Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 386 An extra slap (two in one chapter)

Although Li Tong really couldn't figure it out, how could he lose the jade pendant that he wore so well because he was in a hurry?

What's even weirder is, why did you lose all your own things?

It doesn't make sense!

But looking at the surrounding environment, it was obvious that he hadn't left the mountain yet.

Looking at these people again, since they dared to do such a thing, I'm afraid they have nothing to fear.

Realizing that he was under the eaves of others, Li Tong had no choice but to bow his head, admitting that he was unlucky.

When Jiang Shu saw Tong Li, he immediately smiled.

He dared to do this to Li Tong, of course he had the confidence.

Between Hanzhong and Jincheng, Yang'an Pass is the only way to pass.

Today, he is already a partial general in Yang'an Pass, and he has seen many people, so he naturally knows some things about Hanzhong.

Today, there are basically only two aristocratic families who can enter Hanzhong, one is the third house of the He family, and the other is the sixth house of the Li family.

The Li family is centered on Nanxiang. In Jiang Shu's view, the Li family in Hanzhong has the most face, Mu Niangzi.

As long as Mrs. Mu doesn't show her head, even if the grandfather of the Li family comes, he will not be afraid either.

Wasn't it because of the face of Feng Langjun and Zhao Langjun that he was able to be the general?

Does the sixth room of the Li family dare to confront Feng Langjun?

Give them ten guts!

I saved your life, and didn't ask you to repay it, even if it's because of the same surname as Mu Niangzi.

I took something, not from you, but from a barbarian, do you have any objections?

Jiang Shu and his team brought Li Tong back to Yang'an Pass, and kindly let him rest in Yang'an Pass for a day, changed him into coarse linen clothes, and gave him a few yuan of dry food.

It’s the kind of dry food made only of white flour, the hard one, if you bite it down, maybe two teeth will collapse, and then I gave him a water bag, but it’s a bit worn out, far from the water he lost The sac is so good.

In the end, he was left to fend for himself.

Li Tong stood in Guancheng, looking at the pedestrians passing by from time to time, feeling a little dazed.

Sneaking out from Nanxiang and being taken back to Yang'an Pass, Li Tong found out that he actually made a big circle, but in the end he didn't accomplish anything and lost everything with him, and even almost lost his life .

If it weren't for the generosity of others, telling him that he doesn't have to pay back the clothes on his body and the water bag in his hand, he might still owe debts.

Even if the dry food in his hand can be eaten, he will definitely not be able to walk for a few days.

Jiang Shu was very accurate in his calculations. This amount of dry food was at most enough to support him to Nanxiang.

For a farther road, the only way is to be a beggar and beg for food.

Li Tong looked to the south, it was the road to Jincheng.

Look to the east again, that is the road to Nanxiang.

Finally, after hesitating for a long time, he dilly-dally walked eastward.

The horror experience of the past few days still lingers in his heart for a long time, how dare he run around?

When Li Mu heard that Li Tong, who had quietly disappeared, came back suddenly, he immediately came over from the workshop angrily. Without saying a word, he slapped a few big faces first.

Li Tong's eyes were staring at Li Tong, and his handsome face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Li Tong didn't dare to be tough this time, so he knelt down on the spot and said bitterly, "Sister, I know I was wrong."

Part of the reason for crying bitterly was because the slap was too painful.

With such an abnormal attitude of admitting his mistake, Li Mu almost flinched when he was about to slap him again, but he didn't stop the hand that was halfway through the wave, and slapped him again with a "bang".

It was just this, which made Li Tong feel a little stupid, and forgot what he had planned.

This... why are you still fighting?

Li Mu was also taken aback, she naturally refused to admit that she had slapped her too much, so she put one hand on her hip, pointed at Li Tong with the other, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The fault is that I don't understand sister's painstaking efforts, and the fault is that my younger brother is too capricious."

Li Tong replied honestly.

Li Mu was startled, wondering if this is still her younger brother?

"When I come back this time, my younger brother will definitely listen to my sister's words and take good care of Zhuangzi in Nanxiang."

Li Tong raised his face as swollen as a pig's head, "Sister, I heard that "Book of Fan Sheng" is the first book on farming, and I also heard that "April Mining Order" is also a rare agricultural book. Find it and study it carefully."

Li Mu was really surprised this time.

She looked at Li Tong carefully, and wondered why this younger brother had changed so much when he went out for a trip? Could it be that he hit an evil? Or... someone changed his heart?

After thinking for a while, she turned her head and told the servants beside her, "Go, call the second lady of the Xu family."

Li Tong's expression changed when he heard this.

Li Mu, who had been staring at him secretly, nodded, thinking that as long as this remains the same, he will still be the original brother.

"Miss Mu, are you calling me?"

The second lady of the Xu family came over quickly, blessed her, and asked.

Li Tong couldn't control his eyes to look at her.

Seeing that Xu Erniang just lowered her head, she didn't even look at him.

This made him feel a little lost.

"It's been hard work for you to manage Zhuangzi these days. My incompetent younger brother is back now, and now I'm determined to learn how to run the farm, and I have to ask you to help me a little."

Li Mu stared at Xu Erniang, smiled slightly, and said softly, "After all, Feng Langjun entrusted these matters to the two of you before he left."

"Feng Langjun" is a bit heavy to pronounce.

Xu Erniang lowered her head and said, "I understand. I will do my best and dare not let Mr. Feng entrust me with it."

Li Mu nodded, thinking that this is a sensible person.

Li Mu turned his head again, and said to Li Tong, "The "Book of Fansheng" and "April Civil Order", I will notify the clan and let them find a way to find them. I've got the news, and I'll have someone deliver it."

After speaking, he took the people away.

There are a lot of things waiting for her in the workshop, how can she have time to stay here for too long?

As for my younger brother, as long as he is willing to settle down, even if he does nothing, he is better than before.

If he really wanted to manage the farm, then that would be the best. After all, they are brothers and sisters of the same mother. The relationship between the two is always closer than others. If there is a chance, she doesn't mind helping him.

But if he really dared to deceive himself again and continue to be confused, he had no choice but to kill his relatives righteously and tie him back to Jincheng.

Li Tong waited for Li Mu to leave, then got up, looked at Xu Erniang, his face was burning hot, and said, "Erniang..."

Xu Erniang took a step back with her head down, and gave Li Tongfu a blessing, "Mr. Li has just come back, and he must be exhausted, so let's go back and rest first. There is still something to do in the field, and I have to go to work first."

After that, he turned and left.

Li Tong was startled.

Although Xu Erniang didn't say it clearly, he could still feel that there was already a layer of unfamiliarity between the two of them.

Li Tong looked at her receding back, and suddenly felt that the separation between the two of them was not a layer of strangeness, but an invisible mountain.

This mountain is simply hopeless.

After Xu You left his home, he went to his uncle Xu Ci's house.

After asking the servants, the uncle is not at the house, only the cousin is studying in the backyard.

After asking about his cousin's location, Xu You went to find Xu Xun and asked, "Brother, are you free today?"

Because Xu Xun couldn't keep his mouth shut, he was locked up a few days ago and broke his leg. He was first confined to study at home, and although he was released from the restraint, he rarely spoke since then.

It is estimated that this lesson has been kept in mind.

At this time, he was holding a book and reading, when he heard Xu You's question, he said without raising his head, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that today is the official establishment of the Xinghan Association. I want to go and have a look. If possible, it would be best to join. Brother, do you want to join us?"

Now Xu Xun is upset when he hears the news of a certain flattering turtle, let alone meeting a real person, the most important thing is that he has to be subdued!

If this is the case, it would be more refreshing to let him die!


So Xu Xun flatly refused.

Xu You knew this cousin's knot in his heart, and he came here to do his best to be a brother.

It was not unexpected to hear the other party's answer.

It's all right that my lord died before my elder father. Elder father also went a few years ago. Now I am the only one left to support the house. Seeing the decline, if I don't want to find a way to fight, when will I wait?

And this cousin is different from himself, his boss has an uncle.

Now that my uncle has obtained the official position of compiling classics, it seems that he must go further. How can I compare?

Seeing that Xu You was about to turn around and leave, Xu Xun finally couldn't help but said, "Brother, Feng... Mingwen created the Xinghan Club, I heard that everyone is required to contribute money and effort, just to cultivate Nanzhong?"


Although Feng Yong had warned the people present at the beginning not to speak nonsense, but in fact he also knew in his heart that this matter cannot be hidden from anyone.

After all, most of the people who came here at that time had the mentality of seeing if they could get some light.

As for having to rely on him for food, that's not necessarily the case. Besides, there is no interest group formed, and some people may not be convinced by him. Why should people listen to you?

It's just that there was a talkative Xu Xun who taught him a lesson first, and everyone was not a fool. Now everyone in Jincheng can guess that Feng Tubie's energy is actually not small.

Moreover, he has real interests in his hands, and even Nanxiang's official title can speak for himself, so those people didn't really want to offend him.

So the news is not too far-fetched.

But Feng Yong's plan to reclaim Nanzhong is known to almost everyone in the powerful family.

It's just that how to cultivate it and how to make a profit is not very clear.

As for growing sugarcane to extract sugar... who knows if it's true?

Because the caramel he said was too exaggerated, and no one had ever seen it before.

So there are not many rumors about this matter.

Besides, when Feng Langjun went to Hanzhong with clever words, he said he was going to collect folk songs!

The results of it?

As they were picking, they picked up cattle and sheep, and even went to mines in the mountains...

How can there be such a style? !

So people who don’t plan to follow up on things like planting sugar cane don’t believe it, even those who are determined to do it with Feng Yong are a little bit murmured in their hearts, will they want to imitate the old things of Hanzhong again?

But who cares, as long as it is beneficial to follow Feng Langjun, what is not to plant?

It is precisely because of this mentality that people who plan to join the club are either like Xu You, who is forced to take a gamble because the decline of the family is in front of them.

Either he is having a hard time at home, and he plans to learn from Zhao Jia Erlang and spell out a bright future.

Seriously, as long as there is still a way out or hope, who would want to follow around? After all, the risk is too great.

Barren land, is it just a joke?

Even if someone makes an exception and wants to mess around, he still hesitates in his heart, hoping to be lucky: wait and see, and it won't be too late to follow them after they make a name for themselves.

So the reason why Xu Xun was unwilling to join in the fun was not all because he couldn't get used to a certain soil turtle.

Of course, not getting used to it must be one of the reasons.

"Then have you ever thought that the prime minister's army may have just arrived in Nanzhong, not to mention how long it will take to pacify it, even if it is pacified, who can guarantee that the wild land of Nanzhong will be productive in a few years? You're not afraid of him... you're not afraid of losing your money?"

Xu Xun wanted to say "I'm not afraid that he will lie to you", but he was also the one whose leg was broken because of his talk.

Thinking of the rumors that even the inner government was involved in this matter, wouldn't it be related to the current His Majesty and Empress?

It doesn't matter if the rumor is false, if it is true, if he said this again, he would probably say something rude again, and immediately changed the words that had come to his lips.

"Isn't it?" Xu You hesitated, "Then Feng Langjun... doesn't seem like a big talker."

Xu Xun sneered, "Where did that eloquent title come from?"

Clever words and charming Feng Langjun are not considered insults nowadays.

Xu You said silently in his heart.

It's just that he didn't want to refute the cousin's words, so he could only say, "Brother is right. I'll go today and just listen to his rules. If it's really an empty promise, then that's all."

What he thought in his heart was: if what Feng Langjun said was really reasonable, as long as he could get a long-term property, let alone a few years, even if it took ten years, it would be worth thousands of dollars.

Otherwise, based on the current situation in my own house, how many years can I last?

Thinking about passing by the Guan Mansion and Zhang Mansion, not to mention the shiny red pillars blinding people's eyes, even the horse posts at the gates of the two houses were re-engraved by the stonemason Qiqi last year.

The appearance of the suanni engraved on it, with its fangs and claws, looks more fierce and arrogant than those of other families.

Look at my own house again, it's listless, it has no energy at all!

Thinking of this, Xu You couldn't help but sigh a little, the Guan family has a magnificent Guan Ji, and the Zhang family has a fairy Zhang Ji who is relegated to the mortal world, they are all lucky!

It's the uncle's house, who sent a second mother out, and in a blink of an eye, he can get the honor of compiling classics.

Not to mention that the sixth house of Li's family gave away a lady Mu, and now they have established a firm foothold in Hanzhong.

I would like to follow suit, but Er Niang gave it away by herself, if she gave another one, what excuse would there be?

Besides, the second mother of my uncle's family was engaged to someone else, and my sister has not engaged to anyone else yet...

So now it seems that the only way to stabilize the decline of the family is to take advantage of the fact that the eldest father has not been there for a few years, and the contacts and reputation left behind are still working. Will you still know yourself?

Thinking this way in his heart, Xu You said to Xu Xun, "My brother is right, so I will remember it."

After finishing speaking, he said goodbye.

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