Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1155 Experts

In the farming era, why was the northern central plains far more developed than the south at the beginning?

Under the same situation of war, why is the recovery ability of the northern Central Plains much faster than that of the south?

Because before Jiangnan was fully developed, double-cropping rice was not popularized.

The grain production in the north and south of the Yangtze River is not at the same level.

If a person lives, he must eat, if he does not eat, he must starve to death.

Even in the industrial information age of later generations, food is one of the main tools for some big countries to influence and even control the world.

Not to mention that in the farming era, the output of food directly determined the upper limit of a country's population.

The food production and population determine the upper limit of a country's national strength.

As for whether the potential can be realized, that is the business of those in power.

A spring drought caused the country of Wu to mourn everywhere. It was only midsummer, and many people were doomed to have no crops this year. They couldn't imagine what kind of tragedy it would be in winter.

For Wei Guo, this spring drought is worse, so he can only replant some more beans, praying for more autumn grain harvest.

As for the Han Dynasty, the little fat man is still in the mood to reduce taxes-at worst, he will eat more seafood from Soochow this year.

After all, Wu's money is worthless, so we can only exchange special products for supplies.

At the same time, many people in Shu were secretly thinking about how much room to increase the price of grain sold to Wu.

This is the most concrete manifestation of the productivity of each country.

This drought that has spread all over the country has also made the Wei and Wu countries completely exposed - Ji Han is wearing a pair of safety pants.

"Put on your pants and go out!"

The Wuyuan County School on the edge of the river built two large pools, diverted water into them, and became a good place for school students to cool off from the summer heat.

Li Balang, transferred from Liangzhou, is already the magistrate of Wuyuan County.

It would be much easier if he could stay in the border area with difficult conditions for a few years and be promoted to a county magistrate later.

After becoming the county magistrate, even if he officially established a firm foothold in the officialdom of the Han Dynasty.

It’s just that most of the population of Wuyuan County are workers and family members of the Xinghan Society’s ironworks.

So for Li Xiancheng in Wuyuan County, in the past three years, if he said it was easy, it was easy, because he didn't have much to do.

But if you say it's hard work, it's hard work.

Because the dignified magistrate of a county actually has to work part-time to manage the students in the classroom.

The employees of the ironworks are both Han and Hu, and the children are naturally a mixture of Han and Hu.

Hu people's children don't have the habit of taking a bath frequently.

It's okay in winter, but in midsummer it's such a hot day, if you don't take a bath, you will really stink to death.

Poor hygienic habits, if there is an epidemic, it will be even more fatal.

So the school would drive them like ducks to take a bath in the pool - and at the same time cool off from the heat.

Children around the age of ten are just at the age of jumping off like a monkey. After having fun, if they don't pay attention, they rush out naked.

So Li Xiancheng had to keep a close eye on them.

These Hu people's children are said to be students, but in fact their parents have already signed a semi-prostitution contract with the Xinghan Society for them.

In the future, I will have to work for Xinghanhui for at least ten years before I can leave.

For Xinghanhui, it is a pre-determined workforce for the next ten years.

For the Hu people, it is someone who guarantees their children's food and clothing for the next ten years.

Both parties feel that they have made money.

As for what the person concerned will think when he grows up, no one cares.

Want to get rid of this fate, unless they can be admitted to the Royal Academy.

But this is almost impossible.

How many students does the college accept in a year?

For a school with a mixture of Han and Hu, like Dahe Ironworks School, if one or two students will enter the academy in the next two years, that would be a consolation.

So Li Xiancheng was not afraid of revenge, and when he caught disobedient students, he played vigorously.

Not far from the school, there is a tall water wheel, which is constantly turning.

The water drawn from the big river is pumped into the canal by the water truck, and then flows into the newly opened fields along the canal to nourish the crops.

Some spring wheat has been planted on both sides of the river, and it is almost ready to be harvested—to the south of Qiaoshan, winter wheat is planted, that is, it is planted in autumn and harvested in the next summer.

In the Hetao area north of Qiaoshan, spring wheat is grown, which is planted in spring and harvested in late summer.

The taste of spring wheat is not as good as that of winter wheat, and the yield is also lower than that of winter wheat.

It's just that in this day and age, being able to eat is a gift from God, who cares if it's good or not?

So taste is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that spring wheat has a very big advantage, that is, drought tolerance.

This point allows it to be planted north and west of the farming line, which is extremely precious.

It's just that the old land of Jiuyuan is basically recultivated cultivated land.

In order to ensure the harvest, more millet and bean that are better adapted to the environment than spring wheat have been planted in the past two years.

Between the wheat and millet, there are some taro fields.

Five wheat and one taro or five millet and one taro can ensure that people will not starve to death when there is a famine.

This data, in other places, is ten wheat and one taro.

Since the five original places are new places, the most important thing is to ensure the supply of food first.

The output of taro is large, and after being ground into powder and mixed with flour, it can be regarded as rations.

Others are still eating barley rice that breaks the voice, and the people of the big man have started to eat flour. Who would dare to dislike it?

And taro flour can also be made into cold noodle and jelly, which is just right for eating in summer.

So there is no need to worry about the surplus of taro reserves.

But taro needs a lot of water and fertilizer.

That is to say, a group like the Xinghanhui that has the ability to organize, has waterwheels to pump water, and has pastures to produce fertilizers.

Coupled with the guidance of agricultural experts, taro can be purposefully grown in large quantities to prepare for famine.

As for people like Wu Guo, even if someone knows that taro can prevent famine, who would do such a thankless thing?

Even if you want to do it, you have to have the strength to do it.

Again, the real development of a country needs to systematically lay a solid foundation.

Instead of learning a few new technologies, I just want to develop by leaps and bounds.

Take taro planting as an example. Because of the surplus of food, Ji Han can promote the breeding of livestock on a large scale.

Captive breeding can better accumulate manure, which in turn will further help increase food production.

As long as the family has a small-scale captive livestock and grows taro on one or two acres of land, it is naturally affordable.

However, the Wei and Wu countries, which did not have an advanced posture, even lacked fertilizer for growing crops, let alone growing taro.

After Li Xiancheng finished playing the little sparrow, he arranged food for the children before they could rest.

And on the edge of the big river not far away, someone was busier than him.

Li Xu walked on the ground, bending down from time to time to look at the ears of wheat that had begun to turn golden.

Xu Xun, the guard of the Jiuyuan Governor's Mansion, who is also Li Xu's elder brother, followed her and asked:

"San Niang, how about it? When will the grain be harvested? I might as well inform the Dudu Mansion so that they can prepare in advance."

Li Xu circled around, looked up at the yellow and green field, with a satisfied smile on his face:

"Brother, the wheat can be harvested in half a month."

She looked at her brother Cong, "I've done the calculations. The entire Governor's Mansion, from Gaoque to Wuyuan, should produce enough grain this year. There is no need to transport grain from Guanzhong and Bingzhou."

Xu Xun nodded: "That would be great. I heard that there is a spring drought in the interior this year, and the harvest is worse than in previous years."

"I never thought about our place, but this year is better than last year."

Li Xu's eyes fell on those high and low waterwheels, and his expression was quite emotional:

"Henan land (Note: Hetao was called Henan land before the Ming Dynasty, which means south of the big river) is surrounded by big rivers, and there are droughts in other places. As long as we can find a way to divert the water from the big river to irrigate here, we don't have to worry about water shortage."

"If it is cultivated properly, maybe it can become a granary, and it will be called Xiaoguanzhong or even Xiaotianfu in the future. I am afraid it is not impossible."

Xu Xun did not have such big ambitions, he shook his head: "I dare not compare with Guanzhong, although Jiuyuan is not short of water, but the land is not as fertile as Guanzhong."

Li Xu did not answer this question. In her opinion, since it is a small Guanzhong, it must not be compared with the real Guanzhong, but it is enough to show that it is a suitable place for farming.

However, she saw that Xu Xun seemed a little absent-minded, and she didn't seem to be moved by this year's harvest in Henan, so she couldn't help asking curiously:

"Brother doesn't seem very happy?"

Xu Xun sighed:

"Henan is self-sufficient in food, which is a happy event. But the first place in the city is not just for farming."

Calling the head of the meeting rather than the protector of the Central Committee is naturally about Xinghanhui.

Heping City in Wuyuan County started construction at the same time. Now there are coal mines and iron mines in Pingcheng. It is said that there has been a lot of recruitment.

In Wuyuan County, iron ore was discovered earlier than in Pingcheng, but coal was not found for a long time, which is embarrassing.

Therefore, Wuyuan County has to speed up the progress, otherwise, all the Hu people will be recruited away by Pingcheng.

He shouldn't have said this kind of thing.

But this concubine in front of him was originally intended to be sent to the couch in Zhongdu with his own hands, but it is a pity that he has never engaged in marriage and was not favored by others.

By mistake, she became the wife of the brother-in-law who was the concubine's concubine in Zhongdu.

However, this girl's status in the Xinghan Club is not low.

So these words, it doesn't matter to her.

Li Xu always only cares about farming, she turned her head and looked at Yinshan Mountain to the north.

The Yinshan Mountain is lush and lush, unlike the sparse forests in later generations.

Because at this time, the forest resources of Yinshan Mountain have not been developed.

At most, from the former Qin Dynasty to the former Han Dynasty, the Huns used the forests of Yinshan Mountain as materials for bows and arrows.

"I remember that before coke was produced in Nanxiang, although coal was also used to make iron, wasn't charcoal mostly used?"

Li Xu had some doubts, "Since we can't find coal, it's okay to burn charcoal and make iron with so many trees on Yinshan Mountain?"

Xu Xun nodded:

"I came here this time for this purpose. The matter of iron making cannot be delayed any longer. If it really doesn't work, it can only be done by cutting wood and burning charcoal."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Xu seriously:

"I remember you said before that if the forest is destroyed excessively, it will easily cause the land to be barren and unfavorable for farming."

"That's why I was most afraid of your opposition to cutting the trees in the Yin Mountain, but I didn't expect that now you also support burning charcoal and iron."

Li Xu pointed to the continuous Yin Mountains:

"With so many trees, how many trees can be used in a year? As long as the planning is proper, it will be fine to cut down one by one and make up for one by one."

"What I'm afraid of is that there will be no replanting. If there is no vegetation to protect the water and soil, then no matter how fertile the land will be, it will become an uncultivable wasteland."

As she spoke, she pointed to the side of the guide again.

Qin Zhidao is like a huge dragon, winding south.

"From here to Chang'an, in the middle of Shangjun, many places have begun to desertify. It is because of excessive grazing that the vegetation did not grow, so it became like that."

"If you don't pay attention, Qin Zhidao may be covered by sand one day."

As an agricultural expert, Li Xu has more professional knowledge than others in agriculture.

After repeatedly studying agricultural books such as "The Book of Fansheng" and "Simin Yueling", Li Xu combined his experience over the years and came up with the idea of ​​writing an agricultural book by himself.

This is a very bold, and although I don't know if it is unprecedented, it is definitely an unprecedented approach.

Because there has never been a woman in history who has written in this regard.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't even dare to think about it.

But over the years, Li Xu's insight is beyond the reach of ordinary women.

More importantly, her idea has received strong support from the Central Guard.

Zhongduhu said that as long as she can really sum it up, she will definitely let people print it out.

This is Li Yan in Three Immortals.

With the biggest goal in life, Li Xu devoted himself to agricultural research.

She even went to the desert in Upper County herself to investigate the effects of soil erosion.

Xu Xun didn't care whether it was deserted or not, he came to Wuyuan County to meet Li Xu this time, wasn't it just to wait for her words?

"San Niang, look at the whole big man, besides the Central Guard, who else can compare to you in this matter of farming?"

To put it bluntly, the big man has increased the production of so much grain over the years, and his younger sister has a lot of credit for it.

If she hadn't been a daughter, she might have been an official in the court, and it would be a good idea to compete for the chief minister in the future.

"As long as you are sure that cutting the forests of Yin Mountain to make iron will not hinder the farming of Henan, then this matter is safe."

Only then did Li Xu come to his senses, and said with a smile:

"It turns out that brother is waiting for me here."

She looked at the grain field beside the big river, then at the Yinshan Mountain in the north, and finally nodded:

"It's okay, but you have to make sure that you have to plan well and don't cut down trees indiscriminately."

Xu Xun hurriedly said:

"That's natural. If Sanniang is worried, I ask you to take care of this matter and help us plan it."

"With Sanniang's help, the Zhongduhu side will be able to gain a lot of confidence."

Zhong Duhu is now in charge of a country's political affairs, and his status is quite different from before.

If you continue to let him do this kind of thing by himself, wouldn't it be true that so many younger brothers under him are all free?

And if one is not handled well, it is easy to fall into the trap.

So all they have to do is to make all the preparations.

Then Zhongduhu pushed it smoothly, this is called cooperation, and this is called being able to do things.

I saw Li Xu shaking his head:

"Whether to help or not, it's all for the big man."

In the tone of voice, there is quite the wind of a woman who does not give way to her eyebrows.

Anyway, farming in Henan has been on the right track, so it is also good to take advantage of this opportunity to do research on forest trees and cultivated land in the land beyond the Great Wall.

"Then I would like to thank San Niang."

Xu Xun thought that this trip would take a lot of talking, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. Overjoyed, he even bowed his hands and saluted.

As long as it can cut firewood and burn charcoal in the Yin Mountain, the Dahe Ironworks will be officially opened.

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