Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1133 Feasibility Report

Feng Duhu didn't know that Pei Qian planned to take advantage of the matter of Bingzhou to knock mountains and tigers on Hedong and pave the way for his son Pei Xiu.

In other words, Pei Qian was planning to borrow a knife to kill people, and to use Feng Duhu's dragon-slaying knife to kill the dissenting voices from Hedong.

But even if Feng Duhu knew about Pei Qian's careful thoughts, he probably wouldn't take it too seriously.

Standing in the position of ruling a country, you can't expect the people below to be pure tool people.

They are real people, and it is normal for each of them to have small thoughts.

As long as the general direction is not wrong and the big things are not hindered, then it will be fine.

Of course, in Feng Duhu's eyes, the big things are fine, but for the Bingzhou aristocratic family, it's just bad things.

"Why don't they grab it? Wouldn't it be faster to grab it directly!"

When Guo Pei sent the news back to Taiyuan, there was an uproar immediately.

After entering the deep winter, Bingzhou has become very cold.

However, the governor's office has long been prepared. Most of the coal mined by the Xinghan Association in Bingzhou this year will be supplied to Bingzhou.

Anyway, the iron ore has just started to be dug, and a large amount of iron will be smelted next year, and the Xinghan Association will not be able to use too much coal.

The number of people who froze to death in Taiyuan City this year is far less than last year.

At present, there are only about 20 or less than 30 people who have reported.

Most of them are poor people who have no ability to work and are homeless.

Anyone who has the ability to work has long been recruited by the Xinghan Association with high salaries.

After all, it is really desperate, and the fact that the construction site includes food and housing alone is enough to make people desperately go to seek refuge.

As for the big families, even the stove was used in such a cold winter.

But what burns inside is not coal, but smokeless refined charcoal.

Not only warm, not too much smoke.

It's just that I don't know if the stove is too hot, and someone in the big room has already started to take off their coats:

"Is there any difference between them and robbing now? They are robbing now!"

The person who spoke didn't know whether it was hot or angry, his face was flushed:

"Everyone present, there is one family, whose property is obtained for no reason? Whose property is superfluous?"

"The ghost king Feng opened his mouth and closed his mouth, asking us to hand over so much property. How can there be such an easy thing in the world?"

"That's right! If the imperial court insists on using power to seize the land of the people without hesitating face, I think this is trying to follow the old path of the new dynasty! Then Guiwang Feng, doesn't it mean that he wants to learn from Wang Mang?"

"Didn't Ji Han claim to act according to the law? Does Zhuge Villager know that Feng Guiwang did this?"


The crowd in the room was turbulent, and everyone was filled with anger. At the same time, they kept looking at Wang Chen and Guo Pei who were sitting on the top.

Wang Chen looked at the only calm-looking Guo Pei present, and asked:

"Zhongnan, what do you think?"

Guo Pei shook his head and smiled:

"Feng Duhu is a well-known figure in the world after all. He is known for his foresight and foresight. How could he do such short-sighted things that are unpopular?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

Someone said in a strange way:

"Isn't that right? Guo's family has a great career, brother Guo went to Chang'an again, and purposely married the Pei family in Hedong, so he's not short-sighted..."

into your mother's!

Everyone present scolded Feng Guiwang.

You are good, Feng Duhu is called affectionate, he is a celebrity in the world, and he is far-sighted, so he almost didn't call him an adult, right?

It's not their fault either.

After all, taking a few schools and wanting everyone to hand over the land accumulated over the generations is simply more uncomfortable than cutting off thighs.

Not saying bad things to Guo Pei is considered self-restraint.

Even more thoughtful, I couldn't help thinking, how much benefit did the Guo family get in Chang'an?

Is it worth him saying good things about Ghost King Feng on this occasion?

A mere concubine of the Pei family is not of such great value after all.

Speaking of in-laws, which one of the families in Taiyuan is not related to relatives?

Didn't Wang Chen, who was sitting there, marry the Guo family?

Wang Chen could hold his breath, he was not as angry as others, but just looked at Guo Pei:

"Zhongnan, you called everyone over today, could it be that you want to talk about this matter?"

"Of course, otherwise, what else can we do?" Guo Pei said logically, "Isn't it worth asking everyone to discuss this matter?"

"Enough is enough, it's just..." Wang Chen glanced at Guo Pei, "Don't Zhongnan feel that the imperial court's appetite is a little too big?"

It is not incomprehensible for Bingzhou to change the master and ask everyone to show their loyalty.

On the contrary, it's the logical thing to do.

For example, the Wang family themselves, Wang Yun, the main character of the previous generation, died loyally for the great man.

But when it came to Wang Chen and Wang Ling's generation, they followed the general trend and contributed to the great Wei.

Now someone has come back under the slogan of restoring the Han Dynasty. Although Bingzhou surrendered with the opening of the city gate, it even paid a lot of money and food to help the Han army go south to fight for Guanzhong.

But that was wartime.

The game is now decided.

It is normal for the winner to take over the state and redistribute the benefits.

But you have to tell a rule anyway, right?

He directly wanted to cut flesh on everyone's thighs, no, this was no longer cutting flesh, but wanted to saw off everyone's lower body.

Is this reasonable!

"The Guo family can be regarded as one of the most powerful families in Taiyuan. If the court really facilitates this matter, the Guo family may not be able to escape. Didn't Zhongnan mention everyone's difficulties to the court?"

Hearing what Wang Chen had said, Guo Pei no longer wanted to be foolish, but saw him stroking his beard with confidence and smiling:

"How can I be a person who doesn't know the importance? In fact, Feng Duhu gave me one thing besides Xu Nuo School."

When impatient people heard this, they almost couldn't help scolding:

"What is so valuable? How can we make our family produce land?"

Guo Pei was not angry when he heard this, but bent down to open the box at his feet, took out the things he had prepared and put them on the table.

Everyone looked at it fixedly, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

"This is... clothes?"

Wang Chen sat closest, stretched out his hand, and pulled it, but there was nothing else in it.

It is indeed just a piece of clothing, and it is a double clothing.

This time, even Wang Chen was a little impatient:

Is Guiwang Feng planning to exchange such a piece of clothing for the land in everyone's hands?

Although this double garment seems a bit special and thick, but no matter how thick the double garment is, it is just a piece of clothing.

Even if it's a golden jade dress, it's not worth so much land, right?

Guo Pei was not in a hurry to explain, he smiled and pinched the thick coat on the table:

"Do you know what is sewn into this dress?"

Someone said angrily: "Even if it is full of gold and silver, it can't be exchanged for the land in my hand!"

"Wow!" Guo Pei patted the clothes and shouted, "The inside is silver, the silver that can be planted!"

"What's the meaning?"

Guo Pei bent down again, took out a handful of white fluff from the box at the bottom of his feet, and put it on the clothes.

Wang Chen picked it up curiously, held it up to his eyes and looked at it. After a little force with his fingers, it felt a little silky:

"It's not like catkins, nor is it catkins, what is it?"

Guo Pei laughed, and patted the clothes on the table: "How can Wei Xu make such thick clothes?"

Wang Chen frowned: "So this kind of fluff is actually caught in the clothes?"

"That's right, it's called Baidiezi. It's produced in the Western Regions, and it's also grown from body poison to the southern barbarians. It's planted like mulberry and hemp. It can be spun to make clothes, and it can also be made into compound clothes to keep out the cold."

"If it is made into ordinary clothes, it is much better than linen clothes. It is not only comfortable to wear, but also wearable."

"If it's made into a double coat to keep out the cold," Guo Pei patted on the padded coat again, "it's just like this, thick and warm!"

The so-called re-clothes are clothes with a lining that can be filled with fillers.

The winter clothes and outer robes in this era are basically double clothes.

The best is fur clothing, that is, fur.

The dog thief in the cock crowing of Mr. Mengtang's doorman steals a fox white fur.

As for those old and rich people in the countryside, they may not even have a fur coat at home, and they wear cotton coats in winter.

Note that it is cotton clothes, not cotton clothes.

The cotton clothes are made of silk, and the source is silkworm cocoons, so they are called cotton clothes.

Of course, since Feng Langjun descended from the sky to Dahan, wool was made of wool, which added another kind of warm clothing to the people of Dahan.

Its price is almost the same as that of the best cotton clothes.

However, the above three items are not affordable by Cangtou Guishou.

After all, even in the industrial age, the price of real woolen clothes is not low.

So there is the lowest cold-proof clothing underneath, which is the hemp cotton gown.

The stuffing inside is messy hemp, or reed fluff as Wang Chen said.

One of the seventy-two sages of Confucianism, Min Ziqian, known for his filial piety, wore this kind of clothes:

The father took his second wife and gave birth to two sons, and Qian supported his parents, showing filial piety without slack. The stepmother was jealous of her, so she gave birth to her own son, who was dressed in cotton flocks, Ziqian and reed flocks.

This is the origin of the so-called "Luyi Shunmu".

Whether it is messy hemp or reed flocks, no matter how much it is filled, it is of no use.

Those who should freeze to death must freeze to death.

When Wang Chen heard Guo Pei's words, he subconsciously grabbed the thick overcoat on the desk, as if he had grabbed something, his heart was beating suddenly.

He carefully looked at the overcoat, and touched the fabric again:

"That's right, it doesn't look like hemp, nor does it look like silk. It's worse than silk, but it's much better than hemp."

Then squeeze the clothes, "I'm afraid it looks warmer than cotton clothes, but I don't know how much it will cost?"

Guo Pei smiled: "This white dwarf can be planted like mulberry, and the flocks it produces can be directly spun to make clothes, which is much more convenient than mulberry."

"We don't know how to raise sheep and weave wool, but everyone here, who doesn't have land at home? As long as you grow more, no matter how expensive it is, where can it be more expensive?"

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the basic needs of the people.

Clothing and food, why should they be ranked first?

It is because these two are the most important and indispensable.

As long as it is necessary for the people of the world, it is a big business that can outweigh the wealth of the country.

For example, salt.

None of the people present were fools.

A fool cannot be a representative of a big family.

The huge room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone is struggling to digest the news.

Not to mention keeping warmer than cotton clothes, as long as it is as warm as cotton clothes.

It is easier to make than cotton clothes, and the cost is lower. Who will wear cotton clothes then?

Not to mention the rich peasants in the countryside, but in the army, the mainstream clothes for soldiers to keep out the cold are still cotton clothes—the inferior cotton clothes made from leftovers of silkworm cocoons.

Even in the Han army, if you can afford to wear woolen clothes, at least you must be a middle and low-level general with more than a hundred people.

Not to mention that it can also be made into ordinary clothes, and it is better than linen clothes.

It can replace hemp and cotton. It can be imagined that if there is it, how many broad prospects will it have? !


Someone couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva.



"The matter is so important, how can we easily draw conclusions?"

Wang Chen was much more sober, he looked at Guo Pei:

"If this is the case, how could Feng Duhu easily grant it to me? Not to mention the Xinghan Society, how could he turn a blind eye?"

Yes, it's unreasonable.

All eyes were on Guo Pei.

Guo Pei took his time, bent down for the third time, took out a notebook with more than ten pages from the box, and handed it to Wang Chen:

"This is from Feng Duhu, please have a look."

Wang Chen took it, but saw on the cover that it read: "Feasibility Report on Promoting Cotton Planting".


"It's Bai Dizi."

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