Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1114 Heartbreak

Probably today is really a good day.

Not only Sima Shi got married, but Xia Houmao also held a small banquet at his home.

Although he was the only one at the banquet and no one else was drinking with him, this did not prevent him from drinking and enjoying himself.

It doesn't matter if there are no guests, but there are beautiful women in the house to accompany you.

But seeing silk and bamboo fluttering, light gauze flying, a dozen or so kabuki are dancing.

Under the iridescent satin ribbon, the bare white thighs are faintly exposed from time to time, like a flower with a watery bottom, or a stamen inside a flower petal.

Each kabuki looked charmingly at Xia Houmao, who was sitting at the main seat, with a beautiful and moving smile.

Xia Houmao narrowed his eyes and shook his head, not knowing whether he was drunk or seductive.

When he guarded Chang'an back then, he kept many concubines in his mansion.

It was precisely because of this that Princess Qinghe was so jealous that she united with Xiahoumao's brothers to frame Xiahoumao.

Although Xia Houmao escaped by luck, he had a complete falling out with Princess Qinghe.

Although the two are called husband and wife now, they are actually inseparable from old age to death.

After the two separated, Princess Qinghe imitated her example and started raising noodles.

And Xia Houmao was also happy that no one would bother him to keep his family tricks, and he intensified his efforts to cultivate his hobbies.

At this time, I saw a servant trot up and reported to Xiahoumao, saying that Xiahouwei was visiting.

Xia Houmao, who seemed to be half drunk at first, had a look of surprise on his face when he heard it. He immediately got up and went to welcome Xia Houwei into the room in person:

"I was worrying about where to find someone to have fun with me. I didn't expect you to come here. Could it be that I heard the sound of singing and dancing from outside?"

While laughing, he signaled the maid to pour wine for Xia Houwei.

Xia Houwei didn't raise his wine glass, but took a look at the housewife who was still dancing below.

When Xia Houmao saw it, he felt a little bored, but finally waved his hand.

After all the dancers and dancers had retired, Xia Houmao raised his glass and drank alone.

Nose, brow, and eyes wrinkled together, and then let go, smashed his mouth, let out a satisfied light "ah" sound like a sigh, and finally exhaled a mouthful of alcohol.

"What about the good wine from the west? There are probably not many places in Luoyang that have this wine. Are you sure you want to have a glass?"

Xia Houmao shook his empty wine glass and asked.

Xia Houwei shook his head, he didn't want to drink at first, but he seemed to have something on his mind, but he unconsciously picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"Hey! That's right!"

Xia Houmao looked at it, and immediately smiled, as if someone was drinking with him, which was a very happy thing.

He hastily filled Xiahou Weiman himself.

"Is this wine apple peach wine? It was shipped from the Shu captives?"

After Xia Houwei finished drinking, he also let out a sigh of relief, and was a little puzzled, "It doesn't look like it."

Xia Houmao proudly said: "The drinking method passed down from the Shu captives, this rose peach wine is not ordinary rose peach wine. It is much stronger than we used to drink. When drinking, we need to add some other things."

Xia Houmao took another sip of the wine, and wondered if it had been a long time since there were any visitors, Tan Xing immediately came over while the wine was in full swing:

"Don't mention it, there are so many new things on the side of the Shu captives, and they can drink tricks when they drink."

"It's like that candle. In the past, Dawei couldn't get many in the palace. What about now? Hey!"

Xia Houmao patted his thigh, "The caravan coming from the west sells them box by box!"

"That thing is smooth, round and white, as beautiful as white jade. Compared with them, the tribute candle is far inferior."

"I heard that Sima Ziyuan's family bought hundreds of candles for this wedding, tsk tsk tsk!"

Xia Houwei silently listened to Xia Houmao's nagging, and after drinking another glass of wine, he asked:

"I heard that there are people from your family in the caravan heading to Guanzhong this time?"

"Yes." Xiahoumao nodded and looked at Xiahouwei, "Why, your residence also wants to go? It's late, next time remember to ask the Taifu's residence early."

The caravans leaving from Luoyang did not just leave as they wished, but they had quotas.

Who can go and who can't, must get the consent of the Taifu Mansion, so as to avoid some unruly people from colluding with thieves.

Whether he can get through to the thief or not must depend on whether he is loyal to Wei Zhong.

Especially sincerity, sincere sincerity.

"The three Xiahou clans are all trapped in Luoyang now. What method did you use to get the Taifu to agree to let your caravan go out of the city, and still go to Guanzhong?"

Xia Houwei never thought of asking about this before.

After all, it is not easy for each family of the Xiahou clan.

In addition, when the first emperor was present, we should try to reduce the contact with each other as much as possible, which can also reduce the suspicion from the emperor.

Especially after Xiahouba fell into the hands of the Han Dynasty, Xiahouyuan's lineage was the most low-key.

At this time, Xia Houzhen heard that Xia Houwei kept asking about this matter, which made him a little surprised:

"What? Do you really want to participate?"

Xia Houwei didn't answer, but looked straight at him:

"You still haven't told me why the Taifu sent your caravan out of Luoyang to Guanzhong?"

"Hey, what's the matter?" Xia Hou Maohun replied indifferently, "When I was General Anxi, at least I was the governor of Guanzhong for nearly ten years, and I still knew some people in Guanzhong."

"The Grand Tutor can let people from my family go to Guanzhong, is it because of these relationships..."

Xia Houmao hadn't finished speaking when he heard a "bang", interrupting his words.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was Xia Houwei who threw the wine glass directly onto the table.

The wine glass rolled a few times, fell to the ground, and shattered with a bang.

Xia Houwei stared coldly at Xia Houmao who was not ashamed but proud, angrily:

"How is this different from a thief?!"

Xia Houmao originally had good intentions, but when he saw Xia Houwei's words and actions, he was taken aback for a while, and then he realized:

"What do you mean?"

Xia Houwei looked at Xia Houmao blankly:

"These wines, and the candles you mentioned, and even the brown sugar that the big families in Luoyang can't ask for, and even the wool and silk that have been in short supply these years."

"Even if these things are in the Shu Kingdom, if there is no way to get them, I'm afraid there is no way to buy them, so just buy them?"

Seeing the displeasure on Xia Houwei's face, Xia Houmao understood that it was rare for the other party to come over, and he actually wanted to ask the teacher for a crime?

But seeing him sneer, he asked back, "What do you want to say?"

"The Great Wei and the Shu captives swore to be incompatible. They would be so kind to sell you so many good things? Don't forget, when you were in Guanzhong, you..."

This time it was Xia Houwei's turn, before he finished speaking, Xia Houmao interrupted: "Shut up!"

But seeing that Xia Houmao's face was flushed, he didn't know whether it was because of the drunkenness, or because he became angry from embarrassment, so he smashed the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

"Feng thief! Feng thief's insidiousness, who knew back then? Not to mention me, even if it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be impossible to escape this thief's plot. Is it my fault? How can you blame me alone!"

The fact that Guanzhong was tricked by a certain thief back then without knowing it was actually a scar that Xia Houmao had been unable to heal over the years.

Fortunately, over the years, as Da Wei suffered more and more losses from this thief.

In comparison, the Guanzhong incident back then was not so conspicuous.

I didn't expect Xia Houwei to mention this matter in front of him today, how can I not make him startled and angry.

"The Grand Tutor even lost Guanzhong. When Feng Thief attacked and captured Bingzhou Hedong, which one of the many important officials of the Great Wei could have seen it in advance?"

Xia Houmao stood up and glared at Xia Houwei, probably because he was so angry that his mouth began to froth:

"The first emperor..."

"Okay!" Xia Houwei also stood up and shouted, "Stop talking!"

The two glared at each other like cockfights for a long time, and finally Xia Houmao sat back first, picked up the flagon and took a few sips of "gudong gudong".

"Cough cough cough!"

I didn't expect to drink too fast, but I was choked instead.

He coughed several times, and put the flagon down on the desk:

"Why don't you say it? Why can't you say it? This Great Wei, our Xiahou family has a share, right? This Great Wei, the world, was not brought down by the Cao family, right?"

"You..." Xia Houwei wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Xia Houmao's eyeballs were already red:

"It's only been a few years since Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen left such a huge country? It's only been a few years!"

"During the years I was guarding the customs, I didn't lose an inch of land. Then?"

"What about some people? It's only ten years, ten years! Even losing the land of the three states, and even fleeing Luoyang after being frightened by the thieves, ha, ha ha ha!"

Xia Houmao laughed like crazy while talking.

"Luoyang, the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty, it's hard to say whether the surname is Cao or Sima!"

"You're drunk!" Xia Houwei gritted his teeth and said to Xia Houmao word by word, "Speak carefully!"

Xia Houmao refused to listen, pointed at Xia Houwei, and shouted:

"The three clans of Xiahou are said to be one, but Xiahou Taichu (namely Xiahouxuan) has been repeatedly recruited by Cao Zhaobo (namely Cao Shuang), and now he has decided to go to Xuchang."

"As for you, in the Kingdom of Shu, you have a second brother and a younger sister who is closer than your own sister! Of course you two don't have to worry, but what about me?"

"Did you forget that the Xiahou family has three clans, not two?"

I thought marrying an eldest princess would be a brilliant event, but who would have thought that it would be a fatal event!

What the eldest princess is, she is simply a jealous old poisonous woman!

With such a vicious heart, he actually thought of taking the life of his husband-in-law.

Ordinary people encountered such things, wouldn't the ancestral graves be filled with black smoke?

But for Xia Houmao, things were far more than that.

It's fine if the wife is vicious and wants to kill her husband.

Unexpectedly, even his own brother actually listened to the old poisonous woman's bewitchment, and wanted to join her in conspiring to put his elder brother to death.

Is there any reason for this?

Husband and wife are like enemies inside, and brothers are like enemies, but they are still suspected by the emperor outside...

Then encountered great chaos and was trapped in Luoyang.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every day should not be done, and that the earth and the earth are not working.

"Tell me, what can I do? What can I do? I can't just wait to die like this forever?"

As Xia Houmao was talking, he actually said that he was crying, and wiped his tears and said:

"Do you know how frightened I was when the Han army came to Hedong and the Son of Heaven patrolled east? I don't know how many people I have begged for, but no one is willing to give me a hand."

"More than a hundred people in the mansion are pointing at me to lead them to find a way out, what can I do?"

Some brothers from other families surrendered to the Kingdom of Shu, and it seems that they killed the brothers who stayed in Wei.

In fact, it left hope for the family.

What about my brother?

Together they want to put the crime of "slandering the emperor" on their own brother.

Don't they know that if the crime is really carried out, as their own brothers, they will also be implicated in the end?

It can be imagined that Xia Houmao, who was almost desperate and under great pressure, would naturally hold on to the overtures of certain big families and regard it as the last straw.

As for why the Taifu agreed with his family's caravan to go out of the city to Guanzhong, and whether there was something wrong, he could no longer care about it.

Even if he knew something was wrong, he didn't have the ability to refuse.

As if defending himself, Xia Houmao murmured:

"It's not that I have to send people there. So many people have sent people to ask, what can I do?"

"Do you know who is in these people's families? Even if I shouldn't go down, do you think there is nothing they can do?"

"Just like the Xin family, their ancestral home is in Longxi..."

Xia Houwei looked at Xia Houmao crying with his headache in his arms, and suddenly talked to himself, looking like he was insane, he didn't want to answer the conversation at first.

Unexpectedly, he heard the other party mention the Xin family, which made his heart tremble, and subconsciously asked:

"What Xin family? Which Xin family?"

"Which other Xin family? Of course it is Xin Weiwei (Xin Pi), the Xin family who, like Zhong Quan (Xiahouba), is also an in-law of the Yang family."

Yang Hu married Xia Houba's daughter Xiahou Shi, and Yang Hu's uncle Yang Dan married Xin Xianying, daughter of Xin Pi.

Although there are two generations of uncles and nephews, but the two families are related by marriage of the Yang family, it is indeed not a mistake.

When Xia Houwei heard this, his forehead immediately rang.

That's it, that's it!

"Longxi Xin family, Longxi Xin family, Taishan Yang family..."

He sat down in a daze, picked up the flagon, drank two gulps, his eyes were confused, and he murmured what he had said in front of Yang Hu:

"Good Wei, why did you become like this?"

Ten years ago, Great Wei was still in the middle of the world, and it was not an exaggeration to call it China.

But it's only ten years, ten years...

Xia Houzhen didn't know when he stopped crying, and moved over to hug Xia Houwei, regardless of whether tears and snot were wiped on him.

He could only hear him say with his tongue out:

"Ji Quan, admit it, the current Great Wei is no longer the original Great Wei. Why are those big clans in such a hurry to send a caravan to Guanzhong?"

Xia Houmao hehe twice, I don't know if it's a sneer or a mockery:

"Because the Shang Shuling of the Great Wei Dynasty had already fled to Guanzhong and surrendered to the Kingdom of Shu, that is the Pei family from Hedong, hehe, these aristocratic families..."

"Even Shang Shuling took the initiative to surrender to the Kingdom of Shu. It is conceivable what the Great Wei Dynasty will look like now? Unless, unless Emperor Wu is reborn, otherwise, just rely on that..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Houwei directly slashed his neck with a knife.

Xia Houmao's body fell down limply.

The midsummer sun shone fiercely on the earth.

Xia Houwei, who had just walked out of Xia Houmao's mansion, felt cold all over.

Looking at the people coming and going in the distance, listening to the noise in the distance, everything is singing and dancing so peacefully, as if the world is peaceful.

Everything seemed so magical to him.

Looking to the west again, the sky is clear and clear.

But he seemed to see the black clouds in the sky, like a huge monster, staring at Luoyang.

At this time, Xia Houwei finally realized what it means to be helpless and what it means to be incapable of doing anything.

He let out a long sigh, and walked towards his house in a daze.

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