Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 114: Knife and Pen

Guan Ji returned to her room in the post house, lit the candles, put down the knife and sat on the couch in a daze for a while, muttering to herself.

If you get close, you will hear her recite the two sentences that Feng Yong said just now: Once you succeed in everything, your bones will be ruined, and you will repent and teach your husband to seek a seal.

After reading it several times, I shook my head, frowned, and thought to myself, these two sentences have neither the preceding nor the following.

After thinking for a while, I really had no idea, so I raised the bamboo slips in my hand and looked at them. Only one of them was engraved, and the other three were blank.

She carefully wiped off the dirt on the bamboo slips, touched her body, and found that her knife and pen seemed to have been thrown on the city wall.

It seems that I have to go to the city wall to look for it tomorrow. I don't know if it fell under the city wall?

It's just that I have to find a way to engrave those two sentences tonight, otherwise I have to forget them tomorrow, but where can I find the knife and pen at this time?

I was secretly worrying, when suddenly there was a knock on the door of the room.


"Go back to Lady Guan, the servant girl was sent by the lord to deliver food to Lady Guan."

Guan Ji heard that it was the voice of Feng Yong's personal maid, she went down and opened the door, and as expected, she saw Amei standing outside with food.

Facing Guan Ji's suspicious eyes, Ah Mei bowed slightly to Guan Ji and explained: "My lord said that Lady Guan must be exhausted today, so I sent my maid to bring some food over."

After entering the house and arranging the food, Amei pursed her lips and smiled again: "The lord even told Zhao Langjun that the yellow lady didn't have chicken soup, and if Miss Guan wanted revenge, the servant girl would send some more tomorrow morning." Chicken soup and chicken, at that time Huang Niangzi will not be able to compare with Guan Niangzi in physical strength, it is a good opportunity for revenge."

Guan Ji was taken aback when she heard this, and after thinking for a while, she finally realized that her face flushed slightly.

Feeling ashamed and annoyed in my heart, I thought to myself that I said that I was exhausted just to save face in front of that person, so as not to make him look down on me, but I didn't expect him to be so concerned about it.

Then it occurred to him that he had found a far-fetched reason to make him remember it seriously, and he felt a feeling of inexplicable reason in his heart.

Of course, in the end Guan Ji naturally rejected Feng Yong's offer to bring her breakfast tomorrow morning, but asked Amei to send a word back.

"Knife and pen?" Feng Yong touched his chest with some guilt, and said to Amei who came back to pass on the message, "Isn't there any luggage for me? Just give it to Mrs. Guan."

After all, Wang Ping didn't rush into Yang'an Pass before closing the door, so he had to find a place outside the pass to spend the whole night. Fortunately, it was only autumn and winter had not yet arrived. past.

Early the next morning, the two found a mountain stream, washed their faces carefully, and changed into another set of clothes before walking towards the pass.

"He Muxi, can I really go in that place?"

Mu Wuzhe, the leader of the small tribe, followed Wang Ping timidly, looked at Xiongguan in front of him, and said with some fear.

In places where Han people gather, there are many places where Qiang people cannot go. Especially like this kind of pass, if you approach these without permission, the Han soldiers guarding them will kill them directly.

Therefore, except for the specific places designated by the government, they all contacted Han merchants in the wild and exchanged some daily necessities.

Of course, this situation is not only for the Qiang people, but for everyone except the Han people.

"Don't worry, Mu Wuzhe. The person I'm taking you to meet is sent by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to Hanzhong to supervise the reclamation. He has won the trust of the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, the soldiers he wants to meet will not dare to embarrass him. .”

"Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty? Isn't the biggest among the Han people the emperor?" Mu Wuzhe asked strangely.

"The emperor is still young, so the big man is in charge of everything now."

"According to what you said, he is a noble person. Is it really okay for me to be empty-handed like this? I have heard the leaders of those big tribes say that the nobles of the Han people like others to give them things."

Wang Ping chuckled, and took a look at Mu Wuzhe: "Mu Wuzhe, I told you before I came here, that nobleman is a disciple of a master, and he doesn't pay attention to ordinary things in the world. On the contrary, he has wisdom that others do not have, as long as he is willing, he can get the wealth in the world at his fingertips."

Feng Yong got up on time in the morning, finished washing, and was doing body stretching exercises in his room. Amei came in and reported him a message, saying that an adult who claimed to be Wang Langjun brought a Qiang man and was outside the courtyard. waiting.

"Great!" Feng Yong was doing the "Nine Ghosts Pulling the Saber Stance" at this time, that is, putting his left and right hands behind his back to hug his neck, like drawing a knife. Hearing the news from Amei, one of them Mind you, I nearly dislocated my arm.

He grinned from the pain at the moment, shook his hands casually, and hurried out the door.

"Let General Wang work so hard, I really feel guilty!"

Before the people arrived, Feng Yongyuan saluted first from afar.

Although he had changed his clothes, Wang Ping's dusty and exhausted look was hard to hide.

When he approached and saw clearly, Feng Yong was moved again, and bent down to salute again: "Just for my words, I didn't expect General Wang to escape into the mountains for such a long time. I am so grateful, it is really indescribable!"

Seeing Feng Yong make two big salutes in succession, Wang Ping was a little moved, he grinned, thinking that this Feng Langjun has a straightforward temperament, and when dealing with him, he is somehow better than those colleagues.

At the same time, he was secretly ashamed, but it was a pity that he failed Feng Langjun's respect.

Thinking of this, Wang Ping's face darkened again, and he turned sideways slightly to avoid it: "I can't afford the great gift of Feng Langjun, Wang has a heavy trust!"

"I can afford it. Why can't I say it? No matter what happens in the end, I can afford this gift just because of my affection for General Wang."

Feng Yong saw the Qiang people behind Wang Ping, and heard what Wang Ping said, and he already had some confidence in his heart. At most, the number of people he attracted was less, but Wang Ping's intention was as important as Mount Tai, you have to take it.

Wang Ping let out a long sigh, and bowed his hands in return: "The more Feng Lang Jun is like this, the more I am ashamed. Going to Guan said the Qiang people, I found a dozen tribes, big and small, and promised to go down to the plains to graze. There are very few , I am afraid that Feng Langjun will be disappointed."

"Why is this disappointing? I just kindly reminded that General Wang is also concerned about the old man. If they don't listen, they will regret it that day, and when the time comes to ask for it, it may be too late."

Feng Yong smiled slightly, but felt great hatred in his heart.

Damn these bastards, don't eat a toast and eat a fine wine! When Lao Tzu's arrangement in Hanzhong is completed, let's see how I deal with you!

"Feng Langjun don't want to comfort Wang." Wang Ping obviously took Feng Yong's words as comforting words, and didn't intend to get entangled in it. He turned sideways and introduced to Feng Yong, "This person's name is Mu Wuzhe is a small headman. There were more than 300 clansmen in the past, but now there are only about 200 people left, and they are willing to go down the mountain with Feng Langjun to graze."

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