Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1161 The Third Rise of the Xianbei People

"When I was in Liangzhou, I heard rumors about the Tuoba family in Xianbei: Tuoba Jiefen has no wife's family, and Tuoba Liwei has no uncle's family."

Mr. Feng took a chopstick, picked up a piece of food on the plate, and symbolically put it in his mouth to chew twice.

Then he put down the chopsticks, and looked at Tuoba Desert Khan on the opposite side:

"The current leader of Tuoba Xianbei is still Tuoba Liwei?"

Hearing the nobleman mention his lord, Tuoba Desert Khan, who had just sat down, quickly stood up again, and replied respectfully:

"Aye is naturally still an adult of the tribe."

Seeing Tuoba Desert Khan's words and deeds, Feng narrowed his eyes invisibly.

In most people's minds, Tuoba Desert Khan came from Suotou, which was not much different from the tribes on the grassland.

Because there are too many tribes on the grassland now.

Not to mention the origin of the Xianbei people, it is really too complicated.

After the complete decline of the Huns, Xianbei took the opportunity to annex more than 100,000 of them, occupying the land of Monan.

Over the years, the Dingling people and Gaoche people in Mobei have also been going south, so disputes with the Xianbei people were inevitable.

So the Xianbei people merged with some of the Dingling people and Gaoche people in Mobei.

After Wuhuan was defeated by Cao Cao, many people changed their appearance and merged into Xianbei.

This situation allows the tribe to grow at the fastest speed when Xianbei is strong, such as Tan Shihuai and Ke Bineng in the early days.

But the hidden danger is that the expansion is too fast, and those foreign tribes have not been fully absorbed and assimilated internally. Once there is a tendency to decline, it is easy to split.

Still take Tanshihuai and Ke Bineng as examples.

Once these two people die or decline, the race will immediately fall apart.

It is precisely because of these years that the tribes on the grassland have become more and more mixed and more and more.

So although Suotou is a big tribe with hundreds of thousands of string control people.

But the reputation in the Senai is not even as good as the tribes who have been close to the frontier fortresses and traded with the Han people all the year round.

It happened to be such a grassland tribe living in the northern part of Monan, far away from the frontier, and rarely communicated with the Han.

As the head of the young patriarch, Tuoba Desert Khan seemed to be subconscious in his words and deeds, but he revealed a very important message:

Only deeply influenced by the culture of the Central Plains can he perform like that.

It is not uncommon for Hu people to admire Han culture.

In particular, the Xianbei in the west was treated like a dog driving away a family by the Liangzhou army. In a few years, an unknown number of Dingkou were taken captive for labor.

In the central Xianbei, Kebi Neng died and his family was wiped out, and tens of thousands of fine riders were buried in Qiaoshan and Jiuyuan.

Xianbei's last backbone was finally broken by Feng.

The psychological advantage of Xianbei over the Han people created in the Tanshihuai era was completely shattered.

In addition, Ji Han has a unique industrial chain, and the products he produces, like a magnet, tightly attract the barbarians on the grassland.

From Juyan to Jiuyuan, and then from Jiuyuan to Pingchang, there are barbarians who speak mixed Chinese and learn nondescript Han etiquette.

But if there is no special guidance and systematic study, they will never be able to be as fluent and natural as Tuoba Desert Khan.

Feng's mind turned, and he asked:

"Tuoba Liwei is your adult?"

The adults in the Chinese dialect and the adults in the Xianbei dialect have different meanings.

But Tuoba Desert Khan is familiar with the etiquette of the Han family, so he naturally understood the meaning of the nobleman's words.

"Return to the nobleman, that's right."

"Is he in good health?"

"Thank you for your concern, Aye is still able to ride a horse and hunt, and he is still strong."

Hearing this, Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional:

"I remember that he is just a few years younger than the bald-haired man. He is almost seventy years old, right? I didn't expect him to be so Kangtai."

Tuoba Desert Khan was sent here by Tuoba Liwei, so he was no ordinary person.

Seeing Feng's aura, and then hearing the other party mention Liangzhou, and his tone seemed to be very familiar with the Tuoba clan.

Hearing the other party mention the bald-haired man again, his heart skipped a beat.

Others don't know about baldness, but how could Tuoba Desert Khan not know?

It is said that the bald-haired tribe separated from the Tuoba tribe had already attached Feng Duhu in Liangzhou in the early years.

At this time, he was so blessed that he suddenly remembered the encounter that was very memorable on the Baideng Mountain Road a few days ago:

Feng Duhu who came to Pingcheng a few days ago, isn't his surname Feng?

As soon as he thought of this, Tuoba Desert Khan's heart suddenly started beating a little bit.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty, as the heartbeat accelerated, the blood surged up.

I saw him tentatively asking:

"Listen to the nobleman's tone, did you know Aye?"

Someone Feng shook his head:

"I don't know him, but he has been famous for a long time."

Now Liangzhou Baldness Department is split from Tuoba Department.

The bald-haired master of the bald tribe was originally the heir of Tuoba Jiefen, the previous Xianbei master of the Tuoba tribe.

Unexpectedly, Tuoba Liwei, the son of a heavenly girl, would appear on the way.

For the sake of what the goddess said, "children and grandchildren will inherit each other, and generations will be emperors", Tuoba Jiefen finally changed his mind and made Tuoba Liwei the heir of the tribe.

Tuobapi was frustrated, so he left westward with his clansmen who supported him.

Then he met Feng, and the fate of the clan changed.

As for Tuoba Xianbei who remained on the grassland, the core tribe was Suotou.

Tuoba Xianbei was originally just a small species of Xianbei.

But Tuoba Liwei, as the son of a celestial maiden, is naturally not comparable to those ordinary leaders in the grassland, and he can be regarded as a hero.

After Tan Shihuai's death, Xianbei split, and various tribes attacked each other.

The Tuoba tribe was also inevitably involved in this chaos.

Knowing that he has no ability to resist this chaos, Tuoba Liwei took the initiative to rely on Dou Bin, the master of the Wuluhui tribe, to resist the invasion of the Western Xianbei in order to avoid being wiped out.

In a certain battle, Dou Bin lost even his horse, so he had to flee on foot.

At this critical juncture, Tuoba Liwei gave him his handsome horse.

It was because of this that Dou Bin was deeply moved and planned to give half of his land to Tuoba Liwei.

Of course, Tuoba Liwei must have strongly refused.

So Dou Bin married his favorite daughter to Tuoba Liwei.

At the same time, he funded Tuoba Liwei to gain a foothold in Changchuan in the northern part of Monan.

Others were desperately trying to go south, but Tuoba Liwei's seemingly retrograde move actually gave Suo Tou a chance to breathe and grow stronger.

Not only in the next ten years, it will avoid the annexation war of being annexed by Ke Bineng to the tribes of the grassland, but also avoid being involved in the disputes between Ke Bineng and the Han people in the south.

He was in constant war and chaos, but Suo Tou stayed in Changchuan safely, and many Xianbei people went to seek refuge.

At the same time, when Kebi Neng was defeated by the State of Wei and Western Xianbei was expelled by the Han people in Liangzhou, Suotou took the opportunity to absorb many fleeing Hu people.

Over the years, the Western Xianbei, which was the first to split off, was almost wiped out, and Kebi Neng, who was the most powerful after Tan Shihuai, was wiped out.

However, Tuoba Xianbei, who lived in the northern part of Monan and was led by Tuoba Liwei, grew stronger day by day, and quietly controlled half of Monan without knowing it.

From a small species of Xianbei, it has become the largest tribe on the grassland.

For this information, Feng is naturally well aware of it.

But at this time, he deliberately looked at Tuoba Desert Khan with a sizing look:

"However, I heard that Suotou now has hundreds of thousands of people who control strings, and is the largest tribe in the grassland."

"If you are really from Suotou, why are you being embarrassed on the mountain road?"

Tuoba Desert Khan was slightly startled, he didn't expect that the other party even knew about this.

But when he thought of the possible identity of the other party, he quickly felt relieved.

"Since you know what happened that day, you must also know that the person who made things difficult for me in the mountain path that day was someone who had no deer return."

"Then this matter is even more unreasonable. If I remember correctly, Suotou and Wuluhui are related by in-laws, right?"

"The nobleman only knows one thing, but not the other." Tuoba Desert Khan smiled wryly, "It's true that the two families are related by marriage, but the adults who don't have the Luhui family regard us as relatives, but his two sons may not."

Back then, Dou Bin, an adult from the Luhui tribe, wanted to give half of the land in the clan to Tuoba Liwei, which had caused a gap between his two sons, Dou Suhou and Dou Huiti.

Not to mention that as Suotou's former suzerain, now he has to look up to Ba Liwei's breath, which is even more unpleasant.

Strangers who have never met before have worked hard and turned over. Some people will feel envious, some will find it inspirational, and some will be jealous, but few people are so jealous.

And the relatives and friends who have always been below me have surpassed me, and even become the existence that I have to look up to, then the feeling in my heart is different from that of strangers.

Not to mention that this relative and friend didn't even have a place to live back then, and had borrowed from his own home.

The start-up capital of his business was sponsored by his own family, and he was even willing to donate half of his family property to the other party.

Now that the other party is well-off, with a net worth of billions, he is unwilling to give even 1.8 million. Is this reasonable?

Dou Suhou and Dou Huiti believed that Tuoba Liwei first attached himself to his own tribe and was regarded as a servant of his own tribe.

A servant turned into a master, and not many masters would be happy.

Moreover, Tuoba Liwei received a gift from his own tribe in order to gain a foothold.

Besides, the lord planned to distribute half of the tribe's land to Tuoba Liwei back then, which shows how generous the gift was to him.

What now?

Tuoba Liwei controlled such a large amount of land, he would rather distribute the grassland to the tribes who came to attach himself, rather than allocate even a little land to the Luhui tribe.

So the two of them were naturally resentful.

Now that I met Tuoba Desert Khan outside, and deliberately made things difficult, that was a matter of course.

Already drank some wine, coupled with the turbulent mood at this time, Tuoba Desert Khan also opened up the chatterbox.

But seeing his face was a little angry:

"Your Excellency led the tribe to Changchuan more than ten years ago. For more than ten years, he has been vigorously promoting moralization. The old Xianbei tribe looked up to Your Excellency's virtues, so they came here to vote."

"If your lord is really as Dou Suhou and Dou Huiti wished, taking other people's land for in-laws, wouldn't it be a bad reputation? Who will dare to vote in the future?"

Someone Feng nodded:

"It turns out that there is such a twists and turns in this process. In this way, Tuoba Liwei is really a rare visionary on the grassland."

He looked at Tuoba Desert Khan again:

"No wonder when I saw Mr. Tuoba, I felt that he was very different from that ordinary barbarian. It turned out that there is such an adult. He really is a tiger father without dogs!"

These words not only praised Tuoba Liwei, but also praised Tuoba Desert Khan.

Where has Tuoba Desert Khan ever seen such stunts as "smart words and tricks"?

On the spot, I was a little embarrassed, and at the same time I felt extremely ironed in my heart, and I was inexplicably moved.

Because these days, I have been rejected repeatedly, and my heart is gloomy.

At this time, he suddenly heard such praise from such a nobleman, if it wasn't for the asymmetry of his status, he would have wished to make him his confidant.

It's not okay to just praise yourself, but it's okay to talk about your own Aye:

"My lord often said that he watched the former Huns and Ke Bineng's disciples, who were greedy for money and profit, and plundered the border people of Hansai. Although they gained something, their deaths and injuries were not enough to make up for it."

"This action is to attract the hatred of the Han family, and the common people will suffer. This is not a long-term plan. That's why the Lord sent me here. I want to make friends with the Han family, and I don't want to follow the same mistakes as Ke Bengeng."

After saying these words in one breath, Tuoba Desert Khan breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a little.

Then there was another wry smile on his face:

"Who would have expected... Alas!"

In fact, there is nothing to say about such things.

After all, it is not something to be ashamed of when you make friends with the Han people.

Any tribe that has grown to a certain extent on the grassland will send envoys to the Central Plains whenever they feel that they are qualified.

In addition to Tan Shihuai is an exception.

Therefore, Tuoba Xianbei, who had benefited from the corpses of Western Xianbei and Ke Bineng, and whose strength was inflated earlier than in the original history, this time it was just following the usual practice.

Of course, if Tuoba Desert Khan didn't sneak a glance at the nobleman across from him when he was sighing, it would be more sincere.

It's just that when Feng was 16 years old and was fighting with the old monster Zhuge, Tuoba Desert Khan was still practicing riding on a lamb.

Now at this age, how could he show his flaws in front of Tuoba Desert Khan?

But seeing Feng smiled, he seemed to say casually:

"No wonder I heard that a few days ago, there were people who wanted to see Captain Xianbei many times. It turned out to be Mr. Tuoba."

Then he raised his glass and took a sip of the wine, pointed at Tuoba Desert Khan, and joked:

"It's just this matter, Mr. Tuoba has found the wrong person, Captain Hu Xianbei, seldom in the city, mostly leading troops outside the city."

"The person in charge in the city is Shi Huxianbei, the chief lieutenant, and Lord Tuoba came to handle the matter. Why didn't he even inquire about such important matters in advance?"

Tuoba Desert Khan was startled when he heard the words:

"Is that so? It turns out that I've been asking to see you repeatedly, but it's not like that?"

Tuoba Desert Khan quickly saluted Feng:

"I begged so hard but couldn't find it. I didn't expect that I didn't find a way. Now I have a noble person to remind me. I am really grateful!"

"It's just a casual remark, what's the point?" Feng waved his hand nonchalantly, "But I'm fairly familiar with the Colonel's Mansion, so I know the doorway."

These words seemed to be an understatement, but in the ears of Tuoba Desert Khan, he almost couldn't hide his inner ecstasy.

Sure enough, this nobleman's status is definitely not ordinary, and he is definitely a person worth making friends with.

Even if he doesn't have much relationship with Feng Duhu, he is probably a very powerful person.

Otherwise, how would he know about the matter of protecting Xianbei Xiaowei's mansion?

After confirming this point, Tuoba Desert Khan subconsciously wanted to find a topic, and wanted to get closer to the other party.

But before he could speak, someone Feng asked again:

"Just one thing, I'm a little curious, I want to ask Mr. Tuoba."

"My lord, please speak."

"Nowadays the world is divided into three parts, the Han, Wei and Wu stand together, so there is no need to talk about the state of Wu. In your clan, do you want to make friends with the big man, or send someone else to go to the state of Wei?"

When Tuoba Desert Khan heard this, he was dumbfounded, he dared not speak.

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