Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1160 Cable Head

Although in these years, I don't know how many Hu people died directly or indirectly at the hands of Feng Duhu.

Not to mention how many Hu people have become laborers.

But one thing is undeniable.

There are more Hu people, because of Feng Duhu's various measures, thus ending the life of living by water, naked and precarious.

Divide the pastures, raise cattle and sheep in captivity, exchange wool for food and other necessities, and even work in various workshops to ensure the stable life of the family...

When the prime minister of the Han Dynasty went south in the past, I don’t know how many barbarians lost their families in the war.

But now the Southern Zhongyi people call the prime minister the same as grandpa.

According to the current trend, Feng Duhu might be called Grandpa Feng by the barbarians in the grassland in the future.

As for Grandpa Feng's name, whether it will be passed down for thousands of years like Grandpa Zhuge, no one can say for sure.

But it is foreseeable that during the Han dynasty, as long as people and things on the grassland are involved, Grandpa Feng must be a character that cannot be avoided.

Grandpa Feng... Ah bah, it doesn't count now, it should be called Feng Duhu.

Feng Duhu inspected the Northland, from Qin Zhidao to Jiuyuan, focusing on Wuyuan County.

Also give instructions:

The forests in Henan and Yinshan have been regarded as frontier fortresses since ancient times, equal to the status of pass.

Now to cut wood and burn charcoal, we must adhere to the principle of cutting one wood and planting two trees.

After giving instructions, Feng Duhu cordially met with the local people and asked them about the difficulties they encountered in their lives.

Feng Duhu was most concerned about the learning environment of the children in the Biandi School.

He came to the school in person, inspected the environment of the border school, and encouraged the children to study hard and make progress every day.

As one of the most important figures in the court, Feng Duhu's trip already had a lot of political implications behind it.

This time I came to Jiuyuan, on the surface, to inspect the Northland, but its main purpose was to endorse the Wuyuan Iron Workshop.

After staying in Jiuyuan for more than a month, the weather in the north has begun to turn cold.

Taking advantage of the crisp autumn weather, Feng Duhu left Jiuyuan, turned east, and headed for Pingcheng.

In the market outside Pingcheng, the last batch of Hu people from the grassland were packing their goods one after another, preparing to rush back to the tribe before the snow fell in the north.

Feng Duhu, who came from Jiuyuan, took the same road that he attacked Bingzhou back then.

It's just that the Baideng Mountain Road, which was once blocked by the Xieguini faction, has now become a commercial road connecting the grassland.

The more people come and go, the more lively it will be.

But sometimes too lively is not necessarily a good thing.

On a certain main mountain road, two tribes who came and went met, and for some reason, a dispute broke out suddenly.

"Dou Huiti, what do you mean? On such a wide road, all your carriages and horses are blocked, and you still won't let people go?"

But seeing the tribe returning from Pingcheng and preparing to return to the grassland, someone shouted:

"I'm sorry, Tuoba Desert Khan, my servant, I didn't tie up the cargo firmly, and it fell apart when I got here, and I'm retying it now."

"Otherwise, you turn around and go another way?"

There is more than one path for Baishan Mountain, but halfway through, and then turning around and changing paths again, at least one day will be wasted.

The leader of the blocked tribe was a tall young barbarian with a rather handsome face.

At least among the slovenly prairie barbarians, it can be regarded as a rare appearance.

But seeing the clansmen behind him all had faces full of anger.

On the contrary, although the young man called Tuoba Desert Khan looked gloomy, he was still able to hold his breath:

"Dou Huiti, if your servants made mistakes, they should be punished and warned, and make up for the mistakes as soon as possible, instead of blocking the road and making people unable to walk because of their mistakes."

"Our two races have fought against the enemy together at any rate. In view of our previous friendship, can you ask the servants to move the goods that are in the way so that we can go there first?"

It's just that he didn't say that, but when he said it, Dou Huiti immediately said sarcastically, as if he had heard a big joke:

"Affection? Yoyo, so you know what affection is? Your lord, who did you marry? As your lord's son, don't tell me you don't know anything when you meet me?"

As soon as these words came out, Tuoba Desert Khan choked.

His face twitched, his face was extremely ugly.

"Dou Huiti, don't bully people too much!"

Seeing the embarrassment of the young patriarch, the clansmen behind Tuoba Desert Khan almost drew their swords.

Dou replied that he was not afraid, but just sneered:

"It's you who talk about love, and it's you who don't want to talk about seniority, why? Are you still thinking of doing it now?"

"Come, come, let me see if you have the guts to dare to use a knife. I will stand here today and let you chop!"

Tuoba Desert Khan reached out to stop the clansman who was about to rush out, and shouted:

"Don't move!"

Although the Han people did not set up a sentry tower in this place, those who came here all agreed that the surrounding area was considered the territory of the Han people.

In the territory of the Han people, we must abide by the rules of the Han people.

Unless you don't intend to trade goods here.

Unless you think you can beat the fine cavalry of the Han people.

Otherwise, if my side really had to move the weapon first, then I would never even think about coming to Pingcheng again in this life.

And while Han Qi is rushing over, run as far as possible.

Seeing that Tuoba Desert Khan was not fooled, Dou Hui was a little surprised.

If the guess is correct, the other party should be here for the first time, but I didn't expect to know the rules here so well.

But Tuoba Desert Khan took a deep breath and slowed down his tone:

"Uncle, can you let us pass here as soon as possible for the sake of mother?"

Seeing that winter is approaching, the market in Pingcheng may be closed at any time.

Even if it is not closed, if it is one day late, there will be one less commodity that can be traded.

The most important thing is that behind him, there are a group of clansmen.

If he shows weakness at this time, how can he explain to the adults?

How to convince the people in the clan in the future?

So Tuoba Desert Khan naturally didn't want to change his way.

But the one my lord married was Dou Huiti's younger sister.

So no matter how unwilling Tuoba Desert Khan was, Dou Huiti was still his uncle in terms of seniority.

Although the adult and Dou Huiti have a bad relationship, but it is Dou Bin, the adult of Dou Huiti, who has a life-threatening friendship.

Otherwise, how could Dou Bin marry his daughter to an adult?

When Dou Huiti's people heard Tuoba Desert Khan calling his uncle, they burst into laughter on the spot.

Seeing that Dou Huiti still didn't intend to let people move the goods, Tuoba Desert Khan was about to speak, when suddenly a group of people crowded up from behind, with a look of horror on their faces:

"My lord, there is a team of elite cavalry coming from behind, they are extremely elite, it seems to be the Han army..."


How could the Han army come from the north?

And why did you come here at this time?

He was hesitating, but he saw commotion in the rear.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Before Tuoba Desert Khan figured out what was going on behind him, several cavalrymen of the Han army had already forced a way out of the crowd and rushed straight over.

Glancing at the scene that was clearly the center of the accident, the leading general of the Han Army rode on a horse and asked condescendingly:

"What happened? Why can't you leave?"

Not only was his attitude condescending, but even his tone was a bit arrogant and domineering.

But Dou Huiti, who originally wanted to make things difficult for Tuoba Desert Khan, changed his face drastically.

Before Tuoba Desert Khan could speak, he had already stood up one step ahead, nodded and bowed and said:

"My lord, this is the negligence of our servants. They didn't tie up the goods exchanged from Pingcheng, and they were scattered on the way. We are cleaning them up, and they will be ready soon, and they will be ready soon!"

The general of the Han army sat on the horse and took a look, and found that some goods had indeed fallen on the ground.

Immediately, he said impatiently:

"Quickly clear the way!"

"Yes, yes, right now, right now, right now, right now!"

Although the elite cavalry in front of them were only wearing leather armor, they were far stronger than the Han army he saw in Pingcheng, whether it was horses, weapons, or even the unconcealable murderous aura on their bodies.

Obviously, someone who can send out such fine horses to explore the way is not something they can offend.

After blocking Tuoba Desert Khan's Dou Huiqi for a long time, all the goods were cleared to the side of the road in less than a moment, giving up most of the road surface.

After a while, the cavalry of the Han army with bright armor and sharp weapons came high-spirited.

The banners are split, the halberds are like a forest, and the momentum is amazing.

This is definitely a formation that only noble people travel.

Whether it was Dou Huiti or Tuoba Desert Khan, they didn't dare to look up at all. They stood by the side of the road, bowed their hands and held their breath.

Under the coercion of the Han army's fine cavalry at close range, many of their tribes even prostrated themselves on the ground involuntarily, touching the ground with their foreheads.

I don't know how long it took, after the mighty Han army passed by, many people were still dazzled, and they didn't recover for a long time.

Tuoba Desert Khan, on the other hand, looked at the smoke and dust raised by the Han army, his eyes were full of confusion.

Even if he is considered a figure in the clan, but at this moment, he is full of thoughts, but there is only one voice echoing:

"Is this the prestige of the Han family? It's really shocking, and people can't help but feel frightened..."

Feeling emotional, he was the first to come back to his senses, and hurriedly asked people to follow behind the Han army, passed through Dou Huiti's troops, and headed towards Pingcheng.

It doesn't matter whether someone is leading such an elite division, or this elite division is guarding a noble person.

Anyone who sees such a big battle, everyone knows that a big man has come to Pingcheng.

Many people are guessing, who is this big shot?

But soon, everyone no longer has to guess.

Because word spread the next day:

General You Hussar of the Great Han Dynasty led Pingcheng County Marquis and Feng Zhongduhu to inspect the Northland.

After Tuoba Desert Khan heard about it, and recalled yesterday's battle, he couldn't help feeling a little bit stunned:

"So it was Feng Duhu who came here, no wonder!"

Thinking of how he passed by the legendary Feng Duhu, he sighed again.

How great would it be if I had the honor to meet Feng Duhu at that time?

It's just that the cruelty in reality told him:

Not to mention seeing Feng Duhu, even if he wanted to see Colonel Hu Xianbei, that was something that was out of reach.

In fact, Tuoba Desert Khan didn't just come to Pingcheng this time to exchange goods.

He represents the adults, to see if he can establish a good relationship with the Han people.

It's just that he went to Hu Xianbei Xiaowei's mansion to see him a few days ago, but he couldn't even enter the door.

This frustrates him greatly.

Although these years, under the leadership of the adults, the tribe has continued to grow, and many old Xianbei tribes have come to join them.

Now there are more than 100,000 people who control strings, making the Dingling people who went south from Mobei famous and avoid them.

But in the eyes of the Han people, they are still just larger tribes on the grassland, no different from other tribes.

After all, the Han soldiers are strong and strong, and they are as strong as Ke Bineng, and they are all wiped out.

In today's frontier fortress, only the Hu people seek from the Han people, how can the Han people seek from the Hu people?

His own tribe is neither close to the frontier, nor can it be compared with Ke Bineng, so it is naturally impossible to be valued by the Han people.

Seeing him was repeatedly rejected, and Tuoba Desert Khan was so distressed that he went to the only restaurant in Pingcheng to drink away his sorrow.

Seeing that it was almost winter, if he failed to ask for a meeting, he had to lead the clansmen to leave Pingcheng and return to the clan.

How will I explain to the adults then?


Tuoba Desert Khan drank a glass of wine, and then heaved a long sigh.

While I was thinking about it, I heard someone from the side seat say:

"There is a way to raise a glass to relieve sorrow and sorrow. My lord, I see that the barbarians from the desert came to Pingcheng, and they returned full of joy. Why did they come to you with a sad face instead?"

"Raise a glass to relieve your sorrow and worry more? Good sentence!"

Tuoba Desert Khan's eyes lit up, and he followed the prestige, but saw a man in extraordinary clothes sitting there, surrounded by guards behind him, he knew at a glance that he was not a simple person.

It's just that this man, although he is dressed in extraordinary clothes, looks like a hunchback. He doesn't look like a scribe, but like a general leading an army.

If it weren't for the faintly visible nobility, it would be hard to believe that such a beautiful sentence came from his mouth.

"I see that Mr. Lang has an extraordinary bearing. If it weren't for this leather robe, he would not be of the same kind as that ordinary barbarian. That's why he was so curious to strike up a conversation. No wonder."

Although this remark sounded a bit contemptuous of the barbarians, it was actually praising Tuoba Desert Khan for being different from ordinary barbarians.

Hu people have been looked down upon by Han people for hundreds of years.

This person's words, in the ears of Tuoba Desert Khan, are not considered offensive.

In addition, Tuoba Desert Khan admired the culture of the Han family on weekdays. At this time, he heard the phrase "raise your glass to relieve your sorrow and worry more", which already made him want to clap the table and applaud.

"Hu Yi's people, it's a fluke to be able to get into Mr.'s eyes, how dare you speak strangely?"

Tuoba Desert Khan got up, straightened his robe a little embarrassedly, bowed his hands and said:

"Tuoba Desert Khan on the head of Xianbei Suo, may I ask Mr. Gao's surname?"

"My surname is Feng."

The man sat there with a big face, just bowed his hands in return, and didn't get up.

Not only is the tone rude, but the actions are even more rude.

But the more he behaved like this, the more Tuoba Desert Khan believed that this Mr. Feng must be a distinguished nobleman.

"Mr. Tuoba came from the head of Xianbei Suo?"

Mr. Feng tilted his head slightly, and thought for a while:

"I remember that the head of Xianbei Suo moved to Changchuan a few years ago, which is not close to here. How did Lord Tuoba come here?"

Tuoba Desert Khan was shocked when he heard this:

"Sir, you know a lot! I did come from Changchuan, and I just arrived a few days ago."

At the same time, he felt more and more that the nobleman in front of him, who was guarded by the guards, was unfathomable.

"What are you doing here?"

The two only spoke a few words and asked people like this, but this Mr. Feng didn't seem to feel embarrassed at all.

"Naturally exchange the supplies needed by the clan..."

Before he finished speaking, Tuoba Desert Khan saw a half-smile on Mr. Feng's face.

I saw the other party raised his glass and took a sip, but didn't answer.

Although silent, everything is in silence.

Tuoba Desert Khan swallowed the rest of the words involuntarily.

Although this Mr. Feng's expression is plain, but his eyes are too sharp, which makes Tuoba Desert Khan feel like he has been seen.

It makes people feel that if you lie in front of him, it will only be treated as a joke.

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