Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 385 Going Through Tribulations (Two In One Chapter)

After all, Li Tong was a child of an aristocratic family, so he had learned the six arts of a gentleman, otherwise he wouldn't have carried a sword with him.

It's just that his body was heavily suppressed, but it was inconvenient to draw out the sword in his hand, and he was about to directly insert the scabbard backwards with his backhand.

Unexpectedly, the person who was holding him stretched out another hand and strangled his neck tightly, making him breathless and rolling his eyes.

At the same time, someone jumped at the hand that was holding him down, and kicked over the fire during the process, causing little sparks to burn his face.

Before Li Tong could see who was behind him, his hands and feet were bound tightly like four horses' hooves. At the same time, something was stuffed into his mouth, and a stench made him want to vomit.

At the same time, someone wrapped his mouth with a piece of cloth, and finally tied a knot at the back of his head, so that he could not make a sound.

There was only a sound of "clang", someone pulled out his sword halfway to look at it, and then said something he didn't understand.

Hearing this accent, Li Tong's heart sank.


Someone came to clean up all the things he brought with him, and then extinguished the fire without leaving a trace, and then carried him away.

Although it was dark, it was obvious that these people knew the road in the mountains. They turned and turned all the way, and I don't know how long they walked. Li Tong felt that the clothes on his body were scraped to pieces by the branches along the way, and even his face Burning pain.

Several people finally turned into a cave. There were several fires in the cave, and a group of people were sitting around each fire.

With so many people sitting in it, there is still a lot of space left. It can be seen that this is a very big cave.

Seeing someone coming in from outside, the people around the fire turned their heads to look over.

Li Tong tried his best to raise his head to look, and saw that those people were all disheveled, reflecting the firelight, but their faces were hidden under the long hair, making it difficult to see their true faces, which looked extremely strange.

With a sound of "bang", Li Tong was thrown to the ground, the shock made his bones almost fall apart, and he almost vomited out the overnight meal.

But his whole body was tied tightly again, and he couldn't move at all. He only felt extremely uncomfortable.

Someone stood up in the middle of the fire, walked up to Li Tong, pinched his face with one hand, looked at him, and said something in nonsense.

When the others heard this, they all burst out laughing.

Facing the firelight, Li Tong finally saw his face clearly.

I saw his deep eye sockets, hooked nose, very typical barbarian face.

"Han people?"

This person asked a question in blunt Chinese, and at the same time asked people to untie the cloth covering his mouth. It seemed that he should be a leader.

Except for the Hu people who often live together with the Han people, except for the leaders of the general Hu tribe, no one can speak Chinese.

Li Tong quickly spit out what was in his mouth, and took a few breaths.

"Yes." Regardless of the soreness and pain in his neck, he tried his best to raise his head, showing a flattering smile, "This leader, I am from the Li family in the middle of Sichuan. As long as you let me go, I can ask my family to send food Come and exchange."

The Hu leader heard this, grinned, touched Li Tong's face and neck, and squeezed his shoulder, "No wonder the skin is so delicate."

There was a greedy light in his eyes.

Feeling the old bark-like hands groping his body, Li Tong had goosebumps on his body.

"You can tell me what you want, and I'll ask my family to deliver it."

Seeing that the leader of the barbarians did not answer his words, Li Tong thought that he had spoken too fast just now, and the other party couldn't hear him clearly. He suppressed the panic and discomfort in his heart, and quickly slowed down his speech and repeated.

"Then your people followed and just caught us?"

The Hu leader slapped Li Tong on the face, and said coldly, "How many people have you Han captured in the past two years? We fled into the mountains to escape your pursuit."

"If it weren't for the lack of food, who would come back? I didn't expect to be lucky these days, and to catch such a tender lamb."

He didn't say much, but Li Tong could hear the horror in it. Before he could yell out, the barbarian leader stuffed back what he had just spit out, and tied it tightly with cloth strips.

Although Li Tong wanted to explain that that kind of thing had nothing to do with him, and that the vicious Tian Shelang was the instigator, but he didn't listen to him any more, and asked people to throw him into a corner.

There was a strong smell of blood in the corner. Li Tong turned over and saw an object hanging not far away, but the light of the fire couldn't reach here, so he couldn't tell what it was.

The leader of the barbarians walked back to the fire, and he didn't know what he said, but he heard a roar of laughter.

There was a cheerful atmosphere in the cave.

Li Tong shrank in the corner, finally feeling remorse in his heart.

What is it to be assigned to Nanxiang by the family?

What's the point of being slapped a few times by my sister?

Distributed to Nanxiang by his family, he is still a legitimate son, and still has no worries about food and clothing.

After being slapped a few times by my sister, he returned to Zhuangzi, he was still the master of Zhuangzi, and all the servants bowed their heads when they saw him.

It fell into the hands of the barbarians, but his life and death were uncertain.

Going out of the Shu land, to the northwest is the Hu land. In recent years, many people from the north have come to Shu, and even the legend of the Hu people in the north has also been introduced to the Shu land.

Besides, there were quite a few Hu people who were captured in Nanxiang in the past two years, and Li Tong also had some understanding of some Hu people's customs.

If a woman lives in a barbarian land, she will become a tool for the barbarians to raise children, and if a man lives in a barbarian land, he will become a sheep slave and a cattle slave, that is for sure.

It is said that the Hu people would use people as rations when they lacked food, and even their skulls would be polished into wine utensils.

I don't know if it's true...

Thinking of this, Li Tong only felt incomparable fear, his whole body trembling, and even more remorse.

If he was asked to do it all over again, even if he was killed, he wouldn't dare to leave Hanzhong alone.

As the night gradually deepened, the voices over there became quieter, and the flames of the fire dimmed. It seemed that everyone had begun to fall asleep.

Li Tong only felt numb and painful, cold and hungry, coupled with the huge sense of fear in his heart, but he dared not close his eyes anyway.

Even if the eyelids drooped, as soon as he closed his eyes, he would suddenly wake up again.

It's been so dazed for an unknown amount of time, and just as he closed his eyes, he seemed to hear a scream. He thought it was because he was too tired and had an auditory hallucination.

Unexpectedly, someone in the cave started to shout, taking advantage of the burning coals, people stood up one after another, holding sticks and other things in their hands.

But before they rushed out, there was a sound of breaking through the hole, and at the same time, there was the sound of pulling the bowstring.

Then the people in the cave screamed again.

A shout came: "Those who abandon weapons will not be killed!"

Then he said it again in nonsense.

The barbarians in the cave screamed out, and many of them paused obviously.

Some people rushed out desperately, but soon there was another scream.

When Li Tong in the corner heard this familiar accent, his eyes watered down, and he squirmed and struggled hard. For the first time, he felt that Chinese was as beautiful as fairy music.

The battle started suddenly, but ended more quickly.

The barbarians, who had killed or injured a dozen people, looked at the Han army covered with strong bows and crossbows outside the entrance of the cave, and finally dropped the crude weapons in their hands, and then retreated one after another.

Only then did Li Tong realize that there was already a faint white light outside the entrance of the cave, and it turned out that the sky had already begun to light up.

He saw a few torches thrown in from outside, illuminating the cave, then a few Han soldiers with shields came in cautiously, and finally soldiers with weapons.

After confirming that the Hu people had no sense of resistance, the soldiers from outside swarmed in, driving the Hu people out like cattle and sheep.

Li Tong was alone in the corner, humming around like a maggot, making a "woo-woo" sound, trying to make a noise to attract the attention of the soldiers.

It's a pity that he was tied up too tightly, his mouth was sealed too tightly, and the movement he made was too small, no one noticed him here.

"Light the torch and see if there is anything missing."

After all the barbarians were driven out, the leader said something.

After a while, someone finally came to this corner with a torch, "Hey, there's still something here."

Hearing this, Li Tong burst into tears, did you finally see me?

"It's a person."

The soldier holding the torch put the torch next to Li Tong's face, looked carefully, then turned around and shouted, "Master Qu, there is a Han here."



"This kid has a lot of life. He can survive a night in the barbarian's den."

The song director came over to take a look, "That's right, the one tied like this is the one from last night, help him untie it quickly."

Hearing this, Li Tong was filled with resentment. When he was arrested last night, they followed him?

It's just that after what happened last night, he was much more careful, and he didn't dare to show the slightest bit of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Hey, what is this hanging?"

The soldier holding the torch saw that there was still something hanging beside him, so he brought the torch closer and turned the thing over.

"Don't look!"

Qu Zhang hastily shouted at Li Tong.

It's a pity that it was too late.

Li Tong just glanced at it, and felt his stomach churn on the spot, and with a "vomit", everything in his stomach surged up.

At the same time, there was a look of incomparable fear in his eyes, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, he used his hands and feet, crawling and trying to get away.

It's a pity that he had just been untied, his hands and feet were sore and numb, and he couldn't use any strength, so he could only yell "uh uh" and couldn't even speak.

Qu Chang shook his head with a sigh, and said to the soldiers, "Untie that..., find a place to bury it, and see if the skull can be found in the cave."

As he spoke, he lifted Li Tong up and walked out of the cave.

When he got outside, he greedily smelled the fresh air outside, and it was only then that Li Tong believed that he had come back to life.

He didn't even dare to look back at the cave, as if it was the underworld.

That headless corpse with no arms or head, only one leg left, will be his nightmare for a long time to come.

"Master Qu, that one just now..." The soldier who buried the corpse came over. Even though he had seen many dead people, his face was still pale with fright, "What's going on?"

"Meat food for barbarians." Qu Chang's face was also extremely ugly.

"Those barbarians who have the habit of cannibalism will hang him upside down while he is still alive, cut off his ears, cut off his neck, and let the blood dry up to die. After death, his body turns white and looks like Aries, this way it tastes less bloody."


Li Tong on the side listened and retched again.

I vomited everything in my stomach, and I couldn't vomit anymore, so I started vomiting yellow-green bile.

A gust of mountain wind blew past, Li Tong, who was physically and mentally exhausted and had vomited bile, finally couldn't stand it anymore and passed out.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on the ground with a layer of dead leaves under his body.

"woke up?"

A young general in armor came over and asked, "Can you understand me?"

Behind him is the Qu Chang who rescued him.

"Where is this?"

Li Tong asked with difficulty.

"In the mountains of Yinping, we are preparing to go to Yang'an Pass. Who are you? Why did you run into the territory of the barbarians alone?"

The young general looks very kind, and his smile makes people feel very comfortable.

"Going the wrong way, lost in the mountains."

"Oh," the young general nodded, and asked again, "You haven't said who you are, if you don't tell me your roots, then I will count you as a savage, at least it's worth seventy cents Woolen cloth."

Li Tong replied, "My surname is Li, from Jincheng. I came from Hanzhong and am going to deliver a letter to Jincheng. Are you a militia?"

"I also know about the militia. It seems that he has a background." The young general chuckled, "We are not militia, we are soldiers from Yang'anguan, who came out to patrol the border. I saw some barbarians doing evil, so I will deal with it."

"Thanks to Mr. Lang, I heard from those subordinates that they found a barbarian's lair last night, and they gained a lot."

"I also heard what they said. It was too dark at night to do anything, so I had to wait until dawn to do it. Unexpectedly, it made Li Langjun suffer all night."

"But don't blame them. When encountering this kind of thing, everyone can only accept their fate. If you can't survive one night, then it can only be a bad fortune-telling. If you can survive it, it is fate."

The teenager has a slightly apologetic and sincere smile on his face, which makes people feel good at first glance.

"By the way, you said your surname is Li, and you came back to Jincheng from Hanzhong. Could it be that you came from Nanzheng?"

An imperceptible gleam flashed in the young general's eyes.

"No, it's from Nanxiang."

Li Tong shook his head.

Hearing what Li Tong said, the young general finally relaxed and asked the last question, "How do you prove your identity?"

Li Tong glanced at the sword on the young general's waist and said, "I have a sword that fell into the hands of a barbarian. The word Li is engraved on the sword. Just take this sword to Nanxiang and ask Mrs. Mu of Nanxiang. will prove."

"Miss Mu of Nanxiang?"

The young general raised his eyebrows, with a look of hesitation on his face, "Li Langjun and Miss Mu are very familiar?"

"no no!"

Li Tong shook his head again and again, how dare he deal with this kind of thing, at this time he has no face to go back to Nanxiang, "My lord is the old housekeeper of the Li family, and I am the son of the Li family, how dare I say that I am in love with Mrs. Mu?" Cooked?"

"You are the son of the Li family? Then how can you get such a good sword?"

The young general accidentally missed the question.

"It's like this. The lord made a contribution back then, so the Patriarch rewarded him."

The old housekeeper in the family was indeed awarded a sword, and Li Tong did not lie.

"I see."

The young general touched the sword at his waist and sighed, "That's really a pity."

Li Tong glanced at the sword on his waist again, and asked, "What's the pity?"

It's a pity that you are not familiar with Mrs. Mu, you are just a child of the family.

The young general smiled and said, "I'm not going to lie to Li Langjun. When Li Langjun passed out, they hurried on their way and lost that sword by accident. What a pity."

"I still have a package that fell into the hands of the Hu people. There are some clothes, some soft clothes, and a few pieces of dry food in the package."

Li Tong held back his breath and said.

Seeing his appearance like this, the young general became more and more sure that he was just a small character, so he continued to sigh pretendingly.

"Oh, so that package is also Li Langjun's? It's really unlucky, I lost a lot of things on the way yesterday, and here is Li Langjun's package..."

Li Tong took a deep breath, trying not to look at the sword on the opponent's waist, touched his chest, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Could it be that the jade pendant on my body is also lost?"

The young general nodded, with an unnatural expression on his face, he coughed dryly, "I can't help it, those soldiers under him are all rough hands and feet."

As he said that, he turned around and kicked Naqu long, and cursed, "I told you to be careful!"

"Yes, yes, the villain is wrong."

Nagqu made a mournful face, "I'm sorry Li Langjun. At that time, the brothers rushed to the field to join General Jiang. I didn't notice your things. I'm really sorry!"

Li Tong closed his eyes, sighed, "Forget it, it's just something outside of him, it's okay..."

Jiang Shu smiled with satisfaction.

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