Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1118 Promise

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, happy event, happy event!"

Wudi in August is still at high temperature.

Although Lu Yi was sweating profusely from the heat, it didn't stop him from running fast, just to tell His Majesty the good news he just received.

Compared with Weiyang Palace, which has a history of hundreds of years, Jianye's palace was newly built after Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, and the palace is far less magnificent than Adou's palace.

In addition, the country of Wu has experienced severe inflation and insufficient taxes in recent years, and it is common for the government treasury to be short of money and food—otherwise, it would not be possible to continuously cast large iron coins.

So A Dou can sit in the artificially air-conditioned palace with ice mirrors at the four corners and eat ice cream.

But Sun Quan could only sit in the pavilion by the water and eat ice cream.

It's not that there is no ice mirror in the imperial palace of Wu State, but the ice stored in the imperial palace is not enough to be squandered like A Dou.

It is also used to freeze food and fruit on weekdays.

Sometimes it is also used to reward ministers.

However, the method of ice cheese passed down from the Shu Kingdom is indeed a good thing to get rid of the summer heat!

There are brown sugar, chicken, cheese, and according to the taste preference, mixed with different fruit juices, to freeze it.

The food is fragrant, sweet and smooth, coupled with the taste of fruit juice, it is really the best food to drive away the heat, which makes people want to stop.

Sun Quan, who was eating with gusto, heard Lu Yi's sound of good news, and quickly put down the ice cream.

Then he took the towel brought by the palace man, wiped the beard on his face carefully, and then said:

"Let school secretary Lu come over."

"Your Majesty, happy event!"

Lv Yi came to Sun Quan, made a big salute, held a letter in his hand, and his face was full of joy.

Sun Quan was already in a good mood.

Xu's serious illness did not affect his mood.

There was even a hint of shady joy in his heart.

If the Xu family is gone, no one will be able to compete with the Bu family in the palace for the queen's position.

In this way, it can be regarded as fulfilling his wish for so many years.

At this time, when he heard Lv Yi calling for a happy event, his face was full of smiles:

"Where does joy come from?"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the letter held in Lu Yi's hand.

"Your Majesty, this is still a secret letter sent back from the Shu region by the school secretary Qin."

Lv Yi quickly submitted the letter, and then said, "School Qin has fulfilled his mission when he went to Shu this time. I, Da Wu, form an armored cavalry army, which is expected!"

"Oh? Seriously?" Sun Quan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly read the letter.

When he saw that Han Guo was willing to rent out the armored cavalry to Da Wu, he couldn't help exclaiming:

"This Han country is so generous!"

It is not to blame for Sun Quan's gaffe, but it is because the letter sent back by Zhu Ju described in detail the money and food spent on forming the armored cavalry, which is simply astronomical.

If Great Wu really wants to form an armored cavalry army according to what Zhu Ju said, I am afraid that it will be difficult to continue with the power of the whole country.

Unless more than half of Dawu's other army is cut off, all the money and food saved will be used to pile up on the armored cavalry.

But when he saw the need to use tariffs as collateral, he couldn't help hesitating:

What did I say, how could Han Guo be such a good person for no reason?

He looked at Lu Yi and said:

"In the past few years, there have been more and more caravans from Han to my Great Wu. This transportation is not a small amount of money. Is it worthwhile to do so?"

Lv Yi had been prepared for a long time, and immediately replied after hearing the words:

"Returning to Your Majesty, although the amount of vehicles and boats collected from the Han Dynasty caravan is not small, the school affairs office has calculated that the weapons and armor rented to us by the Han Kingdom alone are enough to cover twenty years of vehicles and boats."

"That is to say, within twenty years, Great Wu will only make money and not lose money. Because the weapons and armor provided by the Han Kingdom are really excellent and extraordinary."

Speaking of this, Lu Yi lowered his voice and said:

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing, that is, many of the caravans traveling between Han and Great Wu belong to great families of Great Wu."

"These caravans, in many cases, rely on the support of local wealthy families, and often do not hand in vehicles and boats. The school government has set up checkpoints in various places in Wuchang, Jingzhou over the years, and has detected many similar incidents."

"So in Yichen's opinion, it is better to mortgage the uncollected tariffs to the Han State than to labor hard to urge the payment of these vehicles and boats."

"In this way, His Majesty can not only get the weapons and armor of the Han Kingdom for free, but also buy the people of the big family by taking advantage of the fact that the car and boat are free of charge."

After hearing this, Sun Quan suddenly realized:

"So that's the case, it's a wonderful move."

Then he was a little curious:

"You said that the weapons and armor borrowed by the Han Dynasty were very fine and unusual, and they coincided with what Zifan (that is, Zhu Ju) said. Could it be that the iron casting technique of the Han Dynasty is really so powerful?"

Compared with Zhu Ju's empty talk and unsubstantiated statements, Lu Yi is much more prepared.

But see Lu Yi replied:

"The Iron Armored Cavalry Army of the Han Kingdom is unparalleled in the world, and the weapons and armor they use are naturally extraordinary. The Qin school is well-mannered and highly valued by the Han Kingdom, so Feng Jun... clearly gave him a set of armored cavalry troops Weapon armor."

"School Qin didn't dare to accept it privately. He has already been sent back to Dawu. The villain has already brought this set of weapons and armor with him when he entered the palace."

"Oh?" Sun Quan became very interested when he heard it, "Send it quickly."

After receiving Sun Quan's order, several guards brought a set of weapons and armor to Sun Quan.

Sun Quan immediately took a fancy to the saber in the guard's hand.

He took the knife from the guard's hand, held the handle, and drew the knife out of its sheath. Although the weather was hot, the chill on the knife still rushed towards him.

"Excellent sword!" Sun Quan couldn't help admiring, "This precious sword costs at least 100,000 yuan!"

At any rate, Sun Quan exchanged swords with the Kingdom of Shu for wool, so he naturally knew the price of swords.

In terms of five baht coins, the most commonly used swords in the army will not be less than one thousand coins.

A hundred refining knife must be worth at least 20,000 yuan.

As for the horse chopping knife, it depends on the quality.

The worst is thirty to fifty thousand.

As for the saber-chopping knife in his hand, it can already be regarded as a family heirloom.

One hundred thousand dollars, there is a price but no market.

He watched it fondly for a long time, and then reluctantly put the knife back into its sheath.

Then his eyes fell on the standing iron armor.

Although the iron armor didn't cover the people and horses, just standing there on the wooden frame made people feel an extremely heavy sense of oppression.

Sun Quan approached, stroked the iron armor lightly, and exerted a little force, but found that he couldn't press it in at all.

Looking at the iron armor, which is tightly fitted up and down, without any flaws at all, only two black holes are exposed on the eyes of the face, Sun Quan can't help but sigh:

"This kind of iron armor is invulnerable to swords and arrows, even if it rushes into the formation, it cannot be handled by a fierce general."

Then there is a horse halberd more than ten feet long...

There are all kinds of people, all of them are extremely excellent, even the generals who have fought in Great Wu for many years may not be able to put together such a set.

It's not that they don't have enough money, but that such weapons and armor may not be able to be made even if they are hired by a special person.

"Feng Mingwen was able to defeat Wei's 100,000 bandit army head-on with 20,000 horses, and I finally know why!"

Sun Quan sighed, "With three thousand armored cavalry in hand, who in the world can do it?"

He said, shaking his head again.

No wonder the armored cavalry of the Han Kingdom numbered only 3,000.

It’s no wonder that the Han Kingdom offered to lease it. They must also know that Da Wu has no ability to build the same armored cavalry.

Even if Da Wu had enough money and food, whether he could manufacture weapons and armor of the same quality was still a question.

Even if it can be built, how long it will take is even more of a problem.

Looking at the pile of things in front of him, Sun Quan thought of something, his heart was heavy, and his face became a little ugly.

After the First World War in Yiling, Wu and Shu re-formed an alliance, and the two countries never faced each other head-on.

However, because Yiling defeated Liu Bei in the first battle, Sun Quan actually always had a psychological advantage when facing Shu.

Over the years, even though the Han State had won successive victories against the Wei State, there was a Jingzhou between Jianye and the Shu land, and the distance was so far that Sun Quan could not feel the pressure of the Shu State at all.

So for a long time, Sun Quan felt that even under Zhuge Liang's rectification, the combat power of the Shu army was improved.

But after all, it will not be much stronger than the Shu army led by Liu Bei in Yiling.

After all, what Liu Bei led was the elite soldiers he had accumulated over the years.

It wasn't until today that he saw the thick armor of the armored cavalry of the Han Dynasty that he suddenly discovered a fact:

Among the elite soldiers under Liu Bei's command, the most elite ones are the white gargoyle soldiers, who are probably far inferior to the armored cavalry.

Coupled with the fact that the Han Dynasty took Liangzhou and merged with Yongzhou, the army might have far surpassed that when Liu Bei took the two states of Jing and Yi.

And Da Wu...

Thinking of this, Sun Quan's face became more and more gloomy.



Sun Quan drew his saber and slashed angrily at the railing of the pavilion. When the blade cut through, there was no sawdust flying around the wooden railing, only a gap was left, and the horse-chopping knife was so sharp.

"You write to Qin Bo immediately, and say that I agree! But there is one thing, Han must send the weapons and armor as quickly as possible!"

Da Wu was too far behind, and he didn't have time to go back and forth with Wei thief in Hefei.

There is no extra money and food, wasted under the city of Hefei.

Because there are already four states, Shu, which occupies the most prosperous place in the world, will not give itself too much time.

If Great Wu didn't rise up to catch up and break through Hefei or Xiangyang, then he could only watch helplessly as the Shu people annexed Wei and continued to send troops southward from three sides to destroy Great Wu.

"There are no two suns in the sky, and no two kings in the earth. For example, after the merger of Wei, the king has not deeply understood the destiny. The kings each prosper their virtues, and the ministers each show their loyalty. When the drums are raised, the war will begin."

This is what Deng Zhi said to the king and ministers of the state of Wu when he was an envoy to the state of Wu.

So this is an open tacit agreement. The monarchs and ministers of the two countries know that after the destruction of Wei, the war between Shu and Wu will begin.

Obviously, this time, the Kingdom of Shu is using a majestic conspiracy.

An aboveboard conspiracy.

Either be trapped in Jiangdong and wait to die, or accept the conditions and fight hard.

It doesn't matter whether the Shu people really want to join hands with Wu to destroy the thieves this time, or they have some calculations.

I can only accept the conditions of the Shu people, so that I can have an armored cavalry army as quickly as possible, and then defeat the fine cavalry that Wei State relies on most.

Of course, there is no third way to go.

That is to raise troops west to Yong'an...

Thinking of this, Sun Quan's eyes flashed.

Just thinking of the various rapids and dangerous shoals up the river, he finally gritted his teeth and closed his eyes:

Forget it, let's play Hefei.

At the end of August, ready to enter September, the raging autumn tiger finally began to show its fatigue.

The weather is no longer as hot as it was a few days ago, but sometimes it is hot and sometimes it makes people feel cool.

The weather began to become friendly, but it did not help Xu who was bedridden in Wu Jun.

A layer of gray mist covered her sallow face, and the eye sockets were even more pitifully sunken. Only a pair of eyeballs were moving inside, letting people know that she was still alive.

The room was full of weird herbal smells, and there was a looming smell of feces and urine near the sick bed.

As the prince, Sun Deng didn't seem to smell these smells at all. He gently blew on the medicinal soup in the spoon, and then sent it to Xu's mouth:

"Mum, come on, open your mouth and take your medicine."

Xu's shriveled mouth moved, but she opened it unobediently.

Her cloudy eyes just looked at Sun Deng so firmly.

"Mom, ah, open your mouth."

Sun Deng didn't feel disgusted in the slightest, and gestured patiently.

Xu still didn't open her mouth, but her lips moved. Her voice was vague as if something was in her mouth:

"It's useless..."

Seeing her like this, Sun Deng felt sore in his heart, and quickly comforted her:

"How can it be useless? It must be useful. After taking these medicines, maybe you will get better."

Xu still didn't want to open her mouth, and she didn't want to leave Sun Deng for a moment, as if she wanted to carve his appearance into her bone marrow.

"Although I failed to give birth to a child, Dalang is much better than my own son. In this life, I am content."

Hearing Xu's words, Sun Deng quickly put down the medicine bowl and held Xu's withered hand:

"Mum, don't talk nonsense, I am your own son."

There was a smile on Xu's face, but tears flowed from his eyes: "You are the prince, and my mother is the queen of Wu. I don't have this blessing."


Just as Sun Deng was about to speak, Xu Shi exerted the last bit of strength in his body, shook his hand, and signaled him not to interrupt.

"I know that over the years, you have been trying to persuade Your Majesty to let me live in the palace. But it is His Majesty's intention that I go back to live in Wu County. Your Majesty has hated me for a long time, so how can you make me a queen?"

"I didn't persuade you before, because although I knew I couldn't be the queen, I didn't want that Bushi to overwhelm me and be made the queen."

"Now I'm afraid that my life is not long. In the future, don't embarrass Your Majesty because of me..."

When Sun Deng heard this, he immediately burst into tears:

"Mum, don't say that! You will be fine!"

Xu just smiled and continued:

"That Bushi, although I used to hate her very much, but I have to say that she has the ability to be favored by His Majesty. After I die, if His Majesty wants to make her queen, don't you do it again. stop."

"You and Your Majesty are father and son. Don't cause any estrangement because of the harem matter. Only when father and son are of the same mind can we strive to cure and revitalize Great Wu."

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good.

Although Xu was sexually jealous, she had always been at odds with Bu, and hated her for taking away Sun Quan's favor.

But at this time, when she said this, she was actually thinking of Sun Deng, and didn't want him to offend Bu Shi because of herself.

How could Sun Deng not understand?

Hearing these words, he burst into tears:

"My child will remember what my mother said."

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