Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 335 Knowledge Interpretation Power

Although I don't understand why His Majesty the Emperor would think of leaving the palace to worship the late Emperor when the weather turned cold, but now that the edict has been issued, all the ministers who are going to make preparations still have to make preparations.

On a certain day chosen by Tai Shiling, Adou took the relevant officials and went to Huiling in a mighty way.

First put the first emperor in prison—this year the life of the big man has been much easier, so the sacrifices are also generous.

Unlike at the beginning of the year, you can only go to a young prison.

Then he took another piece of high-quality wool cloth and put it on—this is a rare and good thing, so that the late emperor could also see it.

Zagotel, who was behind, brought a few leaders to kowtow to the first emperor—indicating that the big man had regained a little bit of glory.

In the end is the main event.

A Dou read the imperial edict for a while, the content was nothing more than praising the late emperor and himself.

The most noticeable point is that there is one thing that is highly praised in it, that is, the auspicious appearance of the big man.

This auspiciousness is paper.

A Dou praised this auspiciousness, saying that this kind of paper is so good, it is thick, soft, tough and slippery, so this is a sign that the literary affairs of the Han Dynasty will flourish.

So all the ministers watched as the prime minister brought up a large stack of paper and handed it to His Majesty, and then His Majesty took the paper and burned it in front of everyone, burning it...

After all this was done, A Dou took advantage of the fact that the ministers were not paying attention, and gestured to Xiangfu with his eyes, meaning nothing more than, Xiangfu, how do you think my play is going?

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty raised his eyebrows and gave him an appreciative look, which meant that he received it and did a good job.

The two men standing at the top of the big man completed the silent communication under such circumstances.

After A Dou finished what he was supposed to do, the prime minister of the big man came out and bowed to salute. He first congratulated His Majesty, and then suggested, "Since heaven has blessed the big man, your majesty should obey the will of heaven and vigorously promote literary affairs."

A Dou, who had already memorized his lines, said quickly, "Father Xiang's words are very kind, but how to do it, please teach me."

Then he showed a very humble and cautious look.

"The late emperor once felt that the world was in turmoil, so he ordered people to collect books and annotate them in order to learn from the classics. If the auspiciousness comes today, this is a good opportunity for your majesty to inherit the legacy of the late emperor. Why don't your majesty call together famous scholars in the world to annotate the classics?"


So amidst the singing and harmony between A Dou and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and amidst the bewilderment of the ministers, this matter was decided so happily.

Even if someone feels something is wrong and wants to object, but there is no way to object without preparation.

Your Majesty said in front of the tomb of the late emperor that he would inherit the will of the late emperor, who would dare not agree? Who dares to object?

In November of the second year of Jianxing of the Han Dynasty, there was auspicious treasure paper in Nanxiang County. The Taishi Ling said that this is the dynasty when the literary affairs of the Han Dynasty will flourish. Therefore, the emperor issued an edict to call together learned scholars from all over the world to re-annotate classics and classics, transcribe them on precious paper, and rectify the words of sages.

When the news reached Hanzhong, Feng Tubie was dozing off on the rocking chair.

The back of the chair was covered with a thick layer of cushions, and his body was covered with a blanket. After hearing the news from Jincheng, Feng Tubie couldn't help cheering up, and sighed, this Zhuge old demon is really a meeting For play.

Why did Liu Bei rush to gather learned scholars to sort out the classics despite the financial difficulties and even before the surrounding area was completely settled when Liu Bei just entered the land of Shu?

The reason is very simple, it is to compete with the aristocratic family for the right to interpret knowledge.

To put it simply, it is to find a reasonable legal basis for stabilizing one's own rule, and at the same time to dominate public opinion.

Even if Liu Bei wants to proclaim himself emperor later, his subordinates have to find explanations from classics and classics.

It is a pity that first there was the Great War in Hanzhong, then there was the loss of Jingzhou, and finally there was another defeat in Yiling, which caused the government's finances to almost go bankrupt. Let it go to the family in Shuzhong.

The right to interpret knowledge is usually invisible, but it affects the stability of a regime from time to time.

Especially at critical times, it can affect whether the political power moves to the left or to the right.

One of the most obvious examples is Qiao Zhou who persuaded Adou to surrender.

Qiao Zhou was a native of Yizhou, who was diligent and studious since he was a child, read scriptures well, and knew astronomy.

When the old demon Zhuge was around, he could still suppress the aristocratic family in central Shu, so Qiao Zhou appeared in front of everyone as a loyal minister.

After the old demon Zhuge died, his true colors of the surrender faction were revealed.

From the time when the heroes of the Han Dynasty came together, there was a mysterious political prophecy, which was widely circulated, called "the one who replaces the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao".

First of all, Qiao Zhou explained that Wei must replace Han, so he has been spreading pessimistic comments, saying that Cao Wei must win the world.

Then he said that it is wrong for Adou to change his Yuan immediately after he ascended the throne, and only a subjugated king would do this kind of thing.

Later, he even used the names of Liu Bei and Liu Chan as an example, saying that the combination of the names of the father and son means that after the completion, Zen should be surrendered to others, saying that the regime of Shu Han is illegal and will surely perish.

Later, he strongly opposed Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition and wrote a book "Theory of Hatred of the Country", which was to open up the resistance of Yizhou natives to the foreign ruling group of Shu Han, and also to clear the way for the subsequent capitulationism.

At the last moment, he still jumped out and tried his best to persuade Adou to surrender...

So the vacillating Adou finally opened the city gate and surrendered.

At this point, Qiao Zhou used the invisible sharp blade of knowledge interpretation power to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the Shu Han monarchs and ministers and declared that he was accomplished.

It was only later that Jiang Wei and others came up with the famous saying, "The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did His Majesty surrender first?".

Regardless of whether the Shu Han will inevitably perish in the end, as far as Qiao Zhou's own approach is concerned, it is really unreasonable.

But this also illustrates the importance of the right to interpret knowledge.

Old Demon Zhuge may not understand this point, but according to the original historical trajectory, the finances of the Han Dynasty have always been extremely tight, and coupled with the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, not to mention money and food, even if there are not many talents, how can there be a chance to do this? ?

It was only because of the intrusion of a certain soil turtle that the history was deviated.

There is food, there is also a lot of money and silk, and most importantly, the name paper is really easy to use!

Treasure paper!

This is the name given by His Majesty.

Listen, just by the name, you can tell how awesome this paper is!

If such a good thing is not used to transcribe classics, is it still human?

When transcribing, is it necessary to clearly explain the meaning of this? Lest the world misunderstand the meaning of the saint?

This is a grand event. Isn't this the place where the literary affairs of the Han Dynasty will flourish?

Everything is very logical, no trace of PS.

As a result, the Han court can openly intervene in the right to interpret knowledge.

In the future, if someone says that the sage means this, the court can slap him: The sage never said this, so what he meant should be like this...

If you don’t believe me, take a look, I still have scriptures copied from precious paper.

Anyway, Old Master Confucius threatened others with his fist the size of a sandbag. Now, since both parties can explain what the sage said, they can naturally learn from Old Master Confucius. Whoever has the bigger fist has the final say.

The question is what does the family compare with Zhuge Old Demon?

And more importantly, the quality of this paper has improved, and it can be mass-produced. In addition, it is many times more convenient than the book slips. In the end, the quantitative change will lead to a qualitative change, and that will happen sooner or later.

This trick is too poisonous!

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie smiled wretchedly, wondering how those aristocratic families in Sichuan would jump this time?

Then I remembered that I still held an unformed weapon in my hand. If the time is right and I release it, I don't know if it will make those aristocratic families in Sichuan wish to smash themselves to ashes?

"What are you laughing at, brother?"

Li Yi watched his brother stand there blankly for a while, and suddenly laughed so hard that it made people feel a little creepy, he couldn't help asking.


Feng Yong glanced at Li Yi, and thought that fighting among the aristocratic families was no easier than fighting on the battlefield.

The Li family in Nanzhong took refuge in the Zhuge old demon and killed the acquaintances of the aristocratic family in central Shu, which is quite powerful-isn't this the paper that Li Yi reminded himself to offer?

But think about it, as far as the current situation is concerned, the power of knowledge interpretation is basically transferred from one hand to the other—from the aristocratic family in central Shu to the hands of the Han court.

Isn't the Li family of Nanzhong one of the representatives of the imperial court?

Feng Tubie felt relieved when he thought of this.

Because in fact, these are all contradictions within the ruling class.

The heads of Guizhou can basically ignore it, they are not qualified to participate in such a tall game.

"Wenxuan, tell me, how much food and people will the big families in Sichuan pay this time?"

The literary affairs of the Great Han Dynasty are about to flourish. Since you are a heir to farming and reading, don’t you just ignore such grand events?

If in the future, the local turtle and the head of Guizhou ask, how much power did the aristocratic families in the middle of Shu contribute to the prosperity of the literary affairs of the great man?

Then the "insider" replied: I didn't make any effort at all.

So naturally there will be native beetles yelling: What kind of nonsense farming and studying heirlooms?

Where do you put the family's face? Isn't this cutting oneself off in front of the world?

"It's hard to say about money and food. It's estimated that all of them will be paid out. As for people, the more the better, I'm afraid the court will not agree."

Both Li Qiu and Huang Chong were in the county government, Feng Yong was only surrounded by Li Yi and Yang Wanwan, and Yang Wanwan couldn't keep up with Feng Yong's thoughts for the time being.

Based on Zhuge Old Demon's temperament of scraping oil off stones, the possibility of the aristocratic family wanting to get admission tickets for this grand event is basically zero.

But the aristocratic families have to find ways to force people in, otherwise if the court is allowed to mess around, who knows what will happen in the end?

It's not like Zhuge's village man's scolding has been spread in the aristocratic family for a day or two. If the aristocratic family in central Shu still has illusions about Zhuge's integrity, then it's really a white rabbit.

"In the past, the imperial court wanted people and they refused to give them, but now they have to find a way to force them in," Feng Yong said with a gleeful smile, "I don't know how much money I lost this time?"

Thinking about it, this aristocratic family in Sichuan is actually quite pitiful.

Last year, he suffered a blood loss, and this year when the grain harvest was harvested, he was quietly sheared by the old demon Zhuge.

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, the black-handed old demon Zhuge once again plucked the wool openly, preparing for a fat year...

I don't know if the news of the southern expedition in spring next year will spread, will someone be so angry that he vomits blood and dies?

Thinking about it, Feng Yong felt a little distressed for the aristocratic families in central Sichuan. Why do you think you are so unlucky to meet such a monstrous opponent?

Look at the Wei and Wu countries, how nourishing is the life of the aristocratic family?

"The left and right credits have been obtained, and the rest has nothing to do with us, just look at it."

Li Yi didn't feel sad at all, instead he had a look of excitement, as if he had personally participated in such a big event, which was very honorable.

"It's not irrelevant. Didn't there be news from Jincheng, asking us to transport another batch of paper?"

Feng Yong yawned, then lazily retracted his chair, "Wen Xuan pays attention to this matter, don't miss the prime minister's important matter."

"Little brother, save it."

Li Yi cheered up.

The people in Hanzhong were in Wodong, but the people in Jincheng felt restless.

"Shopkeeper, bring a jug of wine first!"

In the restaurant, Zhao Guang and Wang Xun asked for a private room, and gave orders as soon as they sat down.

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't have wine in this shop."

The shop clerk laughed.

"I'm not talking about real wine, but the kind of soup wine in your shop."

Zhao Guang patted the table and stared.

Soup wine, in fact, smells like wine, but when you drink it, it is just a slightly sweet soup with a little sourness.

Zhao Guang was already handsome. If it was the past, he would be a very handsome young man in troubled times. It's a pity that now he has a faint scar on his face, adding a sharp look for no reason.

In addition, I have been with a certain soil turtle for too long, and I have also acquired some bad habits.

"I'm sorry sir, there's no soup or wine."

The waiter bowed and said.

"I asked you whether this shop will do business. The court only banned alcohol, not soup and wine. Besides, I am also an old customer here. How many times have I drank soup and wine here before? You boy, Could it be that the newcomer doesn't know me?"

The waiter in the shop smiled helplessly, "How dare you bully him when you know that I am a regular customer? There is really no soup and wine in this shop. A few days ago, someone from the government said that soup and wine are also wine, and they are not allowed to sell them."

"Huh? Soup and wine are also wine, who said that?"

Zhao Guang's eyes widened, thinking to himself who is so wicked?

The imperial court has a ban on alcohol, so it’s fine if you don’t drink alcohol on weekdays. After finally finding a place to eat and smell the smell of alcohol to satisfy your cravings, it’s banned? What an inappropriate son of man!

I didn't feel it when I was with my elder brother before, but now that I left my elder brother and returned to Jincheng, I suddenly realized that my mouth was too savage. Whether it was eating at home or eating outside, I found it really hard to swallow .

That is to say, it is interesting to have such a soup and wine in this restaurant. I didn’t expect that they would not let them sell it. It’s really unreasonable!

"It's really boring!"

Zhao Guang stood up and walked out angrily, "Zishi is gone, there is no soup and wine in this shop, and there is nothing delicious in this shop."

As soon as he got out of the private room, he saw a person suddenly appearing from the next private room, blocking Zhao Guang's face, bowing down and saluting, "I've seen Mr. Zhao Lang."

Zhao Guang fixed his eyes and frowned slightly, "It's you?"

The visitor bent even lower and laughed, "I didn't expect to meet Zhao Langjun and Wang Langjun here by chance. It's really luck."

Zhao Guang looked the person up and down, with a sneer on his face, "I can't take it as luck, and between you and me, I'm afraid there's nothing to say, get out of the way!"

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