Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1153 Housework

"This time, if the operation is done well, Jingzhou's food supply channels will be almost completely controlled by us."

Feng Duhu let out a sigh of relief and looked at Deng Liang:

"After this incident, there is no need for Jincheng to watch so closely like now. Weizhe really has no plans to come to Chang'an?"

Deng Liang shook his head, smiled, and rejected Feng Duhu's kindness:

"My mother is not in good health and should not be tired. I plan to let her die in Jincheng."

"Here in Chang'an, I heard it's colder. My mother is from the south. I'm afraid I'm not used to it. It's better to live in Jincheng more comfortably."

Feng Duhu nodded:

"It's true. As the saying goes, don't go to Sichuan when you're young, and don't leave Shu when you're old. If you really want to provide for the elderly, Jincheng is indeed more suitable."

Deng Liang was dumbfounded:

"Brother, I always feel that there is something wrong with this statement. It is understandable that the old man does not leave Sichuan, but what does it mean that the young man does not enter Sichuan?"

Feng Duhu said half-jokingly:

"Shu has beautiful mountains and clear waters, the climate is suitable, surrounded by mountains on all sides, living in it, leisurely and contented, young men who are not strong-willed may easily wear down their fighting spirit."

This time, Deng Liang didn't know if he thought Feng Duhu was joking, or if he really didn't agree:

"My little brother doesn't think so. For example, this time to control Jingzhou's food, my little brother has been waiting for this day."

As he said that, there was fighting spirit in his eyes:

"The younger brother's family is all from Jingzhou, especially the adults and mother, who are getting older. Their greatest wish is to return to their hometown in Jingzhou in this life."

"Brother, if you really want to control Jingzhou's grain, the day when the big man takes over Jingzhou is not far away, right?"

There was light in Deng Liang's eyes.

"Don't worry. It's better to destroy Wei State first. It's not easy to fight only from Yong'an to Jingzhou."

If it was easy to fight, the first emperor would have fought it down long ago.

It would be very difficult to attack Yong'an from Jingzhou.

Then attacking Jingzhou from Yong'an is also seven or eight points difficult-especially in the case of Lu Xun.

"Returning a thousand miles of Jiangling in one day" is just a poet's romance.

In fact, from Yongan to Jiangling, not only the mountain road has eighteen bends, but the waterway also has eighteen bends.

Walking by water, there are many dangerous waters and shoals.

By land, there are also many rugged mountain roads.

It is a very big test for the morale and logistics of the army.

But Feng Duhu also knew that without the suppression of the prime minister, many people in the Jingzhou faction were already ready to move.

Not to mention that the big man now is not the big man in the past.

The country of Wei is about to be defeated by the big man. The successive victories over the years have swelled not only the country, but also confidence.

For some people, it is no longer unimaginable to fight one more country of Wu.

"Besides, the students who went to Jiangdong to learn how to maneuver a boat haven't come back yet. Some movements should not be overdone."

"After waiting for so many years, my little brother doesn't care about waiting for a few more years." Deng Liang was still calm, "It's just those students, I remember that they should come back this year, right?"

"I need to study for one more year." Feng Duhu smiled, "Who asked the people of Wu to borrow so many things? Just treat it as interest."

It is horses and food, armor and weapons.

Hands are short, but mouths are soft.

Taking so many things from the big man and letting the students of the academy stay for an extra year, can Emperor Wu still say no?

When Deng Liang heard it, he calculated the time of correspondence between Chang'an and Jianye, and he understood:

"Is this Ma Youchang's idea?"

"Exactly." Feng Duhu nodded, and said with some emotion, "I sent Ma Youchang to Jiangdong, but I never expected him to do this."

Nowadays, in Jianye, many people know that there is a famous person from Jingzhou who is informal and unrestrained.

At the bottom, you can make friends with traffickers and pawns, and at the top, you can talk and laugh at powerful officials.

He is kind-hearted and generous.

Even people like Lv Yi, the school official, Fuzhong secretary, can be friends with him, and even call him "Mr. Ma".

"Ma Youchang is a person that the prime minister values ​​anyway. Although he may be exaggerating and may not be good at leading soldiers, he should still be considered talented."

Celebrities, don't most of them rely on their lips?

When the prime minister was alive, he often introduced and talked with Ma You, often from day to night.

It can be seen that Ma Youchang is also a good speaker.

It may not be possible to be eloquent, but you should be able to afford it if you can speak well.

Deng Liang looked at Feng Duhu again, and said with a smile:

"Besides, whoever is backed by elder brother and Xinghan, if he can't put on a show, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Feng Duhu also laughed, and he pointed at Deng Liang helplessly:

"Weizhe, between you and my brother, there is no need to flatter like this."

"It's not flattery."

Even though it has been more than ten years since he called Feng Guiwang his brother, Deng Zhi's gaze still contained a little admiration:

"A few years ago, my brother helped the Wu State School Office, who would have expected that the School Office can help us so much now?"

"Actually, I didn't expect this." Feng Duhu waved his hand, but he didn't take credit for it, "I just thought that the school affairs office would make people hate ghosts in Wu."

"What the enemy hates is what I like. That's why I wanted to support them. I didn't expect to be able to open a hole in the country of Wu."

For Sun Quan, the School Affairs Office was called a retainer if it sounded good, and a slave if it sounded bad.

There are many similarities with the group of eunuchs in the time of Emperor Huanling of the Later Han Dynasty.

The biggest difference may be whether there is any meat in the crotch.

Both are attached to the imperial power and exist.

If you are favored, you will be above Jiuqing, if you are not favored, you will fall below Jiuyuan.

But no matter whether they have two meats or not, they are still a group of villains who manipulate their power and seek personal gain.

Otherwise, Pan Jun would not have threatened to kill Lu Yi.

It can be seen from this that the resentment of Wu's officials towards the school office is comparable to that of the scholar-bureaucrats towards the eunuchs during the disaster of the Later Han Dynasty.

Pan Jun, who wanted to kill Lu Yi, was originally an official of Jingzhou appointed by the late emperor.

After the Wu people captured Jingzhou, all the generals and officials of Jingzhou surrendered.

In particular, Pan Jun was not only deeply trusted by Sun Quan, but also reused.

Pan Jun also reciprocated, and was extremely loyal to Sun Quan.

In troubled times, this kind of thing is nothing at all.

After all, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to work on.

But from Ji Han's point of view, it's a bit brooding.

So in Feng Guiwang's view, since Pan Jun is so loyal to Wu and can't wait to kill Lu Yi, I will support him.

If Sun Quan can do disgusting things, why can't I?

I can't disgust Sun Quan now, but it's okay to disgust you great Wu loyal ministers.

"Lv Yi and the others asked me for personal favours, but they are loyal to Sun Quan after all."

"If one day, they find out that brother has another purpose, what will they think?"

Feng Duhu smiled triumphantly:

"I don't think there will be such a day. Anyway, I never thought about asking Lu Yi and others to do something for us."

"According to what the school government has done before, what they want to do is actually what we are happy to see."

"Anyway, the big man doesn't need Wu's cooperation anymore, and he can deal with the Wei thief. I don't expect Sun Quan to lead the army to break Hefei."

"So it's better to let Lu Yi lead the school affairs office and let Wu Guo continue to fight internally."

Others dared to think about dealing with Wei thief and Wu Guo at the same time. Feng Duhu felt that it was normal for a big man to deal with Wei thief alone, right?

Deng Liangjiu was in Jincheng, so he didn't know much about the center.

Hearing Feng Duhu's words at this time, he already understood a little bit.

It seems that the big man already has too much hope for Wu Guo not to report.

In other words, the princes of the court believe that the current big man can destroy the Wei thief by himself.

In fact, not only the princes of the court, but also the mistress of Weiyang Palace reported this kind of confidence.

"Don't marry a daughter, want to marry a princess?"

Empress Zhang sat on the bamboo mat and looked at Mrs. Feng and Zhang with a slightly displeased look on her face:

"What does Feng Mingwen think? He doesn't like his daughter to be...the princess?"

Originally, I wanted to talk about becoming a queen, but thinking about it, His Majesty is at the peak of spring and autumn.

I am still very young, so it is not good to say that the daughter of the Feng family should be the queen.

So subconsciously changed his words and said it was the princess.

"He's not unhappy, he just dotes on his daughter, saying he's letting her choose."

Although both sisters are surnamed Zhang, one is Liu Zhang and the other is Feng Zhang.

Madam You naturally wanted to speak for her A Lang.

"Besides, isn't it marriage? Marrying a prince is no different than marrying a princess..."

Before Madam You could finish speaking, she was directly interrupted by the queen:

"What do you mean no difference? Can marrying a prince be the same as marrying a princess?"

"You didn't say that before." Mrs. You muttered a little dissatisfied.

"You also said that was in the past!" The queen raised her voice, staring at Madam You, a little annoyed, "Now you are Madam You!"

"Even if Your Majesty marries another princess to the Feng residence, what's the point?"

"But if the crown prince marries Feng's daughter and you are in Feng's house, then it's called being one with each other, understand?"

"I don't understand!" Mrs. You also has a temper, she deliberately didn't look at the queen, "A Lang and His Majesty's relationship between monarch and minister is extraordinary."

"Sis, you are too troublesome, so you have to ask someone to marry your daughter so you can rest assured?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What is troublesome? How can I worry about it?"

The queen scolded, seeing Madam You's complexion was not good-looking, and knew that she was angry, so she couldn't help but slow down her tone:

"You and I are dear sisters. Why do I want the crown prince to marry the daughter of the Feng family? Don't you know the reason?"

"This matter is not only beneficial to the prince, but also beneficial to the Feng family."

"Since you are married into the Feng family, you should make a good plan for the future of the Feng family..."

When Mrs. You heard the Queen's words, she immediately became more and more impatient:

"What plan does the Feng family need? To put it bluntly, even if the Feng family starts all over again, are they afraid?"

"Alang, what did you rely on to get started all these years? When did you rely on marriage?"

"Sister, I'm a member of Feng's family now, you always ask me to do these things, never thought about how difficult it is for me?"

Thinking of her dilemma in the mansion, she felt more aggrieved:

"I didn't say I didn't want to marry, I just said that both of us like it. A Lang's words have already been said to this extent, sister, don't you understand?"

"You have been hiding the prince in the palace, what good is it for the prince? How is this different from being born in the deep palace and growing up in the hands of a woman?"

"The first emperor started at the end of the century, fought in the world for dozens of years, and finally established his country in Shu. Your Majesty was born in a troubled time, and he was almost lost in the chaos when he was a baby."

"I grew up in Jingzhou when I was young, and then went to Shu with the late emperor. It is not easy to ascend the throne in times of crisis without being weak."

"Where is A Lang? Both civil and military skills are within the reach of few people. Mrs. Feng Jiazuo, Your Majesty personally conferred the title of General Zhendong."

Mrs. You pointed to herself again, "Even if I am Mrs. You, it's not too bad, right? At least I have helped Alang all these years."

"Tell me, born into such a family, how bad is Shuangshuang?"

"And what about the prince? Has he personally seen what it looks like outside the palace? Ever since you were a child, you wished you could hold him in your hand all the time so that he wouldn't suffer any grievances."

Sister has had such a hard time getting such a son over the years, it is understandable how she spoils the prince.

"As a courtier, Alang is indeed not qualified to comment on the affairs of the palace, but as an adult of Shuangshuang, do you think he will feel at ease and just hand over his daughter to the crown prince?"

Mrs. Right let out a long breath after she crackled and said such a paragraph.

I just feel that some grievances and resentments that have been buried in my heart for a long time have finally come out.

The queen did not expect Madam You's emotions to explode suddenly.

She stared blankly at Zhang Xingyi, as if she felt that the sister in front of her was a little strange.

It's just that she is a generation of heroines after all.

"Born in a deep palace, grew up in a woman's hands?"

The queen repeated Madam You's words, her face was a bit complicated.

Now that the words have been spoken, You Fu no longer hides them, and said:

"Born in a deep palace, grew up in the hands of a woman. I have never known sorrow, I have never known sorrow, I have never known labor, I have never known fear, I have never known danger."

The words come from "Xunzi Ai Gong".

"Sister, you don't know that the education in Feng's residence is extremely strict, even if Ah Chong is the eldest son, even if both are daughters."

"But if the two of them don't learn well on weekdays, it's common for them to be beaten. Moreover, the tiger girl of the Guan family did it herself, so they were almost hung up and whipped."

"The prince has grown up so much, are you willing to let him go through the board once?"

The queen stared at Madam You, and suddenly asked:

"Are these words said by Feng Mingwen, or in your heart?"

Mrs. You didn't seem to understand the meaning of the queen's words, and the expression on her face was full of indifference:

"Sister, are you underestimating me? I have known Alang for more than ten years. Don't I know what kind of person he is?"

"Others are rare about the position of crown princess, will he be rare? Compared with it, he is afraid that he wants his daughter to marry a lover who suits his heart."

"You mean, the crown prince is not a good man?" The queen's face became a little gloomy.

"Is it my beloved? Now that I'm still young, who can tell?"

Others are afraid of the queen's appearance, but Mrs. You is not, and she also has the confidence to not be afraid:

"Now it's just our two sisters here, sister, let's talk privately, my own nephew, sister, do you think if this continues, can you become a lover?"

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