalry, so he specially sent me here to give the general a message."

Hearing that it was His Majesty's intention, Zhu Ju quickly stood up: "I wonder what His Majesty's intention is?"

"General Zhu, please sit down, please sit down." Qin Bo quickly followed suit and stood up, "It doesn't have to be like this, if you want to do this, it's not easy for me to ask questions while standing, is it?"

"Yes, yes." Zhu Ju finally became polite and said to Qin Bo, "School Qin please sit down."

After the two sat down again, Qin Bo continued to speak:

"Your Majesty is very happy to learn that General Zhu has started to learn how to ride and fight with the Han army. According to some people, when General Zhu comes back from his studies, what's the point of thinking about the Wei thief's fine riding?"

Zhu Ju said modestly:

"School Qin has won the prize. However, in my opinion, the iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty is indeed superior. It is still a bit better than the elite cavalry of the Wei thieves."

Thinking of the iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty he saw these days, Zhu Ju couldn't help feeling a little excited:

"If Great Wu can build a cavalry army like Han, not to mention that it can steadily defeat Wei's thieves and fine cavalry, at least it will not fall behind."

Hearing what Zhu Ju said, Qin Bo's face was also filled with joy, and he continued to strike:

"That's good, that's good."

After he finished admiring, Qin Bo asked:

"It's just what General Zhu said, how to build a cavalry army like the Han Dynasty? But buy all the horses, weapons and armor from the Han Dynasty?"

Zhu Ju did not suspect him, nodded and said:

"It's better to be like this. Needless to say, there is no other place to buy horses except from Han."

"Let's talk about weapons and armor. According to my observation these days, the weapons and armor used by cavalrymen of the Han Dynasty are extremely sophisticated."

"Even if it is a Qu Chang, the saber he uses is actually the Bailian Zhanbadao. An ordinary long saber hits it, but it is chopped off after only a few hits. It is really very sharp."

Hearing what Zhu Ju said, Qin Bo frowned slightly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but his face showed a look of surprise just right:

"A mere Qu Zhang can use the Hundred Refined Saber Saber? This, this, how is it possible!"

Zhu Ju nodded and smiled wryly:

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help sighing, "No wonder Han has won many battles and victories over the years. In terms of weapons alone, it has defeated Wei by a lot!"

Why did the former Han Dynasty be able to be the Five Hus in one Han Dynasty?

A large part of the reason is that the weapons and strong bows and crossbows used by the former Han soldiers outnumbered the Hu people.

Coupled with the strong national power, it will overwhelm the barbarians again.

So this can kill the Quartet.

I didn't go to the Han Dynasty before, but I only used it in the army of the Han Dynasty, which is not much different from that of the Great Wu.

I didn't expect to see the weapons in the Han army now, and only then did I know that the Han army used it, compared with the Great Wu and Wei, it was actually faintly similar to the advantage that the former Han had over the Hu people.

Feeling this, Zhu Ju felt extremely uneasy.

Seeing Zhu Ju's appearance, Qin Bo couldn't help asking curiously:

"I don't know how it compares to the swords that His Majesty forged in Wuchang back then?"

Zhu Ju shook his head and sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that the swords used by ordinary soldiers in the Han army are comparable to those forged by Your Majesty in Wuchang."

Qin Bo was taken aback.

His Majesty once asked people to mine Wuchang mountain copper and iron, and cast thousands of swords and knives, each three feet nine inches long.

These swords are much stronger than ordinary swords.

His Majesty even exchanged some of these swords with Han for a lot of wool.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Ju said that the swords of ordinary soldiers of the Han army could be compared with those swords.

How does this sound unreliable?

If it were the weapons used by ordinary soldiers of the Han army, they would be so powerful.

Then how could His Majesty change back the wool?

Not to mention the words that the commander of the Han army can use hundreds of swords.

is it possible?

Could it be that you are really deceiving me that I don't understand military affairs?

Among other things, a hundred-refined saber is a treasured sword in the eyes of the world.

In Dawu Shao said it was worth tens of thousands of dollars-it was five baht, not big money.

Not to mention Qu Chang, even ordinary generals can't afford it.

This Zhu Zifan was born in the Zhu family in Wudi. He always despised money and spent money lavishly.

It was heard before that he often received rewards from His Majesty, coupled with his generous salary, it was often not enough.

Thinking of His Majesty often worrying about the shortage of the treasury, and remembering that the school office has worked hard to fill the treasury for His Majesty.

People like Zhu Zifan, what is the suffering of the people!

Qin Bo snorted coldly in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. He nodded repeatedly in line with Zhu Ju's words:

"So that's the case, no wonder, no wonder the Han army has repeatedly defeated the Wei thieves."

After speaking, he sighed again:

"Your Majesty sent me here this time precisely because I saw General Zhu's letter saying that the cost of this armored cavalry was too much, so I was puzzled."

"Hearing what General Zhu said at this time, it turns out that there is indeed a reason."

I never thought that Zhu Ju would feel a little anxious when he heard what Qin Bo said:

"Your Majesty thinks that the Iron Armored Cavalry cost too much?"

At this time, how could Qin Bo leak his words, but he smiled and said:

"This is a military matter, how do I know? Your Majesty asked me to come here, but he didn't ask me to discuss this with General Zhu."

Your Majesty asked me to discuss it with Feng Junhou, not with you.

Besides, what if I talk too much with you and ruin the affairs of the school affairs office?

Seeing Qin Bo playing sloppy, Zhu Ju became even more anxious:

"The Armored Cavalry Army is the country's most important weapon. With a number of three thousand Han people, they can defeat a hundred thousand bandits from Wei, which shows the strength of their combat power."

"My Great Wu is a teacher of the Han Kingdom. I haven't actually fought. It is best to follow the requirements of the Han Kingdom. Otherwise, if there is a difference, I will regret it."

When Qin Bo heard this, he just laughed:

"General Zhu, as I said before, how do I know about the affairs in the army? If General Zhu has any questions, he can send a letter to His Majesty. What's the use of telling me these things?"

Zhu Ju asked again and again, but Qin Bo just kept silent.

The two didn't agree with each other, so Qin Bo got up and said goodbye.

After Qin Bo left, Zhu Ju thought carefully about what Qin Bo had just said, and felt more and more that His Majesty seemed to have other ideas about the armored cavalry.

He walked back and forth in the courtyard for a while, muttering to himself:

"No, His Majesty sent me to Han to learn the tactics of the Han cavalry, and armored cavalry is the most important thing."

"Your Majesty is far away in Wu, so I don't know the vital points here. I have to explain this important military and state affairs to His Majesty in detail."

After making up his mind, he immediately wrote a letter, emphasizing the superiority of the weapons and armor of the Han army, and suggested that Sun Quan's first batch of armored cavalry should be organized according to the standards of the Han Dynasty.

But he didn't know, Qin Bo said he didn't understand military affairs, and intentionally or unintentionally revealed Sun Quan's meaning, it was just to test Zhu Ju's opinion.

When he found out Zhu Ju's true meaning in the name of Sun Quan, he already had concerns in his heart, so he began to wait for Feng Junhou's return with peace of mind.

The date of Feng Junhou's return to Chang'an was later than expected.

Even so, he still didn't have time to go to Jiuyuan, but turned back directly from Yanmen.

Knowing that the state of Wu sent an envoy, Qin Bo, Feng Junhou was a little puzzled:

"The emperor didn't move the capital. Shouldn't the envoys sent by the state of Wu go to Hanzhong? Why are you always running to Chang'an?"

Secretary Zhang, who stayed in Chang'an for Feng Junhou, took out many documents and put them in front of Feng Junhou.

These are all the government affairs he handled when he left Chang'an, and now they are sent here for him to browse and know what happened.

There is a secretary group for government affairs, and a staff group for military affairs.

Unless there is a particularly serious incident, these two departments are sufficient to deal with most things.

Seeing a large pile of documents in front of him, Feng Junhou felt a little impatient:

"See you later, just tell me what's going on during this time?"

As he said, he pushed away the paperwork in front of him, "I just came back, I'm exhausted, I'm not in the mood to read these."

Secretary Zhang persuaded:

"I know you're tired, so I picked these out on purpose. You can take a look at them anyway. Otherwise, when the emperor comes over and asks about Guanzhong, you don't know anything. Are you okay?"

Feng Junhou yawned, "Why are you embarrassed? Xiao Gui Cao Sui, as long as the people are not disturbed and the place is stable, that's a good thing."

"Besides, Bingji is worried about the cow's asthma and doesn't ask about the dead in Hengdao because he has his own department. I set up the secretariat for this reason."

"If the emperor asks about the affairs of Guanzhong in the future, you can answer it. If you ask about the military affairs of Guanzhong, Sanniang can answer it. As for me, I can plan the Guandong and Hebei for your majesty."

"Full of nonsense!" Zhang Xiaosi complained when he heard Feng Junhou's words, but his face was full of joy, and even helped Feng Junhou put the documents away.

Sit down next to Feng Junhou, put his hands on Feng Junhou's shoulders, and said softly: "It's fine to talk about these nonsense in the room, but don't spread it outside, or people will laugh at you."

Feng Junhou closed his eyes, enjoyed Zhang Xiaosi's kneading, and said in a low voice:

"What are you afraid of? If they have the ability, they will persuade the queen not to meddle in the affairs of the court?"

With a "sneer", his tone was full of disdain, "There are workshops all over the world, how many women are there?"

"Why don't they say these things when they take wool to make money?"

When women come out to work to subsidize their families, the wages they earn may not necessarily be worse than those of men. This is already the consensus of the big men.

The so-called economy determines the superstructure, starting from workshops, and more and more women are involved in economic activities.

Coupled with the hundreds of years of the rules of the big man, who dares to say that he wants to learn from the state of Wei and prevent the women in the harem from intervening in politics?

Afraid of being spit on by the queen.

When the Wei bandits attacked Hanzhong, and my mother accompanied the emperor to Hanzhong to encourage the soldiers, why didn't you ask me to go back to Jincheng to hide for a while?

Besides, how many people are big men now?

This weaving is a woman's specialty.

Let the women come out to work, and the labor force can be increased by half.

These days, men have to be used as livestock, and women have to be used as men.

What can Feng Junhou do?

"Let's talk about what Wu Guo sent envoys to do."

"What can you do? Isn't it for the Armored Cavalry?"

Feng Junhou opened his eyes and said strangely:

"I have nothing to hide about the matter of cavalry. I have taught everything that needs to be taught, and Wu Guo is not satisfied?"

When Zhang Xiaosi heard it, he couldn't help laughing out loud:

"My concubine thinks that this time when the envoy from the Kingdom of Wu came over, I hope that Alang is hiding something from Zhu Zifan."

Feng Junhou sat upright and asked, "What's going on?"

"This time the envoy from the Kingdom of Wu came here, and it seems that he didn't get along well with that Zhu Zifan?"

Zhang Xiaosi stopped kneading, turned his head and thought for a moment:

"When he first came here, he paid a visit to the mansion once. He only said that his name was Qin Bo. He wanted to discuss with Alang about something about the Armored Cavalry."

"As for how to talk about it, he didn't elaborate, and I didn't ask in detail. After all, it's up to you to decide."

Feng Junhou nodded:

"Qin Bo is a member of Wu State's school affairs office. The school affairs office is in Wu State, but he doesn't have a good reputation. It's normal for Zhu Zifan to not deal with him."

However, he was slightly puzzled by another matter: "It's just that Zhu Ju is not in charge of the armored cavalry matter? Why does he also intervene?"

Zhang Xiaosi laughed softly: "That's why I said it, no way, then the Qin school official wants A Lang to hide some things about the armored cavalry from Zhu Zifan!"

Feng Junhou looked at the little fox who was like stealing a hen, and felt that she seemed to know something, or she seemed to have guessed something.

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