Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1277 Jiuyuan and Yecheng

"Amum and Sanniang, are they all okay?"

"Everything is fine," Feng Erniang nodded repeatedly, "We are all fine, we are just worried about you."

The mother and daughter are all in the textile workshop, and they are the same group of female workers, so naturally they have not been separated.

Only Feng Chuan stayed at the farm for more than two months without any news coming out.

Instead, he worries his family the most.

Hearing that everyone is well, and seeing that Erniang's complexion is rosier than when she first arrived in Jiuyuan, although Erniang is dressed in coarse clothes, Feng Chuan finally feels relieved.

On the other hand, Feng Erniang, seeing her elder brother's bare feet and muddy hands, her eyes became hot and she choked up:

"Brother, what about you? Are you suffering? Are you tired?"

Suffering and tiredness are for sure, how about labor reform?

But at this time, Feng Chuan, no matter how hard and tired he was, he still stood up—at least he couldn't show his timidity in front of someone like Li.

I saw Feng Chuan shook his head: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

Hearing what elder brother said, Feng Erniang couldn't help wiping away tears.

The two brothers and sisters met again, and each talked about the situation since they parted, and the time passed unknowingly.

After saying hello, Li Langjun, who was standing in the distance, came over and reminded that the visiting time was coming.

Feng Erniang was naturally a little bit reluctant, she looked at Li Lang, pleading in her tone:

"Li Lang, my brother is so old and has never suffered such a big crime. Can't you think of a way to help him?"

Before Li Jian could speak, Feng Chuan's expression changed slightly.

Li Lang?

What Li Lang?

But Li Jian shook his head:

"Erniang, you also know that I can bring you here only in the name of our relationship, and I can only apply to the Dudu Mansion for approval."

"Besides, the army is the army, and the farm is the farm. The two perform their duties. How can I help?"

Feng Erniang also knew in her heart that this matter was almost impossible, but when she heard Li Jian personally rejecting it, her eyes were gloomy.

Feng Chuan on the side couldn't bear it any longer, and asked:

"Li Langjun, what did you mean by your relationship with Erniang just now?"

Li Langjun coughed.

Feng Erniang's face suddenly turned red again.

I could only hear her say in a bit of a groan:

"That's right, it's a friend..."

Looking at Brother with a guilty conscience, seeing Brother's suspicious look that was about to solidify, Erniang Feng stomped her feet, feeling a little annoyed:

"Oh, didn't I tell you brother, this time, thanks to Li Langjun, I can come to see brother!"

I am not blind!

Feng Chuan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Li Jian again:

"May I ask where Li Langjun's hometown is?"

"Returning to Feng Langjun, Jian's hometown is Nanzhong, and he is not yet married."

Hearing the last redundant sentence from the other party, Feng Chuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Although I don't know all about the other party, since my mother is willing to let him accompany Erniang, it is an attitude in itself.

And the current Feng Chuan, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is unable to protect himself, and there is nothing he can do to stop all this.

"Erniang seldom endured hardships before, but when the family encounters difficulties, she has tasted all the hardships in the world."

"I'm the elder brother, I'm not capable!" Feng Chuan smiled wryly, "I dare not ask her to have extravagant food and clothing in the future, but it is enough to ask her to be safe and happy."

Hearing brother's entrusting words, Feng Erniang was both ashamed and happy, but her eyes were red:


"Feng Lang-jun, please don't worry. Although Jian came from a humble background, he was fortunate enough to hear a great Confucian explain the way of being a scholar in detail in the academy."

Li Jian's face was solemn, "Scholars have a hundred practices, and virtue is the first. Although Jian dare not be called a scholar, he yearns for it."

Hearing these words, what else can Feng Chuan say?

With a long sigh, he said to Feng Erniang again: "I can do it myself."

Feng Erniang finally couldn't help crying.

Seeing her like this, Li Jian sighed:

"I've inquired about it. Brother Feng's family is implicated and suffers. They don't even count as conspiracy, so don't worry too much."

For the women who were exiled, who can be messed with and who can't be messed with, the Dudu Mansion naturally has considerations.

A family daughter like Feng Erniang with excellent appearance and self-cultivation can indeed be called a good match for frontier soldiers - if they were not exiled, where would they pick them up?

"Brother Feng can't leave the farm right now, but as long as he behaves well and works hard, after half a year, he will have one day a month to go out and spend time with his family."

Feng Erniang raised her head in surprise: "Really?"

Li Jian nodded:

"I remember Erniang once said that brother Feng also studied at home?"


"It's cold outside the Great Wall, there are many Hu people and few Han people, and there are even fewer scholars like Brother Feng. What the imperial court wants to educate and educate in Jiuyuan, the most lacking are scholars."

Li Jian looked at Feng Chuan, "So after the half-year observation period expires, Brother Feng can apply for an assessment to see if he can go to the Dahe Workshop Academy for a lecture."

"Great River Workshop School?"

"Yes, that is the largest school in the Governor's Mansion. All the children in the nearby workshops, regardless of Hu Han, are basically educated there."

Li Jian explained:

"If Brother Feng can become a teacher, not only can he develop what he has learned, but it will also be easier and the salary will be higher."

Having said that, he slightly lowered his voice:

"Furthermore, Brother Feng can continue to study knowledge with peace of mind. Once the five-year labor reform period is over, he will be considered free."

"At that time, if Brother Feng does not give up and Jian is willing to be a guarantor, Brother Feng can use this to apply for the examination in the Dudu Mansion."

"If you can pass the exam, even if you can't go back to Cyprus, if you want to find a job in Jiuyuan, at worst, you can be a manager or something, and you will have no worries about food and clothing."

The current supervisor of Dahe Workshop Academy happens to also be surnamed Li.

The difference is that Li Jian is from Nanzhong Li.

And that Li Xuejian is from Guanghan Li, who is also the direct line of the Li family in Shu.

Of course, the current Li family in Shu has already been dismembered to pieces.

In this way, it is impossible for Li Jianzheng to have some common language with the uncle in front of him.

Hearing Li Lang's explanation, Feng Erniang, who was wiping away tears, was suddenly surprised and delighted:

"Li Lang, you said it, but are you serious?"

Li Jian smiled casually:

"Is it necessary for me to lie to Er Niang about such things?"

When Feng Chuan heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

After staying here for nearly three months, what he saw and heard has long overturned Feng Chuan's inherent impression of the frontier fortress.

There are flocks of cattle and sheep, and patches of farmland.

According to Erniang, the machine room in her workshop stretches continuously, and the machines are constantly running day and night.

If Erniang is not exaggerating, then speaking of this, this ancient Henan land may be called the Small Central Plains.

Shangdang probably won't be able to go back, even if he can go back in the future, everything there will no longer belong to the Feng family.

It's better to think about it now.

With such thoughts in mind, Feng Chuan was about to ask more questions, but he didn't expect the voice of the farm steward to come from a distance:

"Feng Bomao, it's time to go to work! When the time is up, if you don't go to work, your wages will be deducted!"

"Brother, let's go."

"Brother Li, please take care of Erniang more."


Feng Chuan, who returned to the field, pulled out the weeds from the bean roots.

My heart, which had experienced great changes and was almost ashamed, quietly came up with a certain idea after hearing what my future brother-in-law said.

This kind of thought, like a weed, began to grow crazily and uncontrollably.



"Teacher, there is news from Xuchang."

Fu Gu, a Zhonglang in charge of Taifu's mansion, walked hurriedly, with an official document in his hand, entered the house, and reported to Sima Yi.

Sima Yi, who was reviewing documents at his desk, raised his head and looked at Fu Gu, who looked a little anxious, and his heart sank slightly:

"Any news from Xuchang?"

Fu Gu approached the case, with an irrepressible urgency in his tone:

"Duke Man died of illness!"

Sima Yi's body paused visibly to the naked eye, and fixed his eyes on Fu Gu. After a long while, he asked with some difficulty:

"Full Boning (that is, full pet)?"



The pen in Sima Yi's hand dropped onto the desk, staining the document with black ink.

Then it rolled again and fell onto the skirt of the clothes.

Sima Yi, who has always paid attention to appearance and etiquette, seemed to have lost all energy after retreating from Taiyuan to Jizhou.

At this time, his hair and beard are all gray, and his beard looks like it hasn't been taken care of for a long time, and it's a bit messy.

The bun on the head was also not neatly combed, loose and loose, with a few strands of hair protruding out like weeds, looking quite decadent.


Seeing Sima Yi's sluggish expression, Fu Gu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Fu Gu was originally from the Fu family in the north, and he was well-known in the world when he was a weak crown.

After Cao Fang ascended the throne, Fu Gu moved from Shangshulang to Huangmen Shilang. He couldn't understand what the "Taichung Three Dogs" did, so he said to Cao Shuang's younger brother Cao Xidui:

"He Yan looks calm and calm on the outside, but his heart is sinister and dark, he is greedy for self-interest, and does not consider the fundamentals of standing and acting."

"I'm sure he will confuse you brothers (referring to Cao Shuang) first, then the benevolent and wise men will alienate you, and the government will decline day by day."

Unexpectedly, these words were known to He Yan, so He Yan found a small mistake and dismissed Fu Gu.

After Fu Gu was dismissed from office, he was already disheartened towards the imperial court. Unexpectedly, Sima Yi heard about this and specially asked him to be a Zhonglang.

The completely different attitudes of the two auxiliary ministers made Fu Gu firm in his opinion that the Taifu was the real loyal minister of the state of Wei.

Seeing that Tai Tu didn't respond, Fu Gu couldn't help raising his voice slightly:


Sima Yi seemed to have just come back to his senses, and saw that he lowered his head, picked up the brush and put it away, then shook his clothes again, with an apologetic expression on his face:

"Lan Shi, I lost my composure just now, don't blame me."

Seeing Taifu's old and tired face, messy and embarrassed body, Fu Gu's heart felt sore.

The Taifu exhausted his energy for the Great Wei, and at the age of sixty and three, he personally led the battle against the western thieves.

But the other auxiliary minister, who was in his prime, hid in the back and was extravagant and lustful, and even framed Zhongliang, dragging down the front, really hateful!

But seeing the loyal minister of Wei Sheji in Fu Gu's eyes closed his eyes and sighed long:

"The Great Wei has lost a loyal minister of four dynasties!"

After sighing, Sima Yi asked again:

"What posthumous title does the general intend to give to Duke Man?"

"Not yet agreed."

When Sima Yi heard this, his countenance changed suddenly:

"Mr. Manchu was determined to be resolute, brave and resourceful. He was away from the army and devoted himself to worrying about his father. He had the style of obeying his father and worshiping him. Unfortunately, he died of illness. He should have given a beautiful posthumous posthumous title in the morning to praise loyalty and goodness. How can it be delayed for a long time?"

Immediately, he wrote a memorial and handed it to Fu Gu:

"Please Lan Shi send someone to Xuchang immediately."

Fu Gu said yes, took the letter, turned and went out.

After a while, he came back again and said respectfully:

"Teacher, someone has already arranged to deliver it."

Sima Yi's face was gloomy, he nodded, and after a while he said:

"Over the years, thanks to Duke Manchu's dealings with the court, Xuchang's side has not cut off the food and grass of Luoyang's army. I didn't expect... Sigh!"

Seeing Taifu sighing, Fu Gu consoled:

"Teacher, Mangong passed away at nearly ninety years old. It can be called joy and mourning. Now that we have escaped from Luoyang and stationed in Jizhou, we no longer have to worry about food shortages. It is also worthwhile for Mangong to help the court."

Sima Yi shook his head with a heavy expression:

"What I care about is whether there is a shortage of food or not? But once Man Gong is gone, there will be fewer people in the court who can understand the overall situation!"

"In the first battle last year, I failed to attack Shu. I thought it would be said to be a waste of money and food. I didn't expect Xuchang to be even worse. Even Xiangyang was lost."

As he said that, Sima Yi's face became more and more worried:

"It is rumored that Xiangyang fell, because the general listened to the greedy words of the villain, so the reinforcements could not arrive in time, so Wu Kou took the lead." (Chapter 1208)

Speaking of this, Sima Yi slapped the table bitterly, his face became angrily:

"I only said that the Taichung Three Dogs were greedy for money and messed up the government. I didn't expect that they would dare to meddle in such important military affairs!"

"I can't wait to lead the army south to Xuchang, the Qing emperor's side, and punish the country's thieves!"

"Teacher, don't be impulsive!" Fu Gu was taken aback, and quickly persuaded, "The imperial court has just issued an edict to ask Taifu to control all affairs in Jizhou to prevent western thieves." (Chapter 1265)

"If the Grand Tutor receives the imperial edict, and later raises troops to clear the emperor, I'm afraid that the righteousness will be doubted by the world, so let's think about it in the long run."

Sima Yi let out a breath and smiled wryly:

"Why don't I know? It's just that the depression in my chest is hard to dissipate, and I can't spit out my ears."

Fu Gu suggested:

"The Grand Tutor has a large army in his hand. Jizhou has plenty of food, and the Taihang is dangerous. As long as we block the various routes, why should the western thieves be afraid? The Taifu just guards Jizhou and waits for the right time. Don't worry."

"From Gu's point of view, since the overall situation in Jizhou has been decided, the next step for Taifu is not to be in the south, but in the north!"



What is there in the north of Jizhou?


Sima Yi nodded slowly thoughtfully, then seemed to think of something, and said in a helpless tone:

"Why don't I know? It's just that I wrote to Wang Yuanbo (Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou) a few months ago, but he hasn't replied to the letter, why!"

Fu Gu smiled and said:

"One moment and another. When the Taifu wrote the letter, the name of Jizhou was not right, and Wang Yuanbo was also the governor of Yizhou. How could he easily obey the order of the Taifu?"

"But this time is very different from a few months ago. Today, the Taifu controls Jizhou because of the imperial edict, which can be said to be justified. There are western thieves in the west of Youzhou, barbarians in the north, and Gongsun family in the east. There are sinister enemies on three sides also."

"Youzhou lives among them, with insufficient troops and lack of food and grass. An Neng rejects it on his own? Taifu might as well write another letter, explaining the pros and cons. I believe Wang Yuanbo will know how to choose."

When Sima Yi heard this, his eyes lit up, and he stroked his beard:


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