Open the book, the first article is about what cotton is.

The second article is about the advantages of clothes made of cotton, mainly comparing linen clothes with cotton clothes.

Obviously, the clothing made of cotton is the clothing of these two levels.

The third part is about the places where cotton is suitable for planting.


"It is the Kanto region, especially Henan, Yan, Yu, Qing, and Xuzhou, along the big river, which is most suitable."

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but look up at Guo Pei.

You might as well just say that it is the core of Wei State now.

But what Wang Chen didn't know was that Feng Duhu really wasn't lying about this matter.

It is in this area that the largest commercial cotton producing area in Huaxia in later generations.

Guo Pei also didn't know, so he probably felt a little embarrassed and coughed:

"Of course, the Liangzhou area is also suitable, but we can't intervene there."

The crowd, who were already a little moved, suddenly went into an uproar:

"Since the suitable place for growing cotton is in the Central Plains, what does it matter to us?"

"This ghost king Feng, even if he is deceiving, he doesn't intend to deceive. He thinks we are fools?"

Guo Pei laughed again, bent down for the fourth time, took out a few more paper tickets from the box under his feet, flicked them a few times, and made a clicking sound.

Wang Chen couldn't help but glance at the box, a little curious, how many things are there in the box?

But Guo Pei held up the ticket and said:

"This is a sample of the cotton land ticket that the Dahan Joint Reserve Department is going to release. In the future, as long as you buy this ticket, you can sign a red and white double contract with the imperial court."

"In the future, when the big man acquires the land of Kanto, he can use the ticket to exchange it for cotton planting land in Kanto."

In the eyes of everyone, this is even more nonsense.

"Don't say whether Ji Han can win the east in the end. Even if he wins, does this land exist? Do they really want to grab the land?"

Hearing this, Guo Pei sneered:

"Moving wealthy households to become the capital of the capital, the former Han Dynasty has worked for more than a hundred years..."

As soon as these words came out, even Wang Chen, who was holding a notebook in his hand, trembled!

"The imperial court plans to reintroduce the mausoleum system?!"

The so-called mausoleum system is the mausoleum guarding system established by Emperor Gaozu:

A mausoleum city was set up near the Guanzhong imperial mausoleum, and wealthy households from the Guandong moved to live here.

Before and after, it has been practiced for more than a hundred years.

Changling Mausoleum of Emperor Gaozu, Anling Mausoleum of Emperor Hui, Yangling Mausoleum of Emperor Jing, Maoling Mausoleum of Emperor Wu, and Pingling Mausoleum of Emperor Zhao were all established as towns and counties, hence the name "Five Tombs".

The so-called Wuling youth refers to the children of the rich and powerful in Kyoto.

The mausoleum system can not only weaken the strong and powerful Kanto, but also play the role of "strengthening the base and weakening the branches".

At the same time, it can also enrich Guanzhong and defend against the barbarians in the north.

It plays a huge role in politics and military.

This influence will last until the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Those in the room certainly had no idea that the effects would last so long.

But they only need to think about the similarities between the current Ji Han and the early Han Dynasty when the country was founded, and it is enough to feel frightened.

So from their point of view, if Ji Han really wants to re-implement the mausoleum system, it is not unimaginable.

Beneath fear is anger:

"Is the court really going to do this?"

"How poisonous is Feng Guiwang!"

Unexpectedly, Guo Pei shook his head again:

"It's not Feng Duhu, but Pei Gong who intends to write a letter, suggesting that the imperial court restore the system of mausoleums in the former Han Dynasty."

Pei Qian?

What the hell?

After all, the Pei family is also a rich family in Hedong. Is Pei Qian crazy?

If this matter is really spread, no matter whether the discussion is successful or not, there will probably be many people who want to stab this old man Pei Qian to death.

Guo Pei didn't care what everyone was thinking, he looked around and said solemnly:

"Everyone, we are not the only ones who know about cotton clothes and cotton cloth. There is also news from the east side of the river!"

Having said that, he emphasized his tone again:

"In the past two years, there was no land in Hedong, but in the past two years, why did the government distribute land to the people?"

There is civil unrest in Hedong, so why can't there be civil unrest in Kanto?

Needless to say the words are too obvious, but it has already made everyone look horrified.

What Wang Chen cared more about was Pei Qian's thoughts:

"What is Pei Wenxing planning for?"

As the head of the Pei family in Hedong, Pei Qian actually wanted to kill the Guandong family. How is this different from a lunatic?

Or is it too long?

Guo Pei smiled mysteriously, and pointed to the notebook in his hand:

"The answer is at the end of this book."

Part Four: Prospects for Growing Cotton.

Before Wang Chen could think about it carefully, his eyes widened suddenly when he saw a few data.

At this time, he already understood why Pei Qian was like a mad dog, wanting to kill the Kanto clan.

But seeing Wang Chen close the book suddenly, it seemed that he was afraid that others would see the content on it.

At the same time, he looked at Guo Pei in disbelief, and asked with a trembling voice:

"It's written on it, but is it true?"

Guo Pei seemed to have expected this question a long time ago, so he patted the cotton-padded jacket hintingly:

"The clothes have already been made, so could it be fake?"

As he spoke, he looked around the crowd and continued, "Next year in Chang'an, 30 acres of cotton will be planted as a demonstration."

"Feng Duhu said that the cotton blossoms are as white as snow, which can be described as extremely beautiful. Anyone who is interested can go to see it."

The real thing is right in front of you, plus Feng Duhu's invitation, that is to say, this is probably true?

Wang Chen looked at the cotton-padded clothes, breathing heavily.

If so, then Zhong Nan is right.

What kind of mulberry is this?

This is simply planting money!

But seeing Wang Chen standing up abruptly, he said loudly:

"Reviving the Han Dynasty is our unshirkable responsibility. It is an unforgivable crime for the aristocratic families in the Central Plains to support the Wei bandits for their own selfishness!"

Everyone was shocked!

Is this another crazy one?

This makes it sound like your Wang family has nothing to do with the Kanto family, but is from the Yongliang aristocratic family!

Besides, Yongliang and his gang, even if they were devoted to Ji Han, they didn't treat Guandong so hard, did they?

Wang Chen probably also felt that his reaction was a little too aggressive, so he coughed lightly and shook his notebook:

"Everyone, come and have a look."

Needless to say, everyone has long wanted to know what heinous things the Wang family saw in the book that caused him to gnash his teeth against the Kanto clan so much.

He quickly took the notebook from Wang Chen's hand, but he had to lean over to read it slowly.

After a while, someone could not help but scream: "One billion dollars!"

The people huddled together suddenly became commotion, and it was not known whether they accidentally bumped into the person holding the notebook, or the person holding the notebook was too excited.


The most critical page was torn in half due to excessive force.

"Into your mother!"

Someone was anxious on the spot: "What are you going to do! Tear it up after reading it? You don't want us to know, do you?"

"I don't!"

"show me!"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

Under this squeeze, half of the page was completely torn off.

The person who snatched the notebook was furious: "What are you doing!"

What he saw just now was a figure of one billion, but now there are only ten left.


Billion is gone!

There is still noise here, Guo Pei is even more anxious:

"Just look at it, what are you doing tearing up the book! This is a secret book, Feng Duhu gave two copies, one is with us, and the other is in the hands of Mr. Pei..."

It's fine if he doesn't say this, but when he says this, people who haven't seen the content clearly will be even more angry.

what happened?

I just heard a billion, and I was torn up before I knew what was going on?

What a loser!

Seeing a group of people like dogs robbing shit, Wang Chen couldn't see it anymore, and was so angry that he slapped the table:

"What are you fighting for? Just read it out so that everyone can't hear it together!"

He didn't read the last article just now, he just remembered the one billion, and asked someone to read it again, so that he could listen carefully.

When everyone heard the words, they stopped and chatted to each other.

But we can't blame them, after all, a billion dollars!

And it's just a minimum estimate.

Most importantly, this money is only the first batch.

Even if there are not so many in the future, the victory lies in the continuous flow.

After all, the land of Huaxia has been growing mulberry since ancient times, and it is still growing mulberry.

If this bai dizi can really be used as both hemp and cotton, wouldn't it be an endless source of money?

If it were something else, it might be considered a joke.

But when people even take out cotton clothes, the nature is completely different.

Whoever came here, even the emperor, would probably lose his composure when he heard the billion dollars.

Even if there is no one billion in fact, if you fold it in half, there will be five hundred million.

With a discount of 500 million, there are still more than 200 million.

More than 200 million, and one family in Bingzhou is enough to betray Wei thief more than a dozen times.

Don't talk about betraying the Wei thief, even if you want them to sell the daughter of the clan, they will pack it up and sell it without hesitation.

Whichever one Feng Duhu wants, call the name on the spot, and they will be in charge of dressing up, and deliver the goods directly to the door. If you are not satisfied, you will be refunded!

Thinking of this, everyone—including Wang Chen and Guo Pei—had an idea:

No wonder the two families of Guan and Zhang, as the top dignitaries of the big man, are all vying to give Feng Duhu a woman, and they are even willing to stand side by side with their wives. There really is a reason.

Also, those aristocratic families in the Central Plains who occupy suitable cotton fields dare to support the Wei bandits, and they are all damned!

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