Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 394 Detour

Going south from central Shu, passing through Bodao, passing through Zhuti, and finally arriving at Dianchi Lake, there is a road called Wuchi Road.

It was Li Bing, the prefect of Shu County in the State of Qin during the Warring States Period, who led people to drill rocks. Using the method of accumulating fuel and burning rocks, he dug a passage connecting Shuzhong and Nanzhong from the cliffs. The width is only five feet.

Although it is extremely narrow, it is no less significant than the 50-step-wide Chidao built by the first emperor in other parts of the country.

It is precisely because of the opening of this road that the connection between Nanzhong and Shuzhong has become increasingly close.

After the opening of the Wuchi Road, during the unification era of the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was an endless stream of business travelers on the road, which made Bashu rich and prosperous, and a variety of goods were traded, among which Dian horses, Bonu, and Maoniu were the most famous.

Before the great Han destroyed Yelang, this road was the lifeline connecting Shuzhong and Nanzhong.

With it, the central government can control Nanzhong from Shu.

Without it, Nanzhong, with its seven coiled snakes and Qi and Tiantong, would be an enclave.

Even after the Great Han destroyed Yelang and re-opened many roads to lead to Nanzhong, Wuchi Road is still one of the most important roads in Nanzhong.

After the South-China Rebellion, the rebels in Yizhou County first attacked northward and flattened the land and could not go down. In the end, Meng Huo had to take most of his troops back to the old nest in Yizhou County, and sent troops to focus on defense at the dangerous place of Wuchidao to protect them. Wei County, the gateway of Yizhou County.

Only a part of the troops were left to garrison between Wei County and Pingping.

Later, the militia went south and ruined the south-central region between these two places. Meng Huo really couldn't control it completely, so he had to let people retreat again.

But even the craziest militia had to stop in front of the Wuchidao pass north of Wei County.

The further south you went, the more important the five-foot road became. Once the passes along the way were guarded, if militia groups who were not familiar with the terrain dared to rush in easily, they might not be able to grab labor but be taken away by labor.

At this time, in a valley not far from Wuchi Road, there is a team, like a huge mountain snake, crawling along the foot of the mountain, just perfectly avoiding the place where the rebels in Yizhou County Guarded pass.

From time to time, one or two figures flashed by on the hilltops and hillsides in front of the team. They were scouts checking for enemies in ambush ahead.

The widest path in the ravine cannot allow three people to go side by side, and the narrowest can only allow one person to pass by. This is a road that only woodcutters and hunters know. It is extremely difficult for people to walk on weekdays, not to mention there are all kinds of poisonous snakes. Insects and ants infested the grass.

Liu Yin, who was in charge of scouting ahead, held a long stick in his hand and kept sweeping the grass in front of him to alert the snakes and insects hidden in the grass.

His face had already been cut with a few small red bloodstains by the long grass in the mountains. Under the scorching sun, sweat flowed, and the wound was aching. Coupled with the extremely hot weather, he felt extremely uncomfortable. .

"General, I'm afraid it's going to rain in this weather."

At this time, the guide who was leading the way at the front ran back from the front of the team and spoke to him.

"It's going to rain again?"

Liu Yin looked up at the sky, and saw only a small dark cloud in the sky, "Where did the rain cloud come from?"

The guide pointed to the little dark cloud, "Here, this is it. It's too stuffy today, and it's bound to rain soon."

Liu Yin asked in disbelief, "How can it rain with just such a small piece?"

The guide nodded repeatedly, "Yes. At this time, it will rain every day in the mountains, at least for a while."

Liu Yin recalled that it had been raining almost every day during the past few days when he entered the mountain, so he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly asked, "How long will it take to get out of this valley?"

"You can go out before the sun goes down."

After hearing this, Liu Yin felt a little worried, and had to wait until the sun set?

However, Liu Yin has been with this guide for a long time these days, and also knows his general origin from his mouth.

He was carefully selected by Li Dudu, originally from Nanzhong, not only very familiar with all the trails in the mountains, but also familiar with the climate in the mountains.

Later, he joined the militia group of Dudu Li's family. In the past two years, while working hard, he tried his best to investigate the terrain from Pingyi to Dianchi Lake, so now he can bypass the pass of Wuchi Road without anyone noticing and find a road. The road that can directly reach Wei County.

Since he said it was raining, it was basically indistinguishable.

So Liu Yin quickly asked the soldiers around him to lead the guide to the central army behind, and passed the news to Li Hui.

Li Hui's order was sent back quickly, the whole army rested in place, and the former army paid attention to vigilance.

The guide was very accurate, and the rain came down after a while.

Fortunately, it didn't fall heavily and didn't last long, and the rain stopped after half a stick of incense.

Just as Liu Yin expected, the rain that is common in the mountains has caused a lot of trouble for the march.

The mountain road was originally difficult to walk, but now that it rains, the foot slips so badly that if you don't stand firmly, you will fall down.

And after this rain, water vapor rose in the valley, carrying the heat from the ground, making people feel like they were in a steamer.

As a result, the march slowed down a lot. The original plan was to walk out of the valley before the sun set, but I didn't expect to see the mountain pass ahead until the sun set.

Liu Yin led the former army out of the valley first, and regardless of his fatigue, he sent scouts out to search carefully before it got dark, and made sure there were no rebels around, so he was relieved.

Fortunately, it was already summer at this time, even if the sun went down, it would still be a long time before it got dark, so Li Hui led his people to hurry up and walk out before it was completely dark. Set up camp in the valley.

After it was completely dark, there was no fear that the rebels would show up here, so firewood began to be burned in the camp.

Nanzhong is no different than other places. There are so many ferocious beasts in the mountains. At night, it is completely dominated by all kinds of wild beasts. Not to mention that Nanzhong is full of dangerous mountains and rivers. If you can't see clearly at night, you will die if you are not careful.

So no one would dare to come out at night.

Liu Yin came back from outside with someone, and before he could sit down, Li Hui's personal soldiers came to send a message, asking him to go to the central account.

He had no choice but to follow the soldiers in a hurry.

"General, are you looking for the last general?"

Entering the middle tent, I saw Li Hui sitting on the camp couch, holding a piece of dry food cake in his hand, gnawing on a bowl of hot water, Liu Yin hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted.

"Oh, General Liu is here? Sit down quickly. Come here, serve General Liu a bowl of hot water, and bring a piece of dry food cake."

After Li Hui asked Liu Yin to sit down, he asked someone to bring him something to eat.

"But I don't know why the general is looking for the future?"

Liu Yin took the water and dry food, and then asked.

"Don't worry, I've been tired all day, drink some water first, and eat something slowly."

Li Hui waved his hand, signaling to Liu Yin to fill his stomach before talking.

"If you talk about this dry food, although it is eaten in the army, it is really not bad. It is delicious."

Li Hui watched Liu Yin start to eat and drink, and then said with a smile, "With this thing in the army, the marching can save a lot of suffering. Even the morale of the army can be maintained by it, it is really a good thing. "

Everyone in Jincheng knows the reputation of dry food.

But it was only after Liu Yin entered the army that he personally tasted it.

It has to be said that compared with the hard-to-swallow military dry rations before, the method of making dry rations presented by Feng Langjun is very useful for marching.

"The Feng Langjun who presented the method of making dry food is really a wonderful person. I heard that General Liu was also recommended by him, so he was able to enter the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Liu Yin, who was half-eaten, immediately put down her food when she heard it, and Su Li replied, "Return to General, that's right."

Li Hui nodded and said, "Since the prime minister brought you to me, he must have recognized your talent. Along the way, you led the team to the front, opened the way and built bridges, and saved a lot of trouble for the rear army. There is no credit. It’s also hard work.”

"This is the duty of the general."

Li Hui nodded in satisfaction.

After these days of careful observation, Li Hui found that this Liu Yin was indeed talented.

Calm and careful, the tasks entrusted to him have always been done well.

I heard that his martial arts are also extraordinary, but I don't know what his strategy and courage are?

Thinking this way, Li Hui asked again, "I have already left the valley today. According to the people below, when I get here, even if I have bypassed the pass of Wuchi Road, I can go straight to Wei County from here. I don't know. Will General Liu have the guts to investigate tomorrow?"

Liu Yin was overjoyed upon hearing this, isn't this a chance for him to make meritorious deeds?

Immediately stood up and cupped his fists and said, "The last general dares not accept orders?"

"Now General Wang should have played my banner and appeared in front of the Wuchidao pass to confuse the enemy. Before they react, I want to take down Wei County as soon as possible to open the door of Yizhou County."

"Therefore, General Liu has a heavy responsibility to go here. We must investigate carefully. Success or failure depends on one action."

"The end will understand!"

Liu Yin said heavily.

Since Meng Huo personally led the troops to the north, as the second number in the Meng family, Meng Yan was obliged to take on the important task of guarding Yizhou County.

He originally wanted to continue to guard Wei County, hoping to respond immediately when the Han army arrived.

Unexpectedly, Meng Huo trusted him so much that he directly asked him to move Dianchi Lake to guard the entire territory of Yizhou County, and at the same time ensure the supply of grain and grass in his rear.

As for Wei County, the gateway of Yizhou County, another person was sent to guard it.

Although Meng Yan was unwilling in his heart, he had to obey.

At the same time, he secretly thought of a way, if he found the Han army, how to connect with Li Hui, and how to introduce the Han army to Yizhou County?

Unexpectedly, he had just received the news that the Han army had appeared outside the pass on the first day, and was about to send his confidants there, but before he set off, he immediately learned that Wei County had been destroyed.

This made Meng Yan confused for a while: What about leading troops into the city as agreed? I haven't done anything yet, you broke the city?

Then he cursed in his heart: It must be the bastard who guards the pass, just like Lao Tzu, who has surrendered to the big man. Damn, you dare to take credit for me?

"How did you lose the city? Huh? The Han army was discovered at the pass, and Wei County was lost?"

Meng Yan was furious for a while, and kicked the soldier who reported the letter, and cursed, "Do the guards of the pass eat shit? How did the guards of Wei County guard the city?"

Those barbarian kings and barbarians who followed Meng Yan to guard the Dianchi Lake, seeing Meng Yan so angry, thought that he lost his composure because of Wei County's fall, but they didn't know that he was simply robbed of credit because of suspicion.

"Captain, the prime minister hasn't heard any news yet. If you rush in rashly, it may be a little risky. Why don't I hold on to Wei County and wait for the right time?"

Wang Ping followed Li Hui and stood on the city wall of Wei County, suggesting.

He used Li Hui's banner to confuse the barbarians in front of the Wuchidao pass, attracting their attention, and let Li Hui copy Wei County directly, cutting off the barbarians' retreat.

When the news from Wei County came, the two attacked back and forth, and captured a lot of barbarians, who are now gathered in Wei County.

"No. The opportunity is rare. The Yizhou rebels certainly didn't expect Wei County to fall so soon, and they would definitely panic for a while. In addition, Meng Huo took away most of the troops. At this time, Yizhou County is empty."

"We should take advantage of their unpreparedness and attack Dianchi Lake directly. Otherwise, after they react, we will recruit enough barbarians from the barbarian village. If we are prepared, it will be difficult to fight."

However, Li Hui disagreed with Wang Ping's opinion, his eyes fell to the south, and a sneer appeared on his face, "Besides, Meng Yan is going to surrender to the big man. At this critical moment, isn't it just for him to contribute?"

Remembering that Meng Yan, who secretly surrendered to the big man long ago, is now the head of Yizhou County, Wang Ping couldn't persuade him anymore.

He could only nod his head at the moment, "The governor must be careful. After all, Dianchi Lake is where Meng Huo is based, and Meng Huo will definitely have a confidant in Dianchi Lake. If those barbarian generals know that Meng Yan has surrendered to the big man, they may not be able to do so." Convinced."

"Zijun's words are justified. That's why I asked you to guard Wei County. Firstly, it is to protect my retreat, and secondly, it is to guard the gateway to Yizhou County. As long as this Wei County is in our hands, it will be easy to advance and retreat. It’s all up to us.”

"Don't worry, although this trip seems to be risky, it implies an opportunity. I think Liu Yin, the Ya general, is quite brave. This time, he first found out the real situation in the city, and then took the lead in the charge. This is the only way to win easily Leaving Wei County."

"I will bring him with me at that time, it will be a big help. Zijun, you guard this county well, which is also a great achievement."

After hearing Li Hui's words, Wang Ping knew that he had made up his mind, "Since this is the case, then the general will not say more. I only hope that the governor will go here and make great contributions to restore the peace in Nanzhong."

"Haha, then Cheng Zijun has auspicious words."

Just when Weixian returned to the hands of the big man, Feng Yong was climbing the mountain, enjoying the beautiful scenery of Nanzhong Mountain by the way.

Zhao Guang followed behind, babbling non-stop: "Brother, Li Dudu hasn't heard from him yet, why don't we send more people to look for him?"

"Brother, the situation in Nanzhong is so tense, why are you still in the mood to go up the mountain to see the scenery?"

"Brother, even if we can't find Li Dudu, we should make some preparations, right?"


Feng Yong was really tired of hearing it, so he picked up the dog-beating stick in his hand and whipped it: "Shut up! It's hard for me to take a break, and I have to force me to beat you!"

With the whistling of the wind, Zhao Guang trembled and subconsciously flashed to the side.

Feng Yong looked at him angrily. Since this guy entered the battlefield, his skills have become more flexible, and his awareness of danger has also been continuously improved. As long as there is a slight mistake, he can react quickly.

It's a pity that I have carefully selected the good bamboo. This is a specially selected yellow bamboo that has been polished for a long time.

The size, length, and weight are both moderate, and it feels great in the hand. It is a good prop whether it is pumping people or beating dogs.

The dog that interfered with his singing indiscriminately was beaten by himself all the way, and he didn't dare to bark anymore.

Now it has learned to read people's faces, as long as Feng Yong winks over, it will sob and learn to be pitiful.

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