Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 346 Sericulture

"Don't try to fool the past. Seeing that my village can't even raise a few silkworms this year, how are you going to compensate me?"

Huang Yueying didn't seem to intend to let Feng Yong go.

"Ma'am, I have no choice but to raise silkworms in this spring."

Feng Yong rubbed his hands together, and smiled apologetically, "However, in autumn, we can raise them for another season, when the mulberry trees in Madam's village will also grow leaves."

Counting the days, the mulberry tree planted in my house, because I told the housekeeper to put enough base fertilizer, I can basically pick a few leaves this autumn, and then I will try to raise some silkworms in my house, and look at the mulberry tree planted by Huang Yueying Is it really more suitable for silkworm rearing?

Contrasting tests and speaking with facts is the most basic scientific spirit.

After hearing this, Huang Yueying smiled and said, "You can't fool people with your thoughts, just open your mouth. Silkworms can only be raised in spring in a year. Where can you find silkworm seeds in autumn? I just said that no one can compare with farming. But you, it seems that I have to take back what I just said."


If the farmer uncle of later generations really raised one season a year as you said, wouldn't the whole family starve to death?

It is normal for three and four seasons a year, and it is called good craftsmanship for five or six seasons. I remember there was a report that someone in the south raised silkworms for twelve seasons a year.

As a southerner, how could Feng Yong be unfamiliar with silkworm rearing?

For silkworm eggs to hatch, just remember two conditions, one is light and the other is temperature.

Lighting is easy to fix.

As for the temperature, you can artificially trick the silkworm eggs into thinking that winter is over, and then give them light.

Because the temperature in autumn is similar to that in spring, the silkworm eggs that originally came out in March of the next year are deceived and will crawl out of the silkworm eggs in autumn.

Ignorant and ignorant women of feudal society, let me show you the great divine power of our Great Scientology!

"Hey, ma'am, in my teacher's school, silkworms are raised every autumn."

So Feng Tubie came up with such a sentence.

Huang Yueying's expression froze, she looked at Feng Yong's expression seriously, and seeing that she didn't seem to be fake, her expression finally became serious.

"Is this true?"

"of course it's true."

Feng Yong looked at Huang Yueying's face and found it very interesting.

She probably thought it was some secret art of the teacher's family, so she couldn't open her mouth to ask, but she really wanted to know, the entangled look was really interesting.

Frightened by this woman's strength, Feng Tubie didn't dare to test her bottom line too much. If she slapped her and caused half body paralysis, it would not be worth the loss.

"I offered a batch of silkworm eggs to my wife in autumn, so it can be regarded as making up for the loss of not raising silkworms in spring, right?"

Feng Yong asked with a smile.

"Can you do such things that violate the movement of heaven and earth?" Huang Yueying took a deep breath and asked with some horror.

Then he remembered something again, and his hands trembled with excitement, "In this way, isn't this big man's brocade..."

Look, look, I knew this sentence would come.

"Madam is thinking too much. Just now Madam said that this is against the operation of heaven and earth. How can everyone do it? What is required for this is something that ordinary people cannot do."

Feng Yong waved his hand and said something.

If you want silkworm eggs to hatch in spring, then store them at room temperature.

But in later generations, refrigeration is often used for storage. When you want to hatch, take it out and give it a certain temperature and light, and then you can crawl out of the silkworm.

Of course, this is also a principle, and sometimes drugs and other methods are used in specific operations.

But Feng Tubie said, I will raise one more season in autumn, what fine operation is needed?

Use the method of making ice cream to refrigerate the silkworm eggs, and deceive the silkworm eggs that they have passed the winter and it's over.

But this saltpeter is not something that everyone can get, even if they can get it, it is not something that everyone can do.

knowledge is power! Feng Tubie said that I am proud of my knowledge!

No matter how expensive saltpeter is, can it be as expensive as brocade and silk?

Shu brocade has always been said that every inch of brocade is gold, which shows that it is rare, otherwise, why would it be worthwhile for Feng Yong to use the power of this Yizhou Diannong school lieutenant for personal gain?

You can't promote Quan Dahan, but it's still very easy to get a few friends to do it in private.

Other people's house only has one season, but mine has two seasons, isn't it good?

Looking at the mulberry trees that had grown much taller, Huang Yueying said quietly, "I should have thought of it earlier, you are always unpredictable in your work, how can you plant so many mulberry trees just to make paper? Tell me, What do you want to do this time?"

"Raising silkworms."

Feng Tubie answered naturally.

Huang Yueying resisted the urge to slap him, and forced not to look at him, for fear that seeing the kid's proud face, she would not be able to help but take this kid to the sunbathing below on the spot.

"I said what you want!"

Huang Yueying, with blue veins protruding faintly, asked with gritted teeth.

Thinking of what he said to his disciples just now, it is really not arrogant, the good things in his hands are enough to make others come to beg him.

Is this the confidence of the disciples of the mountain gate?

It's that smug expression that makes one's teeth itch!

"Hey," Feng Tubie smiled wretchedly, and glanced at Guan Ji, only to see that the beautiful woman was looking at her with bright eyes, and even Zhang Ji's eyes were wide-eyed, full of admiration, as if Feng Tubie could Sericulture in autumn is a very powerful skill.

"I haven't made up my mind yet, and isn't it just the beginning of spring? Even the spring silkworms haven't come out yet, and autumn is still far away. Maybe I'll make up my mind by then."

In fact, he had thought about it a long time ago, but right now, it doesn't feel right to say it.

"Success." Huang Yueying nodded, "Then I'll wait for you until autumn, but Feng Mingwen, you should know that such a big event must not be joked about, and if you can't show your real skills by then, don't blame me for not doing it." polite."

Anyway, Shu Brocade is an official camp, so the more silkworms this kid raises, the better it will be for the big man.

If this is done, he has passed the test by using the grain land to plant mulberry trees.

"Always know the severity."

At this time, the butler came up from below, first saluted Huang Yueying and other guests, and then said to Feng Yong, "My lord, it's time, let's start the banquet?"

"Okay, let's start." Feng Yong nodded and asked Huang Yueying, "Madam, do you want to go down together?"

"Naturally. Now that I'm here, I always want to be a guest, otherwise wouldn't it be too impolite?"

When Huang Yueying was with others, she regained her graceful demeanor of a noble lady.

"Madam please."

Huang Yueying nodded and took the lead to walk towards the sun dam.

Only a few sounds of "Dangdangdang" were heard, and then someone shouted, "Assemble!"

It's okay for the farmers to say, they just gather together on a household basis and wait quietly for the master to speak.

But those parts were different, they stood in a square formation with a crash.

"Look right!"



Looking left and right, looking straight ahead and looking diagonally, it is all a straight line.

Huang Yueying, who was standing by the side watching the ceremony, had raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw that the farmer was able to do this. She wondered why this son had been away from Zhuangzi for so long, and Zhuangzi didn't do anything. It turned out that this farmer was so rare.

She didn't want to see the trilogy lined up again, her eyelids couldn't stop beating.

Zhuge Liang has trained his troops meticulously for more than a year, just to prepare for the Southern Expedition, how could Huang Yueying not know?

She doesn't understand military strategy, but the appearance shown in these parts, how can the general army compare?

Zhang Ji didn't think so much about it. Seeing this unprecedented formation of troops, she was immediately attracted, and watched without blinking.

Feng Langjun, you know a lot...

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