Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1154 Food

Why are there no saints in the world?

Because the sage never has a heart.

A sage does not use his emotions to decide likes and dislikes, and to judge right from wrong.

No matter how powerful Zhang Xingcai is, she is far from reaching the realm of a saint, because she has always had her own likes and dislikes.

There are likes and dislikes, which means that there will be defects and deficiencies.

The early experience made Empress Zhang love her hard-won son very much.

It can be said that if you hold it in your mouth, you are afraid of melting, and if you hold it in your hand, you are afraid of falling.

I don't want the prince to be hurt a little bit.

Faced with the queen's repeated attempts to marry the daughter of the Feng family for the prince, Mrs. You finally couldn't help but expose a fact that Queen Zhang didn't want to face.

"Speaking of how hard it is to have a child, sister can be compared to the prime minister's wife? When Zhuge Zhan first met Feng's daughter, he was beaten up."

"The prime minister is unparalleled in intelligence, and his son is nothing more than mediocre in the eyes of Feng's daughter."

"How does my sister plan to educate the prince so that Feng's daughter can submit to the prince?"

Huang Yueying can also be regarded as a generation of strange women.

Over the years, Zhuge Zhan has basically been taken by her.

But in the eyes of Mrs. You, the fourteen-year-old Zhuge Zhan is already somewhat spoiled.

This son was not born in the deep palace, but it was indeed born in the hands of a woman - the prime minister's wife had a middle-aged son, far more than the empress.

In the last few years of the prime minister, he wanted to return to the old capital, and he didn't even have enough time to do government and military affairs, so he naturally neglected to discipline Zhuge Zhan.

Eldest brother Zhuge Qiao stayed in Nanzhong all the time and was not in the mansion, so he also had no way to take care of his younger brother on behalf of his father.

The consequence is that Zhuge Zhan's intelligence and handling ability are far from matching his age and status.

Zhuge Zhan has been studying in Feng's residence for a while, and Mrs. You is familiar with it.

In many cases, Mrs. You always felt that Zhuge Zhan was too indecisive, unable to make a clear judgment, procrastinating for a long time, which can be described as confused.

As the saying goes, "Those who are calm but not successful, who are soft and indecisive, who have no decision on likes and dislikes but have nothing to establish, will die."

This kind of personality, placed on Zhuge Zhan, is at best a mansion.

But if it is placed on the prince, it may cause the country to perish.

Although it is said that those who can die, it is not said that they must die.

But the prince will be the ruler of a country in the future, and the danger of subjugation must be guarded against.

If you know the danger but don't prevent it, the country will be in chaos.

It was precisely because of this worry that Mrs. You took the risk to remind the queen of this.

And with A Lang's identity and background—whether it is the teacher's school or the court—if the prince is really unfortunate, how can he marry his daughter into the palace with confidence?

If it were someone else, the status of prince might still be useful.

But in the eyes of descendants of the descendants of the Shanmen, they are really qualified not to value the status of the prince.

The queen's focus is not on this, but seeing her frown slightly:

"Feng's daughter beat Zhuge Zhan?"

When Mrs. You saw her elder sister like this, she knew that she didn't seem to have listened to what she wanted to say, so she sighed:

"Sister, Feng Ying was born to a tiger girl from the Guan family and grew up in a family like Feng's. Do you think she can be an ordinary noble girl?"

The queen looked at Madam You suspiciously:

"But how did I hear that the daughter of the Feng family has always been gentle and gentle, and she knows etiquette at a young age?"

Mrs. You snorted and laughed:

"My family, Alang, is still ruthless and merciless! Is it preventing him from becoming a pillar of a big man?"

Gentleness is for outsiders to see, and that is when they are willing to be gentle—do not believe you bring Ah Chong to her to have a look?

There is nothing wrong with knowing the etiquette, but that is when people are willing to follow the etiquette-if you don't believe me, you bring Ah Chong to her to have a look?

"As the saying goes, with a sharp weapon, the murderous intention starts. As Shuangshuang grows older, women's etiquette will naturally not be lacking, but they never said that they should give up martial arts."

Try to be reasonable if you can, and if you can't, then talk about physics.

Turn into like the wind, advance and retreat freely.

After all, who doesn't know that the knowledge of the Feng family is unfathomable?

Just like Feng Mansion.

The left and right wives have both literature and martial arts, and can speak both reason and physics.

Therefore, the vicious King Feng Gui, when facing his wives and concubines, has always been reasonable--smart words and tricks are always useful.

If the crown prince really married Feng's daughter, he couldn't hold her down. When the time came, she would talk about reasoning if she wanted to, and physics if she wanted to talk about physics.

Based on the queen's doting on the prince, do you want to take care of the affairs between the prince and his wife?

If you really want to manage it, how do you plan to manage it?

What about the Feng residence?

After hearing Madam You's words, the queen finally fell silent.

After a long time, he said:

"That's why Feng Mingwen said, let his daughter choose who she likes?"

Seeing sister like this, Mrs. You quickly nodded and said:

"If a woman really likes someone, no matter how strong she is, her attitude will be different after all. Sister is the most clear about this."

The first half of the sentence is quite reasonable, but...

"What do I know best?"

The queen was annoyed again immediately, "What do you mean?"

"Okay, okay," Mrs. You said with a smile, "Just like the tiger girl of the Guan family, okay?"

Empress Zhang glanced at Mrs. You, but said nothing.

I don't know if I was weighing the pros and cons, or if I really listened to Mrs. You's reminder.

In June of the third year of Yanxi, summer grains began to be harvested and stored in various places.

Shu and Liangzhou, for the first time in so many years, experienced a year-on-year decrease in grain production due to the reduction of arable land.

However, the output has not decreased much, and the impact is not significant.

Because the southern part of Sichuan has started to promote double-cropping rice in the past two years, which has offset part of the reduction in production.

However, the emperor of the Han family sympathized with the many disasters and disasters of his people, and ordered to reduce the tax collection in the first half of the year.

This move was greatly praised by the officials and the common people, who praised Adou for having the style of a wise king.

Especially in Shu, many people said that His Majesty is a fellow who never forgets the land where Ji Han was founded!

It just so happens that we can sell more to Wu Guo this year, why don't you praise it?

It's just that Guanzhong Bingzhou and other places have begun to restore people's livelihood after three years of rectification.

The tax collected by the imperial court as a whole, instead of decreasing, increased a little.

Compared with Ji Han's turmoil, Wu Di was full of wailing.

To the south of the big river, most of the crops are millet and rice, but there are also beans, and there is little wheat—that is to say, in the south of the Yangtze River, there is very little summer grain.

Regardless of whether it is millet, rice, or bean, it is basically planted in April and harvested in August at the earliest, and October at the latest.

(Note: In the Three Kingdoms period, double-cropping rice had not yet spread, so rice in the south of the Yangtze River was only harvested for one season, while the Central Plains could harvest wheat in summer and millet in autumn. This is also the reason why the ancient north was more developed.)

But now, from Jingzhou to Jiangdong, you can see stretches of fertile fields in the past. It is not because of the drought that the seeds were not planted in time, resulting in desertion.

Even the crops that were forcibly sown, because of insufficient water, the growth was short, and there was no way to grow seeds.

Planting precious grains, but in the end they got this kind of result.

Many farmers squatted on the ground, looking at the crops that were half shorter than in previous years, and finally couldn't help crying with their heads in their hands.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Zhuge Jin, who was guarding Nanyang County, hurried to Wuchang and suggested to Mu Luxun of Jingzhou:

"Jingzhou's grain harvest has become a fact. This year's people must be hard-pressed. Please ask your majesty to exempt Jingzhou from taxes and find ways to relieve the disaster."

Unexpectedly, when Lu Xun heard the words, he let out a long sigh:

"How could I not know what Ziyu said? Before that, I wrote a letter to His Majesty stating the situation in Jingzhou this year."

"It's just that your majesty has not responded, because your majesty is also in trouble. As far as I know, this year, no matter whether it is Jingzhou or Jiangdong, Dawu is short of food."

"Nowadays, not to mention disaster relief, but tax exemption, that is already rare."

"What I am most worried about is that the tax will be collected according to the previous year's share."

When Zhuge Jin heard what Lu Xun said, she was a little horrified:

"In this way, isn't it going to stir up a civil uprising?"

"Even in a normal year, the national use is still insufficient, so what can I do?"

The top general who nominally governs half of the country of Wu is far more aware of Wu's financial situation than anyone else.

If not, why has Da Wu made so much money every year these years?

Lu Xun looked at Zhuge Jin and continued:

"Ziyu, you are from Jingzhou, and Zhuge's family can be regarded as one of the big families in Jingzhou. This year's Jingzhou incident requires your efforts."

Zhuge Jin remained silent.

He understood that what the general said was nothing more than asking him to persuade the Jingzhou family to provide more money and food to help tide over this difficult time.

Over the years, His Majesty has appointed the Great General to command the west of Wuchang.

But Jingzhou is actually controlled by Zhuge Jin.

Especially in the past few years, after Sun Quan began to alienate Lu Xun, he consciously deprived Lu Xun of some rights in the west.

Compared with Lu Xun, Zhuge Jin and Sun Quan have been engaged in each other for many years, and their kindness is like flesh and blood, and they have vowed that life and death will not be easy.

It is also easier for Sun Quan to trust Zhuge Jin's virtue and benevolence.

The most important thing is Zhuge Jin's identity, which can better appease the Jingzhou family.

But which aristocratic family in this world only has the reason to contribute in vain and not ask for it?

Under the rule of Great Wu, Jingzhou has always been relatively stable.

The Jingzhou family contributed a lot.

But in contrast, they also have something to ask for.

Just like the Great General, who was born in one of the four surnames of Wu County, can he ask every family in Wu County to donate money and food to the court at this time?

You are loyal to the emperor, you are patriotic, and you have to be valued by His Majesty. It is actually very simple to get your fathers and villagers to support you.

Anyway, bring some benefits back to my hometown.

It doesn't matter whether you help the villagers, give some policies, or even find some ways.

If there is a relationship, that is called friendship.

If you really want to force others to contribute freely like you, even your fathers and villagers will think about expulsing you from your hometown.

What is the biggest request of the Jingzhou family now?

brown sugar.

A share of brown sugar traded for jaggery.

A share of brown sugar in exchange for jaggery made from sugar cane.

There are also various materials transshipped from Shu.

No matter how high the price of food is, it cannot be higher than the price of various good things passed down from Shu.

Besides, no matter how high the grain price is, if you sell it, you will get a lot of iron money in exchange-who likes a big iron money that is not as good as every year?

It would be more beneficial to exchange tickets with Ji Han for supplies.

Materials, especially the materials of the Shu Han, are the hard currency of Jingzhou.

So even if Zhuge Jin was a great general, he would not dare to stop the folks in Jingzhou from buying and selling supplies from Shu.

Otherwise, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

At that time, this family will pay less money, and the other family will pay less food. What will the military officials in Jingzhou eat? what to wear?

Can those garrison fields alone support them?

Besides, it is uncertain whether those military leaders who own the farmland will stab them in the back.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Jin couldn't help but said with some embarrassment:

"The great general, the families in Jingzhou, no matter how determined they are to contribute to the country, it will be difficult for them to provide so much food."

Lu Xun is originally a son of a family, so why doesn't he know the virtues of a big family?

It's just that he himself is the representative of the Jiangdong family, so how can he have any position to criticize others?

"I also know Tzuyu's difficulties. I just try my best, and let them pay as much as I can."

Only then did Zhuge Jin nod his head, as a response.

The situation was urgent, and Zhuge Jin didn't dare to stay in Wuchang. After knowing that there was no news from the court for the time being, he hurried back to Nanyang.

It has just entered summer, and most people may still have some basic food in their homes.

Barely survived.

But Jiangnan is not comparable to the Central Plains and Shu.

There is not much summer grain to be harvested, and the harvest mainly depends on the autumn grain-the northern part of Jingzhou, which can seriously harvest summer grain, still belongs to the State of Wei.

This is why the whole world was in a drought, but Wu was the most seriously injured.

In the current situation, it would be good to cut the autumn grain by half.

If there is a real shortage of half of the food, it is not just as simple as doubling the price of food, but it will rise until half of the people starve to death.

Zhuge Jin returned to Jingzhou, and hurriedly summoned the representatives of the big families:

"My lords, this year's grain shortage in Jingzhou has become a fact. Whether Jingzhou can survive this hurdle depends on your lords."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't speak immediately.

When Zhuge Jin saw it, his heart sank.

What does it mean?

Could it be that my face is already so bad?

Seeing that Zhuge Ziyu, who has always been grand and elegant, looked unhappy, someone finally said cautiously:

"Don't tell me the general doesn't know?"

"Know what?"

"The school office has already informed us and asked us to pay for food from Yong'an. At this time, the food has already left from Yong'an."

When Zhuge Jin heard it, he was shocked:

"When did this happen? Why don't I know?"

"Three months ago, we made an appointment with the school office. The general has never been involved in the affairs of the west, so naturally we dare not tell the general."

In fact, in order to monopolize the credit, the school affairs office did prevent the families in Jingzhou from mentioning it to Zhuge Jin and others easily.

Besides, when Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Ji Han Dynasty, was alive in the past, in order to avoid suspicion, Zhugejin wrote letters either to talk about state affairs or private affairs at home.

As for a family that sent a caravan to the country of Han and wanted to get convenience from him, it was impossible to even think about it.

In the early years, the school affairs office went too far, and the generals and others went up to his majesty, saying that the school affairs office was wrong.

But Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, Zhu Ran, Lu Dai and others remained silent, obviously not wanting to conflict with the school affairs office.

Now this matter is led by the school affairs office.

Even if the general really knows, what can he do?

Could it be uncharacteristically mixed into it?

So it doesn't make any difference whether you say it or not.

Sure enough, Zhuge Jin stopped talking when he heard that it was related to the school affairs office.

Just a question:

"Shu, is there really food to help Jingzhou?"

Everyone laughed and said:

"Why do you need to worry, General? We have already sent someone to check. Not to mention anything else, I heard that in Jiangzhou alone, two crops of rice can be planted in a year."

"Now their rice has already formed ears, and it will be ready to harvest in more than a month."

When Zhuge Jin heard the words, there was a look of horror on his face:

"Planting two crops of rice a year? How amazing is the farming technique of the Han Dynasty?"

If so, wouldn't it be said that the rice production in the south of Shu could be doubled?

"It is rumored that Zhang Boqi (i.e. Zhang Yi), the prefect of Jiangzhou, used to be Feng Duhu's subordinate. When he guarded Jiangzhou, he got a good seed from Feng Duhu. I don't know if it is true or not..."

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