Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1138 Disturbance

When eating sand in the Northwest in his previous life, Feng Duhu did a lot of work for the local villagers in order to deepen the fish and water situation between the army and the people.

In the vast desert, marching directly to work on foot can not only train but also help fellow villagers.

You can also experience the difficulty of the ancestors and inherit the spirit of the ancestors:

It is not only a manifesto, but also a propaganda team, or a seeding machine.

Anyway, in Feng Duhu's impression, except for not helping fellow villagers deliver their children, he has done everything capable.

There is no way, the folks in southern Xinjiang are indeed living a harder life than the outside world, and those who can help, must try their best to help.

What repairing canals, planting fruit trees, building sheep pens, pulling lines...

Not to mention farm work like picking cotton, even picking cotton can be played twice in a decent manner.

Although the technology is not demanding, it is still possible to pose.

It often caused the aunt on the side to show an auntie smile at these green guys.

The work may not be done well, but the effect has been achieved, and the relationship between the military and the people has further become harmonious.

As for now, Feng Duhu didn't even need to put on a show, he just gave orders, at most he gave advice, and someone would naturally help him with it.

Not to mention playing cotton, even if Feng Duhu wanted to listen to play the pipa, someone would send the most professional girl band to him.

Of course, with Feng Du's disposition not good at protecting women, he was naturally not in the mood to listen to the pipa.

He now prefers to have people come and view the cotton.

But it is a pity that the cotton that has just been planted not long ago has only exposed its bud tips.

It is in stark contrast to the surrounding wheat seedlings that are growing gratifyingly.

If you don't pay attention to it, you may think it is a wasteland.

These days, when an old farmer goes to his field, he sees that piece of good irrigated land lying in ruins, and he can't help cursing:

"I don't know who is so prodigal, what a good piece of land, and actually used it to grow grass!"

From a distance, there are well-grown crop fields all around, just like it has been chewed by dogs.

It would be good if it is rotation farming.

But the land was plowed evenly, and even the ridges were pushed straight.

Looking at the sprouts emerging from the ground, it is obvious that they are neither wheat nor millet.

What is this not planting grass?

Or did they miss the farming season and planted some beans indiscriminately?

This master must be someone who doesn't know how to farm.

If you are in this mood to waste the field, why not rent it to me to plant it!

The old Qin man had a fiery temper, and he cursed at the open space, but he couldn't find the owner, so he felt unsatisfactory.

So he let out a bitter "pooh" and spit out a mouthful of phlegm into the ground.

When I walked to my own field, I looked at the lush wheat seedlings that had begun to head.

The face that was originally full of anger suddenly revealed a loving smile.

He stretched out his hand and touched the wheat leaf lightly. The rough hand seemed extremely gentle at this moment.

It's like stroking a newborn baby.

There was even a little trembling in this tenderness.

Shows the owner's agitation and restlessness.

How many years?

As a real farmer, how many years have he planted the land, but he has never touched his own crops?

For more than 20 years and nearly 30 years, for this old man who is only in his forties, this has been most of his life.

And it is the most valuable twenty or thirty years.

In the past thirty years, as a farmer, he has been working for the Wei thief.

Obviously it was the land he worked so hard to plant, but in the end most of it fell into the hands of Wei thief.

Not only that, Wei thief's Tuntian Hakka House does not allow people to have a moment of leisure even in winter.

Although Tuntian Ke is not under the jurisdiction of the local government, so it will not be conscripted by the government.

But this does not mean that the Tuntian Hakka House, which has jurisdiction over Tuntian Hakka, will easily let these free laborers go.

During the early years of Huang, it is not known whether Cao Pi made a deal with the aristocratic family or wanted to buy the support of the aristocratic family, so he actually delegated the power of Tuntian Hakka Mansion.

The imperial court only collected a certain amount of money and food from the Tuntian Hakka Mansion, and no longer directly governed the specific operations of the Tuntian Hakka Mansion.

Even in order to reduce the burden on the court, Cao Pi allowed Tuntian Hakka House to find its own way out.

It is a bit similar to the reform of a certain enterprise in later generations.

Cao Pi's reform, in addition to feeding the Diannong officials in the Tuntian Hakka Mansion, the local aristocratic and powerful families are also well fed.

Of course, there is considerable overlap between these two groups...

On the contrary, the largest group in this reform has become the biggest victim.

Not only did he not enjoy any benefits, but he was squeezed even more severely.

On the one hand, Tuntian Kefu colluded with local tyrants and sold state-owned assets.

While dealing with the imperial court, in order to keep more money and food for himself, he intensified his efforts to squeeze the surplus value of the farmers.

It’s just that the more the grain is divided, the more the harvest is. Even in winter, people have to confiscate farmland to paint walls and build houses, pave roads and build bridges.

After a whole year, I don't have enough to eat and wear warm clothes, and I have no leisure for one day, working hard.

The Tuntian Ke, who rented and planted the imperial court's fields, gradually became a slave of the Tuntian Hakka Mansion.

As a result, over the years, the farmers have continued to flee, and even small-scale riots have never stopped.

As one of the largest farmlands in the Wei State, Hedong was not without reason that a large-scale farmer rebellion broke out at the slightest provocation.

"It's still the emperor of Han who is kind and loving for the people!" The old farmer squatted on the ground, looking at the wheat field that belonged to his family, feeling deeply.

One person can share fifty acres of land, and only one tithe is required.

Tuntian Tuntian, Tun your grandma!

The more he knew that life was not easy, the more angry the old farming man was with the dog gnawing land in the distance.

Unable to bear it any longer, he spat out a mouthful of phlegm over there again.

I don't know how to farm melons!

Unexpectedly, just after spitting out this mouthful of phlegm, someone came to the dog-gnawing field, pointing, but I don't know what they were doing.

Although I couldn't hear what the other party was talking about, but judging from their clothes and manners, I knew that they were noble people that I couldn't afford to offend.

The old farmer shrank his neck, and then remembered that the two sides were far away, and the other party must not be able to see his small movements, let alone his expression.

So he turned his head with a disdainful face and started weeding his own land.

"Honggao, according to what Feng Duhu said, cotton will not bloom until July and August, but now it's only April, and it's barely budding. What can you see when you come here in such a hurry?"

The few nobles standing on the edge of the dog gnawing ground were Wang Chen who had rushed over from Bingzhou, and Guo Pei and others who had been forcibly pulled over by him.

There are some followers behind the two.

Wang Chen was bending down to carefully observe the sprouts that had just emerged from the ground.

Guo Pei, on the other hand, was a little helpless, and persuaded:

"At this time, there will be at least three months until cotton blooms. What can be seen at this time?"

Hearing Guo Pei's words, Wang Chen stood up straight and looked around at the wheat field covered with a green blanket:

"Zhongnan, I came here this time not just for this matter."

Ornamental cotton?

In terms of ornamental value alone, no matter how beautiful the cotton is, it is not worth the person in charge of Taiyuan Wang to come here in person.

What he wants to appreciate is the beauty behind the cotton.

The beauty behind the cotton does not lie in whether the cotton is open or not, but in the authenticity of everything said in the plan.

The higher the authenticity, the more natural the cotton will be.

If Guiwang Feng set up a huge scam, then even the most beautiful cotton would be a piece of shit in his eyes - of course, this possibility is not high.

Although Feng Guiwang has a great reputation for viciousness, it has to be said that his method of raising money is comparable to that of Tao Zhugong.

It doesn't matter what the world's aristocratic families think of Feng Guiwang.

But this person's coin-spreading persona for a long time is recognized by everyone.

This is a golden sign that cannot be harder.

"Not just for this matter?"

Guo Pei was taken aback.

Wang Chen didn't answer, but looked at the 30 acres of land in front of him, and said after a while:

"In Xuchang, I heard that Cao Shuang dismissed Fu Gu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials at Shangshutai, and appointed He Yan as Minister of the Ministry of Officials and concurrently as a servant."

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, you can tell from the name that this is a position in charge of the promotion of officials.

Guo Huai is in Luoyang and belongs to Sima Yi.

Wang Ling is an important object of Cao Shuang's wooing.

The Guo family is definitely not as well-informed as the Wang family about the news from Xuchang.

"Fu Gu?"

Guo Pei only felt that the name was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Wang Chen didn't give a shit, but directly pointed out the source: "Northern Fu."

"Northern Fu family? It's him!"

Guo Pei subconsciously thumped.

The Fu family in the north originated from Fu Jiezi, the Marquis of Yiyang in the former Han Dynasty, and it has been almost three hundred years since then.

The representative figure of Fu's generation is precisely Fu Gu, who was already famous in the world when he was weak.

When Cao Shuang appointed his cronies wantonly in the center, many honest people could not see what the Taichung Sangou did, and Fu Gu was one of them.

He once persuaded Cao Shuang's younger brother, Cao Xi, who was in charge of the imperial army, and said:

"Uncle He Ping (that is, He Yan) looks calm and peaceful on the outside, but his heart is sinister and dark. He is also greedy for self-interest and does not act in a righteous way."

"In my opinion, he will first confuse your brothers and others, and then develop his desires. At that time, wise men and benevolent people will stay away, and the government will be abolished!"

As Cao Shuang's younger brother, Cao Xi had long been worried about the various reckless actions of Cao Shuang and his cronies, so he persuaded him with Fu Gu's words.

Unexpectedly, this matter was learned by He Yan, who hated Fu Gu deeply.

Coupled with the fact that Fu Gu was too upright, similar to Sun Li, Cao Shuang was also unhappy in his heart.

Today, He Yan found an opportunity to speak out in front of Cao Shuang and dismiss Fu Gu directly.

At the same time, by the way, he succeeded Fu Gu as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and took the opportunity to take charge of the promotion and power of officials at Shangshutai.

Although the Wang family has information channels in Xuchang, it is impossible to know too much detail, only the outline.

But this outline is enough to arouse Wang Chen's vigilance.

After all, there is a lesson learned.

Pei Qian, who was the Shang Shuling of the Wei thief, had absconded and returned.

And this Fu Gu is a famous scholar in Yongliang.

Not only did he come from the same Shangshutai as Pei Qian, but now he was dismissed from office by Cao Shuang. Who knows, will he follow suit and sneak back to Guanzhong?

No matter how Hedong and Taiyuan compete for cotton resources, it is still an internal matter of the Kanto family.

Anyway, the current Kanto aristocratic family forces within Jihan are in Taiyuan and Hedong.

When it comes time to divide up the benefits, both parties can sit down and talk slowly.

But those rich men in Yongliang couldn't piss in the same pot as the Guandong family.

Especially Wang Chen, as a person who experienced the military chaos in Chang'an, he knows better than anyone else how big the gap is between Yongliang and Guandong.

If Fu Gu really absconded and returned to Guanzhong, with his reputation and Fu's resources, Yong Liang's power within Ji Han would only expand further.

Fortunately, Liangzhou has wool workshops after all.

But Guanzhong and Bingzhou Hedong are both places where Ji Han was newly restored.

Would those powerful families in Guanzhong turn a blind eye to such a big source of wealth as cotton and let the Guandong control it?

It is impossible to think about it.

That's why Wang Chen came here in such a hurry, just to find out Chang'an's true attitude and how he planned to divide this big meat pie.

Not to mention that since they have decided to increase their bet on the big man, Chang'an, as Ji Han's political center, has all the more reason for them to come here in person.

Inside Chang'an city.

In April, the Royal Academy ended its teaching on the last day of the month, and many students were pouring out of the academy gate.

The college will have a day off every ten days, so that students can recruit friends and go out for fun.

Pei Xiu carried a copy of "Solid Geometry" under her arm, and hurriedly walked towards her home.

He hadn't seen the adults and his mother for ten days, and he missed him a little.

Pei Xiu felt that staying in Chang'an was much more comfortable than staying in his hometown in Hedong.

At least grandma has her own independent courtyard, and even has a few servants to serve her, not to mention that when she was in Hedong, some people dared to treat her as a servant girl.

Unexpectedly, he only took a few steps away from the gate of the academy when he heard someone shouting from behind:

"Ji Yan!"

When Pei Xiu heard someone calling her, she stopped in her tracks, turned her head, and saw a young man who was not much different from her, speeding up her pace and rushing towards her.

"Yuan Kai?" Pei Xiu saw who was coming, with a smile on her face, "Why are you here?"

The young gentleman named Yuan Kai walked quickly a few steps, came to Pei Xiu, and said in his mouth:

"I know that today is the college's rest day, so I have been waiting for you here early."

His gaze was fixed on the book under Pei Xiu's armpit.

Seeing his appearance, Pei Xiu smiled knowingly, took out the book, and handed it over: "Here."

Yuan Kai thanked him, and opened it impatiently, actually looking at it in the street.

Unexpectedly, after he watched it for a while, his face showed a thoughtful look, then a frown, and finally a sigh.

Somewhat helplessly, she closed the book, and reluctantly returned the book to Pei Xiu:

"The words in the book are really profound, and I can't understand them."

Pei Xiu seemed to have expected it, took the book, and smiled wryly:

"Don't say it's you, it's me. It's quite difficult to learn from the master of the academy."

Pei Xiu was able to write articles at the age of eight. She was famous in Hedong in her teens, and she was known as a "backward leader". She was a rare child prodigy.

This kind of talent, coupled with the origin of Pei's family education in Hedong, and the past two years of hard work in mathematics.

It is still difficult to learn and understand what is said in the book, which shows how difficult it is to learn.

Yuan Kai showed envy in his eyes:

"This kind of knowledge, in the past, is not a secret. Ji Yan can be in the eyes of Feng Duhu, and he is very lucky."

A somewhat embarrassed look appeared on Pei Xiu's face:

"Yuan Kai has won the prize. In fact, you don't need to belittle yourself. July is the college's annual recruiting day. I believe Yuan Kai will also be able to enter the college to study."

Yuan Kai sighed:

"The imperial court just opened a new school in Chang'an this year, and it will take at least two years before you can enter the academy. If it's July this year, then you can only rely on recommendation, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Pei Xiu hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Dugong is a well-known person in Jingzhao anyway. If Yuan Kai can persuade Dugong to come forward, there may not be a chance."

Yuan Kai heard the words, but shook his head with a wry smile: "My lord... Sigh!"

When the great Han regained Hedong, the governor of Hedong was his own master.

It's just that at that time, my lord, together with General Diannong Zhonglang of Anyi City, led the troops to guard Anyi in Hedong County and refused the Han army to enter the city.

Although forced by the general trend, he had to open the city gate and surrender.

But in that case, my lord consciously neglected his duty and betrayed the trust of Emperor Wei Ping, and he was deeply ashamed.

In addition, the adult's health has not been very good, so he refused to be an official in Dahan, and returned to his hometown in Guanzhong to live in seclusion to recuperate.

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