Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 116 Barely usable

"Go, ask the person in the post house to change him into coarse clothes."

Feng Yong turned to Amei and said.

Seeing Mu Wuzhe take off that black mass, Feng Yong really didn't have the courage to pick it up.

"Where are your people now?"

"Returning to the nobleman, it is not far outside the city now, and Asi from He Muxi is following there."

What's the mess?

Feng Yong looked at Wang Ping inquiringly.

"It's good to teach Feng Langjun that Wang's name is called He Muxi among the Qiang people, and Axi is Dalang."

Wang Ping quickly explained.

Feng Yong nodded, expressing his understanding.

I thought that Wang Ping was really cautious in doing things, if the Qiang people appeared in groups outside the Guancheng, they might be the heads used by the soldiers in the city to claim meritorious service.

Wang Xun is now the Diannong official in Hanzhong handpicked by the imperial court. He is a scumbag to the real dignitaries, but he is also a deterrent to those big soldiers: these Qiang people are going to be taken to Hanzhong for reclamation, which one? Dare to mess around?

He explained some more things, asked Mu Wuzhe to go back and watch over his clansmen, and then arranged for someone to take Wang Ping down to rest.

"Did brother get up?"

I just wanted to call Zhao Guang here, but I didn't expect him to come by himself.

But it's not surprising, this guy was used to Feng Zhuang's food when he was in the capital, and the food in the post house was even worse than his family's food, so it's most normal to come here to eat.

Although she was away from home, the food she ate was not as good as at home, but Amei had been following the cook in the mansion since she first entered the mansion, so she learned a lot of cooking skills, and the food she made must be much better than the ones made in the post house.

"Hey, brother, what is this?"

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Zhao Guang saw Feng Yong was thinking about the black and unknown object on the ground, and bent over curiously to take a closer look, but he was so smoked that he wanted to vomit.

"What is this? Why is it so stinky?"

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang, but didn't speak. In this case, talk as little as possible.

Seeing Amei with her normal face, she sighed at the maid's nerves, covered her nose and squeezed her voice, and said, "Go get a basin of water and put some stove ashes in it."

After Zhao Guang heard this, based on the principle that what his elder brother valued must be a good thing, he couldn't help but stepped forward, as if he wanted to see clearly.

"Don't look at it, it's a woolen brown coat."

He really didn't want Zhao Guang to touch the thing, because the stench was stronger, so Feng Yong had no choice but to speak.

"Brother, where did this thing come from?"

After hearing this, Zhao Guang walked around the brown-clothed man and walked up to Feng Yong to ask.

As long as he doesn't touch that thing, it's a good thing, Feng Yong doesn't bother to speak again.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the stench rushed straight into his mouth, making him feel nauseous.

The water came quickly, and I put the brown woolen clothes inside to wash them. After the washing was almost finished, I poured out the water, replaced the basin with the same water, and washed it again.

Even in the era of great industry in later generations, in the Northwest, there are still people who wash wool with ancient methods, and then weave it into clothes by hand.

This kind of situation is generally because it is located in some small villages in the depths of the Gobi desert, because of the inconvenient transportation.

Feng Yong saw it when he was working on the military and civilian fish and water situation. Those herdsmen took wool to wash in the saline-alkali soil, or took the plants that grew in the saline-alkali soil, burned them into ashes and washed them in hot water.

When I asked them why, they couldn't tell the reason, they only knew that it was passed down from their ancestors, and they said that it could be washed cleanly.

Later, the instructor who came out of the military academy explained Feng Yong's confusion, saying that the alkaline water in the saline-alkali land can neutralize the fat of wool, and the sheep fat can be dissolved at a certain water temperature.

That's why Feng Yong knew that raw wool could be washed with alkaline water.

Why is it said that knowledge is power?

You do not have the knowledge to know what is alkaline? Know how to get alkaline water?

Plant ash is alkaline, this is the power of knowledge!

As for the amount of plant ash to be used and whether the high alkalinity will damage the wool, these are things that will need to be tested repeatedly in the future. At best, it can only be regarded as cumbersome, as long as you have patience, the difficulty is almost zero.

Feng Yong also didn't expect to be able to achieve the level of industrialization in later generations. His highest expectation was to make wool into clothes so that it could be accepted by the Han people.

As for how many grades are divided like later generations, what kind of sheep are divided, and even the place where the sheep are produced, where is he in a leisurely mood?

Clothes made of wool don't have that fishy smell, don't have grease, can be worn on the body, and can keep warm, that's enough, everything else is not important!

Clothes made of wool are much warmer than ordinary silk and linen clothes, and this is the most important thing.

Like those rich and powerful families, they can still wear fur clothes in winter to keep out the cold.

Ordinary landlords and rich families, at most, put on a few more robes and surround the fire to keep warm.

As for the head of Guizhou, cover the orange pole! It’s okay to say in the south, but in the north, it’s perfectly normal for people to freeze to death every year.

After washing several times, the stench gradually disappeared, and the black color on the clothes also began to fade.

"Brother, why don't you have some breakfast first, then come and see?"

Zhao Guang couldn't bear it anymore, turned around a few times, and finally suggested.

Amei can't leave you alone, who will serve you for breakfast?

The longer he came to this world, the more depraved Feng Yong felt. Now that no one serves him food, he doesn't bother to move.

Besides, I still smelled that smell just now, how can I have the appetite to eat now?

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang and said, "If you want to eat, go and eat first, I'm not hungry."

After hearing this, Zhao Guang resentfully stopped talking.

I don't know if it was because of being worn by that Mu Wuzhe for too long, or because of other reasons, in short, the final color of the woolen clothes is not the white as Feng Yong imagined, but gray with yellow.

"Okay, bring it here and let me have a look."

Ah Mui listened and wrung it hard before handing it over.

If the woolen clothes of later generations were treated in this way, it is estimated that it would have died a long time ago.

But in this day and age, you don't need to care about these details at all.

Twisting up a small piece of clothing, twisting it carefully, Feng Yong nodded.

That's right, although the clothes have been washed almost to the point of unraveling, what Feng Yong wants to know now is to see the effect of washing wool with alkaline water, and it seems that it can barely meet the requirements.

The further experimental object is of course to take the freshly sheared wool.

Seeing Feng Yong's satisfied expression, Zhao Guang couldn't see anything satisfying about this washed-up clothes.

Stepping forward, he imitated Feng Yong and twisted a bit, wondering: "Brother, what are you going to do with this thing?"

He threw the clothes on the ground, clapped his hands, glanced at Zhao Guang, and smiled mysteriously: "You will know later."

In a good mood, he ordered: "Wash your hands well, and then get ready for breakfast."

A friend asked me to ask if anyone reads supernatural, and recommended him a book that is being classified and pushed, rural supernatural: "Land Dragon Palace". Those who are interested can go and have a look.

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