Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1151 Manchu civil and military affairs are not as good as a school

Before the three kingdoms of Han, Wei and Wu, Wei State was the only country that cultivated land on a large scale to resume farming.

After the Three Kingdoms came to power, the Ji Han Dynasty was the only country that concentrated the power of the whole country to restore and develop the irrigation projects left by the predecessors.

As for Wu Guo, I'm sorry, although there have been some actions, but the scale is not too large.

Up to now, Wei Guo has lost the advantage of farming.

However, Ji Han still retained the tradition of paying attention to water conservancy and irrigation projects when the prime minister was there.

After all, when the prime minister took over the big man, there was only one state in the southwest, and it was still full of holes and precarious.

He suffered a disastrous defeat in foreign wars, and the powerful enemy looked down on him.

Wearing filial piety at home, people's hearts are floating.

At that time, Yizhou was exhausted.

Faced with the imminent move of the aristocratic families in the Shu region, the imperial court had to find a way to get more money and food in order to gain the initiative in the game with the local tyrants.

Flood control, farming, and extensive taxation have become inevitable choices.

If Ji Han was forced by the situation, then Wei Guo in that year actually had much more options than Ji Han.

It's a pity that after Cao Pi took over the state of Wei, he would rather conscript civilians to dig a canal so that the dragon boat could go straight from Luoyang to the Huai River, so that he could lead the army to parade through the streets.

He is also unwilling to rectify the Tuntian Hakka that Cao Cao left behind.

So much so that the Tuntian Hakka House, which made a great contribution to Cao Cao's unification of the north, has become a burden in Cao Pi's hands.

When Cao Rui ascended the throne, he liked to engage in civil engineering.

But the direction is the palace, not the water conservancy.

After Ji Han captured Longyou Liangzhou and formed an overlooking trend of Guanzhong, Cao Rui wanted to make amends, but it was too late.

With the dragon-slaying technique in hand, Guiwang Feng accurately saw the potential flaws in Wei Guo's birth.

More importantly, he also knows what kind of historical trend this defect will cause in the future.

All he has to do is to add fuel to this trend, so that the fruit of evil will come earlier, and it will bite back against Wei.

The alliance between Han and Wu can continuously take turns to attack, making it impossible for Cao Rui to make a move.

Whenever Cao Rui wanted to integrate the interior, he would find that the Han and Wu countries always sent troops to violate the border.

In particular, Ji Han's huge pressure on Wei State forced Cao Rui to repeatedly give up his plan to abolish domestic abuses.

Instead, he was forced to rely more and more on the aristocratic family.

It can be said that the actual division of Wei State and the division of Luoyang and Xuchang were the result of the joint action of internal and external factors.

Today, the situation in the Han and Wei dynasties has been reversed.

Not to mention that in addition to irrigation projects, Ji Han also has new irrigation tools.

When Longyou was captured that year, it happened to encounter severe drought in Longyou.

At that time, Feng Duhu stayed in Longyou, built many waterwheels, and accumulated a lot of experience in drought prevention.

Over the years, various waterwheels have been developed from simple high-tube waterwheels.

Manpower, animal power, water power, high tube, low tube, rollover, single group, multiple groups...

There are poor usages and rich usages.

No matter what kind of terrain, there is always a suitable for you.

With the cultivation level and cultivated area of ​​the Three Kingdoms era, as long as there is no severe drought that occurs once in a century.

For example, like the situation of scorching drought and smoking, thousands of miles of red land.

In other words, as long as there is still water in the river, there is no need to worry too much about not being able to pump water for irrigation.

And Ma Jun, who invented the keel waterwheel in history, was repairing the city wall in Luoyang at this time.

I don't know if Ma Jun is really moving bricks, anyway, that's what Wei Guo Taifu said.

But no matter what, Wei Guo's foundation is much better than Wu Guo's.

Facing the spring drought in the third year of Yanxi, Xuchang and Luoyang, even if they had exhausted their last foundation, could barely survive.

But Wu Guo is different.

To the east of Yuzhang, Danyang County and Wu County with Jianye as the center are the main grain-producing areas.

However, Wu County is a place where there are many aristocratic families in Jiangdong, and the good fields that are convenient for water irrigation have long been occupied by local tyrants.

Ordinary people barely survive in ordinary years. Under this kind of drought, they have no ability to resist natural disasters at all.

As for Danyang County, it is enough to support the government's treasury expenditure. Where is there any extra food for disaster relief?

In Jingzhou, west of Yuzhang, the situation is much more complicated.

Jingzhou was originally the place of the Fourth World War, and it was almost burned to nothing by the flames of war a few years ago.

It wasn't until after the battle of Yiling that things became more stable.

Lu Xun presided over the Jingzhou Tuntian, who would have expected that after only three years, the Tuntian would begin to see results, and he would be transferred to Wuchang.

Then, King Feng Gui took advantage of the situation and vigorously promoted sugar cane.

Now the whole Jingzhou is pointing to planting sugarcane to exchange brown sugar to earn tickets, and then use the tickets to buy grain in Shu.

In the past, if you were really forced to have no food to eat, it would not be impossible to cut down the sugar cane and replant it for food.

Anyway, when the time comes, Jingzhou officials will look westward to Master Wang, and even rise up, certainly not because they are bored or like to eat brown sugar or something.

It must be because Sun Wu is unpopular, and everyone is fighting against the tyranny of an independent husband.

As for now, the sugar cane in Jingzhou is even more immobile.

Because Wu Guo still owes Ji Han a large debt.

Part of this debt is mortgaged by Jingzhou's raw sugar production.

This year, Ji Han just brought the first batch of weapons and armor over here. On your Wu side, you suddenly said that the collateral could not be delivered on time?

No matter how bold Feng Duhu was, he would be very embarrassed when encountering such a thing.

The big man's things didn't fall from the sky, so why waste them like this?

Therefore, benevolent government and loving the people is not an empty slogan.

Maybe there is no benefit to the ruler on weekdays, and it may even make the ruler feel that he is too restrained and cannot do whatever he wants.

But when encountering natural disasters and man-made disasters, it can help the people have a greater chance of overcoming difficulties.

At the same time, it also allows the rulers to continue singing and dancing and enjoy themselves for a longer period of time.

It is not possible that someone under the rule always wants to light a fire in the temple and then howl like a fox.

Just like Emperor Wu, all these years he had spent so much time casting big money to search for folk wealth, when he suddenly encountered this situation, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

At this time, don't say that they are sending people to sea.

Whether the cavalry army can be formed on time next year is a question.

In less than a month, official documents from the local government came in like a snowflake, all of which were urgent.

Sun Quan asked all the ministers how to deal with it in the court hall, but all the ministers were at a loss, and there was no one in the civil and military court who could deal with it.

After all, this is God's arrangement. Apart from praying to God for rain and pity, what else can I do?

In the end, it was Prime Minister Gu Yong, who was mature and prudent, and proposed a solution that was not a solution:

Let Tai Shiling calculate the auspicious day, and send the important ministers of the court to various places to preside over the rain.

In addition, Sun Quan had no better way, so he naturally agreed.

After all, the treasury has no money!

Asking for rain is already a cheap way.

It's just that the whole country is suffering from drought, so there are so many counties, it's impossible to send everyone in the court, right?

When Sun Quan was discussing with his ministers how to arrange manpower, the crown prince Sun Deng, who had just recovered from his illness, took the initiative to ask Ying to go out to various places to pray for rain.

Seeing the prince being so considerate of himself, Emperor Wu couldn't help being moved.

It's just that he seemed to hesitate about this matter, and looked at General Wei Quan Cong:

"General Wei, what do you think of the prince's request?"

Sun Quan didn't ask others, but Quan Cong, all because of one thing:

After becoming emperor that year, he sent the prince to lead the army, and none of the officials dared to persuade him.

Only Quan Cong made a statement saying that in ancient times all the princes were Fujun and overseeing the country, and there was no one who led the army and fell into danger.

Only then did Sun Quan be dissuaded and people chased back Sun Deng, who had already set off for the expedition.

But Quan Cong stood up and answered:

"The crown prince takes care of His Majesty's worries and sympathizes with the sufferings of the common people. This is a great kindness."

Seeing this, Sun Quan nodded and agreed to Sun Deng's request.

When Sanchao returned to the harem, Sun Quan had a worried look on his face, and he couldn't help sighing:

Begging for rain is just a helpless act, and who can know whether the begging will come down in the end?

And even if the heavens are merciful and it rains, I'm afraid this year's cultivation has already been missed.

"Your Majesty, another document has been sent here."

Lu Yi, who is in charge of supervising the clerical affairs of the central government and local states and counties, although he saw that His Majesty was not in a good mood, he still had to bite the bullet and report.

Sun Quan was even more displeased when he heard this:

"Again about the drought?"


"Don't look! It's all the same thing, the same rhetoric. Apart from this, don't they know anything else?"

Facing Lv Yi, who was a retainer, there was no need for Sun Quan to restrain his temper like he did in court.

But seeing him say a little annoyed:

"I sent them to the post to replace the herdsmen of the Son of Heaven! I asked them to solve problems for me! It wasn't for them to just post messages all day long."

Lu Yi, who would always try to avoid this kind of situation on weekdays, came forward at this time, naturally not to offend Emperor Wu.

After Sun Quan made a fuss, Lu Yi said softly:

"Your Majesty, the so-called plan for a year is only in the spring. Now that the spring is drought, it is better to plan for the winter."

Sun Quan was upright, and even more irritable when he heard the words:

"Don't I know? But what can I do? If I ask for rain myself, let alone once, ten times or eight times, I can do it."

Lu Yi continued to remind:

"Your Majesty, if you ask for rain at this time, even if you can get it, it may be too late!"

"That's why I think that instead of asking for rain, Your Majesty should find a way to ask for food and stockpile food to prevent hunger at the end of the year. It's the right time!"

Sun Quan, who has been in a state of irritability and anxiety these days, was immediately shocked when he heard what Lu Yi said:

"If spring plowing is missed, where will the food come from?"

Everyone knows that the root of this matter is food.

But now there are droughts in the south of the Yangtze River and north of Huaihe River, who will have surplus food?

What Lu Yi waited for was Sun Quan's sentence.

He smiled and moved closer again:

"The School Affairs Office supervises the documents, so I knew about your Majesty's concerns. If your Majesty has worries, it is the minister's disgrace."

"Don't dare to forget if you are humiliated. I have inquired about it. On the other side of Shu, the food price has only increased slightly. I heard that this year's drought will not have a big impact on the west."

When Sun Quan heard Lu Yi's words, he couldn't help being surprised:

"Is this statement true?"

Lu Yi quickly said:

"How dare I speak nonsense about such an important matter? The school affairs office and the transportation supplies of the Han Dynasty have long been inquired about."

Since Emperor Han moved his capital to Chang'an, although Nanxiang Exchange also moved to Chang'an.

But the Hanwuyi City, which was established in Yong'an, finally played a role at this time.

Yong'an Yishi, imitating the Nanxiang Exchange, lists the prices of bulk materials every day, and also undertakes material delivery contracts.

But it is limited to the transaction between Shu and Wu.

But that's enough.

Some of the caravan stewards who came from Wu land finally didn't have to travel the wrong way, and went to Nanxiang to inquire about business news.

Lu Yi's surprise to Sun Quan was not limited to this.

"Furthermore, I have already contacted you with Han Guo, saying that we will buy more grain this year, and the preparations are already underway."

When Sun Quan heard this, his eyes widened suddenly:


"Your Majesty, the contract has been prepared, just waiting for His Majesty to agree."

"Okay, okay! This is a very good thing, why wait for me to agree? You just agree!"

Although I don't know how much food Lu Yi can buy from the Shu land for emergencies, but an extra load of food is an extra guarantee.

What's more, the grain of the Han Dynasty has always been abundant.

The number of those who have signed the contract may not be small...

Thinking of this, Sun Quan remembered one more thing:

"Where did you get the money to buy food?"

"Your Majesty, this is exactly the reason for His Majesty's consent."

Lu Yi said, "Actually, this batch of grain is not paid by the treasury, but by the big clan in Jingzhou, who sympathizes with His Majesty and is willing to share His Majesty's worries."

"They?" Sun Quan was taken aback, "They would be so kind?"

Of course not because of their kindness.

It's because the school affairs office is in Jingzhou, and there are many dry stocks of sugarcane gardens!

"Your Majesty, of course they would not be so kind, and naturally they want something."

Lu Yi explained:

"Now in Jiaozhou, there is a barbarian rebellion first, and then there is a rebellion by the thieves. Those rebellious officials and thieves attacked Lingling and Guiyang, and the chaos spread to Jingnan."

"A lot of Jiaozhou tyrants and even lieutenant officers were involved."

"For example, the rebel general Liao Shi and Liao Qian brothers not only have a lot of fertile land in their family, but also led the soldiers to set up a lot of land in Jingzhou a few years ago."

"Their properties, logically speaking, should be confiscated by the government. Now the families in Jingzhou want to buy them all."

When Sun Quan heard this, a sneer appeared on his face:

"Buy it? I think they want to protect the relatives of the two thieves of the Liao family?"

Lu Yi did not deny it, but followed Sun Quan's words and said:

"Your Majesty, the Liao family is considered a wealthy family in Jingzhou. The relatives of the two thieves of the Liao family must be punished. They dare not protect them."

"But for the rest of the people, their crimes are not lethal. It's human nature that Liao is willing to pay for their sins."

Since the Han Dynasty, not to mention paying for atonement, it is normal to pay for officials.

If Sun Quan really wanted to blame the Liao family of Jingzhou for this matter, it would be wrong.

More importantly, Dawu's food is in short supply now.

If nothing can be done, there may be a famine at the end of the year.

At this time, Emperor Wu was naturally happy to push the boat along.

But he was still angry:

"It's okay to pay for food, but this price..."

He glanced at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi understood, and quickly smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I know what to do."

"You always do what I want." Seeing this, Sun Quan's face finally relaxed a little, "It's just this matter, which is of great importance."

"Since they are willing to contribute money and food, then don't be polite. This is not the time to talk about friendship."

Emperor Wu would definitely not be stingy if someone was taken advantage of and sent to his door to be slaughtered.

Looking at Lu Yi again, Sun Quan is both sad and happy:

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are not as good as a school office that can share my worries. What use are you waiting for?

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