Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1115 Entering the palace

Xia Houwei doesn't know what is called "herd effect", but he knows what is called "a dike of a thousand feet is destroyed by an ant's den; a room of a hundred feet is burned by a gap."

What's more, the Pei family in Hedong is not an ant, but a rare family in Hedong and even in the Central Plains.

As the Minister of the Great Wei, Pei Qian voluntarily surrendered to the Kingdom of Shu, and it was not as simple as the appearance of a den of ants.

This is simply somewhere in the levee, and a crack has already occurred-it can't be blocked!

With such an extremely bad leading role, it is conceivable how much shock it will have on the Kanto family.

So from this perspective, it is easy to understand why Yang's attitude is ambiguous, and why Xin's sent people westward.

Xia Houwei returned to his house in a daze, his wife Xiahou Cai was shocked when she saw his distraught appearance.

He only knew that he had encountered some kind of evil outside, so he hurriedly helped him to the inner room, and called out in a trembling voice, frightened:

"Alang, Alang, are you okay? Don't scare me!"

Fortunately, Xia Houwei quickly came to his senses after being called out by her.

He glanced at the wives, concubines and children around him, all of them were terrified, and suddenly felt something in his heart, remembering what Xia Houmao said:

More than a hundred people in the house pointed to me to lead them to find a way to survive...

If something really happened to him, then would the wives, concubines and children in his house be okay?

Xia Houwei didn't dare to think about it anymore, he forced a smile: "I'm fine."

Looking at the worried faces on the family members' faces, he knew they were still worried.

So he explained:

"I went to the second brother's mansion today, and saw that the mansion is declining day by day, and I feel sad."

"Thinking of my Xiahou family, what an honor it was for Emperor Zuowu to create a foundation? Didn't expect it to be here in just how many years?"

"I remember that when Emperor Wen was appointed as the General of the Five Senses, he had a banquet for more than 30 guests. At that time, Zhu Jianping, a good physicist, was present and prophesied to me, saying that I would be able to go to Zhou Mu in forty-nine."

"But now..."

Xia Houwei pointed to himself, then pointed to the surroundings, and sighed:

"Based on the situation of my family at this time, I only want to be safe, how dare I seek wealth and high status? Reminiscing about the past and sighing about the present, that's why I lost my mind."

Cai comforted him and said:

"Alang is not confused yet, and there are still eleven years before he reaches forty-nine. The time is still long, so why worry?"

Xia Houwei smiled wryly and shook his head:

"It's time for a man to make a career as early as possible. Some people have already led the army and made great achievements when they were weak in the championship. They will become a generation of famous generals in their twenties and become famous all over the world."

"Standing upright is already a pillar of a country. Anyone who is an enemy of it will be terrified."

"I'm already thirty-eight years old. I haven't made any achievements yet, yet I want to be the governor of the state ten years from now. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Xiahou Jun, the son of Xiahouwei, was very dissatisfied when he heard the words:

"My lord's words are exaggerated. How can there be such a person in the world? He is the champion, who died young and stood before his life was over."

Xiahouwei was in a bad mood, he didn't look at his son, but just uttered a name: "Feng Yong, Feng Mingwen, Feng thief."

Xia Houjun felt as if he had eaten shit, and was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Can a thief from Shu be called a pillar of a country?

It's just that no matter how unwilling to admit it, since Ge thief's death, Feng thief is indeed the most cunning among the Shu captives.

At the same time, he is also the most talked about thief by the princes of the Great Wei Dynasty, and his reputation is not insignificant.

But for young people like Xia Houjun of three or four generations, for so many years, this person's opponents have always been his parents and even his grandparents.

In many cases, it is easy for people to subconsciously think that this thief is a contemporary figure of his father's generation, making people ignore his age.

Xia Houwei sighed again, and muttered to himself in a low voice:

"More than ten years ago, Ge thief called him a young hero, and Wei only said that there were no captives in Shu. Who would have imagined today?"

Xia Houwei used the thief to worry about the country, and Feng Junhou, who he called the "young hero" in the past, is now gradually stepping into the "uncle hero", and is dealing with official duties with a face of irritability.

The empress officially moved into Weiyang Palace, and her marriage with Zhang Siniang was also on the agenda.

This was already expected.

But there is a very crucial issue involved here.

Because Zhang Xingyi's marriage was approaching, she was taken into the palace - two people who were not married were not allowed to meet each other casually.

This is also normal.

The point is, Mrs. Zhang is the chief secretary of General Zhendong's mansion.

The entire secretariat is run by her on weekdays.

Without the secretariat of the great secretary, what is it called the secretariat?

Now all the official affairs sorted out by the secretariat are transferred to Feng Junhou.

Feng Junhou, who was overwhelmed by official duties for many days in a row, cursed angrily:

"When the old man guarded the pass alone, he didn't have so many troubles. Why did the emperor bring the Shangshutai to Chang'an, but instead have so many official duties?"

Immediately throw away the paperwork, get up and go outside:

"Come on, prepare your horse!"

"Where does the prince want to go?"

"In the palace, meet the emperor!"

The little fat man who was eating ice cream with a spoon in Weiyang Palace, when he heard that his brother-in-law entered the palace for an audience, he was so happy that he didn't even wipe the cheese stains from the corners of his mouth, and said repeatedly:

"Quick, let Mingwen come over."

"Chen Yong..."

"Get up quickly, Mingwen, no need to be too polite, come, sit, sit here."

A Dou patted his side and greeted Feng Junhou.

Feng Junhou came to the palace fiercely. Facing the enthusiasm of the emperor, his momentum suddenly faltered, and he hesitated:

"This, isn't it good, Your Majesty? It's a bit too polite."

It doesn't matter to A Dou, if the queen sees it, who knows what she will think?

Guan Xiaojunhou is not around, and he is in the queen's territory, so it is better to be more cautious.

"It's okay, and there are no outsiders."

Feng Junhou looked around, although he didn't find where the queen was, he was still unwilling to obey.

A Dou had no choice but to ask someone to add a chair beside him, and Feng Junhou sat on it.

"What are you doing here? Why don't you serve Mingwen a bowl of ice cream? Are you sweating without seeing Mingwen? It's hot today!"

The palace man quickly brought a bowl of ice cream.

A Dou raised his chin again, and ordered the fan-wielding palace man not far away:

"There's still that cool wind, fan it towards Mingwen!"

Ice cubes are placed in the copper ice mirror, which can not only keep food cold, but also drive away the heat through the cool air it emits.

If there is a dedicated fan around, and the cool air is blown over, it is really an artificial air conditioner in the hot summer.

Feng Junhou was very hot, thanked his brother-in-law, and impatiently dug a large spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

Coupled with the cool breeze blowing slowly by the palace servants, he couldn't help squinting his eyes and sighing comfortably.

The little fat man really enjoys getting into his mother's place.

A Dou looked at Feng Zhendong's appearance, with a smile on his face, and asked with a smile:

"Why is Mingwen free to enter the palace today?"

It's not good for Ah Dou not to mention this, but when he mentions this, Feng Zhendong's grievances are immediately aroused.

Mingming's surname is Liu in this world, so why am I the one who is exhausted, yet Liu Xiaopang can be so relaxed.

No reason!

Feng Zhendong took another spoonful of ice cream and put it in his mouth. Before he could swallow it completely, he said:

"Your Majesty, I came here today to ask you for help."

Hearing Feng Zhendong's words, A Dou couldn't help being very surprised:

"In the city of Chang'an, there are still things that expressly ask for help?"

After speaking, he waved his hands again and again, "With Mingwen's talents, if you find it difficult, then I'm afraid I can't help Mingwen too much."

Hearing this, Feng Junhou almost choked on the ice cream in his throat, and his eyes bulged out.

what the hell are you...

Can you take a look at who you are?

Do you know what it means to look like a gentleman?

On the other hand, Ah Dou looked as usual, sincere, as if what he said was the truth.

This is Chang'an, not Jincheng, let alone Hanzhong.

He really couldn't think of anyone who could force his brother-in-law to run to the palace to ask him for help.

Except for a very few people.

Coincidentally, for these very few people, even the emperor dare not, ahem, he doesn't want to mess with them.

But as a brother-in-law, Ah Dou is still very loyal:

"I have self-knowledge. Self-knowledge may not be of much help to Mingwen, but Mingwen might as well speak out and listen to see if we can discuss an idea."

Feng Junhou swallowed the ice cream completely, then gave a thumbs up and praised:

"The value of a person is to have self-knowledge. Your Majesty's 'self-knowledge' is already better than most kings in the past and present."

"The reason why a king is bright is to listen; the reason why he is dark is to believe. The king can listen to the opinions of the people and bow down to discuss with his subordinates. This is what a wise king is."

Hearing this, A Dou was so happy that his chubby face nearly squeezed his eyes out. He pointed at Feng Junhou, shook his head and said with a smile:

"Mingwen's words really make me feel ashamed. If I can't do my best on today's matter, I'm afraid I'll feel sorry for you! Come on, let's talk about it."

Feng Junhou coughed, tried his best to straighten his face, sighed again, and then said:

"Your Majesty, these days, I have been busy preparing for my marriage with Si Niang, and at the same time I have to deal with various official duties. I really can't be free for a moment."

Having said that, he sat up straight again, and beat his waist to show that he was tired:

"In the past, Si Niang has always been by my side, helping me with official affairs, and I can handle it. Now that Si Niang is not here, my house has accumulated a lot of official documents."

"At this moment, I finally know why the Prime Minister fell ill due to overwork..."

It's good that someone Feng didn't mention Xiangfu, but when he mentioned Xiangfu, A Dou sat up straight, nodded repeatedly and said:

"Extremely, since Xiangfu died of illness, if Jiang Gongyan hadn't come to help me stabilize the court in time, I'm afraid I would have been in a hurry."

The news of the prime minister's death spread to Shu. Although Feng Yong was guarding Guanzhong, many people in the court believed that Feng Yong was still young and lacked qualifications.

And although he has experience in leading the army, the army of Hanzhong plus the army of Liangzhou has more than 100,000 people, and most of the troops of the Han Dynasty are under his command.

What's more, it can also be considered the three preliminarily determined Bingzhou, Hedong and Guanzhong, which have a huge area, but they all border on the bandit territory.

If Feng Yong neglects his precautions and is taken advantage of by thieves, when the prime minister dies and the morale of the front army may be unstable, if there is a defeat, the country will be in danger.

Under such circumstances, many people are suspicious and uneasy.

Some people even suggested that they voluntarily give up the east of Dahe, and let Feng Junhou concentrate on defending Guanzhong, so as to preserve the core results of this bandit crusade.

Only Jiang Wan stood out from the crowd and was at the right of the group of bureaucrats. He was neither sad nor happy, and behaved as usual, asserting:

"Feng Junhou became famous at a young age. He was well prepared in civil and military affairs. He led the army to hunt down thieves and never failed. In the past, he led 20,000 elite soldiers and was able to defeat 100,000 thieves."

"Today more than 100,000 tigers and wolves are guarding the pass. The thieves are too timid to avoid danger. How dare they attack? Be safe, gentlemen."

At the same time, he also personally supervised the raising of supplies to ensure that the army ahead had no shortage of food and grass.

In the next few months, the thieves did not dare to commit crimes, and everyone was at ease.

When the news of Feng Junhou sending Wei Yan to attack Shangdang spread to Hanzhong, all the princes in the court admired Jiang Wan's foresight, and everyone gradually became convinced.

It can be said that the Shangshutai led by Jiang Wan is to A Dou, similar to the Secretariat led by Zhang Xiaosi to Feng Junhou.

So at this time, Adou can especially understand Feng Junhou's difficulties.

"Your Majesty, it would be the best if you can understand the difficulties of the minister. Look, can you let Si Niang return to my house for two days, and then come back after helping me with my official duties?"

As soon as A Dou heard this request, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face:

"This, Mingwen, you know that this matter must be decided by the queen, and it is not good for me to interfere..."

I knew that the emperor would not want to mess with anyone who could force Feng Mingwen to enter the palace to ask for help.

However, seeing his brother-in-law's eyes of disappointment and contempt, A Dou probably felt that he was not enough:

"How about this, I'll send someone to tell Si Niang that you have come to the palace, and see if she can avoid the queen and come to see you?"

Am I here to see Si Niang?

I'm taking my mother-in-law home, understand?

Feng Junhou was very dissatisfied in his heart, but he thanked him honestly: "I thank you, Your Majesty."

A Dou started waving his hands again:

"What's the point of thanking my family for coming and going?"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and gestured again.

An eunuch appeared quietly like a ghost.

It was none other than Huang Hu, the head of the Ouchi, who was an old acquaintance.

When the emperor and empress went out of the palace to Huangzhuang, they basically sent Huang Hu to contact him.

After listening to Adou's order, Huang Hu smiled at Feng Junhou again, and retreated like a civet again.

I had another conversation with Adou, and after Huang Hu came back to report, A Dou said as if asking for credit:

"Mingwen, it's done!"

Feng Junhou got up quickly: "Thank you forever, Your Majesty."

"You are in a hurry." A Dou shook his head, "You two haven't seen each other for a long time, go quickly."

"Your Majesty, please come with this old slave."

The Empress of the Han Dynasty was not yet luxurious, and she had just arrived in Chang'an, so there were many unoccupied houses in Weiyang Palace.

Huang Hu led Feng Junhou to a side hall door and stopped, then bowed to signal Feng Junhou to go in by himself.

Feng Junhou stepped into the hall, and the hall door behind him had just been slowly closed, but when he saw a figure, he rushed out from the darkness.

"You have no conscience, you thought you really wouldn't come to see me in the palace!"

The figure flew straight into Feng Junhou's arms, and with the last jump, his legs were directly wrapped around Feng Junhou's waist, and his whole body was hung on Feng Junhou's body.

Hugging the person in his arms, smelling the familiar fragrance, Feng Junhou easily picked up Zhang Xingyi:

"How is it possible, I can't eat or sleep without you leaving, I don't know how much I miss you!"

As the saying goes, a little farewell is better than a newlywed.

After being separated for such a long time, the two of them suddenly hugged each other tightly in this dim side hall, their heart arose and their breathing became heavy.

The sound of Xixisuo sounded, as if a dog and a man and a woman were having an affair.

After an unknown amount of time, on the couch in the side hall, Zhang Xingyi seemed to have melted into Feng Junhou's body, without a trace of strength in his body.

Even the voice is watery and greasy:

"Amo, how are you doing these days?"

After finishing business, I only thought of my son.

"It's okay, but sometimes I cry to find my mother."

Zhang Xiaosi was taken to the palace by the queen, but Feng Amo could only stay in Feng's house.

In the words of General Guan, Feng A Mo is of the blood of the Feng family, as long as she is the aunt, no one can take him away.

"Then you have to marry me quickly, otherwise, I'm afraid the children will deny me."

Feng Junhou sighed:

"Do you think I don't want to? I'm more anxious than you! After you left, I realized that the family cannot do without you."

"It's just this matter. What's the use of being in a hurry? I still have to follow the process. After all, I can't make the decision. Otherwise, why would I come to see you secretly now?"

Zhang Xingyi smiled lightly, seeming very satisfied with Feng Junhou's answer.

But the tone is humming:

"It's only now that you think about him? Hmph! Tell me, is there something difficult again? Your Mrs. Zuo, who only knows how to chop people with a knife, can't help, so she came here to ask me for advice?"

There is a sequence of entry, and there is no distinction between standing side by side, only left and right.

That's what I said, but Ji Han respects the left.

General Guan entered the door first and appointed Mrs. Zuo, and Secretary Zhang, who entered the door later, could only be Mrs. Right no matter how unwilling she was.

"What are you talking about? I just miss you so much, so I entered the palace to see you."

"Of course, if there is something wrong, there is indeed something wrong. Madam You, you have always been my Zhuge, but I can't trust anyone except you."

Madam You giggled, her voice soft and soft:

"Alang, let's hear it?"

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