Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1278 Luoyang

"Teacher, letters in the north are safe, but in the south, we must pay attention to deploying heavy troops to guard against thieves!"

"Lan Shi is talking about Luoyang?"

"Exactly." Fu Gu reminded, "The gate to the west of Luoyang has been lost, and the western thieves may come to the city at any time, so we must guard against it!"

"I don't know about security?" Sima Yi was confident, "It's just that in my opinion, the bandits broke through the Hangu Pass, but stopped in Shaanxi. They really don't want to take Luoyang, so they have some concerns."

When Fu Gu heard this, he was slightly taken aback:

"Gu is stupid, why did the Taifu say that?"

Sima Yi showed a somewhat inscrutable smile, pointed to the side of the guide, and uttered two words: "Wu Kou."

"Wu Kou?"

"Exactly." Sima Yi stood up, with deep eyes, and said with his hands behind his back, "The Xixi bandits and Wu Kou allied themselves to attack the Great Wei. There was an agreement that the east of Hangu Pass would belong to Wu Kou."

Having said that, Sima Yi had a complicated look on his face:

"At that time, the Great Wei Dynasty was like the sun in the sky, and there were eight in the world. Shu and Wu were just bandits in the wild frontier."

"From the eyes of the world, the so-called oath of the two thieves is nothing but a clown. Who would have expected... Sigh!"

Who would have expected that in just over ten years, the world would be turned upside down, and the general situation would change.

But Sima Yi soon sneered again:

"However, although the rampant western thieves are unexpected, Wu Kou is expected."

"At that time, the Great Wei was strong and the bandits were weak, so the two bandits had to join forces to fight against the Great Wei."

"Now the western thieves are powerful, taking all the land in the west, they are already able to stand up to the great Wei, and they don't need Wu Kou's help."

"However, Wu Kou was still blocked under the city of Hefei. This is like two thieves dividing the spoils, one thief takes all the benefits, and the other can only get a little bit of profit."

Sima Yi looked at Fu Gu and asked, "Lan Shi, tell me, can Sun Quan be willing?"

Fu Gu's eyes lit up: "Teacher's intention is that the alliance between Wu and Kou, the western thieves, will break up again?"

"Hmph!" Sima Yi smiled deeply, "Wu Kou's people are so short-sighted, they are people who forget righteousness when they see profit, otherwise why would the Jingzhou matter come about?"

Sima Yi also participated in the plan to lure Sun Quan to betray the alliance and attack Jingzhou.

So he naturally has a deep grasp of Wu people's psychology.

The reason why Wu Kou is said to be short-sighted is because in hindsight, the Wu people's attack on Jingzhou did more harm than good.

Although the safety of the upper reaches of Jiangdong was guaranteed, at the same time, he almost put himself in a mortal situation.

If Emperor Wen had listened to his persuasion and seized the opportunity to attack Wu Kou from the north when Shu and Wu were fighting, Sun Quan would have been imprisoned long ago.

Once the state of Wu is destroyed, can the state of Shu survive alone?

If the Kingdom of Shu does not exist, why do we suffer today?

"So in my opinion, the foundation of the covenant between the two thieves no longer exists, just like in the past when Sun Quan could not see Liu Bei's rise to power and betrayed the alliance to attack Guan Yu!"

Sima Yi looked at Fu Gu with a glint in his eyes, "Sun Quan betrayed his promise and attacked Jingzhou in the past, and Lu Xun broke Liu Bei in Yiling. This can be described as the great hatred and humiliation of the western thieves."

"Once the western thieves are too powerful to be controlled, not only is this not what Sun Quan wants to see, but he will even be terrified, lest the western thieves turn over the old accounts in Jingzhou and Xue Yiling's old enemies."

"At this time, Sun Quan's unwillingness to let the western thieves take the lead is even more serious than when Guan Yu attacked Xiangfan. Therefore, in my opinion, the alliance of thieves and bandits has really reached a precarious state."

Sima Yi stretched out his left hand, and pressed his index finger with his thumb, showing a little fingertip, "Now they only need a little provocation, and each of them will have doubts."

As he spoke, he let out a long breath:

"As long as it can be delayed until the thieves change, Da Wei may still have a chance..."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when Fu Gu heard the last sentence, he felt that there was a hint of helplessness and sigh in Tai Tu's tone.

It's just that Fu Gu didn't have the heart to think about it anymore, but seeing his face change, he took a step forward, subconsciously lowered his voice, and said urgently:

"Teacher, this Luoyang is not provocative at all!"

"Lan Shi, don't worry!" Sima Yi lowered his hand, "Listen to me."

Fu Gu had no choice but to suppress his anxiety and listen to Sima Yi's next words.

"Lanshi, once Hangu Pass and Shandi are lost, there is no danger to the west of Luoyang. The thieves can drive straight in at any time, and the soldiers will approach the city."

Sima Yi sighed a long time, "If you want to defend Luoyang, your only hope is to defeat the bandits before they besiege the city. If you want to defend the city, that is absolutely impossible."

Luoyang City is too big, and if you want to defend it, you need too many troops.

But if you really want the army to stay in the city, people will eat horses, food, drinking water, firewood, etc. will be a huge burden.

Moreover, if the city is too large, it is easy for the command to lose sight of the other, and it is difficult for the battalions to respond to each other.

If any corner is broken, the rescue is not enough, and the defense is inevitable.

Not to mention that the opponent has a siege weapon such as a stone cannon.

But if you can't defend it according to the city, you can only set up more Wubao camps outside the city and fortify layer by layer like defending Chang'an.

But in this way, he had to fight a field battle with the West Thieves.

Taifu Sima, who has fought against the thief repeatedly, always thinks of the cunning and fierceness of the thief, and his psychological shadow is almost as big as that of Luoyang City...

"The thieves are extremely sharp. Fighting against them in the wild is not sure. It is difficult!"

Don't dare to fight in the wild, and can't defend the city, isn't it even more difficult?

After listening to Taifu's explanation, Fu Gu knew that what he said was true, so he couldn't help but let out a low sigh:

"What can I do?"

Sima Yi cheered up and said:

"Thus, in my opinion, Luoyang is difficult to defend. Forcing it will do more harm than good. It's better to use it as a bait to sow thieves and bandits."

Even the Taifu felt that the thief was too powerful to control, and Fu Gu's mood became a little gloomy:

"But I don't know what the master plans to do?"

Sima Yi was silent for a while, then smiled helplessly, and said:

"do nothing."

Fu Gu was startled: "Do nothing?"

"Yes, do nothing, since you can't do anything, it's better to do nothing."

Sima Yi seemed to have thought about this question a long time ago, so he just replied calmly.

When Fu Gu heard Sima Yi's words, he was taken aback, and then felt disappointed.

What the Tai Tuo said, although somewhat unacceptable, is a cruel fact.

Sima Yi looked at Fu Gu and asked:

"Lan Shi thinks, what will Sun Quan think of Luoyang? Or what will he do?"

Fu Gu pondered for a while, and replied:

"Luoyang is under the front of the Western Bandits, but it is thousands of miles away from Wu Kou. No matter how unwilling Sun Quan is, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop the Western Bandits from continuing to move east."

Sima Yi interrupted and said:

"No matter how difficult it is to stop, it must be stopped. I believe Sun Quan will never be reconciled to watching the Western Thieves take Luoyang like this."

Fu Gu nodded and agreed: "That's right, so according to Gu, Sun Quan will either use the bandit alliance as an excuse to persuade the western bandits not to continue eastward and attack Luoyang."

"If the persuasion fails, then we can only take a step back and let the western thieves take Luoyang temporarily and return it later."

"Borrow Jingzhou?"

"That's right, it's like borrowing a story from Jingzhou."

"Hahaha!" Sima Yi laughed frantically, "What Lan Shi said is also what I think!"

After laughing, the wrinkles on Sima Yi's face stretched out, sweeping away the previous gloomy look:

"It would be the best if Sun Quan could prevent the western thieves from attacking Luoyang. If so, Luoyang can be safe."

It's not that he looked down on Sun Quan, but in Sima Yi's eyes, Wu Kou wanted to rely on his own strength to approach the city of Luoyang from the southeast, which would be impossible in his life.

But Sima Yi shook his head again, "It's just what I think, I'm afraid it's just wishful thinking."

"It's just borrowing Luoyang..." Sima Yi paused for a moment, then smiled coldly, "If Luoyang is really going to fall into the hands of the western thieves, how can there be any reason to give it to Wu Kou?"

The slogan of the Western Thieves "Rejuvenate the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital" was loudly shouted. This old capital is not only Chang'an, the old capital of the former Han Dynasty, but also Luoyang, the old capital of the Later Han Dynasty.

Unless the thief does not admit that the Later Han Dynasty is also the Han Dynasty.

No matter if it is Liu Chan or Feng Yong, whoever really dares to mention that giving Wu Kou the old capital Luoyang in his hands will be tantamount to cutting himself off from the world.

So as long as the West Thieves really took down Luoyang, there would be absolutely no reason to send it out again.

Sima Yi understood this point, and Sun Quan must also understand it.

"Wonderful!" Fu Gu came to his senses after listening to Sima Yi's analysis, "It is impossible for the western thieves not to take Luoyang, but as long as they do, in Sun Quan's eyes, this move is no different from breaking the covenant."

"Even if Sun Quan is forced by the situation, nothing will happen on the surface, but what he thinks in his heart, then he can't tell!"

"That's right, as long as the thieves and bandits have a heart-to-heart grudge, if there is a chance, I believe Sun Quan will definitely not mind repeating the old incident in Jingzhou and attacking the thieves against his promise."

"At that time, wouldn't it be a rare opportunity for Dawei?"

Speaking of this, Sima Yi and Fu Gu looked at each other, and they both remembered the battle of Yiling again by coincidence.

Alas, if Emperor Wen really knew about it, he might regret it!


Sima Yi and Fu Gu were talking about Luoyang in Yecheng hundreds of miles away, but Luoyang City at this time was already desolate everywhere.

On the extremely wide street, there are many pedestrians.

Occasionally, one or two passers-by appeared, but they also looked flustered and walked hurriedly.

A few wild dogs rushed out from a row of unoccupied houses, not afraid of people at all, and even barked a few times at the backs of the departing humans.

The sound of dogs barking echoed in the empty streets, showing the emptiness and defeat of Luoyang City even more.

The Han army broke through Hangu Pass, and troops were approaching the city at any time, causing Luoyang City, the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty, to fall into a panic.

Under the panic, anyone who has any connections has already packed up and ran away at the first time in the past few months.

Those who still stay in the city today are either ordinary people who have nowhere to go, or special personnel who are guarded and are not allowed to leave the city at will.

For example, the Xiahou clan.

And the Sima brothers who have the post of guard.

"Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain kills me!"

Inside the Grand Tutor's mansion, Master Sima was lying on the couch, his body was twisting involuntarily, holding the side of the couch tightly with one hand, covering his left eye with the other, howling and moaning in pain:

"Mommy save me, Mommy, mommy save me!"

Zhang Chunhua at the side of the couch took the hot towel from the servant and wiped off the sweat from Sima Shi's forehead, face, neck, etc.:

"My son, let me see!"

Zhang Chunhua gently pulled away Master Sima's hand covering his eyes.

But seeing that the white cloth tape was soaked into yellow-red by the blood, the cloth tape could wrap around the rotten flesh on the face, but it couldn't wrap around the sticky yellow pus.

Zhang Chunhua tried to wipe off the pus, but as soon as he touched the red and swollen area around the wound, Master Sima shook violently like a dying fish out of water.


"My son, don't move around..."

Zhang Chunhua hurriedly said, and tried to hold down Sima Shi's arm.

But at this moment, Master Sima only felt the sharp pain in his eyes penetrating deep into his brain, as if lightning was rumbling in his brain, and as if someone was digging his own head with a chisel.

"I can not stand it any more!"

Sima Shi stretched out his hand and grabbed the wound on his face. At this moment, his mind was already a little blurred.

Zhang Chunhua was caught off guard, and was pulled so unstable.

Losing control, Master Sima tore off the cloth belt, revealing the rotten wound. Because of the struggle, even a line of pus flowed into his mouth, making him look hideous and terrifying.

"Come here and help hold it down, are you all dead?"

Zhang Chunhua hurriedly regained control of Master Sima's hand, and at the same time turned his head and shouted sharply at the servants behind him.

The servants hurried up to help hold down Sima Shi's arms.

Master Sima struggled vigorously for a few times, but suddenly his body stopped moving.

It turned out that he couldn't bear the pain and passed out.

Master Sima, who was in charge of guarding Luoyang, was seriously ill. Although the Taifu's family tried their best to conceal the news, how could it be possible to completely hide it?

Although few people in the outside world can know the details of his condition, anyone with a little information can basically tell that his condition is not very optimistic.

Because after Sima Division retreated from Hanoi and returned to Luoyang, he never showed his face again.

Many people in Luoyang City are also ready to move because of this.

"Tai Chu, Tai Chu!"

At Xia Houxuan's residence, Xia Houwei and Xia Houmao came hand in hand, before they reached the door of the study, the voices were already heard.

Xia Houxuan, who was sitting at the desk writing, didn't look up, and was still writing vigorously, as if he hadn't heard the voices of the two of them.

The two people who entered the room with a gust of wind stopped when they saw Xia Houxuan's appearance.

The two of them knew that Xia Houxuan, as the leader of metaphysics, paid attention to elegance and elegance, and to model nature, and he did not move when he was in danger of life or death.

The current appearance of Taichu means that he has been completely immersed in his own world, and will not be affected by any external objects and others at all.

Not to mention the shouts of the two, I'm afraid that even the thunderclap on the case will not shake his mind at all.

After waiting for half an hour, just when the two of them were about to run out of patience, Xia Houxuan finally put down the pen in his hand.

At this time, he seemed to realize that there were others in the house.

Looking up and seeing Xiahouwei and Xiahoumao, Xiahouxuan's expression remained unchanged, he stood up, adjusted his clothes, bowed his hands and saluted, and said slowly:

"The two uncles are here, but what's the matter?"

Xia Houwei and Xia Houmao looked happy, and they stood up at the same time.

"Tai Chu, good news!"

"happy event!"

Xia Houxuan stretched out his hand to ask the two to sit down, and asked at the same time:

"I don't know where uncle's good words come from? Where does joy come from?"

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