Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 334: Love Is Inescapable When I See Feng Lang

Huang Yueying's words made Guan Ji happy and shy at the same time.

The loss of Jingzhou put a heavy burden on the Guan family.

Counting it, both His Majesty and the Queen can be regarded as acquaintances since childhood. But the second brother, as a servant, was originally on duty in the palace, but was obviously alienated by His Majesty.

Xinjun's dislike of Guan's family may not be groundless.

That is, when I came back from Hanzhong for the first time last year, His Majesty's attitude towards the second brother changed slightly - because that time I brought back the share of the ranch.

Because of the technique of wishing the rooster bestowed by Feng Lang, the life of Guanfu became much more comfortable, and later, this also involved dry food in the army.

This income has increased more and more.

The second brother now has the confidence to win over the old subordinates of the Guan family again.

Only then can I have the confidence to manage all aspects of the relationship.

Only then can I have the confidence to communicate with each other.

Even His Majesty became closer to the Guan family.

The Guan family at this time is much better than the Guan family of last year.

Thinking of the phrase that that person said, "A man with money is hard to be a man without money", although it sounds vulgar, but when he thinks of his appearance and imagines his expression when he said this, at the corner of Guan Ji's mouth at this moment is Bring a smile.

It is also reasonable to say this.

Thinking of him, Guan Ji couldn't help thinking of all kinds of things about him when they got along in Hanzhong, and the corners of her mouth curved even wider.

Seeing Feng Lang's love is hard to escape, not to mention that his love is deeply rooted, so where can he escape?

As my aunt said, it is rare for a woman to meet a good man. Since she has finally met him, she naturally wants to recognize him. How can she let him go so easily?

Huang Yueying looked at Guan Ji and suddenly giggled, as if she also felt Guan Ji's joy, she also smiled helplessly and shook her head.

"When the first emperor entered Shu, he felt that the world had gone through chaos and destruction, and that knowledge had been abandoned for a long time, so he gathered legal codes and books and asked people to reorganize them."

"Xu Ci, Hu Qian, Meng Guang, Lai Min and others were the main scholars who were in charge of classics and ancient books at that time. Xu Ci's knowledge is still good, but it is a pity that he is not good enough."

Huang Yueying knew that Guan Ji was thin-skinned, and after confirming her intentions, she couldn't make fun of her anymore, so she changed the topic to what she said earlier.

"At that time, when Baiye was in its infancy, there were not many rules. In addition, the matter of learning is different, so there are many doubts in the annotations."

"Xu Ci and Na Hu Qian have always disagreed. The two competed for victory and attack, fought and slandered. In order to prove that they were right, they sometimes provoked and fought each other, and even boasted that they belittled each other. none."

"In this situation, even the first emperor was a big headache, and frequent persuasion could not resolve the grievances between the two sides. It was not until later that Hu Qian died first that this matter subsided."

"That's why Xu Ci still has talent. He can be regarded as a veteran and a hero. It's just because of his character that he can't be promoted to the official position."

Huang Yueying showed a look of regret, "The first emperor and the prime minister wanted to grind his temper, so they kept suppressing him. I didn't expect the son he taught to be so unbearable."

"It's just that if you do this, I'm afraid you will have a grudge against the Xu family."

Guan Ji's face was flat, and although her tone was light, there was a sense of determination, "Then when Xu Xun told about my affairs with the Li family, he should have thought of enmity with my Guan family."

When the Guan family doesn't know who spread the news, the Guan family can pretend that they don't know anything.

But if you know who spread the word, you can't pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Otherwise, who will take the Guan family seriously in the future?

"When this matter is investigated, it's still Xu Ci's fault for talking too much."

Huang Yueying frowned slightly, "He is originally from the inner palace, and he is familiar with all kinds of etiquette. At that time, the Nanzhong rebellion, the prime minister was anxious to appease the Li family in Nanzhong. He thought that since you wanted to marry into the Li family on his own initiative, he just waited for Li Wenxuan to agree. Just take care of your family affairs."

"That's why the prime minister called Xu Ci into the mansion and asked him what kind of etiquette should be used for the marriage of the prince's daughter to the governor's son."

"At that time, Li Wenxuan went in and out of the prime minister's mansion again and again. I think he had guessed the whole story at that time. Then Xu Xun must have learned about it from the adults of his family, and then he took the opportunity to use you to make the boy's reputation worse. .”

"What I'm just wondering is why the Xu family suddenly let a matchmaker come to accept it? Since the acceptance is not successful, how can Xu Xun get into trouble with you?"

"I don't know why the Xu family came to adopt their niece."

Guan Ji explained, "However, Si Niang insisted on dragging me to a boudoir party a few days ago. At that time, I happened to meet some gentlemen from Jincheng, and Xu Xun was also on the list."

"That's when Si Niang told me what he did, and asked me to teach him a lesson. I couldn't get angry at the time, so I agreed. Later, Si Niang tried to provoke him again. He couldn't bear it, so she told me I tried my fist next time."

Although Guan Ji said that she didn't know why Xu's family asked a matchmaker to come and adopt her, she actually had a vague guess in her heart, probably because she was seen by many people in women's clothing these days, so someone thought about it.

Guan Ji still has a certain degree of self-knowledge about her appearance.

But she didn't know that there was a certain big loli helping the flames.

Zhang Xingyi spent a lot of thought in order to lure Xu Xun down to compete with Guan Ji.

I have seen a lot of Jincheng's sons and gentlemen vying to express themselves in front of her, and Zhang Xingyi can somewhat grasp the psychology of these young gentlemen.

Therefore, Zhang Xiahou is worthy of being a girl from an aristocratic family, and she knows that she will not suffer so easily in the future if she has experienced some things.

When a matchmaker comes to accept a match, it is a temptation. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter, because it is just an expression of such a wish.

As time goes on, it will naturally fade away.

But not long after this incident, Zhang Xingyi asked Guan Ji and Xu Xun to meet, the young gentleman has a good face, how could he let it go for a while?

If it is a little more aggressive, how can Xu Xun not be fooled?

Who in Jincheng doesn't know the name of the tiger girl of the Guan family?

But what I heard is just what I heard. In fact, most people have never seen her skills with their own eyes. In addition, Guan Ji was wearing women's clothing at the time. If Xu Xun dared not leave the stage under such circumstances, he would lose face as well. was thrown away.

When Xu Xun appeared in front of Guan Ji, Zhang Ji wanted to cut off the retreat behind him and prevent him from retreating.

But the front is also a pit. Although this pit looks beautiful and is still wearing women's clothing, if you fall into it, you will definitely break your leg - because the tiger girl of the Guan family is a real tiger.

The hole dug by the young lady of the Zhang family was dark and deep.

"The men's clothing you were wearing at the time?"

Huang Yueying's expression became even more strange, and she glanced up and down at Guan Ji,

"Women's clothing."

"Wearing women's clothing discounted his legs?"


When Huang Yueying heard this, she rubbed her forehead and sighed helplessly, "Si Niang's mind is becoming more and more unpredictable. When she grows up, she may be even more difficult to deal with than her elder sister. If you two play like this, you just have to worry about it." I'm afraid Xu Xun will lose all face."

Although Guan Ji didn't explain the situation at that time in detail, but who Huang Yueying was, the woman that even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty relied on, just from Guan Ji Liao Liao's few words, he had already guessed what Siniang was doing in it. effect.

And the reason why Si Niang knew what Xu Xun had done was probably because she got the news from the queen.

Because when the rumors about Guan Ji and Li Yi spread some time ago, Cheng Xiang thought that there was something wrong in the mansion, so he asked people to find out who told about Guan Ji and Li Yi.

This investigation directly found Xu Ci, and Xu Ci was a member of the inner palace, so even if the prime minister wanted to warn Xu Ci, he would inform the palace.

"Forget it, Xu Xun deserves what he deserves."

Huang Yueying thought about it, even if the Xu family realized that the two daughters of Guan and Zhang had jointly hacked Xu Xun, they would not dare to say anything.

Needless to say, the Zhang family, the Guan family is not easy to provoke now, plus that cruel Xiaowen and...

Well, even if it's me, I'm afraid I can only swallow this breath first.

What's more, if this matter is really going to be shameless, it's the Xu family who made mistakes first.

Anyway, both left and right can't suffer. Thinking of this, Huang Yueying added another layer of worry. What is Si Niang trying so hard for?

Zhang Xingyi was also Huang Yueying's half daughter, Huang Yueying could still vaguely guess what she was thinking.

Thinking of the fact that the boy almost got engaged to Si Niang last year, Huang Yueying couldn't help but let out a long sigh, if she knew this before, why bother?

What a crime!

"Why does Auntie sigh?"

Guan Ji thought that Huang Yueying was worried about the grudge between herself and the Xu family, so she couldn't help asking with concern.

"I was thinking," Huang Yueying looked at Guan Ji, and after a while she made up her mind and said, "What if Si Niang also likes that kid, what should you do?"

The layer of thin paper between Guan Ji and Zhang Ji was suddenly pierced.

Guan Ji was caught off guard, she became flustered, her eyes drifted, " could..."

"What if?"

Since Huang Yueying said it, she won't let it go so easily, she has seen many things, and she knows the truth of being constantly rebelled by it, "You also know that Si Niang almost got engaged to him at that time. "

"He...he won't."

Guan Ji couldn't answer Huang Yueying's words, so she had to use Feng Tubie to resist.

"Why not? He even has a concubine, you don't know, his lustful name... hum!"

Huang Yueying said dissatisfied, "Besides, you don't know how much fun he had with Siniang at that time. And over the past year, has his contact with Siniang been less?"

"No, it won't."

Guan Ji summoned up her courage and said, "Although he has a concubine by his side, he only gave her a title and never touched her. He said that it is not appropriate for a man to break up before the age of eighteen and a woman until the age of sixteen." body, because it hurts too much. How old is Si Niang? How could he have such an idea?"

Huang Yueying just felt that this kind of statement was really absurd, "Nonsense, really according to what he said, there are still few couples with children at the age of 13 or 14 in the world?"

"it is true."

In order to prove her point, Guan Ji said anxiously, "He said, that's the rule in his sect. You are not allowed to have sexual intercourse before the age of 18. And according to his sect, the best time for a man and a woman to get married , all after twenty.”

"Is there such a saying?"

If Feng Yong said it alone, Huang Yueying would not believe it, but when she thought of the mysterious teacher behind that kid, she had to pay attention to it, "What's the reason for this?"

"This niece doesn't know either."

Guan Ji shook her head and said, "Brother said, many of the reasons why women in the world have to pass through the door of hell when they give birth are because they are too young, and there are also because they did not pay attention to isolating sickness when giving birth, so later It will break your bones."

"What else did he say?"

Huang Yueying asked hurriedly.

"I can't remember clearly," Guan Ji blushed, her elder brother told her about the woman giving birth, it was embarrassing, and she didn't listen much at the time, how could she remember clearly?

"Besides, there are many things my brother said that my niece couldn't understand. So, Auntie, Si Niang is only twelve years old this year, and she won't be sixteen until at least four years later."

"Hey, you woman!"

Huang Yueying resentfully poked Guan Ji's forehead with her finger, causing Guan Ji to stagger.

"What will happen to you, Si Niang, and that bastard, that's up to the three of you! I don't care anymore, what I want to know is, what did the kid say about this woman's childbirth!"

I saw Guan Ji bowed her head and was speechless. Judging by her appearance, she was speechless.

Huang Yueying let out another long sigh, so she had to put this matter aside for the time being and picked up a piece of fabric.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, I will ask him when I have a chance in the future."

"By the way, you said that if you use this fabric to make a hakama, will it be warmer to wear in winter? It's really weird, how did that bastard get his mind? How can he understand everything? The hakama he made is different from others It’s different, but it’s still comfortable to wear.”

The hakama that Huang Yueying talked about was the trousers that Feng Yong and his party in Hanzhong were accustomed to wearing.

Feng Yong's custom-made clothes for Zhang Ji also included these trousers, and together with the clothes Guan Ji wore after returning to Jincheng, the next-to-body clothes will always be without hakama.

This thing is really convenient to move around, and it is close to the body and warm. The most important thing is the huge influence of the woolen cloth, so the prime minister's wife is also planning to make a few sets of this kind of clothes herself.

"It must be warm to be warm, but my brother said that I need to sew a lining inside, or simply wear an undercoat with a lining inside."

Guan Ji said something cautiously.

Sure enough, Huang Yueying glared at her again, "Brother, brother, you are brother if you open your mouth and keep your mouth shut. I think you are hopeless! You will definitely be eaten to death by him in the future!"

The tiger girl shrank again, and became a sick cat.

When winter just entered, His Majesty the Emperor who was staying in the palace suddenly issued an edict, saying that he would go to Huiling personally to offer sacrifices to the late emperor.

This decree caused a little disturbance in the court, some people wondered, it was getting colder, how could His Majesty the Emperor still think about going out of the palace?

"It used to be cold and you couldn't go out, what are you afraid of now?"

The colleague listened to his muttering and said aside.

"How can you not be afraid?"

"Didn't your mother-in-law make clothes out of the hair cloth that was handed out a few days ago? That stuff, it's warm to wear..."

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot."

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