Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1375 Causes

From a process level, when a foreign tribe comes to join the tribe, it is inevitable to give them a name.

For smaller tribes, a marquis may be granted, while for a larger tribe, a king may be granted.

In this regard, the big man will naturally not be too stingy.

However, no matter whether it is a marquis or a king, no matter how resounding the name is, it cannot satisfy hunger.

Even if the title comes with a salary, who can make the whole family live a good life with this salary alone?

Especially for those tribes from Hu Yi, their titles are not worth much.

Therefore, the key lies in how many substantial benefits these names can bring.

If not, who would easily give up their original identity as a leader, abandon their family and career, and come here to seek refuge?

Therefore, it is human nature for both parties to agree on the treatment in advance before actually deciding to join, and it is completely in line with the realistic values ​​of feudal society.

The bustle in the world is all for the sake of coming, and the hustle and bustle of the world is all for the sake of going away.

It is said that a gentleman is associated with righteousness, and a villain is associated with benefit.

How many gentlemen are there in the world?

Not to mention that the other party is Hu Yi.

Can you expect the leader of Hu Yi to be a gentleman and serve his people wholeheartedly?

Selling one's body and one's head is a normal operation, right?

It has not completely broken away from the barbaric and primitive tribal social form, and fully believes in the law of the jungle where the weak can eat the strong.

Most of the tribes on the grasslands now say that they are Xianbei people, and most of the remaining Donghu and Wuhuan people are also dependent on Xianbei.

But no matter whether the Xiongnu or Xianbei became the masters of the grassland, the vendettas between tribes never stopped.

Today I rise, tomorrow he falls, the big fish eats the small fish, whoever is stronger is justified, most of all it is easy.

If at this time, anyone has the ability to stand up and deliver justice to everyone, he will be supported by everyone.

"Having the ability to stand up and deliver justice to everyone" means that you are strong and fair.

When Ke Bineng was alive, he was nothing more than a small species called Xianbei.

That's because he was brave enough and fair in enforcing the law, so he was elected as the chief by other tribes.

After Kebineng's death, the Xianbei people on the grassland became increasingly divided and chaotic.

In smaller tribes, the social organization completely degenerated and returned to a primitive state.

In this environment, and with the promise of rewards from the Han State, there was simply no psychological pressure to sell one's head.

However, General Zhendong leads the army and has no right to privately reward him.

If Wu Luhui wants to get the promised rewards and supplies, he must at least wait until the messenger sent by General Zhendong returns to Chang'an to report.

Then Chang'an sent an angel to come and consecrate him.

After the canonization is completed, the promised benefits will be gradually realized.

While waiting for the canonization, whether they can wait for the angel sent by Chang'an depends on the true performance of the Luhui tribe.

But it is obvious that Dou Pin and Dou Bin have initially reached a supplementary agreement.

The reason why it is a supplementary agreement is because the official treatment of Wu Luhui from the imperial court, oh, or it should be said that it is a selling agreement, has been signed in advance by Dou Bin's two filial sons.

Regardless of whether Dou Bin personally admits it or not, General Zhendong definitely admits it.

If Dou Bin is unwilling to admit it, General Zhendong would not mind replacing him with a leader of the Wuluhui tribe who is willing to admit it.

Fortunately, although there were a few twists and turns in the middle, the ending was still very satisfying.

Things went much smoother than expected, so Dou Pin felt very happy.

The pace of leaving Dou Bin's tent also seemed much brisker.

Even his face couldn't help but reveal a smile that couldn't be concealed - at this moment, the so-called intangible expression of joy and anger had long been forgotten.

At this time, it’s okay not to be happy.

With the pastures outside the fortress and the workshops inside the fortress, the Fufeng Dou family had struggled for decades and finally had the opportunity to rise again.

When the Dou family was revived, he who persuaded Dou Bin "alone" and returned to the Dou family was the great hero of the Dou family.

His contribution will be remembered in the family tree, and instead of just having a name, there will be an introduction at least.

If you are not happy at this time, when will you be happy?

It wasn't until he came to the handsome tent that he patted his cheek a little harder, trying to calm himself down.

After calming down his expression and straightening his clothes, Dou Pin saluted to the tent and said:

"Dou Pin asks to see the general."

One of the guards guarding the tent turned inside to report, and came out after a few breaths:

"The general invites you."

Only then did Dou Pin move forward and enter the military tent.

The commander's tent occupies a large area, probably for the convenience of military generals to conduct business here.

After all, the army will stay here for a long time. According to the lowest estimate, it will be seven to nine at least.

Qijiu River opens.

When the river opens, it means the snow melts.

Now until Qijiu, there are still about twenty days left.

Therefore, the military tent was not only built tall, but was even divided into two tents: the outer tent was used for reception and discussion, and the inner tent was where the general rested.

However, in order to avoid being poisoned by charcoal, the tent had three or four small sewn openings for ventilation.

At this time, Zhao Guang stayed in the tent, sitting by the fire pit to warm himself.

There was also a leg of lamb resting on top of the fire pit.

In the extremely cold weather, the jumping bonfires were emitting an alluring light, adding a bit of warmth to the slightly dim tent.

The flames licked the surface of the lamb leg, making a "crackling" sound. Each grilling seemed to be carefully carved, and the skin of the lamb leg was roasted to perfection.

The golden skin gradually turns brown and crispy under the lick of flames.

The air was filled with a strong aroma of mutton, mixed with the fragrance of spices and wood, making people salivate.

The fat on the lamb legs gradually melted under the high temperature, dripping onto the charcoal, stirring up waves of smoke.

"Pin, meet the general."

"Why are you so polite, Lord Dou? Please sit down."

The smoke covered Zhao Guang's face beside the fire, so that Dou Pin could only hear his voice but could not really see his expression.

But in fact, what Dou Pin wanted to see most was not Zhao Guang's face, but the face of General Zhendong who was sitting at the distant table.

However, General Zhendong sat far away and did not roast the same fire with the two of them.

Instead, he set up another brazier, placed it under his feet, and then leaned on the table, flipping through something.

After Dou Pin sat down, he pretended to glance at the main seat in the tent casually, and found that General Zhendong did not even look in this direction.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Everyone says that General Zhendong is aloof and proud, and he has inherited his father's style. It is true.

In fact, he has been trying to get to know General Zhendong these days.

After all, everyone knows that General Zhendong is the first person in the army below the Grand Marshal.

Who would have thought that he would not be able to find any opportunities all the way here.

Indifferent, very indifferent.

But Zhao Guang, who was sitting opposite him, took the initiative to ask:

"I see that Mr. Dou has a happy face. Could it be that this trip was a great success?"

This question directly hit the itch in Dou Pin's heart.

But he smiled and bowed repeatedly:

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Zhao Guang nodded, but did not speak immediately. Instead, he picked up a dagger and gently lifted a small piece of sheepskin from the lamb leg, revealing the tender and juicy meat. You can even see the juice shining between the texture of the meat.

Zhao Guang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Good!"

This is the lamb carefully selected by the Molu Hui tribe. It has very little fishy smell and excellent meat quality.

Zhao Guang picked up the lamb leg and scratched it with a dagger for a while. After a while, the whole lamb leg was covered with beautiful knife marks.

In these years, I have learned a lot of knife skills from following Master Han.

Seeing that the gravy was already oozing out from the edge of the knife, Zhao Guang stood up and sent the lamb leg to General Zhendong:

"General, the lamb leg is roasted."

"Well, put it there."

Dou Pin finally heard the first sentence General Zhendong said after entering the tent.

Then what surprised him more was still to come.

But seeing Zhao Guang put the lamb leg as he said, he also reminded him with concern, "General, it will not taste good if it is cold. This roasted lamb leg is best eaten while it is hot."

General Zhendong waved his hand impatiently, as if he disliked Zhao Guang for disturbing his reading.

Seeing this, Zhao Guang said nothing more and turned back to the fire pit and sat down again.

He took out a new leg of lamb and roasted it again.

Dou Pin's eyes almost popped out.

Everyone knew that Feng Da Sima had four minions under his command.

But there was no conclusion as to who was the first minion between Zhao Erlang and Guan Silang.

Guan Suo, needless to say, was ranked in the east of the town, and even his mansion was next to the Sima's mansion, so he could be said to be the second in the army.

But Zhao Guang was not bad either.

He commanded the world's number one cavalry.

Before Feng Da Sima showed up, Zhao Erlang had already followed him, and he was also the first person to call Feng Da Sima his brother.

I didn't expect it!

Zhao Erlang's respect for Guan Silang was not much different from that of the Sima, right?

It seems that there are many untrue rumors in the outside world...

Dou Pin was reassessing the General of Zhendong in his mind, when he suddenly heard Zhao Guang ask:

"Mr. Dou, although Dou Bin has been persuaded, people's hearts are hard to predict. These days, I hope you can take the time to get close to him and find out more about this tribe."

Dou Pin quickly gathered his thoughts and agreed:

"It should be, it should be. After all, the matter of the Moluhui tribe is also a major event for our Dou family. How dare I not do my best?"

Zhao Guang laughed and said again: "Okay."

This time, it was no longer about roasting lamb legs, but praise.

"Brother also said that it took a lot of effort to persuade you to accept the Moluhui tribe. I think this is quite aware of the overall situation!"

Dou Pin smiled after hearing this, but the look in his eyes was a little embarrassed.

Those who can be sent here by the family are naturally trustworthy people in the family.

It is precisely because of this that Dou Pin knows some inside stories of this matter.

The fact that Dou Bin was admitted to be from the Fufeng Dou family was not as Dou Pin said to Dou Bin, that the Dou family took the initiative to seek an audience with Feng Da Sima, and even asked for a lot of favors for this.

The fact was completely the opposite - the reason why he said that to Dou Bin was naturally because he wanted to lower the price and fight for more shares of the grassland.

In fact, it was Feng Da Sima who personally approached the Dou family and asked them to admit Dou Bin so that the court could act.

In this regard, although the Dou family had already declined, they still regarded themselves as a family of aristocracy and naturally refused sternly.

If this person was not an important official of the court, a powerful official of the Han Dynasty, and had a bad reputation, which had a great deterrent effect on the aristocratic families, the Dou family might have beaten this person out.

Comparing the Dou family with the barbarians outside the barbarians, what else is this but an insult to the entire Dou family?

What about a few college places?

How can the reputation of my Fufeng Dou family be bought with a few places?

Faced with the indignation of the Dou clan, Feng Da Sima was not angry, but added a chip with a smile:

Don’t like the Royal College quota?

Do you like the grassland outside the Great Wall?

If there were no Luhui tribe to rely on the imperial court, the imperial court would definitely allocate a pasture for them at the frontier to appease people's hearts.

If you, the Dou family, could assist the court in this matter, wouldn't the Luhui tribe become a branch of the Dou family?

We are all from the Dou family, and matters within the clan can be discussed slowly behind closed doors...

Feng's few words suddenly silenced Dou, who was originally filled with indignation.

Even the old men in Guanzhong have heard of how profitable the pastures outside the Great Wall are.

How could they not know?

It's just that there are risks in the pasture, so be careful when going out.

The grassland outside the fortress, which was under the protection of the Han army, had long been carved up.

The people who cared for the carve-up were either Han upstarts or Liangzhou local tycoons. Under the leadership of the Zhang family in Dunhuang, the Liangzhou tycoons were very willing to sell themselves. Over the years, they could be said to have received extremely generous rewards.

The trend of carving up the pastures outside the Great Wall started exactly after the Han Dynasty recaptured Liangzhou.

I heard that at that time, even the Shu natives stretched out their hands.

As for Guanzhong, it’s not like there is none.

For example, the Anding Hu family, a family that learned from the Dunhuang Zhang family, opened its doors early to welcome Master Wang.

Even Fufeng has one - Ma.

But the Ma family is Ji Han's Conglong family, and Ma Dai is still alive.

Therefore, neither the Hu family nor the Ma family can be compared to the Dou family.

Such a good thing, it is impossible for Dou to settle down in such a bad situation.

Even if a few small families want to imitate Liangzhou and are unable to go out alone, and a dozen or so families join forces to encircle a pasture outside the fortress, the time has already passed.

As the saying goes, there are risks outside the Great Wall, so be cautious when leaving the Great Wall.

It was nine years ago that Feng led his army from Liangzhou, swept through Xianbei in the west, killed Kebineng, and recovered Henan.

In one year, the imperial court is expected to implement new policies on the grasslands outside the Great Wall.

Over the years, the relatively safe territory outside the Great Wall has long been closed off.

Therefore, after being reminded by Feng Da Sima, Fufeng Dou discovered that he had always thought that Dou Bin beyond the Great Wall was a disgusting guy who always came to try to undermine his noble status.

Now it seems that he is really an amiable side branch!

"When Da Sima said this, I remembered it," a clan elder coughed and slowly stroked his beard as he recalled, "I heard that my late father once mentioned it once in a while. He and Dou Tong, when they were young, There is still history from time to time..."

Feng Dasima also nodded:

"I've had someone check it out. In the Later Han Dynasty, there was indeed a man named Dou Tong who served as the governor of Yanmen. So I think about it, and I'm afraid Dou Bin's words are not groundless."

Damn it, I'm warning you, don't be shameless.

I ask you to come forward to help because I think highly of you.

If you continue to put on such an airs for me, I will directly admit that Dou Tong is indeed the former governor of Yanmen in the name of the imperial court.

With this relationship, it is an endorsement of Dou Bin's rumors.

Regardless of whether you Dou family admits it or not, in the eyes of outsiders, most people will believe that he is the queen of Fufeng Dou family.

Does the Li family in Shu know about cutting?

Now the world only knows the Li family in Longxi and the Li family in Pingxiang. Who still remembers where the Li family's clan house is in Shu?

The Li family of Pingxiang was raised by me, and I even gave him a legitimate daughter to be my concubine to warm my bed.

If you Fufeng Dou Clan are really not afraid, the worst I can do is support Dou Bin, which will make you Fufeng Dou Clan disgusted to death!

Otherwise, do you really think that my call of "cruel and ruthless" is in vain?

When Dou's people heard this, their faces turned green.

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