Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1139 Du Shi

The Jingzhao Du family can be traced back to Du Zhou, the imperial historian in the former Han Dynasty.

Du Zhou was originally a small official of the prefect of Nanyang in the former Han Dynasty. He was kind to his boss and was recommended to Zhang Tang and promoted to Tingwei Shi.

Later, he fell in love with Emperor Xiaowu, enforced the law strictly, and finally moved to the imperial doctor.

During the period of Emperor Xiaowu, the mausoleum system was established, and the nobles in the Guandong were moved to Guanzhong, so Du Zhou also moved to Maoling.

Later, his son Du Yannian moved to Duling again, and finally settled down.

The Du family in the former Han Dynasty was at its peak.

Du Yannian, the son of Du Zhou, is one of the eleven heroes of Qilin Pavilion.

And Du Yannian's son, Du Huan, was an official.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were nearly ten Du's officials up to two thousand stones.

However, in the later Han Dynasty, the Du family became a bit declining, far less noble than in the former Han Dynasty.

Of course, it may also be affected by the ebb and flow of political forces in Kanto and Kansai.

There are only two calligraphers and scholars who are famous all over the world.

Du Yuankai, who had a close relationship with Pei Xiu, was named Yu, and his father was Du Shu, the former governor of Hedong in Wei State.

Although Du Shu was born in a family in Guanzhong, he had many disagreements with the powerful officials of the Wei Dynasty.

Especially with Sima Yi, there are no small contradictions.

Coupled with the struggle between the two major political groups in Kansai and Kanto.

A few years ago, due to Sima Yi's power, Du Shu had to pretend to be sick and live in seclusion for several years.

At that time, it happened to be the time when Sima Yi, as the great Sima, was the governor of Guanzhong.

However, in order to win over the aristocratic family in Guanzhong and then keep Guanzhong, Cao Rui invited Du Shu out and made him the governor of Hedong.

Who would have expected that within a year, Hedong would change his master.

During the first battle in Guanzhong, Sima Yi deliberately delayed the time and refused to send troops to rescue Hedong.

In addition to being unable to do anything, there may not be no factors that Du Shu is the governor of Hedong.

Under such circumstances, Du Yu could say that he was like Yang Hu, who could do whatever he wanted, and repeatedly refused to recommend him, or that he was like Pei Xiu, who couldn't do it even if he wanted to become famous at a young age.

Moreover, Du Yu's adult, Du Shu, has always been "sincerity and quality, never pretending to be unruly", and he never liked publicity since he was a child.

Therefore, Du Yu's family knew about his family affairs. In his opinion, it was almost impossible for an adult to recommend him to the academy.

"But I really want to study in the academy!"

The 18-year-old boy, Lang Jun, separated from Pei Xiu, turned around and walked home, and looked back at the Royal Academy unwillingly.

There are majestic buildings, storing countless untold secrets of knowledge, and there are many Confucian scholars who are proficient in learning.

For Du Yu, who has read a lot of books since he was a child, especially for Du Yu who is obsessed with "Zuoshi Chunqiu Biography", it is like ecstasy.

Every school holiday, he would wait here for Pei Xiu.

I just want to get close to this academy and smell the fragrance of ink in this academy.

At the same time, by the way, with the help of Pei Xiu, I transferred my doubts about "Zuo Shi Chunqiu Biography" to the professors in the college, and asked them indirectly.

The eighteen-year-old boy, Mr. Lang, is only at the stage of accumulating knowledge, and is far from the reputation of later generations.

Lai Min and others in the academy who are proficient in "Zuoshi Chunqiu Biography" have lived for more than 70 years and have studied "Zuoshi Chunqiu Biography" for a lifetime.

How can Du Yu's knowledge compare with it?

Every time the knowledge relayed from Pei Xiu's mouth, Du Yu felt as if nectar entered his heart, and he felt suddenly enlightened.

This feeling, in turn, strengthened Du Yu's desire to study in the academy.

As a well-known family in Jingzhao, the Du family has no shortage of residences in Chang'an City.

In the Battle of Guanzhong three years ago, although Chang'an was not burned, it was eventually looted by Wei thieves.

Except for Zhangtai Street, where rich and powerful people gathered, most of the houses in other places looked dilapidated.

But among these dilapidated houses, there are a few seemingly low-key houses from time to time, but in fact, there are complete houses with watchtowers hidden.

Being able to live in this kind of house is basically not a simple family.

Du Shi is one of them.

When Du Yu returned home, he lingered at the door of the adult's study for a while.

Finally mustered up the courage, opened the door and entered, and expressed his thoughts:

"My lord, I want to go to the academy to study!"

Du Shu, who was reading a book, raised his head and looked at his son quietly, with a calm look in his eyes.

His beard is well maintained, his hands holding books are slender, and his bearing is somewhat elegant.

Although it is said that he has passed the age of forty, but it may be that he has a good way of nourishing his energy, and he looks only in his thirties.

Of course, it's also possible that Du's family's heritage has allowed him to experience too many storms.

In the past few decades, the world has been overthrown, and wars have continued.

The establishment of the Wei Dynasty represented that the family finally defeated the relatives and eunuchs and won the final victory.

While the aristocratic family was enjoying their spoils, Du Shu, as the son of the aristocratic family, was calmly adhering to a certain belief.

Although this kind of belief, for many aristocratic families, seems a bit pedantic, ridiculous, or even useless.

But it was also because of Du Shu's persistence that he seemed a bit different in Wei Guochao.

Not only did he disagree with the dignitaries in the court, but he even offended a representative of the family like Sima Yi.

How can Du Yu compare with his own adults at this time?

After he finished saying this, it seemed that he had exhausted all the courage he had worked so hard to muster.

Facing the adult's calm gaze, Du Yu seemed to lower his head in shame:

"I'm sorry, my darling, I'm a little rash..."

Seeing his son's appearance, Du Shu showed a calm smile on his calm face.

His tone is very gentle:

"Knowledge is the basis for me, Mrs. Du, to settle down and live. You are determined to seek knowledge. This is something to be happy about. How can you be rash?"

When the Du family was in the later Han Dynasty, he was indeed not as prestigious as the former Han Dynasty.

However, because it followed the general trend of Daxing Confucianism in the later Han Dynasty, there were two famous calligraphers and scholars in the world.

Du Yu was ready to be reprimanded, and when he heard what his lord said, he immediately raised his head, his eyes were a bit incredulous:

"My lord, you don't blame me... No, my lord, do you agree?"

"You are eager to study and enterprising. I am too happy, so how could I disagree?"

Although Du Shu's tone was plain, there was gentleness in the plainness:

"However, the Royal Academy in Chang'an is like the ancient Taixue. If my son wants to study in the academy, what will his ambition be?"

Studying is not simply seeking knowledge.

Instead, you need to be clear about yourself and why you want to seek knowledge.

In other words, what do you want to do after seeking knowledge.

Only in this way can we not be confused by foreign objects halfway when we are studying.

If you just want to be fresh and curious, or to show yourself to others, then you might as well stay at home quietly.

Because for Du Shu, these extremely superficial thoughts are not worth his wasting favor.

Du Yu opened his mouth when he heard what his lord said, but was speechless for a moment.

That's right, after he entered the academy and learned what he wanted, what did he plan to use that knowledge for?

Seeing his son's sluggish appearance, Du Shu waited patiently for a long time, but did not hear his son's answer.

A little disappointed on his calm face, he shook his head invisibly, lowered his head, and prepared to pick up the book on the desk again.

Du Yu's heart sank when he saw that his adults didn't want to talk to him anymore.

He knew that if he missed this opportunity, he might never have the chance to enter the academy again in his life.

At this moment, the four lines of characters engraved on the screen wall at the gate of the Royal Academy emerged in his mind.

In a hurry, he suddenly blurted out: "In order to make meritorious service, there is also Liyan!"


Du Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at his son with burning eyes.

Establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations.

Thinking of these four sentences, the young man's blood seems to start to boil:

"The child is dull, and his knowledge of morality is beyond the reach of others, but the child is arrogant, and he wants to try to make meritorious deeds."

Above all, there is morality, followed by meritorious service, and secondly, standing up to words, although it will not be abandoned for a long time, this is called immortality.

Looking at the world today, if anyone who is worthy of Lide is forced to mention a name, maybe Feng Duhu can barely qualify.

Because he gave the world the way to make wool from wool—although not all of them are released now.

But it is precisely because he has not let go of all of them, so it is said that he is just a little qualified to be nominated.

Wool is made into wool, so that the people of the world have an extra piece of clothing for heating, which can be said to be virtuous.

As for meritorious service, although it is not easy, it is easier than Lide anyway.

Or take Feng Duhu as an example.

Governing Liangzhou cleared the root cause of the century-old Qiang and Hu rebellion in Liangzhou, and kept the people in one side peaceful, which is also considered a meritorious service for Du Yu.

Of course, for others, there may be other ways of saying whether it is meritorious service just to keep the people in one side peaceful.

But if Ji Han can unify the world in the future, so that the people of the world will no longer suffer from the war, then Feng Duhu's "meritorious service" will be considered indisputable.

Liyan is the easiest to achieve among the "Three Immortals".

Well, let's take Feng Duhu as an example.

Not to mention those articles that are sung all over the world, just these four sentences engraved in the Royal Academy, Du Yu believes that Feng Duhu will definitely be able to make a statement in the history.


With this in mind, Du Yu finally mustered up his courage again.

This time, although he was not so loud, his voice was determined:

"My lord, my child thinks that if a man stands between heaven and earth, he should follow the example of Feng Duhu, so that he can live up to the name of a real man!"

I heard that when Feng Duhu first came out of the mountains in Shu, he was only sixteen or seventeen, and he was able to accomplish such an earth-shattering undertaking in just a few dozen years.

Now that I have reached eighteen, I am still unknown, isn't it ashamed?

It seemed that he was telling the deepest secret in his heart, which made Du Yu feel a little ashamed, and actually blushed.

Seeing this, Du Shu suddenly smiled:

"I didn't expect my son to have such great ambitions."

He finally stood up and walked up to Du Yu:

"My heart is so relieved."

Du Yu's eyes widened, and he stammered a little: "Big, my lord?"

Du Shu patted him on the shoulder, looked outside the house, and said in a slightly low voice:

"Although I intend to revive the Du family, I am far inferior to your grandfather. If it weren't for the foundation left by your grandfather, the Du family might fall again."

Although the Du family is a famous family in Jingzhao, it has been going downhill since the later Han Dynasty.

Especially when it came to Emperor Huan, the family was almost reduced to the point where it was on par with the country rich.

Fortunately, Du Shu's lord, that is, Du Yu's grandfather Du Ji, was recommended by Xun Yu to Cao Cao. With his own ability, he was finally granted the title of Marquis of Ting, and the official rank was Shang Shu Pu She.

After his death, he was posthumously awarded by Cao Pi as a servant, and his posthumous title was Dai Hou, which shows how much he is valued.

It is a pity that in Du Shu's generation, the Wei State is no longer the Wei State of Cao Cao at that time.

Du Ji can rely on his own talents to become a nobleman during his lifetime and honored after his death.

But Du Shu was squeezed out and suppressed, and even had to claim illness and live in seclusion.

"I originally thought that as long as Sima Zhongda was alive, let alone me, my son, or even the entire Du clan, I'm afraid there would be no bright future."

Unless he, the Patriarch of the Du Clan, takes the initiative to bow his head to Sima Yi and act like a minor.

But for the forthright Du Shu, if he really wanted to do this, it would be better to kill him directly.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Du Shu's face:

"Fortunately, fortunately, there is hope for the Sanxing of the Han Dynasty!"

Du Yu looked at the lord with some confusion.

Du Shu turned his head and looked at his son again, with a serious face:

"My son, you should think about it. If you really want to enter the academy, it means that I, the Jingzhao Du family, will fully support the Han family, and there will be no way out from now on."

Other families bet on the Han, Wei and Wu families at the same time, at least the Han and Wei families.

But Dushi is different.

The Du family had just re-emerged in the Wei state when they were suppressed.

This is nothing, after all, Du Shi still has some foundation.

But when he disagreed with the dignitaries of the Wei state and offended Sima Yi, if he devoted himself to Ji Han at this time, he would be severing himself from the Wei state.

If Ji Han can really unify the world, that's okay.

But if one day, the Wei State came back and Ji Han was defeated, then the name Jingzhao Du Clan might disappear from the world.

"Besides, if you just utter wild words, and you can't make a contribution to Ji Han in the future, I'm afraid the Du family will never be able to make a comeback..."

Du Yu met his lord's gaze, and suddenly felt the weight on his shoulders, and his breathing became a little rough.

Seeing the earnestness in the adult's eyes, Du Yu raised his chest:

"My lord, in my child's opinion, there is no one who is as sharp as a soldier in the world than the general of the Han family; no one who loves the people and is the most benevolent in the world is the emperor of the Han family."

"My lord, since you don't want to join forces with the Wei thieves, the dignitaries in the court and the Kanto family, you might as well support the Han family."

"In this way, we can not only show our ambitions, but also rejuvenate my family Du."

Hearing Du Yu's words, Du Shu showed a smile on his face and said with emotion: "My son has finally grown up!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the table, picked up a post, and handed it to Du Yu: "Take it."

"My lord, what is this?"

"An invitation from the Ma family."

"The Ma family?" Du Yu was taken aback for a moment, then slightly startled, "Could it be..."

As if anticipating what he was going to say, Du Shu nodded:

"That's right, it's the Ma family from Fufeng."

After the Dahan regained Chang'an, the Ma family, which had disappeared in the early years, seemed to have a momentum of resurgence.

I heard that even the Pei family from Hedong had to go through the Ma family when they first came to Chang'an to find a way out.

Visible momentum.

"My lord, why is there an invitation from the Ma family?"

"It's not just me. I heard that Webster also received invitations from the Ma family."

Du Shu smiled lightly, "In terms of the imperial court's trust in the various families in Guanzhong, there is nothing better than the Ma family."

"The imperial court has already begun to win over the hearts of Guanzhong officials. If you really want to enter the Royal Academy, this is the best time for you."

"If not, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have such a good opportunity in the future."

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