Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1117 Prince Edward

Empress Dahan has a habit of standing on the highest point of the palace, overlooking everything inside and outside the palace.

Because this move not only allowed her to calm down and think about the problem.

More importantly, she can see people and things that she can't normally see.

Especially with the sharp weapon of the telescope, she can see more things.

For example, which concubine guards a certain place deliberately, and can pretend to have a chance encounter with the emperor.

Another example is which court lady likes to be lazy.

Another example is which little yellow door always drags which little palace lady to which corner...

Too much.

Standing at the highest point of the palace, there are too many things to see.

This is the privilege of the emperor, but it is a pity that the emperor, A Dou, would rather stay in the shade below and dig ice cream with a spoon to eat at this time.

He is not interested in climbing high places to see the scenery - he is too tired to climb.

Just as Zhang Xingcai was staring at a certain place with a thoughtful look on his face, Zhang Xingyi's voice suddenly came:

"Sister, sister!"

Zhang Xingcai turned her head slightly, and saw her younger sister trotting over with her skirt in hand.

But seeing that her face was rosy, there seemed to be a shining light under her skin, like a delicate flower watered by rain and dew, exuding an astonishing beauty.

Zhang Xingcai took a deep breath and turned away from looking at her.

"What are you looking at, sister?"

Zhang Xingyi was in a great mood, and didn't notice her elder sister's eyes.

"Look over there."

Zhang Xingcai pointed to a certain direction of the palace.

"What's there?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

The big Han queen said, and handed over a telescope.

Zhang Xingyi didn't doubt that he was there, took it, raised the binoculars, and looked in the direction that sister said.

It didn't matter at all, and she was almost scared to throw out the treasure worth half a million yuan in her hand.

It turned out that she saw a familiar figure coming out of Shangshutai from the binoculars, ready to leave the palace.

Madam You glanced at the Empress Dahan with a guilty conscience.

Unexpectedly, the moment the Empress Dahan spoke, she directly broke her fluke mentality:

"Feng Mingwen came into the palace, what did he tell you?"

"no no……"

You husband subconsciously wanted to deny it, but seeing the calm face of the empress of Han, she swallowed the following words back and reorganized the words:

"It's nothing, just say that he misses me so much, so he can't help but come into the palace to see me."

The big Han queen glanced at her.

"What's more, let me give him an idea on how to handle the official affairs of the family."

Empress Dahan nodded slightly, this is the real business.

"What did you tell him?"

"Let him transfer all these matters to Shangshutai."

Hearing this, the empress of the Han Dynasty finally turned around and looked at her sister squarely:

"How did he say?"

"Of course I agreed." Madam You raised her head proudly, "Sister, you underestimate my A-Lang too much. Is he the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation?"

"If that wasn't the case, how could the Prime Minister entrust him with all the affairs in Guanzhong? I told you long ago that he always likes to be lazy and never likes to deal with those government affairs."

The empress of the Han Dynasty did not speak, but turned her head away again, was silent for a while, and then said:

"So after he separated from you, he immediately went to the Shangshutai. Is it for this reason? In this way, Feng Mingwen is indeed considered free and easy."

Madam You raised her head even higher: "That's not true! So sister, from now on, don't judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

Unable to see her sister like this, the empress of the Han Dynasty couldn't help but taunt:

"You have not officially passed, and you have started to protect? Are you saying that I use the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman?"

"Well, let me ask you, the two of you have stayed in the side hall for so long, and you just said such a thing, right?"

Madam You's heart trembled, she didn't dare to look at her elder sister, but her words were firm:

"Naturally! What else can I say?"

Seeing her like this, the empress of the Han Dynasty sneered:

"I don't say anything else, but I believe it, but I can't say if I did anything else."

Madam You almost jumped up as if being stepped on a sore spot: "Sister, don't talk nonsense, what can we do?"

The queen didn't even look at her, but said flatly:

"Since you said that I judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, then I will act according to the rules of a gentleman and have someone check to see if someone has committed the crime of dirtying the palace, how about it?"

Even if Mrs. You is a cunning fox who has become a spirit, her practice years are far less than that of her sister!

The flush on her face hadn't subsided, but when she was told by her elder sister, her face was so embarrassing that it was about to bleed, and she subconsciously exclaimed:

"don't want!"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realized that it was going to be bad!

She was horrified to find that the empress of the big man turned her head to face her again, her eyes were cold.

As the queen's own sister, how could she not understand her elder sister?

The conversation between the two sisters showed that my sister knew everything that happened in the palace well.

"Sister, I, I didn't..."

Madam You subconsciously resisted needlessly.

Zhang Xingcai didn't say anything, but turned his head again and looked into the distance, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

There was a long silence between the two sisters, and then the queen spoke again:

"Who has no faults? It's just that there are some mistakes, even if they are made, it doesn't matter, and some mistakes can't be made, because if they make mistakes, they will kill people."

"In the same way, there are some mistakes, some people can make them, and some people can't. You are my sister, and as a sister, I naturally want to protect you."

"Feng Mingwen is my brother-in-law and a great hero. The emperor must be more tolerant of him than others."

"Even if the emperor asked him to stay overnight in the palace, it's fine to send a maid to accompany him to bed. At worst, there will be a few more concubines in Feng's residence in the future."

"It's the only thing that can't be like you just now." The empress of the Han Dynasty said, and gave Mrs. You a stern look, "Forget it this time, but don't do it again in the future. If not, don't blame me for being rude."

Zhang Xingyi quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and said "Oh" obediently.

It's just that she thought about it, and then looked at her sister angrily:

"Sister, what did you mean when you said you asked the maid to sleep with him?"

Are you my sister?

Empress Dahan glanced at Madam You:

"Why don't you take out the master's secret technique that Feng Mingwen left for you, and copy a copy for the palace?"

"Why!" Mrs. You really jumped, "A Lang gave it to me! It's for my child!"

Other things can be discussed, but this is not the case!

Even if my elder sister is the empress of the Han Dynasty!

"There is no reason in the world to rob other people's family knowledge!"

Seeing Mrs. You showing her teeth and claws, Queen Zhang glared at her:

"I don't want to? Then how many children have you had with him? Can you guarantee that A Mo can learn all the knowledge in Feng's residence?"

Feng Mingwen can now be regarded as one of the emperor's most trusted courtiers.

At the same time, he is also the most powerful upstart of Dahan.

Not to mention the background of Feng's family - wealth, knowledge, connections in court, army, local prefectures and counties, even a century-old family may not be able to match him.

In addition to not having so many in-laws, there are not enough people.

However, it is precisely because the Feng family does not have the intricate in-law relationships of other families that the royal family trusts him more and more.

But the lack of people in the family is a real flaw.

If someone else had Feng Mingwen's status, there would have been hundreds of concubines such as Kabuki and Maiko in the mansion.

However, in his house, not to mention concubines, even the number of concubines granted by the imperial court has not been filled.

If it wasn't for his wives and concubines in the mansion to compete and give birth to six children, the palace would have to help him make up for the concubines in the mansion.

To put it bluntly, the queen is more concerned about the personnel issues of the Feng residence than Mrs. You.

For the queen, her own sister is of course important.

But that's not as important as her own son - Mrs. You jumped because of her son.

The first emperor had a prime minister, and the emperor had Feng Mingwen.

But... what about the prince's future assistants?

How much knowledge Feng Mingwen has in his belly is a mystery.

From the time he came out of the mountains at the age of sixteen, until now he has expelled the bandits of Wei and regained the old capital, governing the army, the people, the economy, and temple calculations.

Even those Liangzhou Qianghu who had been in trouble for a hundred years, and the aristocratic families who made the Later Han helpless, fell into his hands.

This is enough to show that the skills he learned from the teacher are far from being as simple as he said.

The art of easy teeth?

Whose tooth-easy technique is so powerful?

I don't expect the children of Feng's family to learn all the skills he has, but let Feng Mingwen have more children, and each child can learn 30% to 40% of what he has learned, so he can always select a few for the prince to use, right?

One or two is not too much, three or four is good, five or six is ​​good...

That's right, it doesn't matter if it's children, not sons, male or female.

Anyway, the women from Feng's residence are all very powerful.

Of course, if her younger sister could have more children with Feng Mingwen, she would be even more happy to see it happen.

When the queen was in Jincheng, she had not been able to give birth to a child. When she arrived in Hanzhong, the land of Longxing, she gave birth to the prince.

After giving birth to the prince, the big man has won many victories, and his recovery is expected, so in this regard, the queen of the big man has some kind of superstition:

Weiyang Palace was built by Emperor Gao. If Feng Mingwen really allowed his sister to conceive a child in Weiyang Palace this time, it would be God's arrangement.

Maybe this child can help the big man restore the prosperity of the former Han in the future.

It was because of some kind of ulterior motives that the empress held lightly on the behavior of the two in the palace this time.

On the contrary, if it is not arranged by the heavens, if they dare to commit another crime in the future, then don't blame her for being rude.

Where does Mrs. You know what her sister is thinking?

When she heard her elder sister's words, she felt sorry for her child:

"Alang once said that it would be good for the children in the house to learn three points of his knowledge. Because there are many things that cannot be made outside, and he has only seen them in the teacher's school."

"If you haven't seen, heard, and experienced the knowledge in it, there is no way to understand the truth in it."

"So sister, you said that it is impossible for Ah Mo to finish learning the knowledge in the house!"

"Even Ah Mei, who made so many things, failed to fully understand the learning of things that A Lang taught her."

Hearing Mrs. You's words, the queen was so angry that she poked her head directly with her finger:

"You know that you can't finish it, so hurry up and have a few more with him! If you have one more, you can learn one more point."

The empress of the Han Dynasty planned the future for the prince of the Han Dynasty in the palace, but Sun Deng, the prince of the state of Wu who was thousands of miles away, fell into grief and worry.

It turned out that the Xu family in Wu County sent someone to send news that Mrs. Xu was seriously ill.

Mrs. Xu is Sun Quan's second wife.

She first married Lu Shang of the Lu family in Wu County. Lu Shang died young, and the Xu family had no children, so she returned to the Xu family to live alone.

Later, Sun Quan's original wife, Mrs. Xie, died early, so Sun Quan, who was then a general seeking captives, hired Mrs. Xu as his wife, and at the same time gave Sun Deng to her to be raised.

The Xu family had no children, so they naturally loved the young Sun Deng very much.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, Sun Quan felt that Xu was jealous, so he sent her back to live in Xu's family in Wu County.

In contrast, the concubine Bushi (Bu Lianshi) was favored by Sun Quan because of her beauty and gentle personality.

If things like this were placed in ordinary people's homes, they would at most be regarded as wives and concubines competing for favor.

But putting it in the emperor's house, especially if the prince is involved, is different.

After Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, he wanted to canonize Sun Deng as the prince, but Sun Deng declined:

"If you want to establish a prince, you must first establish a queen. This means that you must first establish the foundation before you can practice morality."

Sun Quan asked, "Where is your mother?"

His original intention was to let Sun Deng recognize Bu as his mother.

Unexpectedly, Sun Deng replied, "My mother is in Wu County."

Sun Quan was silent when he heard the words.

After all, Sun Deng's move was out of filial piety, so it was impossible for Sun Quan to reprimand him, but Sun Quan didn't want to make Xu his queen, so he remained silent.

However, although Sun Deng insisted on establishing the queen first, Sun Quan finally made him the prince first.

It's just that the position of queen, because the crown prince and the ministers wanted to belong to the Xu family, and Sun Quan wanted to establish the Bu family, the two sides were deadlocked, so it was suspended like this.

Over the years, although the Bu family has the status of a queen, and everyone in the inner palace calls her a queen, she has not been recognized by the crown prince and the court ministers.

That is to say, she has a good personality and was not angry because of it. She often sent someone to give clothes to the prince.

After Sun Deng got the clothes rewarded by Bu Shi, he often just accepted them and never wore them once.

On the contrary, whenever Mrs. Xu of Wu County sent someone to bring clothes to him as an adoptive mother, he would take a bath before putting them on.

It can be seen from this that Sun Deng really treats Xu as his own mother.

Now that he got the news that Mrs. Xu was seriously ill, how could he not be so anxious?

He immediately sent someone to visit him, and at the same time he went to ask Sun Quan, crying:

"The child was kindly raised by his mother in the early years. It is a big disfilial practice not to be happy with her knees all these years."

"Now I hear that Grandmother is seriously ill. Her five internal organs are like a collapse, and she is in a state of panic. Please Your Majesty, Yun Erchen will go and serve Grandmother with decoction, as a filial piety."

Although Sun Quan didn't like the Xu family, he was very satisfied with his son who was quite famous.

Hearing the prince's request at this time, instead of embarrassing him, he said:

"Filial piety is the most important thing. Since I am the emperor, how can I prevent my children from performing filial piety? I will send the doctor in the palace to accompany you there."

When Sun Deng heard the words, he quickly thanked him.

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