In fact, Sun Quan's exclamation that "the civil and military affairs of the full court are not as good as a school's affairs" is a bit too arbitrary.

The ministers of the state of Wu may not have thought of borrowing food from the state of Shu to tide over the difficulties.

It's just that the transaction between Wu Guo and Ji Han is officially dominated by the school affairs office, while the private aspect is dominated by the Jingzhou family.

But in Jianye's court, both of them are a little embarrassed.

Needless to say, the school affairs office.

It's not that there are no important officials from Jingzhou.

For example, Pan Jun, or Zhuge Jin.

But even when Pan Jun was alive, he and Zhuge Jin were always leading the army and rarely returned to Jianye.

Coupled with the reason of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Jin has always been careful to avoid suspicion.

After all, it is not a glorious thing for the State of Wu to attack Jingzhou, but there are many Jingzhou people in the upper class of Ji Han.

Even if it is the Han-Wu Alliance, it is really hard to say what kind of mentality these Jingzhou factions who have homes and cannot return to Wu Guo have.

Therefore, Zhuge Jin sits guarding Jingzhou as a general and Zuo Duhu. It seems to be a beautiful scene, but in fact, he has to be careful in many cases.

After Zhuge Liang's death, Zhuge Jin's influence in Ji Han and the inquiring of Ji Han's internal information were really not as convenient as the school affairs office.

And even if Zhuge Jin could find out about Ji Han's actual grain price, he still wasn't sure enough to find a way to buy grain from Ji Han.

In this matter, it is destined that the school office, which controls the material exchange channel with Ji Han, has the upper hand.

Lu Yichun came out of the palace triumphantly, but did not return to the school office.

Instead, he turned a corner and came to a small courtyard next to the post house.

Seeing Lu Yi's appearance, the people in the small courtyard seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile:

"Lv Zhongshu's speech is quite satisfactory?"

Lv Yi heard the other party's words, and quickly saluted to thank him:

"Is it just for my own satisfaction? I just want to relieve His Majesty's worries. Therefore, I came here this time to thank Mr. Guo for his timely guidance."

Martin smiled without saying a word, but saw that he lifted the teapot from the small stove, poured a cup of hot tea for him, pushed it in front of Lu Yi, stretched out his hand and said:

"Please, Lu Zhongshu."

The movements are chic, the expression is free and easy, coupled with the mist, which obscures Martin's face, it is really indescribably freehand and relaxed.

Lu Yi's eyes were somewhat envious, this kind of demeanor was really hard for him to learn.

Seeing Lu Yi toast and drink, Martin continued to speak:

"The two countries of Han and Wu were originally allies of each other, and they agreed to hunt for thieves. Now Wu is worried about food shortages. As a man of the Han people, how can I stand by and watch?"

Speaking of this, he took another deep look at Lu Yi, and said meaningfully:

"Besides, since we arrived in Jiangdong, we have been taken care of by Lu Zhongshu. This time, it's just reciprocating."

"That being said," Lu Yi put down his teacup, his voice was low, but his tone was full of gratitude, "but without Mr.'s suggestion, how could we vulgar people think of this?"

In this matter, although the school affairs office took the lead.

But don't treat all civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty as fools.

They haven't noticed the surplus grain of Han now, that's because their news is not as well informed as the school affairs office.

Those who are well-informed and do not have the channels of the school affairs office, naturally dare not speak rashly.

But by the time of the summer harvest at the latest, they will definitely be able to react.

So it is very important for Mr. Ma to remind in time.

At least for the school affairs office, it is very important-this gives the school affairs office at least two or three months more time than others.

"If there is no sir, even if the school affairs office can find food, I am afraid there is no way to buy so much food to relieve His Majesty's urgent task."

No matter how cheap the food in the Han Dynasty was, it still had to be bought with money.

Although the school affairs office said that it was the responsibility of his Majesty to enrich the internal funds, but Lu Yi knew his own family affairs because of his own family.

His Majesty's internal funds don't have much room now.

In the words of Mr. Ma, this trick is called creating something out of nothing.

Lu Yi himself just talked a few times, looking for an opportunity, thinking of a way, persuading His Majesty to agree to the request of the Jingzhou clan, and he can get a large amount of food.

In the east, it can solve your majesty's worries.

In the west, you can win the hearts of the big clan in Jingzhou.

If it is in the middle, then the school affairs office can also get rich.

Such means, in Lu Yi's view, can be called unpredictable.

Thinking of this, Lu Yi felt that it was a pity that none of the school officials in the school office was a true scholar.

The school affairs office was obviously set up by His Majesty himself, but it was actually underestimated by those aristocratic families in Jiangdong.

If not, why would I have to worry about being criticized by those ministers if I could get help from people like Mr. Ma?

It's just that the school affairs office is underestimated by others. Those ministers say that the school affairs office is harmful to the country all day long, which is really hateful.

You don't miss the country, why didn't you see you relieve His Majesty's worries?

"Sir, you can persuade the Jingzhou family with just a few letters, which shows how highly respected you are in Jingzhou."

Lu Yi tentatively asked, "Sir, hasn't it occurred to you that you want to restore your real name and get rid of the shame?"

Ever since he was assigned to Jiangdong, Martin never thought that his identity could be concealed.

And he didn't expect to keep it a secret for a lifetime.

Hearing Lu Yi's question at this time, he, who was originally free and easy, was stunned for a moment, and then his face froze slightly.

But soon, he returned to his indifferent smile:

"I know the meaning of Zhongshu. It's just that I have gotten used to using this name over the years, and I don't want to change it back for the time being."

I don't know if it was aroused by Lu Yi's words.

But when he picked up his cup and took a sip of tea, as if he remembered something, his face became a little gloomy.

"I think back then, the prime minister treated me like a son, and I treated the prime minister like a father. Later, I followed the prime minister to fight against thieves. I thought I was taught by the prime minister, and I didn't obey orders."

Having said that, a wry smile finally appeared on his face:

"I didn't expect to almost destroy the career of hunting thieves. If it weren't for Feng Duhu, I'm afraid it would be difficult to atone for his crime even if he died."

"After this incident, I changed my name to Tian to show the meaning of reform."

He looked at Lu Yi with a serious expression on his face:

"I am here not to help Lu Zhongshu, but to contribute to the great cause of hunting thieves, and I want peace of mind."

Hearing what Martin said, Lu Yi couldn't help but sit up straight.

Martin's gaze passed Lu Yi again, looking northwest, as if he was explaining, or muttering to himself:

"I just hope that one day, I will see the success of the thief hunt, so that I can have the face to meet the prime minister..."

Speaking of the past, Mr. Ma began to become sad.

When Lu Yi saw Mr. Ma's expression, he knew something was going to go wrong.

He has been with Mr. Ma for a long time, and he knows that the prime minister is the eternal pain in the other party's heart.

Whenever the Prime Minister was mentioned in the past, Mr. Ma just said he was ashamed.

It's just that after the news of Zhuge Liang's death reached Jiangdong, Mr. Ma was so sad that he even cried and fainted several times.

Now when Zhuge Liang is mentioned, he still bursts into tears.

Lu Yi was thinking about how to comfort him, but he didn't expect that this time not only the prime minister was mentioned, but also the great cause that the prime minister was determined to pursue.

Thinking of the regret that I failed the prime minister and could not accompany the prime minister to conspire for a great cause.

This time, Mr. Ma couldn't help crying:

"Prime Minister, but I can't wait for this day. I am deeply favored by the Prime Minister, but I can't go to the tomb to worship in person. I am ashamed of the world and hate it!"

Crying and crying, Martin beat his chest with both hands, almost dying of breath.

Scared so much that Lu Yi hurriedly supported Mr. Ma, and comforted him:

"Why do you need to be so sad, sir? As you said, what you are doing now is to contribute to the great cause of thieves."

"If Prime Minister Quanxia knew the heart of the gentleman, he would surely be happy, and would not blame the gentleman again."

Mr. Ma cried for a long time before he stopped.

He wiped away his tears and said to Lu Yi:

"If it is true what Lu Zhongshu said, then I will have no regrets in this life!"

With that said, he stood up, bowed to Lu Yi and said:

"Lv Zhongshu has served His Majesty for a long time, if he can persuade His Majesty to hunt down thieves, I will be grateful."

Lu Yi hurriedly supported Ma Tian, ​​and said urgently:

"What's the matter, sir? For this matter, I should be thanking you, sir!"

Seeing that Mr. Ma had restrained his emotions, Lu Yi sat down with him again, and then said with some embarrassment:

"Actually, when I come here this time, apart from telling my husband that His Majesty has agreed to Jingzhou's request, there is actually one more thing I want to ask my husband."

"Lu Zhongshu just said it, so why do you need to ask for words?"

"It is rumored that Mr. Feng has friendship with Feng Duhu?"

Ma Tian sighed again, and did not hide his words from Lu Yi:

"I do have a little friendship with Feng Duhu. My mistakes in Jieting back then should have been executed according to the law. If Feng Duhu hadn't helped me in time, I'm afraid I would have been turned into ashes today!"

The battle at Jieting can be regarded as Feng Duhu's battle to become famous.

What happened back then, except for the parties concerned, I am afraid that few people know the details.

Most people in the world only know that Mr. Ma was honored by Feng Duhu to save his life.

Mr. Ma mentioned this point more than once.

Naturally, Lu Yi did not doubt him.

He thought it over for a while, and then said: "I have always known that Mr. Xinghanhui has a good relationship, and you also know a lot of internal information about Xinghanhui on weekdays. I don't mean that you can't trust you."

"It's just that this matter is very important, and His Majesty is very concerned. After hearing about this matter, I want to write a letter to the emperor of the Han family to talk about the matter of borrowing food."

"Who in the world doesn't know that the emperor of the Han family attaches great importance to Feng Duhu? Therefore, if Feng Duhu can help the emperor with a good word or two, I think this matter will be as stable as Mount Tai, and there will be no changes."

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Martin's eyes flashed an imperceptible light, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he nodded:

"I know the meaning of Zhongshu."

If we say that before reporting to Sun Quan, this is just a suggestion.

At most, it is the sale and purchase agreement between the school affairs office and the Shu region.

Then, when Sun Quan decided to write a letter to the emperor of the Han family, it was already a major issue related to the allies.

Even if the Shu land transported grain to the Wu state, there was a limit.

It's not that you can get lucky.

Otherwise, why set up a Yongan Yishi?

In case the little fat man in Chang'an received a letter from Emperor Wu, he would just say "huh" and then say when I promised to borrow food.

That would be embarrassing.

The emperor lost face, and Lu Yi himself might lose his life along with him.

Although the probability of such a thing is not very high.

After all, Mr. Ma has a very close friendship with Xinghanhui. In many cases, Mr. Ma can even spread the word for Xinghanhui.

The Xinghanhui's statement, to a large extent, meant that Feng Duhu agreed, or at least knew about it.

But Lu Yi regretted his life.

So he had to do as much preparation as possible.

What he didn't know was that after Martin learned that Sun Quan couldn't wait to write a letter to Chang'an, he had already thought of a question:

The famine in Wu country this year may be more serious than what I imagined?

Thinking this way in his heart, Martin responded with a full mouth:

"I will write to Feng Duhu myself, asking Feng Duhu to lend a helping hand."

After thinking for a while, he added, "Deng Weizhe, the head of the Xinghan Society in Jincheng, is the son of Deng Bomiao, who was previously sent to Jiangdong to represent the Great Han and make an oath to the Wu Kingdom."

"Deng Weizhe is quite like his father. If he wants to deal with this matter, he will definitely take care of it. I will write another letter to him and let him make more preparations."

This time, it was Lu Yi's turn to be grateful:

"Thank you very much, thank you sir."

"It's just a little effort."

"I know that Mr. Yu Huaijin has great plans to seek out thieves, and he doesn't care about ordinary things, but after all, he brought so many students to Jiangdong, there are always things that can't be taken care of."

Lu Yi clasped his hands and said, "I hereby assure you that as long as it is related to Mr. and the students of the college, the school administration will do our best to help."

"Lu Zhongshu has a heart."

"Mutual help, mutual help."

After receiving Mr. Ma's reply that he asked someone to come to pick up the letter tomorrow, Lu Yi left contentedly.

After returning to the school office, he immediately sent someone to send a generous gift.

The matter of buying grain requires Mr. Ma to act as a link, so Lu Yi is not afraid of people making irresponsible remarks about it.

If you have a close relationship or something like that.

On the second day, Lu Yi didn't send anyone there, but went there again in person, and sure enough he got the letter from Mr. Ma.

"How bold are the Han people!"

Lu Yida sighed.

There was Feng Duhu in the past, who borrowed horses, armor, and weapons for Da Wu.

Later, there was Mr. Ma, who tried to find a way to buy grain and borrow grain for Wu.

Apart from sighing, even someone like Lu Yi felt a little embarrassed:

Da Wu has received a lot of help from Han over the years, and he only hopes that the great cause of hunting down thieves will be successful as soon as possible, so that he can live up to Han's help.

It was early summer when Mr. Ma's letter was delivered to Chang'an.

Along with the letter, Deng Liang also received a letter from Jiangdong.

"Is Wei Zhe doing well this way?"

"Brother Lao is concerned, it's still okay."

Although Deng Liang's lord is a right-wing general, Deng Liang has never been an official, and only wants to stay in Jincheng.

the reason is simple.

His grandmother is old and inconvenient, and he needs to take care of it himself to be at ease.

Just like the emperor moved the capital this time, most of the relatives of the ministers in the court also moved to Chang'an one after another.

But Deng Liang's mother was not in good health and was not suitable for traveling, so she stayed in Jincheng.

It was rare for Deng Liang to come here this time, so it was natural to discuss the food shortage in Wu State this time.

"You have worked hard in Jincheng these years, and you have always done a good job. Not only me, but Your Majesty will also remember your credit."

"Whether one day you want to become an official, whether you want to stay in the court or take up a place, there will always be a place for you."

Looking at Deng Liang who had started to grow a beard, Feng Duhu was somewhat moved:

"It's been so many years in a flash, sometimes it feels like yesterday."

Deng Liang smiled slightly:

"How dare my younger brother take the credit for Xu Weimo's contribution? Besides, these are actually the contributions of the brothers in the association, and I am just a representative of the association."

Feng Duhu waved his hand:

"A meritorious service is a meritorious service. My brother, there is no need to be humble. Except for you, I really can't find anyone who can make me feel at ease and stay at ease."

"We have been planning for so many years, and finally we have waited for such a good opportunity. How are you preparing for Jincheng?"

Deng Liang, who was always indifferent on weekdays, finally had a rare emotional fluctuation when talking about this matter:

"Brother, don't worry, in the past few years, the big clans in Sichuan have been cooperative, and this year, the price of food has been raised, so they are too late to be happy."

Over the years, the aristocratic families in the Shu region who have been arranged so well have actually wanted to accept their fate a long time ago.

However, the prime minister of the big man has been holding back, unwilling to let go of his mouth completely.

Until the victory of Guanzhong and Bingzhou, the rapid expansion of Dahan required a large number of talents.

Coupled with the death of the prime minister and the relocation of the capital by the emperor, this was a complete turnaround, and the imperial court began to use a large number of children from the Shu region.

For example, Qiao Zhou's appointment as the prince's family order is an attitude.

This is probably a kind of imperial mind.

The prime minister suppresses the front, and the emperor pushes back.

What happened now is that the aristocratic families in the Shu region are very supportive of the emperor of the Han family.

After so many years, everyone has finally come to the end of their hardships. Knowing that the imperial court plans to sell a large amount of grain to the state of Wu, why not support it enthusiastically?

In fact, in the past few years, Xinghanhui has collected a batch of grain at a high price every year and resold it to the east.

But that's a quota.

This year is different. I heard that the quota has been relaxed, and you can charge as much as you have. Such a great thing, can you make a good fortune?

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