Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 345 Goodbye Huang Yueying

Wei Rong finally scratched his head, this somewhat precocious child finally revealed his childish side.

"It seems that something is different."

"Of course it's different. You just wear the same clothes as them, but that doesn't mean you are the same. You are born better than them. If there is no accident, they will work hard all their lives, and they will never be able to surpass you."

From a lowly family, or even a wild citizen without a household registration, to become a good citizen, that is already regarded as a high incense for the ancestors.

If he can get Feng Yong's fancy and be pushed out to be a small official in the future, it will be smoke from the ancestral grave.

As for Wei Rong and Fu Qian, they had to start at least a few levels higher than their upper limit.

The strata of semi-slavery society are so hierarchical.

It is not to say that there are no children of wild slaves who have turned over to reach the heights of Wei Rong and Fu Qian, but it is very rare, at least for now Feng Yong does not dare to expect too much.

"So you shouldn't envy them, but they envy you. They just don't dare to play with you, not that they don't want to play with you. So you have to find a way to let them come and circle around you."

In this era, the slave society has not been completely separated, and even the feudal society is considered reluctant. Teaching Wei Rong and Fu Qian to treat others equally is to harm them.

What Feng Yong wants to teach is to let them learn how to lead others and let others work for them.

"Then what should we do, sir?"

Fu Qian raised his head and asked.

"In this world, everyone has something they want. As long as you have something that others want, then others will naturally come to beg you. Think about what you have that they want? "

Wei Rong looked at the sunba below, his eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said, "I thought of it."

Seeing that Wei Rong wanted to ask again, Feng Yong waved his hand and said, "I've already said a lot, and you need to think about the rest and try it yourself. This is the residence of Mr. For half of your family, it’s okay to make mistakes, at worst, just try another thing.”

Wei Rong pulled Fu Qian up, bowed, and ran away with Fu Qian.

Feng Yong felt refreshed after having passed the addiction of educating children.

He patted the green grass under him, no one saw it here anyway, so he lay down immediately, looked up at the sky as pure as a blue mirror, felt the cool spring breeze, and his eyelids felt a little astringent.

Although I have been sleeping for a day and a night, my exhaustion has not completely passed. I just want to sleep when I am lazy. In addition to such a good day and such a good weather, I am sleepy in spring and autumn.

Forget it, just sleep for a while...

As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard someone say in my ear: "It really is someone who came out of the mountain gate. It is so natural to teach disciples how to control people's hearts."

Shocked, Feng Yong turned over quickly, without looking, he knew Huang Yueying was coming just by hearing the sound.

"How did Madam come here?"

"Feng Zhuang has been closed for so long, and it finally opened today. I'm here to take care of Zhuangzi who has been under my care for more than a year, can't I?"

Huang Yueying walked over slowly, with Zhang Ji in her left hand and the unparalleled Guan Ji in her right hand, just like Avalokitesvara descending to earth.

"All right, let alone the opening of the villa, even if it is closed, and others won't let you in, can't Madam also be allowed in? Speaking of which, I have never thanked Madam for her kindness in taking care of me."

Feng Yong first looked at Guan Ji in women's clothing, she was so beautiful!

And look at Zhang Ji who just bloomed, really...

Forget it, can't make a mistake.

Swallowing quietly, he restrained his restless heart.

Well, spring...has arrived!

Huang Yueying came to the front, didn't look at Feng Yong, only looked at the crowds of people below, and sighed softly, "It seems that you usually have an easy-going appearance, but if someone doesn't know you well, I'm afraid I'll be deceived by you." That’s right. The tone of looking down on all living beings just now is the appearance of a person in the mountain gate.”

Feng Yong didn't care about the meaning of Huang Yueying's words, and he didn't want to explain.

Anyway, the title of this disciple of the mountain gate has already been sacked to death. Now even if he calls all over the world that I am not, no one will believe me.

As she said that, she pointed to the bottom and said, "Come back this time, this place can really be called Feng Mansion, right?"

"That's right."

Although no one said anything about this banquet, everyone tacitly accepted the fact that this was also a banquet to celebrate Feng Zhuang becoming the real "Feng Mansion".

There are dependent households, there are special guards, there is a huge foundation, and the master's family is famous, what is it if it is not a mansion?

Huang Yueying looked at the delicate and handsome young man in front of her, feeling a lot of emotion in her heart.

A sixteen-year-old young man, alone, spent almost two years to achieve such a great cause. Except for the children from the mountain gate who can have such abilities, even the children of rich families cannot do it.

Are the Li and Huang families not big families? They still have to beg the young man in front of them.

Although he has always looked up to this young man, but from the current point of view, even his own A Lang underestimates him.

How could this be a disciple of the mountain gate who was thrown into the world to walk? They are the most core direct disciples, right?

Fortunately, fortunately, this mountain gate has great kindness towards the big man.

Not only did he make good friends with Zhao Guang, Li Yi and others, but he also did not hesitate to teach him the skills in the mountain gate. Otherwise, with Zhao Guang's muddle-headed temper, if he wanted to get ahead, it would be considered a blessing to wait ten or eight years. I guess it depends on him The adult is Zhao Zilong's sake.

And from the looks of it just now, the two disciples, Wei Rong and Fu Qian, he also taught the real thing.

Huang Yueying felt Feng Yong's peeking eyes, she put back her thoughts, smiled, and said, "Since you can be called your mansion, then you, the Patriarch, are a man who can afford things. Tell me, how do you plan to pay back what you owe me?"

"Ow? What do you owe?"

Feng Yong was at a loss, thinking that I sent back so much spicy wool cloth from Hanzhong, couldn't it satisfy your appetite?

"Mulberry branches!" Huang Yueying pointed to the distance, "The 800 mulberry trees in my village were all broken last year, and they were all planted in your village. Don't try to renege on your debt. Here, Doesn’t it grow in that field?”

In the direction pointed, there is a densely packed small mulberry tree.

"This spring, it's almost time to raise silkworms. I just realized that the mulberry trees in my Zhuangzi didn't grow many mulberry leaves at all. What do you think will happen to my Zhuangzi this year?"

As she said that, Huang Yueying glanced at Feng Yong with a half-smile, and then at Guan Ji, "I remember that you just got the post of Lieutenant of Yizhou Diannong, and you couldn't wait to write a letter, so that your own land can also be planted. Little, but also tell the prime minister that it is of great use."

"Well, the captain of Yizhou Diannong can supervise all the agricultural affairs in Yizhou. Even the prime minister will seriously consider three points if he speaks out. Jincheng only dares to plant mulberry trees in the field in your village, and the government doesn't care. After all, when it comes to farming, who dares to compare with Yizhou Diannong Xiaowei?"

"Hey..." Feng Yong pretended to be stupid, and secretly glanced at Guan Ji, only to see that her pretty face was flushed, and he didn't dare to look at her.

Well, this is a good woman who takes care of the family, sure.

For the sake of her husband's family, even the mulberry tree branches of her mother's family were stripped off. I don't know if I used an axe?

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