Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1376 Hanoi, Qiao County

After decades of unremitting efforts, Feng has succeeded in digging out the foundations of the aristocratic families, at least half of the foundations have been dug down.

The so-called farming and reading of the aristocratic families, whether it is farming or reading, have been plundered and devoured by Feng and the corrupt Kuns he has cultivated.

Some of the corrupt Kuns have even been transformed from the other camp.

After all, as a disciple of the immortal sect, it is normal for Feng to know a little about summoning, right?

The extremely evil summoner Feng Guiwang, who ranks first on the blacklist of aristocratic families, came to Fufeng in person to coerce and bribe the Dou family.

The declining Dou family, like the courtesan in the brothel who claims to sell art but not her body, is powerless to resist the arrogant second generation. She can only say pitifully:

"Grand Sima, my Dou family is at least a famous family. Whether it is the former Han Dynasty or the latter Han Dynasty, we have contributed a lot to the Han Dynasty, and there are even people who died for the country."

"Now you want us to recognize the barbarians outside the Great Wall, which means that our hundreds of years of clean reputation will be destroyed in an instant."

You have to pay more!

"One quota for a textile workshop can be set up in Jiuyuan."

When Feng Da Sima heard this, he felt that it made some sense, so he raised a finger.

As long as he was willing to talk, Feng Da Sima was mostly reasonable.

The head of the Dou family was overjoyed and wanted to be more coy.

Who would have thought that when he saw Mr. Feng's half-smile, he was startled, and the words on his lips turned into:

"Then, are those places in the Royal Academy still valid?"

"Dou Zongzhang also said that the Dou family contributed a lot to the country during the Han Dynasty, but Emperors Huan and Ling favored eunuchs, which caused the Party Persecution Disaster, and the Dou family was also implicated."

Feng Da Sima saw that the other party was so tactful, and his face also showed a smile:

"If you want to revive the Han Dynasty for the third time, you must gather the world's people of ambition and work together. What's more, the Fufeng Dou family is full of loyal and brave people, which is admirable."

He slowed down his speech, but his tone was heavier, "If the children of the family are willing to follow the example of the ancestors of the Dou family and serve the country, I welcome it very much, how can I refuse it?"

Now the talent selection of Ji Han is a parallel system of imperial examination and recommendation system.

Although the imperial examination system is bound to be the main trend in the future.

But it cannot be denied that the overall quality of the children of aristocratic families is still much higher than that of students from poor families.

This is still the case when the importance of studying things is attached and the weight of mathematics is increased.

Before this gap is narrowed to an acceptable level, the system of recommendation is still an important talent selection mechanism.

Of course, it is not so easy for the children of aristocratic families to transform their advantages into their advantages in their official careers.

Just being sent to the countryside to intern and accumulate practical experience is enough to persuade a group of people to quit.

Not to mention that most of the internship places are of some kind of test nature.

For example, if the Dou family's children go smoothly this time, their future internships will most likely be to fight against local tyrants in Hebei and divide the land.

You say you won't do it?

That means there is a problem with your thinking and you are unwilling to contribute your strength to the revival of the Han Dynasty.

How can a person with unqualified ideological awareness be qualified to become a member of the Han Dynasty bureaucracy?

To put it bluntly, it is a token of surrender.

The new policy of Bingzhou Hedong was helped to be implemented by students from Liangzhou Shudi and even Guanzhong.

And many of those students are children of aristocratic families with good roots.

After all, what does the life and death of the Guandong clan have to do with the Guanxi children?

When they were fighting for the world, they called each other brothers and agreed to eat meat and drink soup together.

Who knew that Guandong was not a son of man, and after taking control of the government, he did not regard Guanxi as a human being.

They openly discussed in the court to give up Liangzhou and let Liangzhou fall into the hands of the Hu people.

For this reason, they even did not hesitate to forcibly drive away the Liangzhou officials and people, and destroy houses and fields.

If it were not for the Liangzhou people's own efforts, Liangzhou would have become a barbarian land.

Didn't expect it?

Feng Shui turns, and you have this day too!

Don't say that you are in the same breath, and don't say that the rabbit dies and the fox mourns, I just want to sell wool.

This time, I just want to kill you guys from Guandong!

As for the Bashu children, their thoughts are even simpler.

They say that they are the merits of following the dragon, but who knows that they are following in vain.

Seeing that the Liangzhou guys are selling wool so well, they are about to ride on their heads.

If it's too late, the world will be decided. If you don't show your loyalty, you will have no chance. Who wouldn't be anxious?

And if you kill those Guandong guys, you will have one less competitor in the future. Why not?

When it comes to Bingzhou and Hedong, it's half-hearted.

As a part of Guandong, we originally supported Wei, but Wei didn't live up to expectations.

The sticks of the Han Dynasty are very thick, and it's painful to hit them.

But the dates of the Han Dynasty are also very sweet, and they can be sweet to the heart.

So in order to grow cotton in the east in the future, the Shandong clans had better die early!

It's not that no one saw this division strategy of driving wolves and swallowing tigers. The early Shu family and the Shangdang nobles a few years ago tried to resist.

It's just that the result was a bit bad.

Some people went to Hanjia County and Wenshan County to play hide-and-seek with the barbarians.

Some people went to the border areas of Jiuyuan and other places to ask the Huyi how to graze.

Fufeng Dou Shi didn't want to play hide-and-seek or go herding, she just wanted someone to help her herd, so she sent people to follow the General Zhendong to the frontier.


In the last month of the ninth year of Yanxi's reign, Zhennan general Jiang Wei led his army northward and surrounded Wenxian County. However, they failed to conquer it. He then moved around to collect the people around Wenxian County and moved to Luoyang.

Jiang Ji saw that the Han army was setting up troops to plunder the people everywhere, so he wanted to attack them.

So the two sides had a conflict fifteen miles north of Wen County.

It is called a conflict because the scale of the battle is not large.

The conflict ended with a minor defeat for the Wei army, with the loss of more than 300 men.

It would have been a good thing to win, but Jiang Wei didn't have much happiness on his face.

He sighed and said to his partner Liu Yin:

"I wanted to lure the thief here, but I didn't expect the thief to be so cautious when he came."

Liu Yin originally stayed in Luoyang to prevent the Wei army from Xuchang from making any movement.

It's just that in this cold weather, the old dog will almost freeze to death.

Not to mention the Wei army, not even the Han army could attack the city.

They say they are staying behind, but in fact they are just taking precautions.

When Jiang Wei moved around to relocate the people in Hanoi, Liu Yin rushed over immediately after arranging matters in Luoyang.

He came here not to fight or siege the city, but to cooperate with Jiang Wei in taking over the people.

Hearing Jiang Wei's sigh, Liu Yin couldn't help but smile:

"Why is Bo Yue so greedy? He crossed the river to the north, surrounded Wen County with troops, collected more than 3,000 people, and defeated the thieves. It was enough to send good news to Chang'an."

"Such a small achievement is meaningless." Jiang Wei said, but his eyes were looking in the direction of Wen County, "Only if we can capture Wen County can it be considered a great achievement."

Liu Yin was shocked when he heard this, and quickly advised:

"Boyo, don't act recklessly. Attacking the city in winter is a taboo. The casualties of soldiers are unpredictable."

When Jiang Wei heard this, he reluctantly looked away from Wen County and turned to Liu Yin and said:

"Xiuren, how can I be so ignorant? What I just said was just out of reluctance."

Liu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, "Bo Yue scared me, but I told you that you wanted to attack Wen County."

He couldn't guarantee that his old partner knew the severity, but he was definitely a bold risk-taker.

After thinking about this, he couldn't help but talk too much and reminded:

"Boyue, in half a month at most, the river may begin to thaw. Don't be greedy for credit then. You must be careful to return to Luoyang in time."

Jiang Wei looked up at the sky and sighed again:

"God is not kind to us. This year it is not as cold as before."

I remember that in the winters of earlier years, there were often extremely cold weather, and the ice and snow would also be delayed to melt. It would not matter if it retreated a few days or even ten days later.

But this year is a normal year.

Liu Yin couldn't accept this.

For as long as he could remember, freezing to death in winter had become a common occurrence.

Wouldn't it be a good thing if the winter is warmer?

Of course, whether winter is warmer or colder now has no such great impact on the Han people.

Jiang Wei didn't know what Liu Yin was thinking. His eyes had turned to the north and his brows were furrowed.

The thief seems to be sure that he will not attack the city, or in other words, he is quite confident in Wen County.

Although he had attracted reinforcements as planned, the thieves' reinforcements were stationed in the north of Wen County and were not in a hurry to come to relieve Wen County.

It was obvious that the other party was waiting to see whether they would actually attack the city.

As long as you really attack the city, the other party will be waiting for the opportunity.

If he did not attack the city, the arrival of reinforcements would be enough to give the defenders in the city enough confidence to prevent them from surrendering without a fight.

The weather is not on his side, and this situation is what Jiang Wei hates to see the most:

"Old thief Jiang is difficult to deal with..."

"The ginger thief is very insidious and difficult to deal with!"

At the same time, Jiang Ji, who was confronting Jiang Wei, made the same sigh.

Compared with Jiang Wei lamenting that this year's winter is not cold enough, Jiang Ji is praying for an early warmer weather so as to force the Han army to return to Luoyang quickly.

If we let them stay in Hanoi, who knows what else will happen.

It was such a cold day that the almost sixty-year-old man was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and almost got his back soaked through.

Are all the young people of Han so evil?

Although he suffered a small defeat, Jiang Ji felt very happy in his heart.

On the surface, the Han army seemed to be plundering the people, but in fact, it was hiding an ambush elsewhere, waiting for them in front.

If I hadn't tested it carefully, I would have suffered a big loss.

"Tianshui Youlin, Tianshui Youlin..." Jiang Ji stroked his beard and subconsciously recited Jiang Wei's nickname, feeling quite a bit frightened.

"Sneaking across the Sangchou Plain, seizing Hangu Pass, and capturing Luoyang, this man should not be underestimated."

After mumbling for a while, he seemed to think of something again. His hands shook and he pulled out a few white beards.

"A Tianshui Youlin is so difficult to deal with, but Han still has Hedong Yihu and three thousand cavalry..."

At this thought, Jiang Ji's face turned pale and his body swayed.

And above them, there is Feng, who is far-sighted and ruthless.

What's even more frightening is that these people are all in their prime.

On the other hand, in the Wei Dynasty, both the leaders and those in power were all elderly.

The only younger general is an incompetent person who can only bring trouble to Chao Gang.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ji's body seemed to be overwhelmed and became a little rickety.

Looking toward the southeast with a tired expression, Jiang Ji murmured:

Cao Zhaobo, Cao Zhaobo, this time is related to the survival of the Wei Dynasty. You must not be so stupid as to abolish the official position for selfish reasons.

Otherwise, the Wei Dynasty may die! ——

Although the winter in Qiao County is not as cold as Hanoi, on the coldest days, the ground is still covered silently by ice and snow.

In this season when no one wants to go out, you can even hear the occasional snow falling from the roof on the street.

But there was one figure that stood out particularly abruptly.

Sima Zhao knelt on the cold snow, with his hands struggling to support his thighs. His fingers were red from the cold, as if he might lose consciousness at any time.

His face was full of pleading and despair, and there was deep sorrow between his brows.

His eyes were fixed on the solemn mansion in front of him, with a faint light shining in his eyes, full of prayer and expectation, as if that was the only hope in his heart.

His lips were turned purple from the cold, but they were still trembling with difficulty, and he let out a hoarse cry:

"General, please send troops to save Hebei!"

"The army of thieves is pressing down on the territory. Thief Feng personally leads the invasion. Hebei is in critical danger!"

The voice echoed in the deserted street, looking so pale and weak in the wind and snow, but his throat was so hoarse that he was still unwilling to give up, as if to tell the world his determination and perseverance.

It was the end of the year, and the general canceled the last few court meetings at the end of the year in the name of the fact that the emperor was young and the cold weather should not be too much.

Sima Zhao, who originally planned to come to Qiao County to cry in court, did not even have a chance to see the emperor.

In desperation, he could only send the invitation to the general's mansion.

It's just a rift between Taifu Sima and the general. Who doesn't know about it?

Therefore, Sima Zhao's greeting invitation was naturally like a stone sinking into the sea without causing any ripples.

Sima Zhao stayed in front of the General's Mansion for several days, but was not received by Cao Shuang. In desperation, he had no choice but to kneel in front of the General's Mansion in this humiliating way to ask for an audience.

"Zi Shang, Zi Shang, what are you doing? Get up quickly!"

Just as an unknown number of people were secretly watching this wonderful show, a group of cars suddenly appeared from the side. Before the cars stopped, someone got out of the car.

But seeing this man rushing over regardless of the slippery snow, he wanted to help Sima Zhao up personally:

"Why are you like this? Get up quickly!"

Who would have expected that when he pulled him, he didn't know whether it was because Sima Zhao had been kneeling for too long and his body was stiff, or because Sima Zhao was unwilling to get up, so he didn't pull.

"It's Zhaosu," Sima Zhao raised his head stiffly, saw the person clearly, and said with a wry smile:

"Zhaosu, I am here this time on your orders to ask the general to send troops to save Hebei."

"If I can't fulfill your orders, how can I face you in front of you? I might as well freeze to death here."

The person called Zhaosu was Cao Xi, the brother of General Cao. When he heard Sima Zhao's words, he was shocked and said:

"Why did your Majesty say this? Did he say that he froze to death for interceding for state affairs? You get up first, follow me into the mansion, and go with me to beg the general."

Hearing this, Sima Zhao followed Cao Xi's arm and stood up.

After he stood up straight, his body still swayed. It was obvious that he had been kneeling for too long and his legs were numb and weak.

"Make Zhaosu laugh."

Sima Zhao held Cao Xi's hand and whispered.

Cao Xi shook his head, looked at Sima Zhao's miserable appearance, and said apologetically:

"If it's a joke, it's up to me to say it. I came back too late. Please follow me first."

After saying that, he led him towards the General's Mansion.

"Mr. Lang..."

The concierge of the General's Mansion shouted.

Facing the concierge, Cao Xike did not have such a good temper and shouted angrily:

"Get away!"

After Cao Shuang took sole control of the government, he appointed his second brother Cao Xi as the leader of the central army. He also abolished the captains of the middle and backbone battalions of the five battalions of the Forbidden Army, and placed the soldiers of the two battalions under the direct command of Cao Xi.

In addition, Cao Xun was appointed as the general of the military guard, commanding the military guard camp of the imperial army, and Cao Yan was appointed as the regular attendant of the scattered cavalry. The Cao brothers then completely controlled the imperial army of the capital.

Among so many brothers, only Cao Xi had some knowledge.

He repeatedly advised Cao Shuang not to act too arbitrarily, but unfortunately Cao Shuang did not accept it.

At this time, seeing Sima Zhao being humiliated in front of the general's palace, Cao Xi felt a fire in his heart:

How unwise my brother is!

This move seemed to humiliate the Sima family, but in fact it made people think that his brother, as a general, was a man who neglected public affairs for his own selfish reasons, and was looked down upon for nothing.

This time, even if he was trying to be scolded by his brother, he still wanted to understand how his brother could do such a stupid thing.

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