Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 115 The So-Called Wool

"The villain Mu Wuzhe, I have met the nobleman."

Mu Wuzhe stepped forward, knelt down and prostrated himself on the ground, and made a big salute.

Just now he was too busy talking with Wang Ping, but he didn't expect that as soon as the Qiang came up, a strong smell of mutton and some kind of unknown stench rushed straight into his nostrils, causing Feng Yong to take a few steps back.

"You get up first." Feng Yong wanted to be polite, but the smell comparable to the gas chambers of later generations made him tear up.

Now he had to take a few steps back, covered his nose, and asked, "Your name is Mu Wuzhe? How many people are there in the clan? How many cattle and sheep?"

Mu Wuzhe has only turned 30 this year, but he looks like he is already 50 years old. He has been grazing outside all the year round and is exposed to wind and rain, so he looks anxious.

The Qiang people not only have to fight for their lives with the sky, but also with all kinds of wild beasts in nature. Living beyond the age of forty is considered a long life.

"If you go back to the nobleman, there are two hundred and twenty-three people in the clan, ten cows, and one hundred and thirty sheep."

Seeing Feng Yong's disgusted look, Mu Wuzhe was not surprised at all.

A nobleman who can stand in front of him and ask questions is considered to be self-cultivated. On weekdays, even ordinary Han people can stay as far away as they can.

"Why are there so few?"

Feng Yong let out a cry.

This time is not the era of market economy in later generations, the price is transparent, cattle and sheep can be exchanged for food, and there is no need to worry about being slaughtered as wool by profiteers.

In this era of Han Chinese supremacy, if ten Hu Yi go to trade with the Han people, nine of them will be slaughtered, and one may even lose their personal freedom.

So, how could it be possible for more than two hundred people to survive with this little cattle and sheep?

"Returning to the nobleman, my tribe encountered bandits from the north a few days ago. They claimed to be Xizhi, and said that they followed the order of the northern emperor. They graze, we can't beat them, and lost a lot of warriors, as well as cattle and sheep."

So you came here and begged me for food because you couldn't survive this winter?

Feng Yong finally understood in his heart.

However, the bandit who claimed to be Xizhi caught Feng Yong's heart. Listening to Mu Wuzhe's tone, this is not a Qiang, so where is it a nomadic people?

Thinking about the situation in Liangzhou, Feng Yong thought to himself, this could not be the Di people who established the former Qin and the later Liang in the five random Huazhong where Hu Yi held a carnival feast in the Central Plains?

Calculating the geographical location, most of the people in the northwest are Qiang and Di people, so they should be them.

Mu Wuzhe didn't hear Feng Yong's voice for a long time, he quietly raised his head to take a look, only to see that Feng Yong's face was changing from sunny to cloudy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Could it be that they didn't want to take us in because they saw too few cattle and sheep?

Mu Wuzhe's heart suddenly tugged.

"Mu Wuzhe, since you've told the truth, I won't hide it from you. Although I don't have much food, it's no problem for you two hundred people to eat enough every day. But how do you plan to repay it? I?"

In fact, Feng Tubie didn't have a grain of grain in his hand, because he never thought that he would have to provide grain - so many powerful and aristocratic families came to Hanzhong, I still need to transport the grain by myself?

"Noble man, all the wealth of our tribe is the cattle and sheep. As long as we can survive, we are willing to dedicate all these cattle and sheep to you and treat you as our master forever."

Feng Yong nodded in satisfaction, indicating that this Mu Wuzhe is very good!

In fact, what Feng Yong wanted was such a statement, so as not to make a statement in the future.

After all, he is not like the old demon Zhuge who can be unreasonable for no reason. When he thinks of the five hundred barbarians that have been set, his heart throbs. What a labor force!

As for what Mu Wuzhe said, whether it is true or not, he doesn't care at all, and there is no need to care.

As long as this winter is over, he, Mu Wuzhe, even wants to repent, and he can really drag his original clansman away to the deep mountains to continue grazing. He "spoofs and seduces Feng Langjun"... Ah bah! His "Young Hero Feng Langjun" hanged himself on the flagpole of the capital and committed suicide live!

After the matter settled down, Feng Yong set his sights on the clothes Mu Wuzhe was wearing.

"Are you wearing a sheep's brown coat?"

Brown clothing, at first, means clothes made of animal hair. Sheep brown clothes, as the name suggests, are clothes made of wool.

Why do you say that the Qiang people deserve to be the branch of Yan and Huang? Because this nation is also quite awesome.

In ancient times, they learned to tame wild sheep into domestic sheep, and learned to make wool into clothes to wear on their bodies, so their totem is sheep. It can be seen that creatures like sheep have actually melted into their lives and even their blood.

This is not the point, the point is to make clothes with wool!

This is Feng Yong's confidence in grazing in Hanzhong.

Clothes made of animal hair have existed since ancient times, but until the Han Dynasty, brown clothes made of animal hair and hemp were only suitable for the poor and lowly. On a slightly conditional basis, I would not even touch this thing. The reason is that animal fur is really hard to deal with.

For example, the clothes made of wool worn by Mu Wuzhe are ugly. The key is that the suet fat has not been removed, and it is fishy and smelly. In addition, the impurities in the wool have not been removed. After wearing it for a long time, it will become Become a solid piece.

It's fine if it's hard, and it will be greasy. If you dare to wear it on your body at that time, the fishy smell will directly stick to your body, and you won't be able to wash it off.

Mu Wuzhe in front of him is a living example.

However, in the feudal era when Scientology did not arise, the ancients could not see the suet attached to the wool, so naturally they could not think of how to remove the grease.

That's why nomads, who have no place to grow hemp and mulberry, use wool to make clothes and wear it on their bodies. They can even wear sheepskin, what else can't they wear?

It's like the heads of Guizhou in the Central Plains, working in shabby clothes and bare shoulders, is it strange?

So what Feng Yong has to do is to find a way to remove the grease from the wool and make it white and smooth.

As for how to turn it into thread and then make it into clothes, the great Qiang people have already shown us the way, so don’t worry about this.

Even if the Qiang brothers are not very good at weaving clothes, there is no need to worry too much, because their Han brothers are much smarter than them.

Especially in the Three Kingdoms era when the textile technology in the world was the most in Sichuan, Shu brocade has already proved that the textile technology in Sichuan is not inferior to any place, and this place includes the whole world.

So when Feng Yong puts this white, soft, slippery and soft thing in front of Old Demon Zhuge, his eyes will turn green.

Of course, Feng Yong naturally had to think carefully about when to put this thing in front of Old Demon Zhuge and in what way.

"Yes sir."

"Take it off and let me see."

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